J. L. Burch
Southwest Research Institute
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Featured researches published by J. L. Burch.
Science | 2016
J. L. Burch; R. B. Torbert; T. D. Phan; L. J Chen; T. E. Moore; R. E. Ergun; J. P. Eastwood; D. J. Gershman; P. A. Cassak; M. R. Argall; Sheng-Hsiang Wang; Michael Hesse; C. J. Pollock; B. L. Giles; R. Nakamura; B. H. Mauk; S. A. Fuselier; C. T. Russell; R. J. Strangeway; J. F. Drake; M. A. Shay; Yu. V. Khotyaintsev; Per-Arne Lindqvist; Göran Marklund; F. D. Wilder; D. T. Young; K. Torkar; J. Goldstein; J. C. Dorelli; L. A. Avanov
Probing magnetic reconnection in space Magnetic reconnection occurs when the magnetic field permeating a conductive plasma rapidly rearranges itself, releasing energy and accelerating particles. Reconnection is important in a wide variety of physical systems, but the details of how it occurs are poorly understood. Burch et al. used NASAs Magnetospheric Multiscale mission to probe the plasma properties within a reconnection event in Earths magnetosphere (see the Perspective by Coates). They find that the process is driven by the electron-scale dynamics. The results will aid our understanding of magnetized plasmas, including those in fusion reactors, the solar atmosphere, solar wind, and the magnetospheres of Earth and other planets. Science, this issue p. 10.1126/science.aaf2939; see also p. 1176 Magnetic reconnection is driven by the electron-scale dynamics occurring within magnetized plasmas. INTRODUCTION Magnetic reconnection is a physical process occurring in plasmas in which magnetic energy is explosively converted into heat and kinetic energy. The effects of reconnection—such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, magnetospheric substorms and auroras, and astrophysical plasma jets—have been studied theoretically, modeled with computer simulations, and observed in space. However, the electron-scale kinetic physics, which controls how magnetic field lines break and reconnect, has up to now eluded observation. RATIONALE To advance understanding of magnetic reconnection with a definitive experiment in space, NASA developed and launched the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission in March 2015. Flying in a tightly controlled tetrahedral formation, the MMS spacecraft can sample the magnetopause, where the interplanetary and geomagnetic fields reconnect, and make detailed measurements of the plasma environment and the electric and magnetic fields in the reconnection region. Because the reconnection dissipation region at the magnetopause is thin (a few kilometers) and moves rapidly back and forth across the spacecraft (10 to 100 km/s), high-resolution measurements are needed to capture the microphysics of reconnection. The most critical measurements are of the three-dimensional electron distributions, which must be made every 30 ms, or 100 times the fastest rate previously available. RESULTS On 16 October 2015, the MMS tetrahedron encountered a reconnection site on the dayside magnetopause and observed (i) the conversion of magnetic energy to particle kinetic energy; (ii) the intense current and electric field that causes the dissipation of magnetic energy; (iii) crescent-shaped electron velocity distributions that carry the current; and (iv) changes in magnetic topology. The crescent-shaped features in the velocity distributions (left side of the figure) are the result of demagnetization of solar wind electrons as they flow into the reconnection site, and their acceleration and deflection by an outward-pointing electric field that is set up at the magnetopause boundary by plasma density gradients. As they are deflected in these fields, the solar wind electrons mix in with magnetospheric electrons and are accelerated along a meandering path that straddles the boundary, picking up the energy released in annihilating the magnetic field. As evidence of the predicted interconnection of terrestrial and solar wind magnetic fields, the crescent-shaped velocity distributions are diverted along the newly connected magnetic field lines in a narrow layer just at the boundary. This diversion along the field is shown in the right side of the figure. CONCLUSION MMS has yielded insights into the microphysics underlying the reconnection between interplanetary and terrestrial magnetic fields. The persistence of the characteristic crescent shape in the electron distributions suggests that the kinetic processes causing magnetic field line reconnection are dominated by electron dynamics, which produces the electric fields and currents that dissipate magnetic energy. The primary evidence for this magnetic dissipation is the appearance of an electric field and a current that are parallel to one another and out of the plane of the figure. MMS has measured this electric field and current, and has identified the important role of electron dynamics in triggering magnetic reconnection. Electron dynamics controls the reconnection between the terrestrial and solar magnetic fields. The process of magnetic reconnection has been a long-standing mystery. With fast particle measurements, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has measured how electron dynamics controls magnetic reconnection. The data in the circles show electrons with velocities from 0 to 104 km/s carrying current out of the page on the left side of the X-line and then flowing upward and downward along the reconnected magnetic field on the right side. The most intense fluxes are red and the least intense are blue. The plot in the center shows magnetic field lines and out-of-plane currents derived from a numerical plasma simulation using the parameters observed by MMS. Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental physical process in plasmas whereby stored magnetic energy is converted into heat and kinetic energy of charged particles. Reconnection occurs in many astrophysical plasma environments and in laboratory plasmas. Using measurements with very high time resolution, NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission has found direct evidence for electron demagnetization and acceleration at sites along the sunward boundary of Earth’s magnetosphere where the interplanetary magnetic field reconnects with the terrestrial magnetic field. We have (i) observed the conversion of magnetic energy to particle energy; (ii) measured the electric field and current, which together cause the dissipation of magnetic energy; and (iii) identified the electron population that carries the current as a result of demagnetization and acceleration within the reconnection diffusion/dissipation region.
