J.L. Velázquez
Spanish National Research Council
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Archive | 2017
Alejandro Ferrero; J.L. Velázquez; Alicia Pons Aglio; Joaquín Campos Acosta; Armin Sperling
Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Malherbologia, celebrado en Pamplona-Iruna, entre los dias 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.La reiterada multiplicacion vegetativa de cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de elite para la vinificacion provoca la acumulacion de variacion somatica que es explotada en la mejora varietal. Considerando la hipotesis de que variantes con ciclo largo de maduracion (baja tasa de acumulacion de azucares) pueden adaptarse mejor a condiciones de alta temperatura, en este estudio se caracterizaron 450 accesiones de ‘Tempranillo’ buscando clones que difiriesen en la duracion del ciclo de maduracion. Se preseleccionaron diez clones de ciclo largo y nueve de ciclo corto y la consistencia de su ciclo se testo sobre esquejes fructiferos. Asi se seleccionaron dos clones de ciclo largo y uno de ciclo corto, que ademas de mantener diferencias consistentes en el ciclo, presentaban un rendimiento y una produccion de antocianinas equilibrados. Se realizo un analisis transcriptomico de estos tres clones, mediante la tecnica RNA-seq, con el objetivo de identificar la variacion genetica responsable de las diferencias en el proceso de maduracion. Comparando el transcriptoma de uvas que estaban completando el envero, se detectaron posibles mutaciones puntuales responsables del fenotipo de ciclo largo en uno de los clones. Asimismo, se identifico una region cromosomica con tres genes localizados consecutivamente que se hallaban sobreexpresados en el otro clon de ciclo largo analizado. La secuencia de los transcritos de estos genes indica que la sobreexpresion se debe a la induccion especifica de uno de los alelos de cada gen, lo que sugiere la presencia de una mutacion en cis con una region reguladora en una copia del cromosoma, que causaria la sobreexpresion ectopica de los tres genes y la ralentizacion de la maduracion. Estos resultados pueden ser utiles en programas de mejora de la vid dirigidos a la adaptacion de la elaboracion de vino de calidad en condiciones de cambio climatico.4 paginas.-- 2 tablas.-- 10 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en http://www.cics2018.com/libro-de-abstracts/“Connected Worlds: the Caribbean, Origin of Modern World”. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823846La crisis ha reducido las entradas por reagrupacion familiar debido a un aumento de las denegaciones y una caida de las solicitudes derivada de las dificultades economicas que atraviesan los inmigrantes y el endurecimiento de los requisitos legales. Esta caida corresponde casi en exclusiva a los no-comunitarios, para los comunitarios apenas se ha producido variacion. Las diferencias entre ambos cualitativas: los comunitarios reagrupan mayoritariamente a sus conyuges y ascendientes, mientras que los no comunitarios reagrupan sobre todo a descendientes. Por ultimo, la mayor precariedad legal de los reagrupados por regimen general se refleja tambien en autorizaciones de muy corta duracion y sometidas a requisitos economicos de renovacion mas exigentes, lo que amenaza con complicar mas aun la vida de las familias reagrupadasProject EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP) (Grant Agreement no: 676564-EPOS IP Call H2020-IFRADEV-12015-1)In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called Noise Tube, can be found online.Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Medio Rural, Agricultura y Cambio climatico, celebrado en Espana, en marzo de 2009Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics (euRathlon/ARCAS), celebrado en Sevilla (Espana) del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.The project COINVENT acknowledges the nancial support of the Future and Emerging Tech- nologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the Eu- ropean Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553PROYECTO: Alfabetizacion cientifica en la escuela: mejorar las estrategias y construir nuevas practicas de ensenanza de las ciencias en la educacion de los primeros anos (SciLit). PROGRAMA ERASMUS + DE LA UNION EUROPEA. Esta guia para el docente es el resultado de una estrecha colaboracion entre los ocho socios de este programa, de cinco paises europeos, con sus diferentes valores y culturas, metodos de trabajo, necesidades, etc. Esta pluralidad refuerza lo que une a los cientificos y maestros: el amor por el conocimiento, Que ambos grupos creen y transmitan en un espacio intelectual comun que supera cualquier tipo de fronteras. PDF de 130 paginasPoster presentado en la 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, celebrada en Barcelona del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014.Trabajo presentado en el International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), celebrado en Swansea (Reino Unido), del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016CPESS-5, Centro Europeo de Astronomia Espacial, ESAC en Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, del 6 al 8 de Junio de 2017. -- https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/cpess-5Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.Poster (P-FA-34 ) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de Estudiantes de la Seccion de Quimica celebrado en San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Espana), del 11 al 13 de abril de 2016.2 .pdf Files ( extended abstract, 1 Pag.; 1 Poster copy from the original by Authors). Under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en la 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013), celebrada en Bruselas del 21 al 25 de agosto de 2013.-- Editors: Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux.-- arXiv:1405.0166Trabajo presentad en el World Aquaculture 2011, celebrado en Natal (Brasil) del 6 al 10 de junio de 2011.Comunicacion oral presentada en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research p roject FamiliesAndSocieties.6 paginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 12 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana) y organizado por El Grupo de Fisiologia del Estres en Plantas (Unidad asociada al CSIC)This paper is based on a 16-year-long ethnography of mass grave exhumations in contemporary Spain and deals with the tortuous, painful, much-disputed, and incomplete unmaking of a concrete and massive militaristic inscription of Spain: that related to its last internal war (1936–1939) and subsequent dictatorship (1939–1975). To understand this process and its historical roots, the paper first dissects the formation of a “funerary apartheid” in the country since the end of the war. Second, it analyzes the impact on the social fabric of the mass grave exhumations of Republican civilians that started in the year 2000. Third, it traces how these disinterments have intersected with Spain’s most prominent Francoist stronghold, the Valley of the Fallen, and threaten the dictator’s burial place. Finally, it discusses the parallel dismantling of the dictatorship’s official statuary that once presided over prominent public spaces in many cities and some military quarters. It argues that rolling back militarization by dismantling war-derived cartographies of death, challenging military burial arrangements, or degrading statues of generals necessarily involves a certain level of remilitarizing by other means. I call this mirroring and deeply embodied memorial backfiring “phantom militarism.”Trabajo presentado al XII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos (SECEM), celebrado en Burgos (Espana) del 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2015.Dynamic models of PEM stacks are the basis to design controllers for appropriate performance, maximum efficiency and minimum degradation. Fluid dynamic models of different dimensions can be found in the literature; however, these models are rarely used to improve the control laws and strategies. This work presents a control oriented 1+1D model (distributed in the direction of the stack flow channels). The model is based on a similar model presented by M. Mangold [1], is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. The model is validated using experimental data of a Powercell stack.Authors gratefully acknowledge MICINN Projects AGL2 008-00344/AGR and HA2008-0014 and FEDER financial support from the European Union.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014Trabajo presentado al 18th International Symposiun on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), celebrado en Toyama (Japon) del 27 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2009.Trabajo presentado en el FENS Regional Meeting, celebrado en Belgrado (Sebia), del 10 al 13 de julio de 2019This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust performance of such systems. Several control schemes are developed in this thesis to exploit the available economic information of the system operation and the disturbance information obtained from measurements and forecasting models. Dynamic network flows theory is used to develop control-oriented models that serve to design MPC controllers specialised for flow networks with additive disturbances and periodically time-varying dynamics and costs. The control strategies developed in this thesis can be classified in two categories: centralised MPC strategies and non-centralised MPC strategies. Such strategies are assessed through simulations of a real case study: the Barcelona drinking water network (DWN). Regarding the centralised strategies, different economic MPC formulations are first studied to guarantee recursive feasibility and stability under nominal periodic flow demands and possibly time-varying economic parameters and multi-objective cost functions. Additionally, reliability-based MPC, chance-constrained MPC and tree-based MPC strategies are proposed to address the reliability of both the flow storage and the flow transportation tasks in the network. Such strategies allow to satisfy a customer service level under future flow demand uncertainty and to efficiently distribute overall control effort under the presence of actuators degradation. Moreover, soft-control techniques such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to incorporate self-tuning capabilities to an economic certainty-equivalent MPC controller. Since there are objections to the use of centralised controllers in large-scale networks, two non-centralised strategies are also proposed. First, a multi-layer distributed economic MPC strategy of low computational complexity is designed with a control topology structured in two layers. In a lower layer, a set of local MPC agents are in charge of controlling partitions of the overall network by exchanging limited information on shared resources and solving their local problems in a hierarchical-like fashion. Moreover, to counteract the loss of global economic information due to the decomposition of the overall control task, a coordination layer is designed to influence non-iteratively the decision of local controllers towards the improvement of the overall economic performance. Finally, a cooperative distributed economic MPC formulation based on a periodic terminal cost/region is proposed. Such strategy guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibrium without the need of a coordinator and relies on an iterative and global communication of local controllers, which optimise in parallel their control actions but using a centralised model of the network.Resumen del poster presentado al XII Simposio Nacional y X Iberico de Maduracion y Postcosecha (POST18), celebrado en Badajoz del 4 al 7 de junio de 2018.Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Trabajo presentado al III Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible (IberConappice), celebrado en Huesca del 17 al 20 de octubre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, celebrado en Elsinore (Dinamarca) del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2017.Trabajo presentado en el Aquaculture Europe 16 (Food for Thought), celebrado en Edimburgo del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting (Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators), celebrada en Barcelona del 3 al 7 de mayo de 2015.Trabajo presentado en la XXV Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica celebrada en Alicante del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014.8 pages, 4 figures, 15 references.-- International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel.Trabajo presentado a la 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), celebrado en Sousse (Tunisia) del 10 al 13 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments.Trabajo presentado al VI Workshop Probioticos, Prebioticos y Salud: Evidencia Cientifica, celebrado en Oviedo del 5 al 6 de febrero de 2015. Abstract en Nutricion Hospitalaria 31(suplemento 1): pagina 130.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014A sterol esterase purified from cultures of the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae was able to hydrolyse sterol esters and glycerides. The kinetics of sterol esters and triglyceride hydrolysis by this new esterase, estimated using a pH-stat, showed a Kmapp and a kcatapp in the range of 0.9–1.1 mM and 70–300 s-1, respectively. Its ability to hydrolyse both pure sterol esters and natural mixtures of saponifiable lipids from eucalypt wood was compared with those of commercial sterol esterases from other microbial sources. Its specific activity on sterol esters was higher than that found with all the commercial esterases assayed, and the highest hydrolysis of eucalypt sterol esters was also attained using the O. piceae esterase. This sterol esterase could be of biotechnological interest for the hydrolysis of sterol esters that form pitch deposits in paper pulp manufacturing.Tradicionalmente no ha sido fácil trabajar con los datos de satélite debido a la complejidad de los formatos, el tamaño de los propios datos y la necesidad de tener un software de lectura muy especializado. La motivación que hay detrás de éste proyecto ha sido la de desarrollar una interfase que facilite el uso de los datos satélite permitiendo un cierto nivel de manipulación y mejora de las imágenes. Generalizando, en teledetección, se puede pensar en dos tipos de usuarios de los datos satélites: los que necesitan trabajar con los datos brutos y aquellos que tienen suficiente con una visión cualitativa y, en definitiva, les basta con las imágenes de satélite procesadas. Es para estos últimos que se ha construido Revista de Teledetección. 2006. Número Especial: 105-108Forest fires are a major factor of disturbance in many terrestrial ecosystems, especially in European areas under Mediterranean type of climate. This is due to the confluence of specific climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Fire produces important changes in soil organic matter (SOM) both qualitatively and quantitatively, which, in turn, affect relevant physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. These changes also affect a large number of related biotic and abiotic factors and processes. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the impact of forest fires on SOM in relation to changes in soil water repellency, using advanced techniques of molecular analysis. Due to the high number of variables that may influence soil water repellency and the chemical alteration of organic matter after fire, we chose the sandy soils of the Donana National Park for this study, with well-known and relatively simple composition. In any case, we have followed the classical scheme of comparison of burnt soils with unaffected soils (control), under the same geomorphological and climatic characteristics. Water repellency is one of the main edaphic properties affected by forest fires. This physical property reduces the affinity of soil for water, which carries important hydrological, geomorphological and ecological consequences. Fire-induced changes of soil water repellency can be due to numerous factors, although it is generally accepted that the alteration of SOM and, in particular, of its more labile fraction (lipid fraction) is the main variable involved in this process. Due to their environmental implications, there are currently countless works on the effects of fire on SOM and water repellency, which are reviewed in chapter 1. However, the current state of knowledge shows some gaps and aspects insufficiently studied, due either to the complexity of the soil system or to the lack of adequate analytical techniques. Numerous scientific studies indicate that both the type of vegetation and the chemical composition of SOM strongly influence soil water repellency. These studies have focused mainly on the study of complete soils both at the surface and at different depths. However, available information on the influence of organic matter and vegetation on the degree of hydrophobicity of different soil physical fractions is limited. This aspect is studied in detail in chapter 3. In particular, the relation between soils under different vegetation cover, dominated by cork oaks (Quercus suber), eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum), pine (Pinus pinea) and rockrose (Halimium halimifolium), the amount and quality of organic matter, and water repellency in four particle sieve fractions (1-2, 0.25-1, 0.05-0.25 and <0.05 mm). We observed that the degree of water repellency was significantly different, both among soils under different vegetation cover and among different sieve fractions, with soils under cork oak showing the highest severity of water repellency. In addition, we found a clear relation between the amount of SOM and the degree of water repellency. On the other hand, the molecular analysis of the organic matter from sieve fractions by analytical pyrolysis techniques let us find a relation between the quality of MOS and soil water repellency, the presence of long-chained fatty acids and the degree of humification (evolution) of SOM in the different fractions. The impact of fire on water repellency and SOM was studied especially in soils under cork oaks, due to the greater organic contribution of this type of vegetation, the severe soil water repellency and its pyrophilic character. For the most detailed study, the number of studied sieve fractions was expanded to 6 (1-2, 0.5-1, 0.25-0.5, 0.1-0.25, 0.05-0.1 and <0.05 mm), including also the complete sample. It is known that impacts caused by forest fires on soils are related to changes in SOM. Fire favors the modification or formation of new chemical structures, besides contributing to mass outputs and inputs, such as the contribution of fresh biomass or more or less carbonized residues. This idea has predominated in the focus of a great number of research works, which have aimed to the study of complete soils or some of their horizons. However, the knowledge about the effect of fire on soil granulometric fractions is little known and that is why we consider some relevant questions, such as i) does the chemical composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions vary?, ii) does fire cause the same impact on all fractions?, or iii) what chemical reactions does fire induce in the different particle size fractions? In chapters 4, 5 and 6, we try to give answers to these questions, by means of detailed studies of the molecular composition of the organic matter present in the different fractions. With this aim, we used advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry of isotopic relations of carbon and hydrogen (13C and 2H, respectively) (chapter 4), analytical pyrolysis (chapter 5) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (chapter 6). The study of the isotopic composition of 13C confirms the existence of two compartments of organic matter with different degrees of evolution. The larger sieve fractions contain slightly evolved organic matter, impoverished in 13C and with δ13C values not different from leaf biomass, while finer fractions showed a more evolved organic material, enriched in 13C. Fire produced no changes in this trend, although an increase in the 13C content was observed in all affected fractions. This process may be explained by selective removal of light compounds (lower 13C content) or incorporation of charred residues. The study of the isotopic composition of 2H showed the existence of two differentiated water compartments in the upper centimeters of soil and dependent on the size of particles. No homogeneous behavior of the 2H composition after the fire was observed. The results obtained stimulated a more detailed study (chapters 5 and 6) of the molecular composition of SOM and the different reaction mechanisms induced by fire, focusing now on the fractions of larger (1-2 mm) and finer (<0.05 mm) sizes. For this, graphical tools such as the van Krevelen and Kendrick mass diagrams were used, as well as different indices or geochemical proportions (namely, the index of preferred carbon of short- and long-chained alkanes ratio, C<24/C≥24. The analysis of the SOM composition confirmed the existence of two different compartments of organic carbon in the first centimeters of soil with a different contribution of fire. In the larger fraction (1-2 mm), influenced by lignocellulosic material, fire produced a removal of lipid compounds and an increase of aromatics, with relatively high contribution of lignin-derived material. This may be due to a posteriori input of partially burnt material. On the other hand, humic compounds from the finer fraction, mostly formed by lipid and protein compounds, did not show significant variations after fire. However, an increase in exogenous pyromorphic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), was detected along with a relative increase of lignin-derived substances. The different molecular composition of studied fractions showed that fire induces different reactions depending on the quality of SOM. Variations in the preferential carbon index and in the proportion of long-chained alkanes aims to the existence of thermal cracking processes. In turn, fire-induced condensation contributed to the increased aromaticity of SOM. However, fire favored reduction reactions in the larger sieve fraction, with a decrease in the atomic O/C ratio but not affecting the H/C ratio. Therefore, it is possible that fire altered the outermost and accessible areas of the organic macromolecules, removing functional groups contaning oxygen but not altering the main molecular structures. Different scientific studies have highlighted an association between soil water repellency and SOM quality, particularly to the proportion and composition of certain lipid compounds. Chapter 7 aims to the study of the impact of fire on the lipid composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions of sandy soils under cork oaks and its relation with the changes in the degree of soil water repellency, using quantitative chromatographic techniques. The main results showed that the severity of water repellency in different sieve fractions varied significantly (p <0.05) after a fire. As observed in Chapter 3, we observed a relation between SOM quantity and quality and water repellency in burnt soils. The analysis of the lipid composition (acid and neutral compounds) confirmed the existence of two compartments of soil organic carbon, with fire causing different alterations in each of them. The proportion of long-chained faty acids increased in all burnt fractions except for the largest one (1-2 mm). This suggests the existence of a contribution of partially burnt material with a relatively high contribution of compounds derived from small-sized fatty acids, so confirming the exogenous contribution of charred cork residues. The decrease in both the quantity and the length of organic acid chains in the burnt larger sieve fraction confirms the existence of a thermal breakdown reaction. This cracking has also been observed in the n-alkane series. Finally, the comparative analysis of soil water repellency and related variables shows that water repellency depends on both the quantity and the quality of SOM and is strongly related to the presence of long-chained fatty acids. These may be considered as surrogate biomarkers of hydrophobicity in sandy soils.NGA was the recipient of a JAE-Predoc contract from Institut d’Investigacions Biome`diques de Barcelona-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas (CSIC) (‘‘Junta para la Ampliacio´n de Estudios’’, partly funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union). CV was the recipient of a fellowship from ‘‘La Caixa’’ foundation. This study was supported by grants PI081396 and PI100378 from the Instituto Carlos III of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n of Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.154 paginas.