
Biology of Reproduction | 2004

Proteasomal Interference Prevents Zona Pellucida Penetration and Fertilization in Mammals

Peter Sutovsky; Gaurishankar Manandhar; Tod C. McCauley; J. N. Caamaño; Miriam Sutovsky; Winston E. Thompson; Billy N. Day

Abstract The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway has been implicated in the penetration of ascidian vitelline envelope by the fertilizing spermatozoon (Sawada et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2002; 99:1223–1228). The present study provides experimental evidence demonstrating proteasome involvement in the penetration of mammalian zona pellucida (ZP). Using porcine in vitro fertilization as a model, penetration of ZP was completely inhibited by specific proteasomal inhibitors MG-132 and lactacystin. Three commercial rabbit sera recognizing 20S proteasomal core subunits β-1i, β-2i, α-6, and β-5 completely blocked fertilization at a very low concentration (i.e., diluted 1/2000 to 1/8000 in fertilization medium). Neither proteasome inhibitors nor antibodies had any effects on sperm-ZP binding and acrosome exocytosis in zona-enclosed oocytes or on fertilization rates in zona-free oocytes, which were highly polyspermic. Consistent with a possible role of ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in ZP penetration, ubiquitin and various α and β type proteasomal subunits were detected in boar sperm acrosome by specific antibodies, immunoprecipitated and microsequenced by MALDI-TOF from boar sperm extracts. Antiubiquitin-immunoreactive substrates were detected on the outer face of ZP by epifluorescence microscopy. This study therefore provides strong evidence implicating the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in mammalian fertilization and zona penetration. This finding opens a new line of acrosome/ZP research because further studies of the sperm acrosomal proteasome can provide new tools for the management of polyspermia during in vitro fertilization and identify new targets for contraceptive development.

Biology of Reproduction | 2003

Oviduct-Specific Glycoprotein Modulates Sperm-Zona Binding and Improves Efficiency of Porcine Fertilization In Vitro

Tod C. McCauley; William C. Buhi; Guangming Wu; Jiude Mao; J. N. Caamaño; Brad A. Didion; B.N. Day

Abstract Oviduct-specific glycoprotein (OGP) displays estrus-associated regional and temporal differences in expression and localizes to the zona pellucida, perivitelline space, and plasma membrane of oviductal oocytes and embryos, suggesting that it may have a role in regulation of fertilization and/or early embryonic development. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of exogenous OGP on in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo development in the pig using a defined serum-free culture system. In vitro-matured porcine oocytes were incubated with homologous OGP (0, 1, 10, 20, and 40 μg/ml) for 3 h and then washed prior to IVF. Exposure of oocytes to 10 or 20 μg/ml porcine OGP (pOGP) significantly reduced the incidence of polyspermy compared with the control (P < 0.01) while maintaining high penetration rates. When oocytes, spermatozoa, or both were preincubated with 10 μg/ml pOGP prior to IVF, the incidence of polyspermy was similarly reduced (P < 0.01) by all three treatments without affecting penetration rates. The ability of spermatozoa to undergo calcium ionophore-induced acrosome reaction was similar with or without exposure to pOGP. However, significantly fewer spermatozoa (P < 0.01) bound to the zona pellucida when oocytes were preincubated with pOGP. To evaluate the effect of pOGP on embryo development, embryos were cultured in pOGP-supplemented medium for 48 h or 144 h. Both transient and continuous exposure to pOGP significantly enhanced cleavage and blastocyst formation rate compared with the control (P < 0.01). These data demonstrate that exposure of either in vitro-matured oocytes or spermatozoa to pOGP decreased polyspermy and spermatozoa binding while maintaining high penetration rates of pig oocytes fertilized in vitro. Furthermore, pOGP exerted an embryotrophic effect independent of effects demonstrated on spermatozoa and oocytes at fertilization.

Theriogenology | 2008

Conventional pluripotency markers are unspecific for bovine embryonic-derived cell-lines

M. Muñoz; A. Rodríguez; C. De Frutos; J. N. Caamaño; C. Díez; N. Facal; E. Gómez

Bovine embryonic stem cells are of potentially big value in transgenic research and studies of lineage commitment and development. Nevertheless, key aspects of the establishment of bovine embryonic stem cells such as the identification of specific pluripotency markers need to be clarified to achieve successful results. Bovine blastocysts were produced in vitro and cultured for 8 days up to the expanded or hatched stage. The trophectoderm, the inner cell mass and its embryonic stem cell-derived lines, all showed a common positive immunocytochemical staining for stage-specific embryonic antigen-4, tumour-rejection antigen gp96 and NANOG proteins. The antigenic profile obtained partially agrees with previous data from bovine and other species. Until a validated pluripotent bovine stem cell marker can be identified, it might be advisable to combine the use of epiblast and trophoblast-specific markers to rule out the presence of early committed trophectoderm cells in bovine embryonic stem cell cultures.

