
Featured researches published by J.M. Lee.

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2004

Meat Quality of Highly Marbled Imported Beef with Reference to Hanwoo Beef

Inho Hwang; B.Y. Park; Sung-Back Cho; J.H. Kim; J.M. Lee

It has been shown that intramuscular fat im-proves eating quality upon 15% in its extractablelevel(Thompson, 2001), and explains approximately10 15% of variations in palatability(Dikeman,1987). However, underlying mechanisms by whichthe fat improve palatability have been contro-versial. Miller et al.(1994) postulated that intra-muscular fat acts as lubricant in chewing action,and reduces the relative number of muscle fiberswithin a certain amount of meat. On the otherhand, Rymill et al.(1997) demonstrated that intra-muscular fat indirectly improved eating qualitythrough its effect on the prevention of over-cooking(e.g., burning), and raised a fundamentalquestion whether the fat content is a direct causeof improved palatability in highly marbled meat.Similarly, Thompson(2001) believed that intramus-cular fat increases consumer satisfaction by stim-

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2003

Consumer Perception, Purchase Behavior and Demand on Ham and Sausage Products

Sung-Back Cho; Byoungho Park; K.B. Chin; Y.M. Yoo; Hyun-Seok Chae; J.N. Ahn; J.M. Lee; S.G. Yun

Consumer survey(n=1,343) was carried out to investigate the consumers perception, purchase behavior and demand on the processed meat products. Most consumers purchased the ham and sausage products once a month (40.73%). Consumers(47.19%) didnt distinguish between ham and sausage products due to the similarity of meat contents and additives in products. Consumers(72.75%) considered the product label when they purchased whereas 27.25% of consumers were not interested in the product label. Consumers(47.65%) were not satisfied with ham and sausage products because there were too much additives other than meat, there were many similar processed products in kinds and appearance(27.70%) and they could hardly detect meat taste(11.62%). Consumers demanded to produce the ham and sausage products which contain high meat contents(64.04%). Consumers were favored with establishment of the price differential system depending on the quality based on meat contents in the product(83.54%). In conclusion, the establishment of the price differential system depending on quality as well as the quality grading system for processed meat products is needed not only to increase the processed meat market but also increase the pork consumption especially for non-preferred pork portions.

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2004

Effects of Pre-slaughter Fasting and Chiller Ageing on Objective Meat Quality in Longissimus Dorsi, Biceps Femoris, and Triceps Brachii Muscles of Korean Native Black Pigs

Inho Hwang; B.Y. Park; Sung-Back Cho; Myung-Jick Kim; J.M. Lee

Korean native black pig comprises approx-imately 0.74% of a total of 9.19 million pigs inKorea(Korean Ministry of Agriculture and Forest,2003). However, Korean native pork(KNP) is oneof the most in demand meats, because it has aparticular high redness and chewiness comparedwith commercial landrace(Jin et al., 2001). Thebiological basis for these characteristics has yetto be known, but Kim et al. (2001a) reportedthat genetic component could be a factor.Interaction between declines in pH andtemperature during the onset of rigor is a centraldeterminant of pork quality, as it has a directinfluence on protein denaturation and myofibrillar

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2002

Comparison of Pork Quality by Different Postmortem pH24 Values

Byoungho Park; Sung-Back Cho; Y.M. Yoo; J.H. Kim; Hyun-Seok Chae; J.N. Ahn; Y.K. Kim; J.M. Lee; S.G. Yun

Meat quality of the domestic pork loins(n=537) classified by 3 groups(5.31-5.50, 5.51-5.70 and 5.71) according to pH at 24hr post-mortem(pH24) was investigated. In proximate chemical compositions, protein was highest and fat was lowest in the pork loins of pH24 5.31-5.50 group. Water holding capacity increased as pH24 increased, whereas purge loss and cooking loss decreased as pH24 increased. Meat color values(CIE L*, a*, b*, Chroma, Hue and E) decreased as increased. In texture traits, hardness and chewiness were lowest and fat hardness was highest in the pork loins of 5.71 group when compared to the other groups. However, Warner-Bratzler Shear force, springiness and cohesiveness were not significantly different among the pH24 groups(P>0.05). In sensory properties, juiciness and tenderness were highest in 5.71 group. From the results of this study, pork quality was highly related to . Therefore, the factors affecting the post-mortem pH, such as stress before slaughter, slaughtering methods, and cooling condition slaughter must be properly controlled and improved to produce high quality pork.