-- Tesis doctoral leida en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza.161 Pags.- Tabls.- Figs. Tesis doctoral Univ. Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, realizada, bajo la direccion de los Drs. Yolanda Gogorcena y Juan Jose Barriuso, en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) y en el Centro de de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe (Adding value), celebrado en San Sebastian del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2017.-- et al.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), celebrado en La Rochelle (Francia) del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st FEBS3+, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017.The spider fauna of Albania is still insuffi ciently studied. The present list was compiled after a critical review of the existing literature data and taxonomic review of some available collections. The study comprises 335 species from 36 families. In this number, 197 species are new to the spider fauna of the country. According to their current distribution the species can be assigned to 18 zoogeographical catego- ries, grouped into 5 complexes (Cosmopolitic, Holarctic, European, Mediterranean, Endemics). Dominant are Holarctic species (56.4%) followed by European (16.4%) and Mediterranean (16.2%). The endemics (8%) are also well presented and refl ect the local character of the fauna and the main role of the Balkan Peninsula in its origin and formation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIVth Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, celebrado en Alcala de Henares (Madrid-Espana) del 11 al 13 de junio de 2014.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a las XXVI Jornadas Tecnicas SEAE y al X Seminario Agroecologia, Cambio Climatico y Agroturismo: “Innovacion Agroecologica y Cambio Climatico”, celebrado en Orihuela del 19 al 20 de ocubre de 2017.This document has been prepared in the framework of the project for supporting the establishment of MPAs in open seas, including deep seas, with financial support of the European CommissionPoster (P-EA-22) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.The expectations raised in the mid-1980s on the potential of genetic engineering for in situ remediation of environmental pollution have not been entirely fulfilled. Yet, we have learned a good deal about the expression of catabolic pathways by bacteria in their natural habitats, and how environmental conditions dictate the expression of desired catalytic activities. The many different choices between nutrients and responses to stresses form a network of transcriptional switches which, given the redundance and robustness of the regulatory circuits involved, can be neither unraveled through standard genetic analysis nor artificially programmed in a simple manner. Available data suggest that population dynamics and physiological control of catabolic gene expression prevail over any artificial attempt to engineer an optimal performance of the wanted catalytic activities. In this review, several valuable spin-offs of past research into genetically modified organisms with environmental applications are discussed, along with the impact of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in the future of environmental biotechnology.Advanced computing has become a crucial factor in most areas of science , in some cases may be as critical as the experimental observation . The data analysis and experimental validation of these needs by observation instruments (detectors , sensors, etc ... ) the ability to communicate and interact with computing resources and software tools capable of storing and formatting the scientists analyzed data . This multidisciplinary and collaborative environment is what is known as e- Science . In this work, several solutions have been developed to facilitate transparent access to distributed resources that allow scientists to access a limited specific training are presented herein . The problems that have been addressed have to do with interactivity in access to resources , and the design of workflows. This will be made up of various elements simulate complex systems that interact with each other. Throughout all the work we have collaborated with researchers in Nuclear Fusion and Astrophysics to implement solutions in real scientific computing environments for researchers. Several examples of complex workflows , which are prototypes of what will be a platform for simulation of plasma from a fusion reactor and analysis for the WBC / Planck experiment are presented . Thus we have demonstrated the versatility of the developed tools , when applied to more than one scientific discipline.During the last years biofuel fuel cells (BFCs) have attracted great interest due to their possible applications, especially as electrical power sources for in vivo or ex vivo applications. In BFCs enzymes can be used as biocatalysts for fuel oxidation at the anode and oxidant reduction at the cathode. The majority of EFCs use oxygen-reducing enzymes at the cathode, and glucose-oxidizing enzymes at the anode, as they are very common substrates present in most human physiological fluids. Two multi-copper oxidases, laccase and bilirubin oxidase, and cellobiose dehydrogenase have been studied as possible biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and glucose oxidation, respectively. Laccases usually exhibit higher activity at acid pH and they are more inhibited in the presence of chloride ions than bilirubin oxidase. Therefore, native laccases have been engineered by directed evolution for obtaining mutants that show activity also under physiological conditions, and cysteine residues have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis for oriented immobilization on gold electrodes. The major aim of the Thesis has been the development of biocathodes as they represent the rate-limiting part of the BFC due to the low O2 availability in human body. The development of the bioelectrodes was carried out paying special attention to the different electrode materials and immobilization strategies used to manufacture the biodevices. Indeed, a good immobilization strategy enhances the long-term stability of the biodevice while achieving efficient wiring of the enzyme. Additionally, a larger surface area of the support material allows higher enzyme loading, therefore increasing the current density developed. Gold nanorods, macroporous gold, indium tin oxide and carbonaceous materials have been used for this purpose, obtaining current densities up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for bioelectrocatalytic O2 reduction. Direct electron transfer (DET) based systems are preferred as some possible drawbacks of using mediators are overcome and allow making the miniaturization of the BFC easier. For these reason, all the immobilization strategies presented were developed in order to optimize DET between the enzyme and the electrode surface. Combination of a conventional BFC with electrochemical capacitors is also presented in order to overcome the limitations of both systems, achieving a maximum power output of 0.6 µW at an operating voltage of 0.15 V. This hybrid biodevice was also tested in ex vivo conditions by connecting it directly to the dorsal venous of a human volunteer.Financial support for this study was provided by the Comunidad Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (research project S2013/ABI-3028, AVANSECAL-CM). Dra. Gema Flores thanks CSIC for her JAE-Doc contract.The problem of achieving common understanding between agents that use different vocabularies has been mainly addressed by designing techniques that explicitly negotiate mappings between their vocabularies, requiring agents to share a meta-language. In this paper we consider the case of agents that use different vocabularies and have no meta-language in common, but share the knowledge of how to perform a task, given by the specification of an interaction protocol. For this situation, we present a framework that lets agents learn a vocabulary alignment from the experience of interacting. Unlike previous work in this direction, we use open protocols that constrain possible actions instead of defining procedures, making our approach more general. We present two techniques that can be used either to learn an alignment from scratch or to repair an existent one, and we evaluate experimentally their performance.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting, celebrado en Bruselas (Belgica) del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2017.This work was supported by the project AGL2012-40128-C03-01 and EU-FEDER funds from the Spanish government.espanolLos margenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupacion para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio tambien ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraeria a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en Espana arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripcion de la tipologia de margenes existentes en Espana. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre margenes, el tipo de vegetacion cercano, asi como la intensidad de la perturbacion que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porque algunos margenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no. EnglishThe field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not.22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 14-15 September 2017, Iasi, Romania.-- 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tableXIX Seminario Iberico de Quimica Marina (SIQUIMAR), VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageSAF2016-77703-C2-2-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); AGAUR 2017-SGR-106 and the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya; R. Copas and C. Sanfeliu belong to Group 05 of CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, SpainResumen del poster presentado al I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 28 de abril de 2017.-- et al.Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado a la Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Final Conference celebrada del 6 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Maastricht (Paises Bajos).Compared to machines, humans are intelligent and dexterous; they are indispensable for many complex tasks in areas such as flexible manufacturing or scientific experimentation. However, they are also subject to fatigue and inattention, which may cause errors. This motivates automated monitoring systems that verify the correct execution of manipulation sequences. To be practical, such a monitoring system should not require laborious programming.Trabajo presentado en el 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF. 40 years of research in fish nutrition), celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 3 al 7 de junio de 2018.Comunicacion oral presentada en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Abstracts book pag. 14 (2019)Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a la 21st Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, celebrada en Madison, Wisconsin (US) del 5 al 9 de junio de 2016.3 paginas, 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado al: XVIII Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA. Zaragoza, Espana, 7-8 mayo 2019.5 paginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 2 tabla.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentadoa en el XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en Plantas de la Sociedad Espanola y Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal.“La fisiologia como valor anadido para la comercializacion”Trabajo presentado al 48th West European FishTechnologists Association Meeting (WEFTA), celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The synthesis of the 5-hydroxyproline derivatives 3a and 3b using cyclobutane serine analogs 1 and 2 as starting materials is reported. This process occurs with moderate cis/trans selectivity. A mechanism for this reaction is also proposed. Cyclobutane serine analog 1 was tested in tandem Michael and Wittig-like reactions, providing some evidence of the mechanism proposed.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregacion a la reunificacion en su contexto nacional e internacional” (Ref. HAR2016-76125-P).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 19th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins (SEISMIX 2020), celebrado del 15 al 19 de marzo de 2020 en AustraliaTrabajo presentado en la 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), celebrada en Sacaramento (US) del 20 al 23 de julio de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado a la European Human Genetics Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Cientifica Anual del Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red de Enfermedades Raras, celebrada en San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) los dias 12 y 13 de marzo de 2015.Poster presentado en la 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) y en la 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics(ECT), celebradas en Dresden del 28 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015.Poster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela, Oclober 2-4, 2019Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos projetos Metalurgia Primitiva no Territorio Portugues – EARLYMETAL (PTDC/HIST-ARQ/110442/2008) e Espacos Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposicoes na Pre-historia Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Portugues: das Acoes aos Significados - ENARDAS (PTDC/HISARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER. Os autores agradecem a Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) as bolsas individuais (SFRH/ BD/65143/2009) e (SFRH/BPD/73245/2010) concedidas a Joao Fonte e Elin Figueiredo, respetivamente, e o apoio financeiro concedido ao CENIMAT/I3N atraves do Projecto Estrategico LA25/2013-2014 (PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011); a Joe Horst os esclarecimentos gentilmente cedidos sobre as condicoes de achado; a empresa Metais Jaime Dias, S.A. e ao Dr. Normando Ramos a possibilidade do uso do equipamento de FRX portatil para o estudo preliminar da colecao metalica e a equipa do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, o tratamento e fotografia do conjunto.13 GLOSSARY OF RELEVANT TERMS 17RS received support from the Czech Ministry of Culture (project MK00002327201) and from the SYNTHESYS Programme (project ES-TAF-1249), financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC).Poster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigacion vitivinicola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Trabajo presentado al Delft Software Days, celebrado en Netherlands del 5 al 16 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.Este trabajo se centra en la sintesis de nuevos nanohibridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidacion de la interaccion electronica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohibridos en forma de peliculas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectronicas. Utilizando tecnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el oxido de grafeno, puntos cuanticos de semiconductores o laminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transicion se ha conseguido la formacion de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electronicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectronicos basados en peliculas delgadas210 Pags.- Figs.- Fots.- Tabls. Tesis realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos (Unidad Asociada EEAD-CSIC). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de ERAWATCH, una iniciativa conjunta de la Direccion General de Investigacion de la Comision Europea y el Instituto de Prospectiva Tecnologica (IPTS).La investigacion ha sido posible gracias a la financiacion del Proyecto 2091 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia y del Proyecto P08-SEJ-03981 de la Junta de Andalucia.Oral presentation given at the 16th European Microscopy Congress, held in Lyon (France) from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.Master 2° Annee Biologie, Ecologie, Evolution (M2 BEE). Universite de Poitiers. Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquees.Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Quimica,17-21 julio 2017. -- http://www.bienalrsef2017.com/bienalrsef17/The work is under the scope of the following projects: Cargo-ANTS: Cargo handling by Automated Next generation Transportation Systems for ports and terminals.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el LV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, celebrado en Sevilla (Espana), del 5 al 7 de octubre de 2016Poster presentado en el First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. Bari, Italy 23-26 September 2019Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Web tematica.-- Proposito: divulgativo.-- Estado del proyecto: actualizacion continua.-- Fecha de la consulta: 2018-01-08.Trabajo de investigacion desarrollado por el ingeniero Juan Antonio Moreno-Cid Mora para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Trabajo presentado en la XXVI Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, celebrada en Punta Umbria, Huelva (Espana) del 14 al 17 de junio de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.We introduce the logics E(G) for reasoning about probabilistic expectation over classes G of games with discrete polynomial payoff functions represented by finite-valued Lukasiewicz formulas and provide completeness and complexity results. In addition, we introduce a new class of games where players’ expected payoff functions are encoded by E(G)-formulas. In these games each player’s aim is to randomise her strategic choices in order to affect the other players’ expectations over an outcome as well as their own. We offer a logical and computational characterisation of this new class of games.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER grants AGL2009-08339/AGR and AGL2015-71386-R.Trabajo presentadso en la Jornada de divulgacion y presentacion en Espana del Proyecto POnTE (Plagas que amenazan a los cultivos y los bosques de Europa. El caso de Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar), celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2016 en Madrid.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 3 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el >VII Congresso Iberico das Ciencias do Solo (CICS 2016) y VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem> que decorreu no Instituto Politecnico de Beja de 13 a 15 de Setembro de 2016.
