J. Kasperek
AGH University of Science and Technology
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment | 2017
F. Werner; C. Bauer; S. Bernhard; M. Capasso; S. Diebold; F. Eisenkolb; S. Eschbach; D. Florin; C. Föhr; S. Funk; A. Gadola; F. Garrecht; G. Hermann; I. Jung; O. Kalekin; C. Kalkuhl; J. Kasperek; T. Kihm; R. Lahmann; A. Marszałek; M. Pfeifer; G. Principe; G. Pühlhofer; S. Pürckhauer; P.J. Rajda; O. Reimer; A. Santangelo; T. Schanz; Thomas Schwab; S. Steiner
Abstract The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is a future gamma-ray observatory that is planned to significantly improve upon the sensitivity and precision of the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes. The observatory will consist of several dozens of telescopes with different sizes and equipped with different types of cameras. Of these, the FlashCam camera system is the first to implement a fully digital signal processing chain which allows for a traceable, configurable trigger scheme and flexible signal reconstruction. As of autumn 2016, a prototype FlashCam camera for the medium-sized telescopes of CTA nears completion. First results of the ongoing system tests demonstrate that the signal chain and the readout system surpass CTA requirements. The stability of the system is shown using long-term temperature cycling.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2016
J. Niemiec; W. Bilnik; L. Bogacz; J. Borkowski; F. Cadoux; A. Christov; M. Dyrda; Y. Favre; A. Frankowski; M. Grudzi; M. Heller; M. Jamrozy; M. Janiak; J. Kasperek; K. Lalik; E. Lyard; E. Mach; D. Mandat; R. Moderski; T. Montaruli; A. Neronov; M. Ostrowski; M. Pech; A. Porcelli; E. Prandini; P. Rajda; M. Rameez; P. Schovanek; K. Seweryn; K. Skowron
A single-mirror small-size (SST-1M) Davies-Cotton telescope with a dish diameter of 4 m has been built by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions as a prototype for one of the proposed small-size telescopes for the southern observatory of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The design represents a very simple, reliable, and cheap solution. The mechanical structure prototype with its drive system is now being tested at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS in Krakow. Here we present the design of the prototype and results of the performance tests of the structure and the drive and control system.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2016
S. Toscano; E. Prandini; W. Bilnik; F. Cadoux; A. Christov; M. Dyrda; Y. Favre; A. Frankowski; M. Heller; M. Jamrozy; M. Janiak; J. Kasperek; K. Lalik; E. Lyard; E. Mach; D. Mandat; R. Moderski; T. Montaruli; A. Neronov; J. Niemiec; M. Ostrowski; M. Pech; A. Porcelli; P. Rajda; M. Rameez; P. Schovanek; K. Seweryn; K. Skowron; V. Sliusar; M. Stodulska
S. Toscano∗ a,n, E. Prandinia E-mail: simona.toscano@vub.ac.be W. Bilnikk, J. Blockic, L. .Bogaczm, T .Bulikd , F. Cadouxb, A. Christovb, M. Curyloc, D. della Volpeb, M. Dyrdac, Y. Favreb, A. Frankowskig, Ł. Grudnikic, M. Grudzinskad , M. Hellerb, B. Idźkowskie, M. Jamrozye, M. Janiakg, J. Kasperekk, K. Lalikk, E. Lyarda, E. Machc, D. Mandatl , A. Marszalekc,e, J. Michalowskic, R. Moderskig, T. Montarulib, A. Neronova, J. Niemiecc, M. Ostrowskie, P. Paśko f , M. Pechl , A. Porcellib, P. Rajdak, M. Rameezb, E. Jr. Schioppab, P. Schovanekl , K. Seweryn f , K. Skowronc, V. Sliusar j, M. Sowinskic, Ł. Stawarze, M. Stodulskae, M. Stodulskic, I. Troyano Pujadasb, R. Waltera, M. Wiȩcekk, A. Zagdanskie, K. Ziȩtarae, P. Żychowskic for the CTA Consortium† a. ISDC, Observatoire de Geneve, Universite de Geneve, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland. b. Department de physique nucleaire et corpusculaire, Universite de Geneve, CH-1205 Switzerland. c. Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej im. H. Niewodniczanskiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 31-342 Krakow, Poland. d. Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warsaw, Poland e. Astronomical Observatory, Jagiellonian University, ul. Orla 171, 30-244, Krakow, Poland. f. Centrum Badan Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 18a Bartycka str., 00-716 Warsaw, Poland. g. Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. j. Astronomical Observatory, Taras Shevchenko Nat. University of Kyiv, Observatorna str., 3, Kyiv, Ukraine. k. AGH University of Science and Technology, al.Mickiewicza 30, Krakow, Poland, l. Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. m. Department of Information Technologies, Jagiellonian University, 30-348 Krakow, Poland. n. Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussels, Belgium.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2016