Space Science Reviews | 1995
E. G. Shelley; A. G. Ghielmetti; H. Balsiger; Ronald K. Black; J. A. Bowles; R. P. Bowman; O. Bratschi; J. L. Burch; Charles W. Carlson; A. J. Coker; J. F. Drake; Josef Fischer; J. Geiss; A. Johnstone; D. L. Kloza; O. W. Lennartsson; A. L. Magoncelli; G. Paschmann; W. K. Peterson; H. Rosenbauer; T. C. Sanders; M. Steinacher; D. M. Walton; B. A. Whalen; David T. Young
The science objectives of the Toroidal Imaging Mass-Angle Spectrograph (TIMAS) are to investigate the transfer of solar wind energy and momentum to the magnetosphere, the interaction between the magnetosphere and the ionosphere, the transport processes that distribute plasma and energy throughout the magnetosphere, and the interactions that occur as plasma of different origins and histories mix and interact. In order to meet these objectives the TIMAS instrument measures virtually the full three-dimensional velocity distribution functions of all major magnetospheric ion species with one-half spin period time resolution. The TIMAS is a first-order double focusing (angle and energy), imaging spectrograph that simultaneously measures all mass per charge components from 1 AMU e−1 to greater than 32 AMU e−1 over a nearly 360° by 10° instantaneous field-of-view. Mass per charge is dispersed radially on an annular microchannel plate detector and the azimuthal position on the detector is a map of the instantaneous 360° field of view. With the rotation of the spacecraft, the TIMAS sweeps out very nearly a 4π solid angle image in a half spin period. The energy per charge range from 15 eV e−1 to 32 keV e−1 is covered in 28 non-contiguous steps spaced approximately logarithmically with adjacent steps separated by about 30%. Each energy step is sampled for approximately 20 ms;14 step (odd or even) energy sweeps are completed 16 times per spin. In order to handle the large volume of data within the telemetry limitations the distributions are compressed to varying degrees in angle and energy, log-count compressed and then further compressed by a lossless technique. This data processing task is supported by two SA3300 microprocessors. The voltages (up to 5 kV) for the tandem toroidal electrostatic analyzers and preacceleration sections are supplied from fixed high voltage supplies using optically controlled series-shunt regulators.
Space Science Reviews | 1995
T. E. Moore; C. R. Chappell; M. O. Chandler; S. A. Fields; C. J. Pollock; D. L. Reasoner; D. T. Young; J. L. Burch; N. Eaker; J. H. Waite; D. J. McComas; J. E. Nordholdt; M. F. Thomsen; J. J. Berthelier; R. Robson
The Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment (TIDE) and the Plasma Source Instrument (PSI) have been developed in response to the requirements of the ISTP Program for three-dimensional (3D) plasma composition measurements capable of tracking the circulation of low-energy (0–500 eV) plasma through the polar magnetosphere. This plasma is composed of penetrating magnetosheath and escaping ionospheric components. It is in part lost to the downstream solar wind and in part recirculated within the magnetosphere, participating in the formation of the diamagnetic hot plasma sheet and ring current plasma populations. Significant obstacles which have previously made this task impossible include the low density and energy of the outflowing ionospheric plasma plume and the positive spacecraft floating potentials which exclude the lowest-energy plasma from detection on ordinary spacecraft. Based on a unique combination of focusing electrostatic ion optics and time of flight detection and mass analysis, TIDE provides the sensitivity (seven apertures of ∼ 1 cm2 effective area each) and angular resolution (6°×18°) required for this purpose. PSI produces a low energy plasma locally at the POLAR spacecraft that provides the ion current required to balance the photoelectron current, along with a low temperature electron population, regulating the spacecraft potential slightly positive relative to the space plasma. TIDE/PSI will: (a) measure the density and flow fields of the solar and terrestrial plasmas within the high polar cap and magnetospheric lobes; (b) quantify the extent to which ionospheric and solar ions are recirculated within the distant magnetotail neutral sheet or lost to the distant tail and solar wind; (c) investigate the mass-dependent degree energization of these plasmas by measuring their thermodynamic properties; (d) investigate the relative roles of ionosphere and solar wind as sources of plasma to the plasma sheet and ring current.