Archive | 2015
J.L. Velázquez; Alicia Pons Aglio; Alejandro Ferrero; Joaquín Campos Acosta; E. Borreguero
Trabajo presentado en el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Malherbologia, celebrado en Pamplona-Iruna, entre los dias 25 y 27 de octubre de 2017.La reiterada multiplicacion vegetativa de cultivares de vid (Vitis vinifera L.) de elite para la vinificacion provoca la acumulacion de variacion somatica que es explotada en la mejora varietal. Considerando la hipotesis de que variantes con ciclo largo de maduracion (baja tasa de acumulacion de azucares) pueden adaptarse mejor a condiciones de alta temperatura, en este estudio se caracterizaron 450 accesiones de ‘Tempranillo’ buscando clones que difiriesen en la duracion del ciclo de maduracion. Se preseleccionaron diez clones de ciclo largo y nueve de ciclo corto y la consistencia de su ciclo se testo sobre esquejes fructiferos. Asi se seleccionaron dos clones de ciclo largo y uno de ciclo corto, que ademas de mantener diferencias consistentes en el ciclo, presentaban un rendimiento y una produccion de antocianinas equilibrados. Se realizo un analisis transcriptomico de estos tres clones, mediante la tecnica RNA-seq, con el objetivo de identificar la variacion genetica responsable de las diferencias en el proceso de maduracion. Comparando el transcriptoma de uvas que estaban completando el envero, se detectaron posibles mutaciones puntuales responsables del fenotipo de ciclo largo en uno de los clones. Asimismo, se identifico una region cromosomica con tres genes localizados consecutivamente que se hallaban sobreexpresados en el otro clon de ciclo largo analizado. La secuencia de los transcritos de estos genes indica que la sobreexpresion se debe a la induccion especifica de uno de los alelos de cada gen, lo que sugiere la presencia de una mutacion en cis con una region reguladora en una copia del cromosoma, que causaria la sobreexpresion ectopica de los tres genes y la ralentizacion de la maduracion. Estos resultados pueden ser utiles en programas de mejora de la vid dirigidos a la adaptacion de la elaboracion de vino de calidad en condiciones de cambio climatico.4 paginas.-- 2 tablas.-- 10 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el VIII Congreso Iberico de las Ciencias del Suelo. VIII Congresso Iberico de Ciencias do Solo. DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIAN. 20 - 22 junio 2018..-- El documento completo se encuentra para su descarga en http://www.cics2018.com/libro-de-abstracts/“Connected Worlds: the Caribbean, Origin of Modern World”. This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 823846La crisis ha reducido las entradas por reagrupacion familiar debido a un aumento de las denegaciones y una caida de las solicitudes derivada de las dificultades economicas que atraviesan los inmigrantes y el endurecimiento de los requisitos legales. Esta caida corresponde casi en exclusiva a los no-comunitarios, para los comunitarios apenas se ha producido variacion. Las diferencias entre ambos cualitativas: los comunitarios reagrupan mayoritariamente a sus conyuges y ascendientes, mientras que los no comunitarios reagrupan sobre todo a descendientes. Por ultimo, la mayor precariedad legal de los reagrupados por regimen general se refleja tambien en autorizaciones de muy corta duracion y sometidas a requisitos economicos de renovacion mas exigentes, lo que amenaza con complicar mas aun la vida de las familias reagrupadasProject EPOS Implementation Phase (EPOS IP) (Grant Agreement no: 676564-EPOS IP Call H2020-IFRADEV-12015-1)In this paper we present a new approach to monitor noise pollution involving citizens and built upon the notions of participatory sensing and citizen science. We enable citizens to measure their personal exposure to noise in their everyday environment by using GPS-equipped mobile phones as noise sensors. The geo-localised measures and user-generated meta-data can be automatically sent and shared online with the public to contribute to the collective noise mapping of cities. Our prototype, called Noise Tube, can be found online.Trabajo presentado en el II Congreso Medio Rural, Agricultura y Cambio climatico, celebrado en Espana, en marzo de 2009Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Workshop and Summer School on Field Robotics (euRathlon/ARCAS), celebrado en Sevilla (Espana) del 15 al 18 de junio de 2014.The project COINVENT acknowledges the nancial support of the Future and Emerging Tech- nologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the Eu- ropean Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553PROYECTO: Alfabetizacion cientifica en la escuela: mejorar las estrategias y construir nuevas practicas de ensenanza de las ciencias en la educacion de los primeros anos (SciLit). PROGRAMA ERASMUS + DE LA UNION EUROPEA. Esta guia para el docente es el resultado de una estrecha colaboracion entre los ocho socios de este programa, de cinco paises europeos, con sus diferentes valores y culturas, metodos de trabajo, necesidades, etc. Esta pluralidad refuerza lo que une a los cientificos y maestros: el amor por el conocimiento, Que ambos grupos creen y transmitan en un espacio intelectual comun que supera cualquier tipo de fronteras. PDF de 130 paginasPoster presentado en la 2nd International Ocean Research Conference, celebrada en Barcelona del 17 al 21 de noviembre de 2014.Trabajo presentado en el International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), celebrado en Swansea (Reino Unido), del 29 de junio al 1 de julio de 2016CPESS-5, Centro Europeo de Astronomia Espacial, ESAC en Villanueva de la Canada, Madrid, del 6 al 8 de Junio de 2017. -- https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/cpess-5Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.Poster (P-FA-34 ) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el XII Congreso de Estudiantes de la Seccion de Quimica celebrado en San Cristobal de La Laguna, Tenerife (Espana), del 11 al 13 de abril de 2016.2 .pdf Files ( extended abstract, 1 Pag.; 1 Poster copy from the original by Authors). Under Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en la 6th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2013), celebrada en Bruselas del 21 al 25 de agosto de 2013.-- Editors: Pierre de Buyl, Nelle Varoquaux.-- arXiv:1405.0166Trabajo presentad en el World Aquaculture 2011, celebrado en Natal (Brasil) del 6 al 10 de junio de 2011.Comunicacion oral presentada en la European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2016 Vienna | Austria | 17–22 April 2016The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007 - 2013) under grant agreement no. 320116 for the research p roject FamiliesAndSocieties.6 paginas.-- 4 tablas.-- 12 referencias.-- Comunicacion oral presentada en el XIII Simposio Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en las Plantas “Aprendiendo a optimizar el uso del agua en las plantas para hacer de nuestro entorno un ambiente mas sostenible” Libro de resumenes . 18 – 20 de octubre de 2016 Pamplona (Espana) y organizado por El Grupo de Fisiologia del Estres en Plantas (Unidad asociada al CSIC)This paper is based on a 16-year-long ethnography of mass grave exhumations in contemporary Spain and deals with the tortuous, painful, much-disputed, and incomplete unmaking of a concrete and massive militaristic inscription of Spain: that related to its last internal war (1936–1939) and subsequent dictatorship (1939–1975). To understand this process and its historical roots, the paper first dissects the formation of a “funerary apartheid” in the country since the end of the war. Second, it analyzes the impact on the social fabric of the mass grave exhumations of Republican civilians that started in the year 2000. Third, it traces how these disinterments have intersected with Spain’s most prominent Francoist stronghold, the Valley of the Fallen, and threaten the dictator’s burial place. Finally, it discusses the parallel dismantling of the dictatorship’s official statuary that once presided over prominent public spaces in many cities and some military quarters. It argues that rolling back militarization by dismantling war-derived cartographies of death, challenging military burial arrangements, or degrading statues of generals necessarily involves a certain level of remilitarizing by other means. I call this mirroring and deeply embodied memorial backfiring “phantom militarism.”Trabajo presentado al XII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola para la Conservacion y Estudio de los Mamiferos (SECEM), celebrado en Burgos (Espana) del 4 al 7 de diciembre de 2015.Dynamic models of PEM stacks are the basis to design controllers for appropriate performance, maximum efficiency and minimum degradation. Fluid dynamic models of different dimensions can be found in the literature; however, these models are rarely used to improve the control laws and strategies. This work presents a control oriented 1+1D model (distributed in the direction of the stack flow channels). The model is based on a similar model presented by M. Mangold [1], is implemented in MATLAB Simulink. The model is validated using experimental data of a Powercell stack.Authors gratefully acknowledge MICINN Projects AGL2 008-00344/AGR and HA2008-0014 and FEDER financial support from the European Union.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014Trabajo presentado al 18th International Symposiun on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), celebrado en Toyama (Japon) del 27 de septiembre al 2 de octubre de 2009.Trabajo presentado en el FENS Regional Meeting, celebrado en Belgrado (Sebia), del 10 al 13 de julio de 2019This thesis is devoted to design Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategies aiming to enhance the management of constrained generalised flow-based networks, with special attention to the economic optimisation and robust performance of such systems. Several control schemes are developed in this thesis to exploit the available economic information of the system operation and the disturbance information obtained from measurements and forecasting models. Dynamic network flows theory is used to develop control-oriented models that serve to design MPC controllers specialised for flow networks with additive disturbances and periodically time-varying dynamics and costs. The control strategies developed in this thesis can be classified in two categories: centralised MPC strategies and non-centralised MPC strategies. Such strategies are assessed through simulations of a real case study: the Barcelona drinking water network (DWN). Regarding the centralised strategies, different economic MPC formulations are first studied to guarantee recursive feasibility and stability under nominal periodic flow demands and possibly time-varying economic parameters and multi-objective cost functions. Additionally, reliability-based MPC, chance-constrained MPC and tree-based MPC strategies are proposed to address the reliability of both the flow storage and the flow transportation tasks in the network. Such strategies allow to satisfy a customer service level under future flow demand uncertainty and to efficiently distribute overall control effort under the presence of actuators degradation. Moreover, soft-control techniques such as artificial neural networks and fuzzy logic are used to incorporate self-tuning capabilities to an economic certainty-equivalent MPC controller. Since there are objections to the use of centralised controllers in large-scale networks, two non-centralised strategies are also proposed. First, a multi-layer distributed economic MPC strategy of low computational complexity is designed with a control topology structured in two layers. In a lower layer, a set of local MPC agents are in charge of controlling partitions of the overall network by exchanging limited information on shared resources and solving their local problems in a hierarchical-like fashion. Moreover, to counteract the loss of global economic information due to the decomposition of the overall control task, a coordination layer is designed to influence non-iteratively the decision of local controllers towards the improvement of the overall economic performance. Finally, a cooperative distributed economic MPC formulation based on a periodic terminal cost/region is proposed. Such strategy guarantees convergence to a Nash equilibrium without the need of a coordinator and relies on an iterative and global communication of local controllers, which optimise in parallel their control actions but using a centralised model of the network.Resumen del poster presentado al XII Simposio Nacional y X Iberico de Maduracion y Postcosecha (POST18), celebrado en Badajoz del 4 al 7 de junio de 2018.Trabajo presentado al EGI Community Forum, celebrado en Bari (Italia) del 10 al 13 de noviembre de 2015.Trabajo presentado al III Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible (IberConappice), celebrado en Huesca del 17 al 20 de octubre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 8th International Symposium on Nanotechnology, Occupational and Environmental Health, celebrado en Elsinore (Dinamarca) del 29 de mayo al 1 de junio de 2017.Trabajo presentado en el Aquaculture Europe 16 (Food for Thought), celebrado en Edimburgo del 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting (Environmental protection in a multi-stressed world: challenges for science, industry and regulators), celebrada en Barcelona del 3 al 7 de mayo de 2015.Trabajo presentado en la XXV Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica celebrada en Alicante del 4 al 6 de junio de 2014.8 pages, 4 figures, 15 references.-- International Symposium on Olive Irrigation and Oil Quality, Nazareth, Israel.Trabajo presentado a la 2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI), celebrado en Sousse (Tunisia) del 10 al 13 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.he European Grid Initiative (EGI) provides a sustainable pan-European Grid computing infrastructure for e-Science based on a network of regional and national Grids. The middleware driving this production infrastructure is constantly adapted to the changing needs of the EGI Community by deploying new features and phasing out other features and components that are no longer needed. Unlike previous e-Infrastructure projects, EGI does not develop its own middleware solution, but instead sources the required components from Technology Providers and integrates them in the Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD). In order to guarantee a high quality and reliable operation of the infrastructure, all UMD software must undergo a release process that covers the definition of the functional, performance and quality requirements, the verification of those requirements and testing in production environments.Trabajo presentado al VI Workshop Probioticos, Prebioticos y Salud: Evidencia Cientifica, celebrado en Oviedo del 5 al 6 de febrero de 2015. Abstract en Nutricion Hospitalaria 31(suplemento 1): pagina 130.Comunicacion presentada en el 10th International Symposium on Reproductive Physiology of Fish, celebrado en Olhao, Portugal, del 25 al 30 de mayo de 2014A sterol esterase purified from cultures of the sapstain fungus Ophiostoma piceae was able to hydrolyse sterol esters and glycerides. The kinetics of sterol esters and triglyceride hydrolysis by this new esterase, estimated using a pH-stat, showed a Kmapp and a kcatapp in the range of 0.9–1.1 mM and 70–300 s-1, respectively. Its ability to hydrolyse both pure sterol esters and natural mixtures of saponifiable lipids from eucalypt wood was compared with those of commercial sterol esterases from other microbial sources. Its specific activity on sterol esters was higher than that found with all the commercial esterases assayed, and the highest hydrolysis of eucalypt sterol esters was also attained using the O. piceae esterase. This sterol esterase could be of biotechnological interest for the hydrolysis of sterol esters that form pitch deposits in paper pulp manufacturing.Tradicionalmente no ha sido fácil trabajar con los datos de satélite debido a la complejidad de los formatos, el tamaño de los propios datos y la necesidad de tener un software de lectura muy especializado. La motivación que hay detrás de éste proyecto ha sido la de desarrollar una interfase que facilite el uso de los datos satélite permitiendo un cierto nivel de manipulación y mejora de las imágenes. Generalizando, en teledetección, se puede pensar en dos tipos de usuarios de los datos satélites: los que necesitan trabajar con los datos brutos y aquellos que tienen suficiente con una visión cualitativa y, en definitiva, les basta con las imágenes de satélite procesadas. Es para estos últimos que se ha construido Revista de Teledetección. 