Michael Ostrowski; R. Moderski; E. Mach; A. Neronov; M. Sowiński; D. Mandat; J. Niemiec; Y. Favre; E. Schioppa; A. Frankowski; W. Bilnik; M. Wiȩcek; S. Toscano; M. Jamrozy; Roman Wawrzaszek; J. Błocki; P. Paśko; J. Michałowski; M. Janiak; K. Ziȩtara; A. Porcelli; Ł. Grudnik; Ł. Stawarz; F. Cadoux; M. Curyło; L. Bogacz; A. Marszałek; M. Grudzińska; M. Rataj; M. Pech
The prototype of a Davies-Cotton small size telescope (SST-1M) has been designed and developed by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions and proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory. The main purpose of the optical system is to focus the Cherenkov light emitted by extensive air showers in the atmosphere onto the focal plane detectors. The main component of the system is a dish consisting of 18 hexagonal mirrors with a total effective collection area of 6.47 m 2 (including the shadowing and estimated mirror reflectivity). Such a solution was chosen taking into account the analysis of the Cherenkov light propagation and based on optical simulations. The proper curvature and stability of the dish is ensured by the mirror alignment system and the isostatic interface to the telescope structure. Here we present the design of the optical subsystem together with the performance measurements of its components.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
J. A. Aguilar; W. Bilnik; J. Borkowski; F. Cadoux; A. Christov; D. della Volpe; Y. Favre; Mathieu Heller; J. Kasperek; E. Lyard; A. Marszałek; R. Moderski; T. Montaruli; A. Porcelli; E. Prandini; P. Rajda; M. Rameez; E.jr Schioppa; I. Troyano Pujadas; K. Zietara; J. Błocki; L. Bogacz; T. Bulik; A. Frankowski; M. Grudzińska; B. Idźkowski; M. Jamrozy; M. Janiak; K. Lalik; E. Mach
The Small Size Telescope with Single Mirror (SST-1M) is one of the proposed types of Small Size Telescopes (SST) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The CTA south array will be composed of about 100 telescopes, out of which about 70 are of SST class, which are optimized for the detection of gamma rays in the energy range from 5 TeV to 300 TeV. The SST-1M implements a Davies-Cotton optics with a 4 m dish diameter with a field of view of 9°. The Cherenkov light produced in atmospheric showers is focused onto a 88 cm wide hexagonal photo-detection plane, composed of 1296 custom designed large area hexagonal silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) and a fully digital readout and trigger system. The SST-1M camera has been designed to provide high performance in a robust as well as compact and lightweight design. In this contribution, we review the different steps that led to the realization of the telescope prototype and its innovative camera.
Journal of Instrumentation | 2015
A. Gadola; C. Bauer; F. Eisenkolb; D. Florin; C. Föhr; F. Garrecht; G. Hermann; I. Jung; O. Kalekin; C. Kalkuhl; J. Kasperek; T. Kihm; J. Kozioł; R. Lahmann; A. Manalaysay; A. Marszałek; G. Pühlhofer; P. Rajda; O. Reimer; W. Romaszkan; M. Rupiński; T. Schanz; Thomas Schwab; S. Steiner; U. Straumann; C. Tenzer; A. Vollhardt; Q. Weitzel; K. Winiarski; K. Zietara
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will be the next generation ground-based observatory for cosmic gamma rays. The FlashCam camera for its mid-size telescope introduces a new concept, with a modest sampling rate of 250 MS/s, that enables a continuous digitization as well as event buffering and trigger processing using the same front-end FPGAs. The high performance Ethernet-based readout provides a dead-time free operation for event rates up to 30 kHz corresponding to a data rate of 2.0 GByte/s sent to the camera server. We present the camera design and the current status of the project.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
R. Moderski; J. A. Aguilar; W. Bilnik; L. Bogacz; T. Bulik; A. Christov; D. della Volpe; M. Dyrda; A. Frankowski; M. Grudzińska; Jerzy Grygorczuk; M. Heller; B. Idźkowski; M. Janiak; M. Jamrozy; M. Karczewski; J. Kasperek; E. Lyard; A. Marszałek; J. Michałowski; R. Mohamed; T. Montaruli; A. Neronov; J. Nicolau-Kukliński; J. Niemiec; M. Ostrowski; P. Paśko; Ł. Płatos; E. Prandini; R. Pruchniewicz
The southern part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory will consist of at least three types of telescopes: large size, medium size and small size telescopes. Massive Monte Carlo simulations have been performed using the European Grid Infrastructure to analyze the performance of this array. We present the results of these simulations for a sub-array of small size telescopes of the Davies-Cotton type. Such a telescope, called SST-1M, is currently being proposed for the CTA observatory by a group of Polish and Swiss institutions. SST-1M will have a mirror of 4m diameter and it will be equipped with a fully digital camera based on silicon photodetectors. We present the analysis of the sub-array sensitivity, angular resolution, and energy resolution to demonstrate the fulfillment of the requirements of the CTA Consortium. To verify the results obtained in numerical simulations a construction of a mini array of five SST-1M telescopes is planned. We also present the performance of such a mini array and discuss the prospects of its scientific program.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2014