Science | 2015
H. Nilsson; Gabriella Stenberg Wieser; E. Behar; Cyril Simon Wedlund; H. Gunell; M. Yamauchi; R. Lundin; Stas Barabash; Martin Wieser; C. M. Carr; E. Cupido; J. L. Burch; A. Fedorov; J.-A. Sauvaud; Hannu E. J. Koskinen; E. Kallio; Jean Pierre Lebreton; Anders Eriksson; Niklas J. T. Edberg; R. Goldstein; P. Henri; C. Koenders; P. Mokashi; Z. Nemeth; I. Richter; K. Szego; M. Volwerk; Claire Vallat; Martin Rubin
The Rosetta mission shall accompany comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from a heliocentric distance of >3.6 astronomical units through perihelion passage at 1.25 astronomical units, spanning low and maximum activity levels. Initially, the solar wind permeates the thin comet atmosphere formed from sublimation, until the size and plasma pressure of the ionized atmosphere define its boundaries: A magnetosphere is born. Using the Rosetta Plasma Consortium ion composition analyzer, we trace the evolution from the first detection of water ions to when the atmosphere begins repelling the solar wind (~3.3 astronomical units), and we report the spatial structure of this early interaction. The near-comet water population comprises accelerated ions (<800 electron volts), produced upstream of Rosetta, and lower energy locally produced ions; we estimate the fluxes of both ion species and energetic neutral atoms.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1988
David T. Young; S. J. Bame; M. F. Thomsen; R. H. Martin; J. L. Burch; Jill A. Marshall; B. Reinhard
We describe a new type of electrostatic charged particle analyzer based on toroidal geometry. The analyzer features a 360°×10° (polar×azimuthal) field of view and a focal length in the polar direction significantly longer than that of similar devices based on spherical geometry. Extended focal length is a requirement for matching the electrostatic energy spectrometer with a second, mass‐resolving, analyzer. Laboratory tests show that the toroid design has a large geometric factor per unit of instrument weight, good energy‐angle resolution in the particle deflection plane, and sharp (1.0° FWHM) resolution at focus in the polar angle direction. The analyzer is well suited for use in satellite‐borne mass spectrometry and also as a stand‐alone electrostatic analyzer.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2001
J. L. Burch; D. G. Mitchell; Bill R. Sandel; Pontus C Son Brandt; M. Wüest
Simultaneous global images of the plasmasphere and the ring current were obtained with the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) spacecraft during the geomagnetic storms of 24 May 2000 and 29 July 2000. The plasmasphere images confirm the theoretically predicted development of long plasma tails in the dusk hemisphere during magnetic storms. They also reveal several unexpected structures, including a sharp azimuthal gradient or shoulder, which forms on the night side and corotates with the Earth for many hours, and a narrow ion trough, which is located well inside the main plasmapause in the late evening sector. The ring current images show the peak of the ring current to be nearly centered on the plasmapause, which is consistent with ring current decay models that include coulomb scattering and wave-particle interactions as well as charge exchange.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2001
M. R. Collier; T. E. Moore; K. W. Ogilvie; Dennis J. Chornay; John W. Keller; Scott A. Boardsen; J. L. Burch; B. El Marji; M.-C. Fok; S. A. Fuselier; A. G. Ghielmetti; B. L. Giles; Douglas C. Hamilton; B. L. Peko; J. M. Quinn; Edmond C. Roelof; T. M. Stephen; G. R. Wilson; Peter Wurz
We report observations of neutral atoms from the solar wind in the Earths vicinity with the low-energy neutral atom (LENA) imager on the Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) spacecraft. This instrument was designed to be capable of looking at and in the direction of the Sun. Enhancements in the hydrogen count rate in the solar direction are not correlated with either solar ultraviolet emission or suprathermal ions and are deduced to be due to neutral particles from the solar wind. LENA observes these particles from the direction closest to that of the Sun even when the Sun is not directly in LENAs 90° field of view. Simulations show that these neutrals are the result of solar wind ions charge exchanging with exospheric neutral hydrogen atoms in the postshock flow of the solar wind in the magnetosheath. Their energy is inferred to exceed 300 eV, consistent with solar wind energies, based on simulation results and on the observation of oxygen ions, sputtered from the conversion surface in the time-of-flight spectra. In addition, the sputtered oxygen abundance tracks the solar wind speed, even when IMAGE is deep inside the magnetosphere. These results show that low-energy neutral atom imaging provides the capability to directly monitor the solar wind flow in the magnetosheath from inside the magnetosphere because there is a continuous and significant flux of neutral atoms originating from the solar wind that permeates the magnetosphere.