2006. Número Especial: 105-108Forest fires are a major factor of disturbance in many terrestrial ecosystems, especially in European areas under Mediterranean type of climate. This is due to the confluence of specific climatic, ecological and socio-economic conditions. Fire produces important changes in soil organic matter (SOM) both qualitatively and quantitatively, which, in turn, affect relevant physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. These changes also affect a large number of related biotic and abiotic factors and processes. The main objective of this PhD Thesis is to deepen the knowledge of the impact of forest fires on SOM in relation to changes in soil water repellency, using advanced techniques of molecular analysis. Due to the high number of variables that may influence soil water repellency and the chemical alteration of organic matter after fire, we chose the sandy soils of the Donana National Park for this study, with well-known and relatively simple composition. In any case, we have followed the classical scheme of comparison of burnt soils with unaffected soils (control), under the same geomorphological and climatic characteristics. Water repellency is one of the main edaphic properties affected by forest fires. This physical property reduces the affinity of soil for water, which carries important hydrological, geomorphological and ecological consequences. Fire-induced changes of soil water repellency can be due to numerous factors, although it is generally accepted that the alteration of SOM and, in particular, of its more labile fraction (lipid fraction) is the main variable involved in this process. Due to their environmental implications, there are currently countless works on the effects of fire on SOM and water repellency, which are reviewed in chapter 1. However, the current state of knowledge shows some gaps and aspects insufficiently studied, due either to the complexity of the soil system or to the lack of adequate analytical techniques. Numerous scientific studies indicate that both the type of vegetation and the chemical composition of SOM strongly influence soil water repellency. These studies have focused mainly on the study of complete soils both at the surface and at different depths. However, available information on the influence of organic matter and vegetation on the degree of hydrophobicity of different soil physical fractions is limited. This aspect is studied in detail in chapter 3. In particular, the relation between soils under different vegetation cover, dominated by cork oaks (Quercus suber), eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum), pine (Pinus pinea) and rockrose (Halimium halimifolium), the amount and quality of organic matter, and water repellency in four particle sieve fractions (1-2, 0.25-1, 0.05-0.25 and <0.05 mm). We observed that the degree of water repellency was significantly different, both among soils under different vegetation cover and among different sieve fractions, with soils under cork oak showing the highest severity of water repellency. In addition, we found a clear relation between the amount of SOM and the degree of water repellency. On the other hand, the molecular analysis of the organic matter from sieve fractions by analytical pyrolysis techniques let us find a relation between the quality of MOS and soil water repellency, the presence of long-chained fatty acids and the degree of humification (evolution) of SOM in the different fractions. The impact of fire on water repellency and SOM was studied especially in soils under cork oaks, due to the greater organic contribution of this type of vegetation, the severe soil water repellency and its pyrophilic character. For the most detailed study, the number of studied sieve fractions was expanded to 6 (1-2, 0.5-1, 0.25-0.5, 0.1-0.25, 0.05-0.1 and <0.05 mm), including also the complete sample. It is known that impacts caused by forest fires on soils are related to changes in SOM. Fire favors the modification or formation of new chemical structures, besides contributing to mass outputs and inputs, such as the contribution of fresh biomass or more or less carbonized residues. This idea has predominated in the focus of a great number of research works, which have aimed to the study of complete soils or some of their horizons. However, the knowledge about the effect of fire on soil granulometric fractions is little known and that is why we consider some relevant questions, such as i) does the chemical composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions vary?, ii) does fire cause the same impact on all fractions?, or iii) what chemical reactions does fire induce in the different particle size fractions? In chapters 4, 5 and 6, we try to give answers to these questions, by means of detailed studies of the molecular composition of the organic matter present in the different fractions. With this aim, we used advanced analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry of isotopic relations of carbon and hydrogen (13C and 2H, respectively) (chapter 4), analytical pyrolysis (chapter 5) and ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry (chapter 6). The study of the isotopic composition of 13C confirms the existence of two compartments of organic matter with different degrees of evolution. The larger sieve fractions contain slightly evolved organic matter, impoverished in 13C and with δ13C values not different from leaf biomass, while finer fractions showed a more evolved organic material, enriched in 13C. Fire produced no changes in this trend, although an increase in the 13C content was observed in all affected fractions. This process may be explained by selective removal of light compounds (lower 13C content) or incorporation of charred residues. The study of the isotopic composition of 2H showed the existence of two differentiated water compartments in the upper centimeters of soil and dependent on the size of particles. No homogeneous behavior of the 2H composition after the fire was observed. The results obtained stimulated a more detailed study (chapters 5 and 6) of the molecular composition of SOM and the different reaction mechanisms induced by fire, focusing now on the fractions of larger (1-2 mm) and finer (<0.05 mm) sizes. For this, graphical tools such as the van Krevelen and Kendrick mass diagrams were used, as well as different indices or geochemical proportions (namely, the index of preferred carbon of short- and long-chained alkanes ratio, C<24/C≥24. The analysis of the SOM composition confirmed the existence of two different compartments of organic carbon in the first centimeters of soil with a different contribution of fire. In the larger fraction (1-2 mm), influenced by lignocellulosic material, fire produced a removal of lipid compounds and an increase of aromatics, with relatively high contribution of lignin-derived material. This may be due to a posteriori input of partially burnt material. On the other hand, humic compounds from the finer fraction, mostly formed by lipid and protein compounds, did not show significant variations after fire. However, an increase in exogenous pyromorphic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), was detected along with a relative increase of lignin-derived substances. The different molecular composition of studied fractions showed that fire induces different reactions depending on the quality of SOM. Variations in the preferential carbon index and in the proportion of long-chained alkanes aims to the existence of thermal cracking processes. In turn, fire-induced condensation contributed to the increased aromaticity of SOM. However, fire favored reduction reactions in the larger sieve fraction, with a decrease in the atomic O/C ratio but not affecting the H/C ratio. Therefore, it is possible that fire altered the outermost and accessible areas of the organic macromolecules, removing functional groups contaning oxygen but not altering the main molecular structures. Different scientific studies have highlighted an association between soil water repellency and SOM quality, particularly to the proportion and composition of certain lipid compounds. Chapter 7 aims to the study of the impact of fire on the lipid composition of organic matter from different sieve fractions of sandy soils under cork oaks and its relation with the changes in the degree of soil water repellency, using quantitative chromatographic techniques. The main results showed that the severity of water repellency in different sieve fractions varied significantly (p <0.05) after a fire. As observed in Chapter 3, we observed a relation between SOM quantity and quality and water repellency in burnt soils. The analysis of the lipid composition (acid and neutral compounds) confirmed the existence of two compartments of soil organic carbon, with fire causing different alterations in each of them. The proportion of long-chained faty acids increased in all burnt fractions except for the largest one (1-2 mm). This suggests the existence of a contribution of partially burnt material with a relatively high contribution of compounds derived from small-sized fatty acids, so confirming the exogenous contribution of charred cork residues. The decrease in both the quantity and the length of organic acid chains in the burnt larger sieve fraction confirms the existence of a thermal breakdown reaction. This cracking has also been observed in the n-alkane series. Finally, the comparative analysis of soil water repellency and related variables shows that water repellency depends on both the quantity and the quality of SOM and is strongly related to the presence of long-chained fatty acids. These may be considered as surrogate biomarkers of hydrophobicity in sandy soils.NGA was the recipient of a JAE-Predoc contract from Institut d’Investigacions Biome`diques de Barcelona-Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas (CSIC) (‘‘Junta para la Ampliacio´n de Estudios’’, partly funded by the European Social Fund of the European Union). CV was the recipient of a fellowship from ‘‘La Caixa’’ foundation. This study was supported by grants PI081396 and PI100378 from the Instituto Carlos III of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n of Spain. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.154 paginas.-- Tesis doctoral leida en el Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Tecnologias del Medio Ambiente de la Universidad de Zaragoza.161 Pags.- Tabls.- Figs. Tesis doctoral Univ. Zaragoza, Departamento de Ciencias Agrarias y del Medio Natural, realizada, bajo la direccion de los Drs. Yolanda Gogorcena y Juan Jose Barriuso, en la Estacion Experimental de Aula Dei (EEAD-CSIC) y en el Centro de de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon (CITA). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe (Adding value), celebrado en San Sebastian del 14 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado al VIII International Congress on Analytical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 3 al 5 de julio de 2017.-- et al.Resumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Green Chemistry (ISGC), celebrado en La Rochelle (Francia) del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st FEBS3+, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 23 al 26 de octubre de 2017.The spider fauna of Albania is still insuffi ciently studied. The present list was compiled after a critical review of the existing literature data and taxonomic review of some available collections. The study comprises 335 species from 36 families. In this number, 197 species are new to the spider fauna of the country. According to their current distribution the species can be assigned to 18 zoogeographical catego- ries, grouped into 5 complexes (Cosmopolitic, Holarctic, European, Mediterranean, Endemics). Dominant are Holarctic species (56.4%) followed by European (16.4%) and Mediterranean (16.2%). The endemics (8%) are also well presented and refl ect the local character of the fauna and the main role of the Balkan Peninsula in its origin and formation.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIVth Congress of the Spanish Biophysical Society, celebrado en Alcala de Henares (Madrid-Espana) del 11 al 13 de junio de 2014.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a las XXVI Jornadas Tecnicas SEAE y al X Seminario Agroecologia, Cambio Climatico y Agroturismo: “Innovacion Agroecologica y Cambio Climatico”, celebrado en Orihuela del 19 al 20 de ocubre de 2017.This document has been prepared in the framework of the project for supporting the establishment of MPAs in open seas, including deep seas, with financial support of the European CommissionPoster (P-EA-22) presentado en la XVIII Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cromatografia y Tecnicas Afines (SECyTA 2018), Granada, del 2 al 4 de Octubre de 2018.The expectations raised in the mid-1980s on the potential of genetic engineering for in situ remediation of environmental pollution have not been entirely fulfilled. Yet, we have learned a good deal about the expression of catabolic pathways by bacteria in their natural habitats, and how environmental conditions dictate the expression of desired catalytic activities. The many different choices between nutrients and responses to stresses form a network of transcriptional switches which, given the redundance and robustness of the regulatory circuits involved, can be neither unraveled through standard genetic analysis nor artificially programmed in a simple manner. Available data suggest that population dynamics and physiological control of catabolic gene expression prevail over any artificial attempt to engineer an optimal performance of the wanted catalytic activities. In this review, several valuable spin-offs of past research into genetically modified organisms with environmental applications are discussed, along with the impact of Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology in the future of environmental biotechnology.Advanced computing has become a crucial factor in most areas of science , in some cases may be as critical as the experimental observation . The data analysis and experimental validation of these needs by observation instruments (detectors , sensors, etc ... ) the ability to communicate and interact with computing resources and software tools capable of storing and formatting the scientists analyzed data . This multidisciplinary and collaborative environment is what is known as e- Science . In this work, several solutions have been developed to facilitate transparent access to distributed resources that allow scientists to access a limited specific training are presented herein . The problems that have been addressed have to do with interactivity in access to resources , and the design of workflows. This will be made up of various elements simulate complex systems that interact with each other. Throughout all the work we have collaborated with researchers in Nuclear Fusion and Astrophysics to implement solutions in real scientific computing environments for researchers. Several examples of complex workflows , which are prototypes of what will be a platform for simulation of plasma from a fusion reactor and analysis for the WBC / Planck experiment are presented . Thus we have demonstrated the versatility of the developed tools , when applied to more than one scientific discipline.During the last years biofuel fuel cells (BFCs) have attracted great interest due to their possible applications, especially as electrical power sources for in vivo or ex vivo applications. In BFCs enzymes can be used as biocatalysts for fuel oxidation at the anode and oxidant reduction at the cathode. The majority of EFCs use oxygen-reducing enzymes at the cathode, and glucose-oxidizing enzymes at the anode, as they are very common substrates present in most human physiological fluids. Two multi-copper oxidases, laccase and bilirubin oxidase, and cellobiose dehydrogenase have been studied as possible biocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction and glucose oxidation, respectively. Laccases usually exhibit higher activity at acid pH and they are more inhibited in the presence of chloride ions than bilirubin oxidase. Therefore, native laccases have been engineered by directed evolution for obtaining mutants that show activity also under physiological conditions, and cysteine residues have been introduced by site-directed mutagenesis for oriented immobilization on gold electrodes. The major aim of the Thesis has been the development of biocathodes as they represent the rate-limiting part of the BFC due to the low O2 availability in human body. The development of the bioelectrodes was carried out paying special attention to the different electrode materials and immobilization strategies used to manufacture the biodevices. Indeed, a good immobilization strategy enhances the long-term stability of the biodevice while achieving efficient wiring of the enzyme. Additionally, a larger surface area of the support material allows higher enzyme loading, therefore increasing the current density developed. Gold nanorods, macroporous gold, indium tin oxide and carbonaceous materials have been used for this purpose, obtaining current densities up to 1.5 mA/cm2 for bioelectrocatalytic O2 reduction. Direct electron transfer (DET) based systems are preferred as some possible drawbacks of using mediators are overcome and allow making the miniaturization of the BFC easier. For these reason, all the immobilization strategies presented were developed in order to optimize DET between the enzyme and the electrode surface. Combination of a conventional BFC with electrochemical capacitors is also presented in order to overcome the limitations of both systems, achieving a maximum power output of 0.6 µW at an operating voltage of 0.15 V. This hybrid biodevice was also tested in ex vivo conditions by connecting it directly to the dorsal venous of a human volunteer.Financial support for this study was provided by the Comunidad Autonoma of Madrid (Spain) and European funding from FEDER program (research project S2013/ABI-3028, AVANSECAL-CM). Dra. Gema Flores thanks CSIC for her JAE-Doc contract.The problem of achieving common understanding between agents that use different vocabularies has been mainly addressed by designing techniques that explicitly negotiate mappings between their vocabularies, requiring agents to share a meta-language. In this paper we consider the case of agents that use different vocabularies and have no meta-language in common, but share the knowledge of how to perform a task, given by the specification of an interaction protocol. For this situation, we present a framework that lets agents learn a vocabulary alignment from the experience of interacting. Unlike previous work in this direction, we use open protocols that constrain possible actions instead of defining procedures, making our approach more general. We present two techniques that can be used either to learn an alignment from scratch or to repair an existent one, and we evaluate experimentally their performance.