Theriogenology | 2008

Serum free embryo culture medium improves in vitro survival of bovine blastocysts to vitrification

E. Gómez; A. Rodríguez; M. Muñoz; J. N. Caamaño; Carlos O. Hidalgo; E. Morán; N. Facal; C. Díez

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of co-culture with Vero cells during the in vitro maturation (IVM) and three culture media, B2+5% fetal calf serum (FCS) on Vero cells, synthetic oviduct fluid (SOF)+5% FCS, and SOF+20 gL(-1) bovine serum albumin (BSA), on the developmental competence of the embryos and their ability to survive vitrification/warming. We also tested the effect of morphological quality and the age of the embryo on its sensitivity to vitrification. The IVM system neither affects the embryo development up to Day 7 nor survival rates after vitrification. The culture of embryos in SOF+FCS and in Vero cells+B2 allowed obtaining more Day 6 and Day 7 blastocysts, and a higher % of Day 7 blastocysts vitrified than culture in SOF+BSA. Contrarily, on Day 8, more blastocysts were vitrified in SOF+BSA than in SOF+FCS. Blastocysts quality affected development after vitrification/warming, and Day 7 embryos showed higher survival rates than their Day 8 counterparts. Day 7 blastocysts produced in Vero cells or in SOF+BSA survived at higher rates than those produced in SOF+FCS at 24 and 48 h after warming. Embryo culture with BSA allows obtaining hatching rates after vitrification/warming higher than those obtained after co-culture with Vero cells in B2 and FCS. Moreover, this system provides hatching rates from Day 8 blastocysts comparable to those obtained on Day 7 in Vero cells. Further studies, including embryo transfer to recipients, are needed to clarify factors affecting the freezability of in vitro produced bovine embryos.

Theriogenology | 2004

Successful nonsurgical deep uterine embryo transfer in pigs

Emilio A. Martinez; J. N. Caamaño; M.A. Gil; August Rieke; Todd C McCauley; T.C. Cantley; J.M. Vazquez; Jordi Roca; Jl Vazquez; Brad A. Didion; Clifton N. Murphy; Randall S. Prather; B.N. Day

At present, it is possible to transfer pig embryos directly into the uterine body of sows by nonsurgical procedures. The aim of this study was to develop a procedure for nonsurgical embryo transfer (ET) into the upper part of one uterine horn in gilts and sows. In experiment 1, 29 gilts and 43 sows were used. Intrauterine insertions took place for each female at days 4-6 of the estrous cycle (D0 = onset of estrus). An artificial insemination (AI) spirette was inserted into the cervix to assist with the guidance of a modified flexible catheter originally developed for deep intrauterine insemination in pigs. The flexible catheter length inserted anterior to the inserted AI spirette was 43.0 +/- 1.7 cm. The time required to complete the procedure was affected by the type of female (P < 0.001) and by the difficulties encountered for inserting the catheter (P < 0.001). However, when no or minor difficulties were encountered during the insertion of the catheter (in approximately 70 and 80% of gilts and sows, respectively), the time required to complete the procedure did not differ between gilts (2.5 +/- 0.1 min) and sows (2.3 +/- 0.1 min). In experiment 2, 24 to 31 fresh morulae and/or blastocysts were transferred to each of 24 recipients. Seventeen animals (70.8%) farrowed an average of 6.9 +/- 0.7 piglets, of which 0.6 +/- 0.3 piglets were born dead. In conclusion, the procedure described in this study offers new possibilities to transfer embryos nonsurgically to the uterine horn of pigs.

Journal of Proteome Research | 2012

Proteome of the Early Embryo–Maternal Dialogue in the Cattle Uterus

M. Muñoz; Fernando J. Corrales; J. N. Caamaño; C. Díez; Beatriz Trigal; María I. Mora; David C. Martin; S. Carrocera; E. Gómez

We analyzed embryo-maternal interactions in the bovine uterus on day 8 of development. Proteomic profiles were obtained by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis from 8 paired samples of uterine fluid (UF) from the same animal with and without embryos in the uterus. Results were contrasted with UF obtained after artificial insemination. We detected 50 differential protein spots (t test, p < 0.05). Subsequent protein characterization by nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS enabled us to identify 38 proteins, obtaining for first time the earliest evidence of involvement of the down-regulated NFkB system in cattle as a pregnancy signature pathway. Embryos enhanced the embryotrophic ability of UF and decreased uterine protein, while blood progesterone was unaltered. Twinfilin, hepatoma-derived growth factor, and synaptotagmin-binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein have not previously been identified in the mammalian uterus. TNFα and IL-1B were localized to embryos by immunocytochemistry, and other proteins were validated by Western blot in UF. Glycosylated-TNFα, IL-1B, insulin, lactotransferrin, nonphosphorylated-peroxiredoxin, albumin, purine nucleoside phosphorylase, HSPA5, and NFkB were down-regulated, while phosphorylated-peroxiredoxin, annexin A4, and nonglycosylated-TNFα were up-regulated. The embryonic signaling agents involved could be TNFα and IL-1B, either alone or in a collective dialogue with other proteins. Such molecules might explain the immune privilege during early bovine development.