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2004

Analysis of Carcass Quality Grade Components and ChemicoPhysical and Sensory Traits of M. longissimus dorsi in Hanwoo

J.M. Lee; B.Y. Park; Sung-Back Cho; J.H. Kim; Y.M. Yoo; Hyun-Seok Chae; Yang-Il Choi

The current study was conducted to analysis the effects of sex and live weight on carcass characteristics us- ing total 773 Hanwoo, and to assess the effects of quality grade on chemico-physical and sensory character- istics in longissimus muscle. Results show that both steer and cow received superior quality grade to bull within the same weight class(P < 0.05). Marbling score, texture, maturity, meat color and fat color were sig- nificantly(P < 0.01) affected by sex, whilst only marbling score and maturity were significantly affected by live weight. The ultimate quality grade showed significant relationships with marbling score(r = 0.81 ** ), meat color (r = 0.21 ** ), fat color(r = 0.10 ** ), and with texture(r = 0.41 ** ), but that had no such a relationship with maturity. WB-shear force and cooking loss were decreased when carcass grade was increased(P < 0.01), but water-holding capacity was identical between the quality grades. Objective meat color dimensions in lightness, redness and yellowness were increased for higher quality grade(P < 0.01). Meat flavor, juiciness and tenderness received higher scores for higher quality grade(P < 0.01). Intramuscular fat content had significantly relationships with WB-shear force(r = 0.56 * ), water-holding capacity(r = 0.18 ** ), juiciness(r = 0.46 ** ), tenderness(r = 0.49 ** ), and flavor

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2003

Physico-chemical and Sensory Characteristics of Pork Cutlet Containing Ginseng Saponin

Sung-Back Cho; Byoungho Park; J.J. Wyi; Inho Hwang; J.H. Kim; Hyun-Seok Chae; J.M. Lee; Y.K. Kim

The pork cutlets containing different concentrations of dried ginseng powder (1%, 2% and 3%) were manufactured and compared the physico-chemical and sensorial properties with control containing no dried ginseng powder. The color(CIE, L, a, b) values were not significantly different between the treatments and control. The TBA values were lower for pork cutlet containing dried ginseng powder than those for control at the beginning stage (5 days) when they were vacuum packaged and stored at 4 or 15days, however, there were not significantly different after 5 days of storage. The TBA values were remained low level ( for 90 days. In fatty acid composition, pork cutlet containing dried ginseng powder contained higher ratios of PUFA/SFA and lower ratios of MUFA/SFA when compared to those of control. Sensory panels evaluated that pork cutlet containing 1% of dried ginseng powder had the highest preference scores in flavor and overall palatability.

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2002

Characteristics of Carcass and Meat Yields of Fattening Pigs by Production Step

J.H. Kim; Byoungho Park; Y.M. Yoo; Sung-Back Cho; Y.K. Kim; J.M. Lee; H.J. Yun; Kyung-Eui Kim

The characteristics of carcass and meat yields of fattening pigs by production steps were investigated with Landrace (LL, n=41), Yorkshire (YY, n=33), and Duroc (DD, n=30), (LY, n=25), the Crossbred of LYD (n=48). Duroc had more weight loss in carcasses weight than that of the other breed(p had higher production weight in retail cut than that of the other pure or crossbred. Carcass from Landrace and were significantly longer in length than the other breed(p produced wider carcass than the other breed. Carcass thickness at aitch bone was higher for and Crossbred than the other breed(p produced more loin and tenderloin in weight than the other breed (p produced more picnic shoulder when compared to the other breed. The hind legs produced from Yorkshire and were higher in weight and the fore legs produced from the Crossbred were higher in weight. Duroc produced the lowest weight of belly among the breeds. The acceptance level of loin were extremely low for all breed. Landrace had the highest acceptance level for tenderloin. Yorkshire had the highest acceptance level for picnic shoulder and ham when evaluated by export standard of Japan. In conclusion, The introduction of pure breed and establishment of mating steps are necessary to produce highly accepted pork with high acceptance in carcass and meat yields.