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting, celebrado en Bruselas (Belgica) del 7 al 11 de mayo de 2017.This work was supported by the project AGL2012-40128-C03-01 and EU-FEDER funds from the Spanish government.espanolLos margenes de los campos reciben muchas denominaciones locales (linderos, ribazos, etc.) y pueden ser motivo de preocupacion para los agricultores por albergar especies arvenses que pueden devenir infestantes del cultivo. Pero su estudio tambien ha reflejado que pueden ser beneficiosos si albergan diversidad vegetal, la que atraeria a su vez diversidad animal. Estudios recientes realizados en Espana arrojan resultados aparentemente contradictorios y por este motivo se realiza una descripcion de la tipologia de margenes existentes en Espana. Se constata que las diferencias de anchura, altura y pendiente entre margenes, el tipo de vegetacion cercano, asi como la intensidad de la perturbacion que se ejerce en ellos son posiblemente los principales factores que explican porque algunos margenes albergan especies potencialmente nocivas (malas hierbas) y otros no. EnglishThe field margins receive many local names and can cause trouble to farmers if they host weeds that can infest the nearby fields. But their study has shown that they be beneficial if they harbor vegetal diversity, which can attract animal diversity. Recent studies conducted in Spain show apparently contradictory results an due to this, a description of the margin types found in this country is shown in this communication. We confirm that differences in margins width, height and slope, the type of natural vegetation in the area and the disturbance intensity on the margins are probably the main factors explaining why some margins host potentially harmful plant species (weeds) and others do not.22nd IMEKO TC4 International Symposium & 20th International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing, 14-15 September 2017, Iasi, Romania.-- 6 pages, 8 figures, 1 tableXIX Seminario Iberico de Quimica Marina (SIQUIMAR), VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageSAF2016-77703-C2-2-R of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); AGAUR 2017-SGR-106 and the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya; R. Copas and C. Sanfeliu belong to Group 05 of CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica (CIBERESP) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, SpainResumen del poster presentado al I Congreso Interdisciplinar en Genetica Humana, celebrado en Madrid del 25 al 28 de abril de 2017.-- et al.Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Trabajo presentado a la Dynamics of Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Final Conference celebrada del 6 al 8 de abril de 2011 en Maastricht (Paises Bajos).Compared to machines, humans are intelligent and dexterous; they are indispensable for many complex tasks in areas such as flexible manufacturing or scientific experimentation. However, they are also subject to fatigue and inattention, which may cause errors. This motivates automated monitoring systems that verify the correct execution of manipulation sequences. To be practical, such a monitoring system should not require laborious programming.Trabajo presentado en el 18th International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF. 40 years of research in fish nutrition), celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 3 al 7 de junio de 2018.Comunicacion oral presentada en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Abstracts book pag. 14 (2019)Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado a la 21st Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, celebrada en Madison, Wisconsin (US) del 5 al 9 de junio de 2016.3 paginas, 3 tablas.- Trabajo presentado al: XVIII Jornadas sobre Produccion Animal AIDA. Zaragoza, Espana, 7-8 mayo 2019.5 paginas.-- 3 figuras.-- 2 tabla.-- 8 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentadoa en el XIV Simposio Internacional Hispano-Portugues de Relaciones Hidricas en Plantas de la Sociedad Espanola y Portuguesa de Fisiologia Vegetal.“La fisiologia como valor anadido para la comercializacion”Trabajo presentado al 48th West European FishTechnologists Association Meeting (WEFTA), celebrado en Lisboa (Portugal) del 15 al 18 de octubre de 2018.Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The synthesis of the 5-hydroxyproline derivatives 3a and 3b using cyclobutane serine analogs 1 and 2 as starting materials is reported. This process occurs with moderate cis/trans selectivity. A mechanism for this reaction is also proposed. Cyclobutane serine analog 1 was tested in tandem Michael and Wittig-like reactions, providing some evidence of the mechanism proposed.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto “El Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales entre 1939 y 1985: de la disgregacion a la reunificacion en su contexto nacional e internacional” (Ref. HAR2016-76125-P).Trabajo presentado en Aquaculture Europe 19 (Our future, growing from water), celebrado en Berlin del 7 al 10 de octubre de 2019.Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 19th International Symposium on Deep Seismic Profiling of the Continents and their Margins (SEISMIX 2020), celebrado del 15 al 19 de marzo de 2020 en AustraliaTrabajo presentado en la 12th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA), celebrada en Sacaramento (US) del 20 al 23 de julio de 2014.Resumen del poster presentado a la European Human Genetics Conference, celebrada en Barcelona (Espana) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2016.-- et al.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Cientifica Anual del Centro de Investigacion Biomedica En Red de Enfermedades Raras, celebrada en San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) los dias 12 y 13 de marzo de 2015.Poster presentado en la 34th Annual International Conference on Thermoelectrics (ICT) y en la 13th European Conference on Thermoelectrics(ECT), celebradas en Dresden del 28 de junio al 2 de julio de 2015.Poster presentado en la 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela, Oclober 2-4, 2019Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito dos projetos Metalurgia Primitiva no Territorio Portugues – EARLYMETAL (PTDC/HIST-ARQ/110442/2008) e Espacos Naturais, Arquiteturas, Arte rupestre e Deposicoes na Pre-historia Recente da Fachada Ocidental do Centro e Norte Portugues: das Acoes aos Significados - ENARDAS (PTDC/HISARQ/112983/2009), financiado pelo Programa Operacional Tematico Factores de Competitividade (COMPETE) e comparticipados pelo Fundo Comunitario Europeu FEDER. Os autores agradecem a Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) as bolsas individuais (SFRH/ BD/65143/2009) e (SFRH/BPD/73245/2010) concedidas a Joao Fonte e Elin Figueiredo, respetivamente, e o apoio financeiro concedido ao CENIMAT/I3N atraves do Projecto Estrategico LA25/2013-2014 (PEst-C/CTM/LA0025/2011); a Joe Horst os esclarecimentos gentilmente cedidos sobre as condicoes de achado; a empresa Metais Jaime Dias, S.A. e ao Dr. Normando Ramos a possibilidade do uso do equipamento de FRX portatil para o estudo preliminar da colecao metalica e a equipa do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, o tratamento e fotografia do conjunto.13 GLOSSARY OF RELEVANT TERMS 17RS received support from the Czech Ministry of Culture (project MK00002327201) and from the SYNTHESYS Programme (project ES-TAF-1249), financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP7 “Capacities” Programme at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC).Poster presentado en el XII Congreso de los Grupos de Investigacion Enologica (GIENOL 2013, Nuevas perspectivas en investigacion vitivinicola), celebrado en Madrid del 18 al 21 de junio de 2013.Trabajo presentado al Delft Software Days, celebrado en Netherlands del 5 al 16 de noviembre de 2018.Trabajo presentado al Spanish JRU EGI-ENGAGE meeting celebrado en Madrid el 23 de febrero de 2015.The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.Este trabajo se centra en la sintesis de nuevos nanohibridos dador-aceptor (D/A) de politiofeno solubles en medios acuosos y en la elucidacion de la interaccion electronica entre las unidades D/A como en el funcionamiento de los nanohibridos en forma de peliculas delgadas en aplicaciones optoelectronicas. Utilizando tecnicas de auto-ensamblaje in-situ de politiofeno en presencia de diferentes nanomateriales como son el oxido de grafeno, puntos cuanticos de semiconductores o laminas de dicalcogenuros de metales de transicion se ha conseguido la formacion de complejos de transferencia de carga, solubles en agua y con superiores propiedades electronicas de relevancia para el desarrollo de dispositivos optoelectronicos basados en peliculas delgadas210 Pags.- Figs.- Fots.- Tabls. Tesis realizada en la Unidad de Suelos y Riegos (Unidad Asociada EEAD-CSIC). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),Este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de ERAWATCH, una iniciativa conjunta de la Direccion General de Investigacion de la Comision Europea y el Instituto de Prospectiva Tecnologica (IPTS).La investigacion ha sido posible gracias a la financiacion del Proyecto 2091 de la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia y del Proyecto P08-SEJ-03981 de la Junta de Andalucia.Oral presentation given at the 16th European Microscopy Congress, held in Lyon (France) from August 28th to September 2nd, 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.Master 2° Annee Biologie, Ecologie, Evolution (M2 BEE). Universite de Poitiers. Faculte des Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquees.Santiago de Compostela, Facultade de Quimica,17-21 julio 2017. -- http://www.bienalrsef2017.com/bienalrsef17/The work is under the scope of the following projects: Cargo-ANTS: Cargo handling by Automated Next generation Transportation Systems for ports and terminals.Seminario: Arquitectura saadi. Marruecos siglos XVI-XVII. EEA, CSIC, LAAC (Granada), 12 y 13 de abril de 2018.Trabajo presentado en el LV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espanola de Ceramica y Vidrio, celebrado en Sevilla (Espana), del 5 al 7 de octubre de 2016Poster presentado en el First Joint Meeting on Soil and Plant System Sciences (SPSS 2019) Natural and Human-induced Impacts on the Critical Zone and Food Production. Bari, Italy 23-26 September 2019Trabajo presentado en el V Workshop The cultivation of the Soles, celebrado en Faro (Portugal) del 5 al 7 de abril de 2011.Web tematica.-- Proposito: divulgativo.-- Estado del proyecto: actualizacion continua.-- Fecha de la consulta: 2018-01-08.Trabajo de investigacion desarrollado por el ingeniero Juan Antonio Moreno-Cid Mora para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Trabajo presentado en la XXVI Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Quimica, celebrada en Punta Umbria, Huelva (Espana) del 14 al 17 de junio de 2016.Trabajo presentado en la European Conference on Xylella 2017 (Finding answers to a global problem), celebrada en Palma de Mallorca del 13 al 15 de noviembre de 2017.We introduce the logics E(G) for reasoning about probabilistic expectation over classes G of games with discrete polynomial payoff functions represented by finite-valued Lukasiewicz formulas and provide completeness and complexity results. In addition, we introduce a new class of games where players’ expected payoff functions are encoded by E(G)-formulas. In these games each player’s aim is to randomise her strategic choices in order to affect the other players’ expectations over an outcome as well as their own. We offer a logical and computational characterisation of this new class of games.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation-FEDER grants AGL2009-08339/AGR and AGL2015-71386-R.Trabajo presentadso en la Jornada de divulgacion y presentacion en Espana del Proyecto POnTE (Plagas que amenazan a los cultivos y los bosques de Europa. El caso de Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar), celebrada el 14 de diciembre de 2016 en Madrid.4 paginas.-- 1 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 3 referencias.-- Comunicacion presentada en el >VII Congresso Iberico das Ciencias do Solo (CICS 2016) y VI Congresso Nacional de Rega e Drenagem> que decorreu no Instituto Politecnico de Beja de 13 a 15 de Setembro de 2016.
Archive | 2015
Alejandro Ferrero; Berta Bernad; J.L. Velázquez; Alicia Pons Aglio; M. Hernanz; P. Jaanson; Francisco M. Martínez-Verdú; Elizabet Chorro; Esther Perales; Joaquín Campos Acosta
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a common paradigm for learning tasks in robotics. However, a lot of exploration is usually required, making RL too slow for high-level tasks. We present V-MIN, an algorithm that integrates teacher demonstrations with RL to learn complex tasks faster. The algorithm combines active demonstration requests and autonomous exploration to find policies yielding rewards higher than a given threshold Vmin. This threshold sets the degree of quality with which the robot is expected to complete the task, thus allowing the user to either opt for very good policies that require many learning experiences, or to be more permissive with sub-optimal policies that are easier to learn. The threshold can also be increased online to force the system to improve its policies until the desired behavior is obtained. Furthermore, the algorithm generalizes previously learned knowledge, adapting well to changes. The performance of V-MIN has been validated through experimentation, including domains from the international planning competition. Our approach achieves the desired behavior where previous algorithms failed.Trabajo presentado a las XXI Jornadas de la Asociacion de Economia de la Educacion, celebradas en Oporto (Portugal) del 5 al 6 de Julio de 2012.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Eleventh International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers and International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques for Sample Preparation celebrados en Brujas (Belgica) del 26 al 29 de enero de 2010.Resumen del trabajo presentado al 1st Iberian Meeting on Separation Sciences and Mass Spectrometry (XIX Conference of the Spanish Society of Chromatography and Related Techniques - IX Conference of the Spanish Society of Mass Spectrometry - VI Conference of the Mass Spectrometry Group of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry), celebrado en Santiago de Compostela del 8 al 11 de octubre de 2019.La presente Tesis aborda el estudio de la oxifuncionalizacion enzimatica de diferentes compuestos alifaticos lineales (acidos grasos, alcoholes grasos y alcanos/alquenos) y ciclicos (esteroides y secosteroides), catalizada por diferentes peroxigenasas fungicas (en presencia de H2O2 como co-sustrato) incluyendo las peroxigenasas salvajes de Agrocybe aegerita (AaeUPO) y Marasmius rotula (MroUPO) y la peroxigenasa recombinante de Coprinopsis cinerea (rCciUPO). La evaluacion de la conversion de los distintos sustratos asi como la identificacion de los productos de reaccion se llevo a cabo mediante Cromatografia de Gases acoplada a Espectrometria de Masas (GC-MS) y en algunos casos Resonancia Magnetica Nuclear (RMN). Por otro lado, el mecanismo de reaccion de dichas oxifuncionalizaciones enzimaticas se estudio utilizando H2 18O2 como cosustrato. Finalmente, con el objeto de investigar diferentes aspectos de las relaciones estructura-funcion de las peroxigenasas se realizaron estudios computacionales utilizando el programa PELE (Protein Energy Landscape Exploration). En terminos generales, las peroxigenasas fungicas AaeUPO y rCciUPO catalizaron la oxifuncionalizacion selectiva de los diferentes compuestos alifaticos lineales estudiados. Se observo que rCciUPO resulto ser mas eficiente que AaeUPO hidroxilando los diferentes acidos grasos (saturados e insaturados) ya que consiguio mayor grado de conversion de los sustratos (en las mismas condiciones de reaccion) aunque con ambas enzimas se observo que dicho grado de conversion dependia de la longitud de la cadena del acido graso. Por otro lado, ambas enzimas dieron lugar a los mismos productos de reaccion que fueron principalmente derivados monohidroxilados (en las posiciones ɷ-1 y ɷ -2) de los acidos grasos, tanto saturados como insaturados. Sin embargo, con el acido miristoleico, se observo una estricta regioselectividad en las reacciones de ambas enzimas formandose exclusivamente el isomero monohidroxilado en la posicion ɷ -2. Se estudiaron ademas, las reacciones de varios esteres de acidos grasos con las enzimas AaeUPO y rCciUPO observandose tambien la formacion de derivados monohidroxilados en las posiciones ɷ -1 y ɷ -2. En cuanto a los alcoholes grasos, ambas enzimas fueron capaces de transformar estos compuestos en igual medida. Como productos principales de la reaccion se obtuvieron los acidos grasos correspondientes, asi como derivados hidroxilados en las posiciones ɷ -1 y ɷ -2 de los alcoholes y de los acidos. En las reacciones enzimaticas ealizadas con los alcanos se obtuvieron diferentes productos monohidroxilados en las posiciones ɷ -1 y ɷ -2, y dihidroxilados en las posiciones 2,( ɷ -1); 2,( ɷ -2) y 3, (ɷ -2). Se observo que la predominancia de los derivados mono- o dihidroxilados esta relacionada con la concentracion de acetona presente en el medio de reaccion. Cabe mencionar que la obtencion enzimatica de dioles a partir de alcanos reviste gran interes industrial y se deposito una patente internacional (WO 2013/004639 A2) que se ha incluido en la Tesis. Por otro lado, tambien se estudio la oxifuncionalizacion selectiva de diferentes compuestos esteroidales (esteroles libres y esterificados, y cetonas e hidrocarburos esteroidales) por las peroxigenasas rCciUPO, AaeUPO y MroUPO. En general se observo una mayor reactividad de la rCciUPO (seguida de AaeUPO) que de la MroUPO frente la mayoria de estos compuestos esteroidales, excepto con el pregnano (que solo fue hidroxilado por la MroUPO). La hidroxilacion catalizada por estas peroxigenasas tuvo lugar en la cadena lateral (principalmente en la posicion C-25) en la mayoria de los compuestos estudiados. Solo se observo hidroxilacion en el anillo (ademas de en la cadena lateral) en los compuestos esteroidales con dobles enlaces conjugados en C-3 y C-5 (ademas de en el pregnano). En esta Tesis se ha demostrado la hidroxilacion regioselectiva de la vitamina D (vitamina D3 y D2) por las peroxigenasas rCciUPO y AaeUPO, en la posicion C-25. La hidroxilacion de estos secosteroides reviste gran interes industrial ya que ademas de que la reaccion trascurre con una alta regioselectividad en todos los casos (100% con rCciUPO) la 25-hidroxitamina D se considera mejor agente terapeutico para diferentes enfermedades que la propia vitamina D y tambien tiene aplicacion en alimentacion animal. Con el