J. A. Aguilar; W. Bilnik; L. Bogacz; T. Bulik; A. Christov; D. della Volpe; M. Dyrda; A. Frankowski; M. Grudzińska; Jerzy Grygorczuk; M. Heller; B. Idźkowski; M. Janiak; M. Jamrozy; M. Karczewski; J. Kasperek; E. Lyard; A. Marszałek; J. Michałowski; R. Moderski; T. Montaruli; A. Neronov; J. Nicolau-Kukliński; J. Niemiec; M. Ostrowski; P. Paśko; Ł. Płatos; E. Prandini; R. Pruchniewicz; J. Rafalski
The single mirror Small Size Telescopes (SST-1M), being built by a sub-consortium of Polish and Swiss Institutions of the CTA Consortium, will be equipped with a fully digital camera with a compact photodetector plane based on silicon photomultipliers. The internal trigger signal transmission overhead will be kept at low level by introducing a high level of integration. It will be achieved by massively deploying state-of-the-art multi-gigabit transceivers, beginning from the ADC flash converters, through the internal data and trigger signals transmission over backplanes and cables, to the camera’s server 10Gb/s Ethernet links. Such approach will allow fitting the size and weight of the camera exactly to the SST-1M needs, still retaining the flexibility of a fully digital design. Such solution has low power consumption, high reliability and long lifetime. The concept of the camera will be described, along with some construction details and performance results.
arXiv: Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics | 2017
Mathieu Heller; E.jr Schioppa; A. Porcelli; I. Troyano Pujadas; K. Ziȩtara; D. della Volpe; T. Montaruli; F. Cadoux; Y. Favre; J. A. Aguilar; A. Christov; E. Prandini; P. Rajda; M. Rameez; W. Bilnik; J. Błocki; L. Bogacz; J. Borkowski; T. Bulik; A. Frankowski; M. Grudzińska; B. Idźkowski; M. Jamrozy; M. Janiak; J. Kasperek; K. Lalik; E. Lyard; E. Mach; D. Mandat; A. Marszałek
The Small Size Telescope with Single Mirror (SST-1M) is one of the proposed types of Small Size Telescopes (SST) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). About 70 SST telescopes will be part the CTA southern array which will also include Medium Sized Telescopes (MST) in its threshold configuration. Optimized for the detection of gamma rays in the energy range from 5 TeV to 300 TeV, the SST-1M uses a Davies-Cotton optics with a 4 m dish diameter with a field of view of 9 degrees. The Cherenkov light resulting from the interaction of the gamma-rays in the atmosphere is focused onto a 88 cm side-to-side hexagonal photo-detection plane. The latter is composed of 1296 hollow light guides coupled to large area hexagonal silicon photomultipliers (SiPM). The SiPM readout is fully digital readout as for the trigger system. The compact and lightweight design of the SST-1M camera offers very high performance ideal for gamma-ray observation requirement. In this contribution, the concept, design, performance and status of the first telescope prototype are presented.
Proceedings of 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference — PoS(ICRC2017) | 2017
Imen Al Samarai; F. Cadoux; V. Coco; C. Alispach; D. della Volpe; Y. Favre; Mathieu Heller; T. Montaruli; Théodore Rodrigue Njoh Ekoume; Isaac Troyano Pujadas; E. Lyard; H. Nagai; A. Neronov; Roland Walter; V. Sliusar; E. Mach; J. Niemiec; J. Michałowski; J. Rafalski; Piotr Krzysztof Skowronski; M. Stodulska; M. Stodulski; T. Bulik; M. Grudzińska; M. Jamrozy; M. Ostrowski; L. Stawarz; A. Zagdański; Krzystof Zietara; Pawel Pasko
The foreseen implementations of the Small Size Telescopes (SST) in CTA will provide unique insights into the highest energy gamma rays offering fundamental means to discover and under- stand the sources populating the Galaxy and our local neighborhood. Aiming at such a goal, the SST-1M is one of the three different implementations that are being prototyped and tested for CTA. SST-1M is a Davies-Cotton single mirror telescope equipped with a unique camera technology based on SiPMs with demonstrated advantages over classical photomultipliers in terms of duty-cycle. In this contribution, we describe the telescope components, the camera, and the trigger and readout system. The results of the commissioning of the camera using a dedicated test setup are then presented. The performances of the camera first prototype in terms of expected trigger rates and trigger efficiencies for different night-sky background conditions are presented, and the camera response is compared to end-to-end simulations.