
RSC Advances | 2013

Coexistence of magnetic and electrical order in the new perovskite-like (C3N2H5)[Mn(HCOO)3] formate

B. Pato-Doldán; L. C. Gómez-Aguirre; J. M. Bermúdez-García; M. Sánchez-Andújar; A. Fondado; J. Mira; S. Castro-García; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

In this work we further the structural characterization of the recently discovered (C3N2H5)[Mn(HCOO)3] metal–organic framework with perovskite-like structure, and we present its magnetic and dielectric properties up to 350 K. At low temperature, the C3N2H5+ imidazolium cations, that sit oblique within the cavities of the [Mn(HCOO)3]− framework structure, show a cooperative order resulting in an antiparallel arrangement of their electrical dipole moments. Very interestingly, it is only above 220 K that thermal energy seems to be able to break this antiferroelectric order, resulting in a linear increase of its dielectric constant with temperature. In addition, this Mn(II) compound is antiferromagnetic below TN = 9 K, with a slightly non-collinear arrangement of its magnetic moments, yielding to a weak ferromagnetism. Therefore, this is a new multiferroic material which exhibits coexistence of magnetic and electric ordering.

Inorganic Chemistry | 2015

Role of temperature and pressure on the multisensitive multiferroic dicyanamide framework [TPrA][Mn(dca)(3)] with perovskite-like structure

J. M. Bermúdez-García; M. Sánchez-Andújar; S. Yáñez-Vilar; S. Castro-García; Ramón Artiaga; Jorge López-Beceiro; Luis Botana; Ángel Alegría; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

A multistimuli response to temperature and pressure is found in the hybrid inorganic-organic perovskite-like [TPrA][Mn(dca)3] compound, which is related to a first-order structural phase transition near room temperature, Tt ≈ 330 K. This phase transition involves a transformation from room temperature polymorph I, with the noncentrosymmetric space group P4̅21c, to the high temperature polymorph II, with the centrosymmetric space group I4/mcm, and it implies ionic displacements, order-disorder phenomena, and a large and anisotropic thermal expansion (specially along the c-axis). As a consequence, [TPrA][Mn(dca)3] exhibits a dielectric anomaly, associated with the change from a cooperative to a noncooperative electric behavior (antiferroelectric (AFE)-paraelectric (PE) transition). The former implies an AFE distribution of electric dipoles in polymorph I, related to the described off-shift of the apolar TPrA cations and the order-disorder of the polar dca ligands mechanisms, that are different from those reported, up to now, for others perovskite-type hybrid compounds. Such cooperative electric order, below Tt ≈ 330 K, coexisting with long-range antiferromagnetic ordering below T = 2.1 K render the [TPrA][Mn(dca)3] a new type-I multiferroic material. In addition, the obtained experimental results reveal that this compound is also a multistimuli-responsive material, with a very large sensitivity toward temperature and applied external pressure, δTt/δP ≈ 24 K kbar(-1), even for small values of pressure (P < 2 kbar). Therefore, this material opens up a potential interest for future technological applications, such as temperature/pressure sensing.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 2016

Multiple phase and dielectric transitions on a novel multi-sensitive [TPrA][M(dca)3] (M: Fe2+, Co2+ and Ni2+) hybrid inorganic–organic perovskite family

J. M. Bermúdez-García; M. Sánchez-Andújar; S. Yáñez-Vilar; S. Castro-García; Ramón Artiaga; Jorge López-Beceiro; L. Botana; A. Alegría; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

The hybrid inorganic–organic [TPrA][M(dca)3] (M: Fe2+, Co2+ and Ni2+) compounds, where TPrA is the tetrapropylammonium cation and dca is the dicyanamide anion, are unique multi-sensitive compounds that display multiple phases and dielectric transitions. These materials exhibit up to three first-order structural transitions (between the polymorphs I, Ia, Ib and II) associated with the same number of dielectric transitions in the temperature range of 210–360 K. The mechanisms responsible for these dielectric responses are found to be novel within the hybrid perovskites, involving ionic displacements of the A-site cations (TPrA) and order/disorder processes of the X anions (dca). In addition, the phase transitions and dielectric transition temperatures can be tuned by applying external hydrostatic pressure or by inducing internal pressure by modifying the tolerance factor through ionic substitution in the B-sites. This multi-sensitive response towards temperature, external and internal pressure opens up promising technological applications for this family of materials, such as dielectric transductors or multistimuli-sensors, whose response can be modulated in a wide range of temperatures and pressures.