fin de estudiar el mecanismo de la oxifuncionalizacion enzimatica de los diferentes compuestos alifaticos mencionados, se llevaron a cabo reacciones de los mismos en presencia de H2 18O2, y se observo que el atomo de oxigeno introducido por las enzimas en los diferentes sustratos proviene del H2O2 (y no del O2) demostrandose la actividad peroxigenasa de las enzimas en estas reacciones de hidroxilacion. Finalmente, un enfoque combinado mediante estudios experimentales y computacionales permitio demostrar que no existe un unico factor que determine el perfil de hidroxilacion del sustrato por la enzima, sino que es el resultado de la suma de muchos factores estructurales, tanto sobre la molecula del sustrato como del sitio activo de la enzima. En el caso particular de los esteroides (que fueron los compuestos estudiados en mayor profundidad) estos factores incluyen el caracter polar/apolar de los grupos sustituyentes en las posiciones C-3/C-7 del anillo, la presencia/ausencia de dobles enlaces en el anillo esteroidal, y la longitud y caracteristicas de la cadena lateral que afectan a la entrada del sustrato en el sitio activo de la enzima por C-25. En conclusion, las peroxigenasas estudiadas en esta Tesis (rCciUPO, AaeUPO y MroUPO) representan una alternativa sostenible a la sintesis quimica ya que catalizan la oxifuncionalizacion selectiva de diferentes compuestos alifaticos (tanto lineales como ciclicos) de interes en la industria quimica y farmaceutica, en presencia de H2O2 como unico co-sustrato.Agradecemos al Prof. Bohlman (Universidad Tecnica, Berlin) y al Dr. F. M. Dean (Robert Robinson Laboratories, Liverpool) por los envios de los espectros de IR y RMN de obliquinina y del hidrato de obliquinina respectivamente. Uno de nosostros (O. Pino) agradece al C.S.I.C. una Beca de Formacion del Personal Investigador.Fotografias del yacimiento, proceso de excavacion y detalles del sitio Tunel VII. Anos: 1989Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de la influencia de los parametros reologicos y de procesamiento sobre la microestructura y consistencia de chips multicapa de PZT obtenidos mediante un proceso de colado en cinta. Para ello se han realizado medidas de viscosidad de distintas barbotinas con diferente contenido en solidos y su relacion con el espesor y densidad en verde de las cintas obtenidas, se han identificado los puntos criticos del ciclo de quemado-sinterizacion y, mediante MEB se ha estudiado la microestructura en verde de las laminas coladas y la microestructura final de los chips multicapa fabricados.Resumen del trabajo presentado a las 14as Jornadas de Analisis Instrumental celebradas en Barcelona (Espana) del 1 al 3 de octubre de 2014.Poster presentado en el XXIV Congreso de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles, celebrado en Zaragoza del 18 al 21 de octubre de 2015.The use of hyper-variable markers across species is often hindered by low cross-species amplification success, a reduced level of polymorphism or a high frequency of null alleles. However, optimizing sets of reliable and informative markers that can be consistently amplified and scored across taxa is key to address questions about patterns of genetic diversity and structure, hybridization and speciation. Here we present 14 newly developed microsatellite markers in the Spined toad (Bufo spinosus), assess their polymorphism in two Iberian populations and test for cross-species amplification in the closely related Common toad (Bufo bufo). We then use the 12 loci co-amplifying in both species to the study of a morphologically intermediate population (Moyaux) from the contact zone in northwest France as well as reference populations of the two species from both sides of the contact zone. Individuals from Moyaux had mtDNA haplotypes of the two species and were identified as hybrids in analyses with software NewHybrids. These results provide solid evidence for ongoing hybridization between B. bufo and B. spinosus, with no apparent restrictions to gene flow.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES. Matilde Canelles Lopez participa en el proyecto BIFISO, PIE CSIC-COV19-027, financiado por el CSIC, para la lucha contra la COVID-19 en el marco de la PTI Salud Global. Maria Mercedes Jimenez Sarmiento participa en el proyecto BIFISO, PIE CSIC-COV19-027, financiado por el CSIC, para la lucha contra la COVID-19 en el marco de la PTI Salud Global. Nuria Eugenia Campillo participa en el proyecto BIFISO, PIE CSIC-COV19-027, financiado por el CSIC, para la lucha contra la COVID-19 en el marco de la PTI Salud Global.125 paginas.-- 24 figuras.-- fotos.-- 72 referencias.-- Memoria del XXVIII Curso Internacional de Edafologia y Biologia Vegetal, 1991La elaboracion de este articulo se inscribe dentro del Proyecto “Filosofia de las tecnociencias sociales y humanas” (FFI2008-03599) del Plan Nacional I+D+i (2009-2011), y del Proyecto Intramural del CSIC “Discapacidad, envejecimiento y calidad de vida”.Las particulas exopolimericas son substancias de naturaleza polisacaridica producidas principalmente por fitoplancton y procariotas heterotroficos. Estas pueden autoensamblarse en particulas de mayor tamano y, cuando su flotabilidad es negativa, son exportadas hacia el oceano profundo contribuyendo con ello a la bomba biologica de carbono. En esta tesis hemos descrito la distribucion de particulas exopolimericas en los oceanos Atlantico, Indico y Pacifico y en el mar Mediterraneo, y hemos valorado su papel en la exportacion de carbono hacia el oceano profundo. Por otro lado, hemos determinado la produccion de particulas exopolimericas por procariotas heterotroficos tanto en aguas superficiales como en aguas profundas asi como la respiracion de la materia organica en la zona mesopelagica (200-1000 m de profundidad). Esta region es clave en la mineralizacion del carbono organico que transita desde la superficie hacia las profundidades del oceano. Se han realizado dos campanas oceanograficas: una primera circumnavegacion a lo largo de los oceanos Atlantico, Indico y Pacifico (Expedicion Malaspina-2010) y otra a lo largo del mar Mediterraneo (Hotmix-2014). En la primera campana oceanografica observamos que las concentraciones maximas de particulas exopolimericas aparecian recurrentemente por encima de la profundidad del maximo de clorofila y que geograficamente aparecian en las zonas proximas a los afloramientos (por ejemplo Benguela, Domo de Costa Rica, Gran Bahia Australiana y en las zonas de divergencia ecuatorial). Consecuentemente, el mejor predictor de la distribucion de particulas exopolimericas fue la produccion primaria. Nuestro estudio tambien indica que el flujo descendente de particulas exopolimericas es la via principal de entrada de estas hacia el oceano profundo. Sin embargo, tambien debe existir sintesis de novo por procariotas heterotroficos en el oceano profundo que justifique los elevados valores de transferencia de exopolimeros estimados entre la zona mesopelagica y batipelagica (>1000 m de profundidad). Por tanto, los procariotas heterotroficos no solo participan activamente mineralizando la materia organica durante su transito por la zona mesopelagica hacia el fondo sino que tambien pueden generar sustratos polisacaridicos y particulas exopolimericas en aguas profundas. Esto explicaria los tiempos de residencia cortos (de meses a anos) encontrados y que sugieren una naturaleza semilabil. La estimas del contenido de carbono en forma de particulas exopolimericas en el oceano global es de 4.8 Pg C, es decir, entre un 25% y un 40% del carbono organico particulado. El flujo global de particulas exopolimericas a profundidades superiores a los 1000 m se estimo en 0.4 Pg C ano-1, comparable a las estimas medias globales de flujo de carbono organico particulado hacia la zona batipelagica. En la segunda campana oceanografica nuevamente encontramos que las concentraciones maximas de particulas exopolimericas aparecian por encima del maximo de clorofila en la cuenca oeste del Mar Mediterraneo y en la region Noreste del oceano Atlantico, particularmente cerca del estrecho de Gibraltar. La distribucion geografica de particulas exopolimericas pudo explicarse mayoritariamente por la actividad del fitoplancton, aunque los procariotas heterotroficos tambien resultaron ser relevantes en determinar su distribucion, no solo en superficie sino tambien en las zonas profundas, particularmente en el agua Levantina Intermedia. Por lo tanto, la distribucion de particulas exopolimericas en el Mediterraneo profundo esta controlada, en parte, por el flujo descendente de particulas, siendo mayor en la cuenca oeste y en la region Noreste del oceano Atlantico. Esta tesis contribuye a arrojar luz sobre el papel crucial de las particulas exopolimericas en la bomba biologica del oceano y sobre el papel desempenado por los procariotas heterotroficos en su dinamica.Thesis developed by Mohamed Ameen Poyli for the degree of doctor of philosophy in physics.Memoria presentada por Elena Molina Hernandez para la obtencion del grado de Doctora en Ciencias Biologicas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.El proyecto de investigacion que se recoge en esta publicacion ha sido posible gracias a la colaboracion del CSIC con RENFE y la Fundacion de los Ferrocarriles Espanoles.Se ha realizado un estudio comparativo de la microestructura, las propiedades electricas y piezoelectricas de un material ceramico PZT tipo-5A sin modificar y modificado con un exceso de Nb2O5. Mediante Microscopia Electronica de Barrido se observa que el PZT modificado presenta una estructura mas heterogenea. Se han caracterizado las propiedades dielectricas y piezoelectricas de los materiales con y sin adicion de Nb2O5 y se ha determinado la influencia de la presencia de fases secundarias sobre la variacion de la Temperatura de Curie y el desplazamiento de la composicion del PZT debido a la extraccion de PbO desde la matriz de PZT.Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona.-- 2 pages, 4 figuresTrabajo presentado en el Congreso Iberoamericano de Hidrogeno y Pilas de Combustible, celebrado en Barcelona (Espana) del 15 al 17 de octubre de 2014.Una valva de Mytilus y una voluta, ambas de la coleccion Gusinde en el MVV, estan inventariadas, la primera como recipiente para colorantes y la otra como recipiente para bebidas. En Leningrado habia una voluta y dos valvas de Mytilus no modificadas (intercambio con la Universidad de BBAA). Senaladas como “yamana”. Finalmente en el MHP, habia dos ejemplares de Mytilus de la Mission Scientifique sin modificacion, pero marcados “para cuchillo”.L. J. Martinez and I. Prieto thank an I3P fellowship from the CSIC and projects IST-2-511616-NOE (PHOREMOST) and NMP4-CT-2004-500101 (SANDIE), Spain-Italy Integrated Action HI2004- 0367/IT2304, projects NAN2004-08843-C05-04, TEC-2005-05781-C03-01, NAN2004-09109-C04- 01, CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 (CSD2006- 00019).Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES.Teratologies are frequent among vertebrates, but with differing prevalence among groups. For in- stance, cases of bicephaly are extremely scarce in amphibians, in contrast with other groups, like reptiles. Here we report the first case of bicephaly in Lissotriton boscai. The anomaly is a consequence of the duplication of the skeleton axis and the subsequent development of most of the cephalic structures in each axis, with heads fused at the level of the cranial post-otic structures. Despite its young age and small size, the larva pre- sents an advanced stage of development. The low frequency of cases of bicephaly among amphibians can be a consequence of high mortality rates in early stages, but it could also reflect differences in the developmental properties between vertebrate lineages.We describe an exact inference-based algorithm for the MinSAT problem. Given a multiset of clauses θ, the algorithm derives as many empty clauses as the maximum number of clauses that can be falsified in θ by applying finitely many times an inference rule, and returns an optimal assignment. We prove the correctness of the algorithm, describe how it can be extended to deal with weighted Min-SAT and weighted partial MinSAT instances, analyze the differences between the MaxSAT and MinSAT inference schemes, and define and empirically evaluate the MinSAT Pure Literal Rule.Our thanks go to Dr Ken Wagner of Thompson Rivers University for his time and assistance in proofreading this manuscript and to Dr Hazel Barton of the University of Akron for her insights and for sharing her latest and yet-to-be published work with us. NC was supported by TRU Research Innovation Funds. CSJ was supported by CSIC project 201230E125.The project COINVENT acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET-Open Grant number: 611553. The IIIA part of this work has been funded by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. 567652/ESSENCE: Evolution of Shared Semantics in Computational Environments.Fernando Bayon es miembro del Proyecto de Investigacion «Memoria cultural e identidades fronterizas. Entre la construccion narrativa y el giro iconico» [FFI2008-05054-C02-01], que se desarrolla en el IFS-CCHS/CSIC, bajo la direccion de J.M.a Gonzalez Garcia.2 ficheros .pdf copias de 1) Resumen ampliado del poster en Libro de actas y 2) Poster original de los autores (9 Fots.- 3 Figs.). Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).Los autores agradecen al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) y Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche (CNR), su ayuda economica dentro del convenio de colaboracion CSIC-CNR para el bienio (2001-2002). Dr. Lopez Manchado agradece al Ministerio e Ciencia y Tecnologia la concesion de un contrato dentro del Programa Ramon y Cajal.Los adipocitos marrones fetales de rata en cultivo primario han demostrado ser un buen modelo experimental para la realizacion de estudios de proliferacion y diferenciacion celular. Nuestros resultados han dejado bien establecido que los adipocitos marrones fetales presentan esta dualidad de funciones, habiendo sido inducidos a un programa de proliferacion con factores de crecimiento individuales asi como con diversas combinaciones mitogenicas. La glucosa 6 fosfato deshidrogenasa, enzima limitante de la via de las pentosas fosfato es un marcador de proliferacion en nuestro sistema celular. La expresion genetica de esta enzima se induce en presencia de los factores que han resultado ser mitogenicos para los adipocitos marrones fetales en cultivo primario. Asimismo estas celulas, previa su quiescencia, han sido reinducidas a un programa de ..Trabajo presentado en el WG4/WG1 Meeting COST Action CM1201: Biomimetic Radical Chemistry, celebrado en el Puerto de la Cruz (Tenerife) del 1 al 3 de octubre de 2014.Objectives: The aim of this study was to characterize the physico-chemical properties of cocoa fibre (CF), to analyze its polyphenolic content and antioxidant capacity in vitro, and to investigate the effect of the administration of a polyphenolic extract of this cocoa fiber on the antioxidant capacity of the serum in rats. Methods and materials: Dietary fiber (DF) composition and polyphenolic (PP) content of the cocoa fiber were analyzed. The antioxidant capacity of the CF was determined by means of its reduction power (FRAP) and the capacity to scavenge free radicals (ABTS·+). To evaluate the bioavailability and the antioxidant capacity in vivo of the phenolic compounds of CF, an extract of these compounds was administred in the stomach of the rats with a gastric probe (100 mg PP/kg), taking blood samples at different time intervals. Sera were analyzed by HPLC to determine the presence/absence of PP or PPmetabolites. In orther to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the serum FRAP and ABTS methods were used. Results: Cocoa fiber was an excellent source of DF, with a high content of total dietary fiber (TDF), over 60% of the dry matter, made up mainly of insoluble dietary fiber (IDF; 83% of TDF). This fiber had just 1,15% of polyphenols, with low antioxidant activity. After intragastric administration of the PP-rich fraction a fast and measurable absorption of the CF polyphenols was observed, being epicatechin the main PP in blood. The absorption of this PP confers a significant, although transitory increase of the serum antioxidant capacity 10-45 minutes post-gavage; after this time, the antioxidant capacity progressively decreased reaching basal levels after 6 h. Conclusions: Cocoa fiber can be considered as an excellent source of DF, mainly insoluble dietary fiber; therefore, it could be used as an ingredient in fiber-rich functional foods. Besides the benefits derived from its high fiber content, the CF would provide protection against oxidative damage by means of its content in pheespanolEn este trabajo se ha buscado la implementacion de una alternativa al metodo de Otsu (1979) desarrollada por Hui-Fuang Ng (2006), el cual maximiza la diferencia entre varianzas espectrales y realiza una busqueda multiumbral. En el estudio se emplearon imagenes procedentes de vehiculos aereos no tripulados (UAVs) tomadas en cultivos de maiz y girasol. Con una unica ejecucion del algoritmo en un entorno de analisis orientado a objetos, se discriminan aquellos objetos correspondientes a la fraccion vegetal del suelo desnudo y se estima un umbral diferenciador entre cultivo y malas hierbas que contribuya a un subsiguiente proceso de clasificacion. La tecnica de Hui-Fuang detecto un mayor porcentaje de vegetacion en todos los casos estudiados, oscilando el incremento entre un 3% y un 20%. EnglishThis works aimed to implement an alternative to Otsu’s method (1979) developed by Hui- Fuang Ng (2006), which maximizes the difference between spectral variances and performs a multithreshold seeking. Unmanned aerial images taken in maize and sunflower crops were used in the research. In a single algorithm execution applied to an Object Based Image Analysis environment, the objects corresponding to both the vegetation fraction and bare soil are discriminated and a threshold to separate crop from weeds was also estimated, making easier a subsequent classification process. Fui-Huang’s technique provides a higher percentage of vegetation detection in all the cases, with an improvement which ranges from 3% to 20%.espanolRecientemente se han producido, en nuestro pais, multiples caidas de bloques de hielo de hasta 3 kg, algunas de ellas impactando violentamente contra coches e instalaciones de distinto tipo. Aunque se trata de un fenomeno inusual, existen abundantes referencias y algunos estudios que se han recogido en la bibliografia cientifica. En este trabajo se expone el estado actual del tema, se describen los principales antecedentes y la fenomenologia de muchas otras caidas recientes, algunas de ellas coincidentes con las ocurridas en Espana. Por ultimo, se indican algunas de las principales hipotesis geneticas planteadas. EnglishRecently, blocks of ice have been falling from Spain’s clear skies. These lumps of ice were sizeable, weighing up to 3 kg. Although the falls are very unusual, many other previous cases have been described, and some references have been published in the scientific journals. This paper summarises the “state-ofthe-art”, and describes other outstanding similar falls, which are coincidental with those occurred in Spain. Finally, the main genetic probable scenarios are indicated.Tesis Doctoral presentada por Esperanza Maria Esquinas Tarifa para optar al grado de doctor por la Universidad de Valladolid, Facultad de Medicina (Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular y Fisiologia); Instituto de Biologia y Genetica Molecular (IBGM).