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2005

Effect of Different Stunning Time on Meat Quality of Broiler

Hyun-Seok Chae; C.N. Ahn; Y.M. Yoo; Jun-Sang Ham; Seok-Geun Jeong; J.M. Lee; Yang-Il Choi

H. S. Chae*, C. N. Ahn*, Y. M. Yoo*, J. S. Ham*, S. G. Jeong*, J. M. Lee* and Y. I. Choi**National Livestock Research Institute, RDA*,Dept. of Animal Science, Chungbuk National University**ABSTRACTThis study was investigated the effect of the length of stunning time on pH, water holdingcapacity(WHC), cooking loss(CL), meat color and incidence rate of blood spot in broiler carcass.One-hundred and forty broiler chickens were slaughtered by three different length of stunning times(5 sec.,8 sec., 11 sec.) with the same electrical frequency(255Hz) and 50 voltage in a commercial abattoir. TheWBS values and cooking loss of breast muscle were increased with increasing the stunning time, whileWHC of breast muscle were decreased. Lightness(L* value) and yellowness(b* value) scores of leg muscleand skin stunned with 50V, 255Hz, 8 sec, 11 sec. were higher than those of broilers stunned with 50V,255Hz, 5sec(P<0.05). But, there was no significant difference in color on breast and wing muscle. Insubjective evaluation, frequence of the first grade had a trend of being increased by extending the stunningtime. There was only a few cases of PSE chicken with 0.02%, while blood spot was observed at thehighest rate for the 5 sec. treatment. TBARS indicated that a longer length of stunning resulted in ahigher rate of fat oxidation. This experiment demonstrated that the length of stunning time has asignificant effect on meat quality and its stability during chiller storage.(Keywords : Broiler, Stunning time, Meat quality)

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2003

Comparison of Incidence of PSE Pork by Fattening Period, Transport Time and Lairage Time and Lairage Time

B.Y. Park; C.E. Lee; Inho Kim; Sung-Back Cho; Y.G. Kim; J.M. Lee; S.K. Yoon

ABSTRACT The incidence of PSE(Pale, Soft, Exudative) pork by slaughter weight and handling conditions at preslaughtering stage such as fattening period, transport and lairage time were compared. The incidence of PSE pork were 24.9% when pigs were fed under 180 days and 18.9% when pigs were fed over 180 days for fattening. In the transport time from farm to slaughter house, the incidence of PSE pork were 46.6% for shorter than 30min and 45.65% for 30 minq60 min and 35.44% for longer than 60min. The incidence of PSE pork were 55.6% for pigs had no lairage before slaughter, 33.9% for pigs held in lairage overnight. Therefore, the incidence of PSE pork were decreased by 6% with the extension of the fattening period and 9% with the transport time of longer than 1hr and 22.1% with lairage treatment before slaughter. The incidence of PSE pork were different in different location of farms and there were no significantly different in live weight, carcass weight and carcass yield between groups of lairage treatment. In conclusion, handling condition at preslaughtering stage such as extension of fattening period and lairage time were important to control pork quality and lairage treatment was not decreased the carcass yield.(

Journal of Animal Science and Technology | 2004

Physico-chemical Properties and Utilization of Sarcoplasmic Proteins for the Determination of End-point Cooking Temperatures of Ground Pork Hams Containing Salt and Fat

S.M. Kang; K.B. Chin; Sung-Back Cho; J.M. Lee

본 연구는 식염과 지방 그리고 여러 가열조건에 의한 pH 및 일반성분, 가열감량 및 단백질 용해성의 변화에 따른 단백질 분획의 변화에 대해 분석하였다 처리구에 따른 가열감량 (CL, %)은 지방의 첨가에 상관없이 식염을 2%첨가한 경우 식염을 첨가하지 않은 경우에 비하여 약 1/2배 정도 낮은 가열감량을 보였다. 한편, 식염 무첨가구의 경우 지방을 첨가한 경우 가열감량은 유의적으로 낮았으나, 식염 2%첨가구는 지방 첨가에 따른 가열감량의 유의적 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 가열온도에 따른 가열감량은

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