Nature Communications | 2017

Giant barocaloric effect in the ferroic organic-inorganic hybrid [TPrA][Mn(dca)3] perovskite under easily accessible pressures

J. M. Bermúdez-García; M. Sánchez-Andújar; S. Castro-García; Jorge López-Beceiro; Ramón Artiaga; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

The fast growing family of organic–inorganic hybrid compounds has recently been attracting increased attention owing to the remarkable functional properties (magnetic, multiferroic, optoelectronic, photovoltaic) displayed by some of its members. Here we show that these compounds can also have great potential in the until now unexplored field of solid-state cooling by presenting giant barocaloric effects near room temperature already under easily accessible pressures in the hybrid perovskite [TPrA][Mn(dca)3] (TPrA: tetrapropylammonium, dca: dicyanamide). Moreover, we propose that this will not be an isolated example for such an extraordinary behaviour as many other organic–inorganic hybrids (metal-organic frameworks and coordination polymers) exhibit the basic ingredients to display large caloric effects which can be very sensitive to pressure and other external stimuli. These findings open up new horizons and great opportunities for both organic–inorganic hybrids and for solid-state cooling technologies.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2017

A New Playground for Organic–Inorganic Hybrids: Barocaloric Materials for Pressure-Induced Solid-State Cooling

J. M. Bermúdez-García; M. Sánchez-Andújar; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

Materials for Pressure-Induced Solid-State Cooling I recent years, organic−inorganic hybrid perovskites have attracted increased interest among scientist working in diverse areas, such as solid-state chemistry, condensed matter physics, and materials science. This family of materials exhibits a wide chemical diversity based on the general formula ABX3, and the perovskite structure, where the A-site can be midsized protonated amines (CH3NH3 , (CH3)2NH2 , (CH3)4N , etc.), the B-site can be different divalent transition metal cations, and the X-site can be different halides or bidentate-bridge ligands (HCOO−, N3 −, N(CN)2 −, etc.) (see Figure 1).

New Journal of Chemistry | 2017

A simple in situ synthesis of magnetic M@CNTs by thermolysis of the hybrid perovskite [TPrA][M(dca)3]

J. M. Bermúdez-García; S. Yáñez-Vilar; Alberto García-Fernández; M. Sánchez-Andújar; S. Castro-García; J. Mira; J. M. M. A. P. Moreira; Teresa A. Centeno; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

In this work, the incorporation of dicyanamide building blocks in organic–inorganic hybrid compounds is found to be a promising strategy for the synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes embedded with magnetic nanoparticles (M@CNTs). Following a novel one-step, scalable and fast synthetic route, M@CNTs are obtained by simple calcination of the organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite [TPrA][M(dca)3] (TPrA = tetrapropylammonium, M = Ni2+ and Co2+, dca = dicyanamide). The resulting M@CNTs (M = Ni and Co) display a regular morphology and an essentially mesoporous network of ∼250 m2 g−1, whereas the Co@CNT composite displays a broad pore size distribution (PSD) up to 6 nm, Ni@CNTs show a strictly controlled unimodal PSD, centered at around 5 nm. Monitoring of their thermal decomposition by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy, thermogravimetric and spectroscopic analyses allows proposing a calcination mechanism and establishing the conditions to obtain optimal materials. Moreover, magnetization studies reveal a ferromagnetic behaviour of the obtained M@CNTs, with small coercive fields due to the size of the magnetic nanoparticles. In addition, preliminary assays of oil adsorption–desorption capacity reveal a promising potential for spilled oil recovery using this easily-synthesized materials. All these physicochemical properties make these composites good candidates for other nitrogen-rich CNT common applications.