-- Sujeta a Licencia Creative Commons.Trabajo presentado a las I Jornadas Cientificas del CIAL celebradas el 5 de junio de 2014 en Madrid.XIII Reunion Iberica de Algas Toxicas y Biotoxinas Marinas (REDIBAL 2018) - XIII Reunion Iberica de Fitoplancton Toxico - XIII Iberian Toxic Algae and Marine Biotoxins Meeting, VI Simposio Internacional de Ciencias del Mar - VI International Symposium of Marine Sciences (ISMS 2018), 20- 22 June 2018, Vigo.-- 1 pageResumen del trabajo presentado al VI Meeting de la Red Espanola de Canales Ioniocs (RECI), celebrado en Santiago de Compostela del 6 al 8 de septiembre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 15th JCF Fruhjahrssymposium (Congreso de Jovenes Investigadores de la Sociedad Alemana de Quimica) celebrado en Berlin (Alemania) del 6 al 9 de marzo de 2013.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el “Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC) mediante los proyectos CSIC 200550F0191, AGL2007-63314/ALI y MALTA CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00045Trabajo presentado en la IX Reunion de la Sociedad Espanola de Cultivo in vitro de Tejidos Vegetales (2011), celebrada en Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife (Espana), del 26 al 29 de abril de 20116 paginas, 2 tablas.--Trabajo presentado a las: XLI Jornadas Cientificas y XVII Jornadas Internacionales de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. (Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Espana, 14-16 septiembre, 2016).El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es hacer del cuerpo una herramienta util para el estudio de las identidades de las personas del pasado. Partiendo de la base de que el cuerpo es un elemento clave en cualquier estudio sobre la persona, se trataria de hacer una arqueologia de la corporalidad para acercar este potencial a las sociedades prehistoricas sin caer en el error de trasladar las condiciones actuales a las del pasado. El cuerpo, por tanto, demanda todo un ejercicio de deconstruccion, no solo del concepto sino de la concepcion que se tenga del mismo y de su papel en la creacion y recreacion de la persona en la Prehistoria. Es por ello que gran parte de los esfuerzos de esta tesis se han dirigido a intentar reconstruir las condiciones que pudieron conformar ese contexto prehistorico. Por un lado, se ha recurrido a los instrumentos de la Arqueologia de la Identidad que propone la profesora Almudena Hernando: para equiparar un determinado contexto de desarrollo socio-economico, con unas formulas de orden y representacion del mundo concretas. Y por otro, se ha profundizado en el marco mental, vivencial y ontologico que supone desenvolverse en unas condiciones de completa oralidad, mas cercanas a aquellas que predominarian en el pasado prehistorico. La revision de textos antropologicos sobre sociedades actuales cuyas condiciones de vida pueden aproximarse a aquellas en las que vivieron las sociedades prehistoricas, cierra el circulo interpretativo que ayuda reconstruir un contexto de estudio aproximado sobre el que recrear un modelo de corporalidad alternativo al nuestro y mas cercano al preterito. De aqui nacen las propuestas que plantea la tesis doctoral: - La necesidad de abandonar cualquier enfoque que entienda como reales conceptos o ideas independientemente de su reproduccion practica: en la Prehistoria no es posible concebir el cuerpo como concepto, es decir, como una realidad objetiva susceptible de ser pensada mas alla de la propia persona. - Se asume que una realidad que no puede ser pensada, unicamente puede ser actuada: la persona, en este sentido, no puede concebir su existencia mas alla de aquello que hace. - La implicacion ontologica que alcanza el cuerpo en tales condiciones es total, hasta el punto de poder decir que si la persona es accion, esto equivale a suponer que la persona es toda cuerpo. - Se trataria de entender a las personas de la Prehistoria como sujetos narrativizados, esto es, unicamente definidos a partir del lenguaje de la accion y de las disposiciones de su cuerpo. - En un contexto oral de creciente complejizacion socio-economica, podria decirse que existe una relacion estructural entre el ‘descubrimiento’ del cuerpo como escenario de expresion subjetiva y procesos de autoconciencia e individualizacion: esto se deduce de una mayor atencion prestada al cuerpo y de cierto proceso de abstraccion que sufre la imagen del ‘cuerpo del guerrero’, erigida en momentos de tension socio-politica como simbolo de poder y, por tanto, separada de su inmediatez performativa. Esta tesis trabaja directamente sobre los procesos ontogenicos del sujeto prehistorico, abordados desde la corporalidad y la performatividad de su ser-en-el-mundo. La imposibilidad de desdoblar un discurso enteramente referenciado en el cuerpo de otro asentado en la razon, lanza una nueva perspectiva interpretativa a cualquier estudio que trate de indagar sobre la constitucion del sujeto prehistorico. En este sentido, la naturaleza proyectiva de esta tesis impide llegar al diseno de un metodo o a la creacion de un modelo. Las propuestas planteadas se contentan con abrir un camino para seguir perfeccionando las herramientas que conducen a una mejor interpretacion del pasado. En este sentido, su caracter teorico cumple con el proposito de favorecer el aprendizaje, siempre ineludible, que acompana a la investigacion. [ABSTRACT]The origin and purpose of this PhD thesis is to make the body a useful tool for those studies dedicated to investigating the different ways of being a person in Prehistory. Assuming the body is an essential component of the study of identity in any context, this study aims at devising an Archaeology of corporeality in order to bring its potential to the study of prehistoric societies without extending present conditions to the past. Therefore, the body demands a deconstruction exercise, not only about the concept of “body” but of its perception and the role it possesses in the construction and reconstruction of person in Prehistory. Consequently, most of the efforts have been directed to reconstruct the conditions that could define that prehistoric context. On one hand, I turned to the instruments that Archaeology of Identity and Professor Almudena Hernando purpose to compare particular socio-economic contexts with certain ways of representing and organizing reality. And on the other hand, I analyzed the intellectual, existential and ontological consequences that means to live under the conditions of Orality, closer to those that prevailed in Prehistory. The review of anthropological texts about current societies whose life conditions can be compared to those under which lived prehistoric groups, closes the interpretative circle that helps to reconstruct an approximate context from which recreate an alternative corporeality model to the present and closer to the past. The research results have given rise to the proposals that follow: - The need to abandon any approach that understands concepts or ideas as real beyond their practical performance: in Prehistory it is not possible to conceive body as a concept, that is, as an objective reality likely to be thought apart from person. - It is assumed that a reality that can not be thought can only be acted or displayed: person, in this sense, can not conceive his or her existence apart from what he or she does. - The ontological implication the body reaches in such conditions is complete, to the point to say that if person is action, this is equivalent to assume that person is all body. - The aim is, therefore, to understand prehistoric people as narrativized subjects, that is, only defined by the language of action and body dispositions. - In an oral context of increasing socio-economic complexity, it can be assumed that there is a structural relation between the ‘discovery’ of the body as a scene of subject expression and processes of self-awareness and individuation: this is confirmed by an increase of attention to the body, as well as by the process of abstraction that leads to the creation of the image of ‘warrior’s body’, emphasized in moments of high socio-political tension as power symbol separated of its practical immediacy. This thesis works directly on the ontological processes of prehistoric subject, addressed through corporeality and the performativity of its being-in-the-world. The inability to separate a discourse entirely referred to the body from another settled in Reason, proposes a new interpretative perspective to any study focused on the construction of prehistoric subject. In this sense, the projective nature of this nature of this thesis prevents the design of a method or the creation of a model. Instead, the proposals open a way to further improve the tools that lead to a better interpretation of the past. This way, its theoretical character serves the aim of learning, indispensable in any research exerciseWeb search engines gather information from the queries performed by the user in the form of query logs. These logs are extremely useful for research, marketing, or profiling, but at the same time they are a great threat to the user�s privacy. We provide a novel approach to anonymize query logs so they ensure user k-anonymity, by extending a common method used in statistical disclosure control: microaggregation. Furthermore, our microaggregation approach takes into account the semantics of the queries by relying on the Open Directory Project. We have tested our proposal with real data from AOL query logs.Trabajo presentado al Wine and Health Meeting, celebrado en Logrono (Espana) del 16 al 18 de septiembre de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 35o Encuentro GEEFSM (Groupe d’Etudes sur l’Eco-pathologie de la Faune Sauvage de Montagne), celebrado en Cofrentes, Muela de Cortes (Espana) del 1 al 4 de junio de 2017.Memoria presentada por Almudena Garcia-Ruiz para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos y que ha sido realizada en el Departamento de Biotecnologia y Microbiologia de Alimentos del Instituto de Investigacion en Ciencias de la Alimentacion (CIAL).Memoria presentada en la Universidad de La Rioja para optar al grado de Doctor en Quimica por Alegria Caballero Millan en Mayo de 2012.-- Bajo Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3-0 Unported.Poster presentado al: 10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH).--Herbivore nutrition supporting sustainable intensification and agro-ecological approaches.-- p. 683. 2-6 de septiembre de 2018. Clermont-Ferrand (Francia).Este trabajo ha sido financiado por diferentes proyectos de investigacion: CYTED N° XI.24; ALIBIRD S-0505/AGR/000153 de la Comunidad de Madrid; CONSOLIDER Ingenio 2010 (FUN-C-FOOD) CSD 2007-00063 del Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia; y PIF-SIALOBIOTIC 200870F0101 del CSIC.Comparadas con los motores de combustion interna, las pilas de combustible de intercambio de protones (PEMFC) son capaces de operar sin emisiones de agentes contaminantes. El aumento de la temperatura de operacion de la pila de combustible por encima de 100oC es uno de los grandes objetivos en este campo ya que facilitaria el desarrollo comercial de los vehiculos electricos impulsados por pilas de combustible. Las membranas hibridas organico-inorganicas nanoestructuradas combinan las propiedades necesarias para este tipo de aplicacion. Se obtuvieron membranas hibridas dopadas con acido fosfowolframico (PWA) por copolimerizacion radicalica a partir de alquilalcoxidos y monomeros de estireno y metacrilato, y por reaccion sol-gel via catalisis acida. La conductividad protonica se logra realizando un proceso de sulfonacion de anillos aromaticos para producir grupos SO3H unidos al anillo. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la sulfonacion y el dopado de las membranas con PWA sobre las propiedades de la membrana, tales como la estabilidad quimica y termica, retencion de agua, capacidad de intercambio ionico y conductividad protonica. Las medidas de conductividad muestran aumento al aumentar la temperatura y la cantidad de grupos SO3H, hasta valores de 3.2 10-3 S/ cm a 130oC y 100%HR.During the time of the elaboration of this dissertation I have enjoyed a scholarship from the program >Junta para la Ampliacion de Estudios-JAE Predoctoral para la Formacion y Especializacion de Personal Investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas>. The work has been financed by projects from the Spanish Government ARIDERO (CGL2005-03912) and ROSMARINUS (CGL2009-07262).Paper presented at Workshop on New Trends on Topological Insulators that took place in Sant Feliu de Guixols (Girona, Spain) during 3-6th June 2013.El Instituto Nacional de Estadística ofrece desde su web información general y detallada de los Censos de Población y Viviendas de 2011. Mediante tablas predefinidas el usuario puede consultar información de personas, edificios, viviendas, hogares, parejas y núcleos, y población residente en establecimientos colectivos. En otro apartado ofrece información mediante sistemas avanzados de consulta, que consisten básicamente en tablas a medida, que puede construir el usuario, y ficheros de microdatos.Trabajo presentado en el 9th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties, and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, celebrado en Belgrado (Serbia) del 08 al 13 de junio de 2014.Trabajo de investigacion presentado por David Gonzalez Barrio para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.Poster presentado a la International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics celebrada en Kosice (Slovak Republic) del 12 al 14 de junio de 2012.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES.Memoria presentada por Sara Orellana Munoz para optar al Grado de Doctor en Biologia (“Mencion Internacional”) por la Universidad de Salamanca (dentro del Programa de Doctorado de Biologia Funcional y Genomica).32 paginas.-- 11 figuras.-- 57 referencias.-- Memoria del XXXI Curso Internacional de Edafologia y Biologia Vegetal, 1994Grupo 5: Valor social.-- Programa de investigacion para la conservacion preventiva y regimen de acceso de la cueva de Altamira (2012-2014).Trabajo presentado en el I Encuentro de Jovenes Investigadores de la Sociedad Espanola de Catalisis (SECAT), celebrado en Malaga (Espana) del 22 al 24 de junio de 2014.Resumen: Se revisa tanto material de museo como bibliografico y se aportan datos sobre nuevas poblaciones de Dociostaurus crassiusculus en la Peninsula Iberica. La especie esta declarada como rara en el catalogo de especies protegidas espanolas, y en peligro de extincion, sensible a las alteraciones del habitat, en la Comunidad de Madrid. Encontramos poblaciones muy puntuales y reducidas de esta especie, pero numerosas, sometidas a grandes fluctuaciones en habitats con vegetacion gipsofila y halofila, en particular en reservas naturales de lagunas hipersalinas de Castilla-La Mancha y alrededores. Sugerimos la necesidad de proteccion y su inclusion en el catalogo regional de especies protegidas de esa comunidad por ser con seguridad reservorio iberico principal de esta especie. Palabras clave: Orthoptera, Acrididae, Dociostaurus crassiusculus, conservacion, gipsofilia, lagunas hipersalinas, pseudoestepa, Castilla-La Mancha, Peninsula Iberica. Dociostaurus crassiusculus (Pantel, 1886) (Orthoptera: Acrididae), rare in the Iberian Peninsula, with local populations at special interest sites of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES.Grupo 5: Valor social.-- Programa de investigacion para la conservacion preventiva y regimen de acceso de la cueva de Altamira (2012-2014).Trabajo presentado en la Third International Legume Society Conference ILS3 2019 (Legumes for human and planet health), celebrada en Poznan (Polonia) del 21 al 24 de mayo de 2019.La presente Tesis Doctoral se presenta en la modalidad de compendio de publicaciones por Da Elena Galan Garcia para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad de Zaragoza.11th Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks was hold in Cracow, Poland from 19th to 23rd September 2016 ; http://lacona11.org/Trabajo presentado al IX Congreso CyTA-CESIA, celebrado en Madrid del 16 al 19 de mayo de 2017.Trabajo presentado al 17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF) y al 7th European Meeting on High Pressure Technology, celebrados en Ciudad Real (Espana) del 8 al 11 de abril de 2019.This study was funded by the CSIC (Project 201540E007) and Junta de Andalucia (Project P12-AGR-1419)Son documentos en pdf que corresponden a las anotaciones de campo que se recogian duramte la excavacion ordenados por cuadriculas y dentro de ellas por subunidades sucesivas de excavacion: coordenadas tridimensionales de los limites y reticulos de profundidades y esquema de las unidades estratigraficas, la composicion y descripcion de matriz y del proceso de excavacion. Asimismo tipo de muestras y fotografias tomadas. Coordenadas tridimensionales de los objetos extraidos. En algunos casos ilustracion esquematica de superposiciones estratigraficas.8 paginas.