Astronomy and Astrophysics | 2015
H. Nilsson; G. Stenberg Wieser; E. Behar; C. Simon Wedlund; E. Kallio; H. Gunell; Niklas J. T. Edberg; Anders Eriksson; M. Yamauchi; C. Koenders; Martin Wieser; R. Lundin; S. Barabash; K. Mandt; J. L. Burch; R. Goldstein; P. Mokashi; C. M. Carr; E. Cupido; P.T. Fox; K. Szego; Z. Nemeth; A. Fedorov; J.-A. Sauvaud; H. E. J. Koskinen; I. Richter; J.-P. Lebreton; P. Henri; M. Volwerk; Claire Vallat
Context. The Rosetta spacecraft is escorting comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from a heliocentric distance of >3.6 AU, where the comet activity was low, until perihelion at 1.24 AU. Initially, the solar wind permeates the thin comet atmosphere formed from sublimation. Aims. Using the Rosetta Plasma Consortium Ion Composition Analyzer (RPC-ICA), we study the gradual evolution of the comet ion environment, from the first detectable traces of water ions to the stage where cometary water ions accelerated to about 1 keV energy are abundant. We compare ion fluxes of solar wind and cometary origin. Methods. RPC-ICA is an ion mass spectrometer measuring ions of solar wind and cometary origins in the 10 eV–40 keV energy range. Results. We show how the flux of accelerated water ions with energies above 120 eV increases between 3.6 and 2.0 AU. The 24 h average increases by 4 orders of magnitude, mainly because high-flux periods become more common. The water ion energy spectra also become broader with time. This may indicate a larger and more uniform source region. At 2.0 AU the accelerated water ion flux is frequently of the same order as the solar wind proton flux. Water ions of 120 eV–few keV energy may thus constitute a significant part of the ions sputtering the nucleus surface. The ion density and mass in the comet vicinity is dominated by ions of cometary origin. The solar wind is deflected and the energy spectra broadened compared to an undisturbed solar wind. Conclusions. The flux of accelerated water ions moving from the upstream direction back toward the nucleus is a strongly nonlinear function of the heliocentric distance.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2001
C. J. Pollock; Kazushi Asamura; M. M. Balkey; J. L. Burch; H. O. Funsten; M. Grande; Mike Gruntman; M. G. Henderson; J.-M. Jahn; Michael L. Lampton; Michael W. Liemohn; D. J. McComas; T. Mukai; S. Ritzau; Mark L. Schattenburg; Earl Scime; R. M. Skoug; P. Valek; M. Wüest
InitialENA images obtained with the MENA imager on the IMAGE observatory show that ENAs ema- nating from Earths magnetosphere at least crudely track both Dst and Kp. Images obtained during the storm of August 12, 2000, clearly show strong ring current asymme- try during storm main phase and early recovery phase, and a high degree of symmetry during the late recovery phase. Thus, these images establish the existence of both partial and complete ring currents during the same storm. Further, they suggest that ring current loss through the day side mag- netopause dominates other loss processes during storm main phase and early recovery phase.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1993
J. D. Winningham; J. R. Sharber; R. A. Frahm; J. L. Burch; N. Eaker; R. K. Black; V. A. Blevins; J. P. Andrews; J. Rudzki; M. J. Sablik; D. L. Chenette; D. W. Datlowe; E. E. Gaines; W. I. Imhof; R. W. Nightingale; J. B. Reagan; R. M. Robinson; T. L. Schumaker; E. G. Shelley; R. R. Vondrak; H. D. Voss; P. F. Bythrow; Brian J. Anderson; T. A. Potemra; L. J. Zanetti; D. B. Holland; M. H. Rees; D. Lummerzheim; G. C. Reid; R. G. Roble
The overall objective of the particle environment monitor (PEM) is to provide comprehensive measurements of both local and global energy inputs into the Earths atmosphere by charged particles and Joule dissipation using a carefully integrated set of instruments. PEM consists of four instruments: the atmospheric X ray imaging spectrometer (AXIS), the high-energy particle spectrometer (HEPS), the medium-energy particle spectrometer (MEPS), and the vector magnetometer (VMAG). AXIS provides global scale images and energy spectra of 3- to 100-keV bremsstrahlung X rays produced by electron precipitation into the atmosphere. HEPS and MEPS provide in situ measurements of precipitating electrons in the energy range from 1 eV to 5 MeV and protons in the energy range from 1 eV to 150 MeV. Particles in this energy range deposit their energy in the atmosphere at altitudes extending from several hundred kilometers down to as low as ∼30 km. VMAG provides the magnetic field direction needed to indicate and interpret the locations and intensities of ionospheric and field-aligned currents as well as providing a reference for the particle measurements. This paper describes each instrument separately and also in the context of the PEM objectives which include the determination of energy deposition and ionization production rates as functions of altitude. Examples of data acquired early in the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) mission are presented.