Inorganic Chemistry | 2017

Phase Transition, Dielectric Properties, and Ionic Transport in the [(CH3)2NH2]PbI3 Organic–Inorganic Hybrid with 2H-Hexagonal Perovskite Structure

Alberto García-Fernández; J. M. Bermúdez-García; S. Castro-García; Antonio L. Llamas-Saiz; Ramón Artiaga; Jorge López-Beceiro; Shunbo Hu; Wei Ren; Alessandro Stroppa; M. Sánchez-Andújar; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

In this work, we focus on [(CH3)2NH2]PbI3, a member of the [AmineH]PbI3 series of hybrid organic-inorganic compounds, reporting a very easy mechanosynthesis route for its preparation at room temperature. We report that this [(CH3)2NH2]PbI3 compound with 2H-perovskite structure experiences a first-order transition at ≈250 K from hexagonal symmetry P63/mmc (HT phase) to monoclinic symmetry P21/c (LT phase), which involves two cooperative processes: an off-center shift of the Pb2+ cations and an order-disorder process of the N atoms of the DMA cations. Very interestingly, this compound shows a dielectric anomaly associated with the structural phase transition. Additionally, this compound displays very large values of the dielectric constant at room temperature because of the appearance of a certain conductivity and the activation of extrinsic contributions, as demonstrated by impedance spectroscopy. The large optical band gap displayed by this material (Eg = 2.59 eV) rules out the possibility that the observed conductivity can be electronic and points to ionic conductivity, as confirmed by density functional theory calculations that indicate that the lowest activation energy of 0.68 eV corresponds to the iodine anions, and suggests the most favorable diffusion paths for these anions. The obtained results thus indicate that [(CH3)2NH2]PbI3 is an electronic insulator and an ionic conductor, where the electronic conductivity is disfavored because of the low dimensionality of the [(CH3)2NH2]PbI3 structure.

Inorganic Chemistry | 2018

[(CH3)2NH2]7Pb4X15 (X = Cl– and Br–), 2D-Perovskite Related Hybrids with Dielectric Transitions and Broadband Photoluminiscent Emission

Alberto García-Fernández; J. M. Bermúdez-García; S. Castro-García; Antonio L. Llamas-Saiz; Ramón Artiaga; Jorge López-Beceiro; M. Sánchez-Andújar; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

We have prepared two new lead halides with the novel general formula of DMA7Pb4X15 (DMA = [(CH3)2NH2]+ and X = Cl- or Br-) by using an easy route under mild conditions at room temperature. These compounds exhibit an unprecedented crystal structure, are formed by layers of distorted [PbX6] octahedra, which share corners and faces, and contain intercalated DMA cations. Very interestingly, they display dielectric transitions, which are related to a partial order-disorder process of the DMA cations between 160 and 260 K. Additionally, these new layered hybrids exhibit a broadband photoluminiscent emission, which is related to the structural distortions of the [PbX6] octahedra. These findings not only open up large possibilities for future optoelectronic applications of these materials, but they also offer a novel playground for an easy modulation of electrical and optical properties of hybrid organic-inorganic materials. We anticipate that this novel A7Pb4X15 formula can be adequate to tune the family of the hybrid lead halides using other alkylammonium cations, such as methylammonium, formamidinium, or ethylammonium, to improve their photoelectronic properties.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C | 2018

Giant barocaloric tunability in [(CH3CH2CH2)4N]Cd[N(CN)2]3 hybrid perovskite

J. M. Bermúdez-García; S. Yáñez-Vilar; Alberto García-Fernández; M. Sánchez-Andújar; S. Castro-García; Jorge López-Beceiro; Ramón Artiaga; Melony Dilshad; Xavier Moya; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez

We report the barocaloric performance of cadmium-dicyanamide perovskite [(CH3CH2CH2)4N]Cd[N(CN)2]3 ([TPrA]Cd[dca]3). The introduction of Cd, a large second-row post-transition metal, into this hybrid organic–inorganic perovskite structure leads to three separate thermally driven phase transitions and four polymorphs, which we characterize in full using temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction and temperature-dependent calorimetry. Amongst these transitions, the non-isochoric orthorhombic to tetragonal phase transition at high temperatures, with a large volume change of ∼0.4%, leads to a large reversible pressure-driven isothermal change in entropy of ∼11.5 J K−1 kg−1, and a giant barocaloric tunability of the transition temperature with pressure of ∼38.2 K kbar−1, which are both desirable for future low-pressure barocaloric cooling applications.

Polyhedron | 2016

Dielectric properties induced by the framework in the hybrid organic–inorganic compounds M(dca)2pyz M = Fe, Co and Zn

Alberto García-Fernández; J. M. Bermúdez-García; S. Castro-García; Ramón Artiaga; Jorge López-Beceiro; M. A. Señarís-Rodríguez; M. Sánchez-Andújar

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