- Contribucion en el VI Seminario de Judia y en el Seminario sobre la eficiencia del sistema simbiotico Phaseolus-Rhizobium celebrado en la Estacion Experimental del Zaidin (CSIC, Granada) los dias 25 y 26 de Octubre de 2016.I gratefully acknowledge the JAE-predoc scholarship from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC).Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage, Bilbao, May 2 - 6, 2017. -- https://addi.ehu.es/handle/10810/25806Trabajo presentado en el VII Congreso de mejora genetica de plantas, celebrado en Zaragoza (Espana) entre los dias 16 y 18 de septiembre de 2014.- 2 paginas y 1 tabla.6 paginas.- 4 figuras.- 16 referencias.- La revista se puede ver completa en el enlace http://www.interempresas.net/Flipbooks/HC/349/html5forpc.htmlWe present an infrastructure in which HPC resources from the Amazon Web Services public cloud are combined with specific grid resources at Ibergrid. The integration is done transparently for the GridWay users through a daemon which permanently monitors the pool of available resources and submitted jobs, managing virtual instances for satisfying the demand under budget restrictions. The study has been proved with a specific application from the Xmipp package, which performs image processing from electron microscopy data and requires heavy high-throughput computing offering parallelization capabilities. The application was ported successfully for such a hybrid framework with the help of the MPI-Start package. Some preliminary results from test runs are presented for a controlled sample of thousand input images. Some inconveniences and troublesome aspects of the deployment are also reported.El trabajo para la elaboracion de este articulo ha podido ser realizado gracias a la beca asociada al proyecto «Sociedad Civil y gobernanza de la ciencia y la tecnologia en Espana», financiado por la FECYT y el CSIC.Resumen del poster presentado a la VIII Reunion Microbiologia del Medio Acuatico celebrada en Vigo del 14 al 16 de septiembre de 2010 y organizada por la Sociedad Espanola de Microbiologia.Trabajo presentado a la 3rd International Conference on FoodOmics (2013) celebrada en Roma (Italia) del 22 al 24 de mayo de 2013.This work was financed by Flora Iberica project (CGL2008-02982-C03-01/CLI), and by a Ph.D. grant (JAE-Pre, CSIC).Campylobacter es considerado a escala mundial como el mayor patogeno bacteriano causante de enfermedades gastrointestinales asociadas a alimentos, siendo las aves y en especial el pollo la principal fuente de infeccion en humanos. Teniendo en cuenta que una gran parte de la produccion mundial de pollos se encuentra contaminada con el patogeno y debido a la reciente prohibicion en la Union Europea de los antibioticos promotores del crecimiento en la alimentacion animal, resulta fundamental la busqueda de nuevas estrategias naturales que permitan disminuir la incidencia de esta bacteria en la cadena alimentaria, primordialmente en su principal hospedador. Se cree que la habilidad de Campylobacter de establecerse en el tracto gastrointestinal de los pollos conlleva su adherencia, primero a la capa de mucus que recubre el intestino y posteriormente, a las celulas epiteliales intestinales. Como paso final, una vez adherida de manera especifica e irreversible, la bacteria debe invadir dichas celulas. Debido a lo anterior, el uso de agentes que logren evitar la adherencia y/o invasion del patogeno a nivel del hospedador, resulta una opcion de interes en la lucha contra Campylobacter. Otra estrategia alternativa a valorar es la inclusion en la dieta de bacterias probioticas capaces de competir por nutrientes y por los sitios de adherencia en el mucus y las celulas, de producir sustancias nocivas contra el patogeno y de modular la respuesta inmune. De igual manera, el uso de compuestos antimicrobianos de origen natural en la alimentacion de los pollos parece ser otra estrategia alternativa para afrontar este problema. En el presente trabajo se estudiaran las diferentes estrategias mencionadas, encaminadas a lograr la erradicacion o la disminucion de la presencia de Campylobacter en pollos, con miras al control de este patogeno dentro de la cadena alimentaria humana.450 paginas. en dos volumenes.-- Memoria presentada en el VII Curso Internacional de Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada, en SevillaTesis doctoral inedita. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de . Fecha de lectura: 27-11-2009Hemos analizado 10 horquillas multiapuntadas en los museos: 1 en el MEMV, 1 en el MEPGL (col. Univ BBAA=yamana), 1 en MVB (Mallmann=Tierra del Fuego), 1 en el y 6 en el MHP (Mission Scientifique =yamana). Otras dos son modelos yamana (MPEPGL intercambio BBAA y BMML - Holmested). Tambien existen horquillas bifurcadas: cuatro ejemplares en el MHP (col. Mission Scientifique-Yamanas): 2 completas, una sin mango y un mango que esta fichado como perteneciente a una de estas horquillas. Una rama de Nothofagus con una bifurcacion en uno de los extremos de la coleccion Mallmann del MVB esta rotulado como Tierra del Fuego y “palo para cangrejos”.Submitted to the Department of Condensed Matter Physics in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.-- Thesis Committee: Prof. Rosa Lopez Gonzalo, Prof. Alfredo Levy Yeyati, Prof. Karsten Flensberg, Prof. Pascal Simon and Dr. Sebastian Bergeret.Trabajo presentado al 5th international interdisciplinary meeting on bioanalysis celebrado en Brno (Republica Checa) del 24 al 25 de noviembre de 2008.Trabajo presentado en el XIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura, celebrado en Barcelona del 21 al 24 de noviembre de 2011.Resumen del trabajo presentado al Seminar Ingenio (CSIC-UPV) celebrado en la Universidad Politecnica de Valencia el 18 de octubre de 2016.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas aporta financiacion como institucion fundacional de The Conversation ES.Capitulo 1 del libro presentado en la IV Reunion Plenaria de la Red de Excelencia Consolider: Procarse, celebrada en Caceres del 4 al 5 de octubre de 2017, que recoje los trabajos realizados por los grupos de investigacion en los tres anos de duracion de la Red.Fotografias de una muestra de vertebras y huesos de las extramidades de lobo marino. Se incluyen tambien fotografias de trazas sobre estos huesos.Memoria presentada para optar al titulo de Doctor otorgado por la Universidad de Cantabria por Raul Fernandez Cobos y que ha sido realizada en el Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria.Resumen del trabajo presentado al XIV International Meeting of the European Calcium Society: Calcium Signaling in Renaissance, celebrado en Valladolid (Espana) del 25 al 29 de septiembre de 2016.Wood is the main renewable material on Earth and is largely used as building material and in paper-pulp manufacturing. This review describes the composition of lignocellulosic materials, the different processes by which fungi are able to alter wood, including decay patterns caused by white, brown, and soft-rot fungi, and fungal staining of wood. The chemical, enzymatic, and molecular aspects of the fungal attack of lignin, which represents the key step in wood decay, are also discussed. Modern analytical techniques to investigate fungal degradation and modification of the lignin polymer are reviewed, as are the different oxidative enzymes (oxidoreductases) involved in lignin degradation. These include laccases, high redox potential ligninolytic peroxidases (lignin peroxidase, manganese peroxidase, and versatile peroxidase), and oxidases. Special emphasis is given to the reactions catalyzed, their synergistic action on lignin, and the structural bases for their unique catalytic properties. Broadening our knowledge of lignocellulose biodegradation processes should contribute to better control of wood-decaying fungi, as well as to the development of new biocatalysts of industrial interest based on these organisms and their enzymes.La autora de esta memoria ha disfrutado de una ayuda del programa JAE Predoc para la formacion del personal investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo. Los trabajos que componen esta memoria han sido financiados por los Ministerios de Ciencia e Innovacion (MICINN; AGL2008-04805) y de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO; AGL2011-23700).Trabajo presentado en EuropaCat: 11th European Congress on Catalysis, celebrado en Lyon (Francia) del 1 al 6 de septiembre de 2013.Over the last decades Disability Rights Movement (DRM) has opened to public debate the predicament of disabled people. Expressions such as Disability Culture or Disability identity are becoming common in an effort to assimilate the challenges that people with disabilities face in western society. The article discusses the strengths and the limitations of the multicultural paradigm to assess the situation of people with disabilities.Electric-arc-obtained single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been chemically activated by treatment with KOH. It results in a development of porosity without destroying the SWNTs entangled structure. The chemically activated sample shows a specific capacitance of ca. 100 F·g, maximum energy density of 4 Wh·kg and maximum power density of 300 W·kg. The electrochemical response of the chemically activated sample is compared with the response found in the raw sample and in a physically activated sample. Introduction Carbon materials with high surface area are, in principle, appropriate as electrode materials for electrochemical double layer (ECDL) capacitors. In fact, it is well known that the capacitance is associated with the electrical charge at the electrode-electrolyte interface and thus that magnitude depends on the extent of the surface area. In accordance with this, activated carbons seem to be suitable electrode materials for ECDL capacitors because of their high surface area, (BET surface values can be higher than 2500 m·g). Most of the commercially available supercapacitors contain activated carbons as electrodes. On the other hand, carbon nanotubes were soon probed as active electrode materials for ECDL capacitors with initial promising results [1] . Good behavior can be expected from multi walled (MWNTs) and single walled (SWNTs) nanotubes due to their low mass density, morphology, mechanical properties [2] and porous structure. Moreover, values of specific capacitance that are comparable to those exhibited by high area activated carbons can be strikingly reached with carbon nanotubes, although these present lower BET surface areas. This effect is observable at moderately high current drains and it is probably due to the SWNTs structure in form of entangled network and to the mesoporosity that is usually present in the samples [3]. Conventional activation methods for carbons can be applied to develop surface in carbon nanotubes. Chemical activation methods using KOH as reagent are known to lead to very high BET surface areas. MWNTs obtained by means of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) have been previously activated with KOH treatment and an enhancement of specific capacitance has been observed, the increase being up to six times the original value (from 15 to 90 F·g) [4]. On the other hand, previous studies in mineral activated carbons [5] and carbon fabrics [6] indicate that the enhancement of specific capacitance after KOH activation is mainly due to surface development but also to the introduction of oxygen containing groups that improve the wettability of the material and can produce some pseudocapacitance contribution. In the preset work, SWNTs have been chemically activated with KOH and the effect of this activation on the electrochemical behavior has been studied. Specific capacitance, energy density and power density have been measured and compared with those obtained in raw SWNTs and in air oxidized SWNTs. The entangled structure of the SWNTs, which probably favors the electrolyte diffusion, remains after KOH activation. The chemically treated SWNTs show better electrochemical performance compared to the other two samples.Tesis doctoral de la Universidad de Leon y el Instituto de Ganaderia de Montana (IGM-CSIC). Leon, 19 de junio del 2019.Memoria de tesis doctoral presentada por Carmen Herrero Navarro para obtener el titulo de Doctora en Oceanografia por la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), realizada bajo la direccion del Dr. Antonio Garcia-Olivares Rodriguez del Institut de Ciencies del Mar (ICM-CSIC).-- 220 pagesResumen del trabajo presentado al International Symposium on Immunonutrition (10th Anniversary), celebrado en Madrid (Espana) del 17 al 19 de julio de 2017.Memoria presentada por Merichel Plaza del Moral para optar al grado de Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos.La replicacion y la transcripcion del ADN suceden al mismo tiempo y en la misma molecula de ADN de modo que su correcta interaccion asegura la duplicacion precisa del material genetico. La replicacion del ADN se debe tambien coordinar con otros eventos del ciclo celular, como la segregacion de los cromosomas replicados para, de este modo, mantener la estabilidad del genoma. La transcripcion forma hibridos de ARN:ADN, estructuras intermediarias transitorias que son degradadas por unas enzimas denominadas ribonucleasas H (RNasaH). Los ?R-loops? de triple hebra son formas termodinamicamente estables de los hibridos de ARN:ADN cuya acumulacion puede comprometer la replicacion e integridad del genoma. La replicacion del ADN se inicia durante la fase S a partir de origenes de replicacion bien definidos y requiere la actividad de primasas especializadas para generar cebadores de ARN para la sintesis del ADN. No obstante en procariotas como el bacteriofago T7 o plasmidos de E.coli, y en el ADN mitocondrial, los hibridos ARN:ADN pueden iniciar replicacion fuera del origen. En esta tesis, describimos por primera vez en un genoma eucariota la formacion de intermediarios de replicacion que indican una iniciacion de replicacion mediada por hibridos ARN:ADN en el ADN ribosomico de S. cerevisiae. Estos eventos de replicacion no programadas son dependientes de la transcripcion e inducidos por el aumento de estres torsional como consecuencia de la eliminacion de la actividad de Top1. Nombramos este proceso replicacion iniciada por transcripcion (TIR pos sus siglas en ingles) y sugerimos que estos eventos pueden ser altamente mutagenicos siendo de particular relevancia en enfermedades geneticas asi como para la evolucion. Mediante analisis genetico demostramos que las celulas que no poseen actividades RNasaH depende de las vias de reparacion de dano en el ADN de la recombinacion homologa y la reparacion post-replicativa para enfrentarse a los impactos perjudiciales de los R-loops. De particular importancia es el hecho que el complejo MRC1, un mediador del checkpoint replicativo, es fundamental para tolerar la falta de actividad de RNasaH. Nuestros datos indican que el ?bypass? replicativo de los R-loops podria depender de la estabilidad de las horquillas de replicacion mediada por Mrc1 pero independiente de Rad53 o puede apuntar a un papel novedoso y sin definir del complejo MRC1. Por ultimo, demonstramos que los R-loops provocan dificultades en la segregacion de los cromosomas y la organizacion nucleolar. Como consecuencia, decrece la accion de la fosfatasa Cdc14 (un factor clave en la salida de mitosis) y, en concordancia, observamos un misregulacion de las ciclinas de tipo B. Asi, la acumulacion de R-loops lleva a una entrada prematura en la fase S y promueven eventos apoptoticos. En estudios previos se ha relacionado la ausencia de la actividad RNasaH con mortalidad embrionaria en ratones que no poseen RNasaH1 y la enfermedad neurologica del sindrome de Aicardi-Goutieres (AGS) en humanos que no poseen RNasaH2. Los hallazgos presentados en esta tesis amplian este conocimiento y destacan la importancia del procesamiento de los R-loops en la estabilidad del genoma y la evolucion.This research has received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the European Union FEDER under project grant SYNBIOCONTROL (DPI2017-82896-C2-2-R) and the CSIC intramural project grant MOEBIUS (PIE 202070E062). The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study, the collection and analysis of the data or in the writing of the manuscript.This paper studies the advance of the /ʎ/-/ʝ/ merger (yeismo) from the 1930s in territories linguistically considered transitional between northern and southern Castilian, in rural speeches from the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Its starting point is the Atlas Linguistico de la Peninsula Iberica (ALPI) maps, and the paper published on them by Tomas Navarro Tomas, comparing them to those from the Atlas Linguistico y etnografico de Castilla-La Mancha (ALeCMan) and from the Atlas Dialectal de Madrid (ADiM). Our results allow us to confirm the unstoppable progress of the /ʎ/-/ʝ/ merger and the geographical direction of the change.83 paginas.-- 81 figuras.-- 38 tablas.-- 19 referencias.-- Memoria presentada en el XX Curso Internacional de Edafologia y BiologiaResumen del trabajo presentado al Joint FEPS & XXXVI Spanish Physiological Society Congress (Sociedad Espanola de Ciencias Fisiologicas) celebrado en Santiago de Compostela (Espana) del 8 al 11 de septiembre de 2012.
Organic Process Research & Development | 2018
Alejandro Ferrero; J.L. Velázquez; Alicia Pons Aglio; Joaquín Campos Acosta
Archive | 2017
Joaquín Campos Acosta; Alejandro Ferrero; Berta Bernad; J.L. Velázquez; E. Borreguero; M. Hernanz
Archive | 2017
Alejandro Ferrero; Alicia Pons Aglio; J.L. Velázquez; Joaquín Campos Acosta; M. Hernanz
Archive | 2017
Alicia Pons Aglio; Alejandro Ferrero; J.L. Velázquez; Joaquín Campos Acosta; M. Hernanz
Archive | 2016
Alejandro Ferrero; Berta Bernad; Joaquín Campos Acosta; Esther Perales; J.L. Velázquez; Francisco M. Martínez-Verdú
Archive | 2016
J.L. Velázquez; Alejandro Ferrero; Alicia Pons Aglio; Joaquín Campos Acosta; M. Hernanz; E. Borreguero; Berta Bernad
Archive | 2016
J.L. Velázquez; Alejandro Ferrero; Alicia Pons Aglio; Joaquín Campos Acosta; M. Hernanz; E. Borreguero; Berta Bernard