Reproduction | 2009

Biological differences between in vitro produced bovine embryos and parthenotes

E. Gómez; Alfonso Gutierrez-Adan; C. Díez; Pablo Bermejo-Alvarez; M. Muñoz; A. Rodríguez; Jesús Otero; María Alvarez-Viejo; David Martín; S. Carrocera; J. N. Caamaño

Parthenotes may represent an alternate ethical source of stem cells, once biological differences between parthenotes and embryos can be understood. In this study, we analyzed development, trophectoderm (TE) differentiation, apoptosis/necrosis, and ploidy in parthenotes and in vitro produced bovine embryos. Subsequently, using real-time PCR, we analyzed the expression of genes expected to underlie the observed differences at the blastocyst stage. In vitro matured oocytes were either fertilized or activated with ionomycin +6-DMAP and cultured in simple medium. Parthenotes showed enhanced blastocyst development and diploidy and reduced TE cell counts. Apoptotic and necrotic indexes did not vary, but parthenotes evidenced a higher relative proportion of apoptotic cells between inner cell mass and TE. The pluripotence-related POU5F1 and the methylation DNMT3A genes were downregulated in parthenotes. Among pregnancy recognition genes, TP-1 was upregulated in parthenotes, while PGRMC1 and PLAC8 did not change. Expression of p66(shc) and BAX/BCL2 ratio were higher, and p53 lower, in parthenotes. Among metabolism genes, SLC2A1 was downregulated, while AKR1B1, PTGS2, H6PD, and TXN were upregulated in parthenotes, and SLC2A5 did not differ. Among genes involved in compaction/blastulation, GJA1 was downregulated in parthenotes, but no differences were detected within ATP1A1 and CDH1. Within parthenotes, the expression levels of SLC2A1, TP-1, and H6PD, and possibly AKR1B1, resemble patterns described in female embryos. The pro-apoptotic profile is more pronounced in parthenotes than in embryos, which may differ in their way to channel apoptotic stimuli, through p66(shc) and p53 respectively, and in their mechanisms to control pluripotency and de novo methylation.

Theriogenology | 2012

In vitro and in vivo quality of bovine embryos in vitro produced with sex-sorted sperm.

B. Trigal; E. Gómez; J. N. Caamaño; M. Muñoz; J. Moreno; S. Carrocera; D. Martín; C. Díez

In this work we analyzed the effects of three culture systems on developmental ability of bovine embryos in vitro produced with sexed sperm, the survival to vitrification (cryologic vitrification method) of such blastocysts, and their pregnancy rates after embryo transfer to recipients, both as fresh and after vitrification/warming. Finally, we measured the accuracy of the sorting protocol by a polymerase chain reaction-based method to validate the embryo sex at blastocyst stages. We confirmed an individual effect of the bull as well as development rates of embryos produced with sorted sperm lower than embryos with unsorted sperm, independent of the culture system used. The cryoresistance to vitrification of embryos produced with sexed sperm did not differ from that of conventionally produced embryos (re-expansion rates at 24 and 48 h: 74.6% vs. 75.5%, and 64.5% vs. 68.1% for embryos produced with conventional and sorted sperm, respectively; hatching rates at 48 h: 63.55% vs. 55.5% for embryos produced with conventional and sorted sperm, respectively). Finally, no significant differences were found in pregnancy rates after the embryo transfer of fresh and vitrified/warmed blastocysts (52.8% vs. 42.0%, respectively; P > 0.05). Male and female embryos produced with sorted sperm showed the same quality in terms of developmental ability, cryoresistance, and pregnancy rates after transfer. Our culture system, coupled with the vitrification in fiber plugs, provides good quality sex-known embryos which survive vitrification at similar rates than embryos produced with conventional unsorted sperm; also it produces good pregnancy rates after transfer of sexed embryos both fresh and after vitrification and warming.

Journal of Proteome Research | 2013

Embryonic sex induces differential expression of proteins in bovine uterine fluid.

E. Gómez; J. N. Caamaño; Fernando J. Corrales; C. Díez; Eva Correia-Álvarez; David C. Martin; Beatriz Trigal; S. Carrocera; María I. Mora; Jairo Pello-Palma; Juan F. Moreno; M. Muñoz

The bovine endometrium recognizes early embryos and reacts differently depending on the developmental potential of the embryo. However, it is unknown whether the endometrium can distinguish embryonic sex. Our objective was to analyze sexual dimorphism in the uterus in response to male and female embryos. Differentially expressed (DE) proteins, different levels of hexoses, and other embryotrophic differences were analyzed in uterine fluid (UF). Proteomic analysis of day-8 UF recovered from heifers after the transfer of day-5 male or female embryos identified 23 DE proteins. Regulated proteasome/immunoproteasome protein subunits indicated differences in antigen processing between UF carrying male embryos (male-UF) or female embryos (female-UF). Several enzymes involved in glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and antioxidative/antistress responses were up-regulated in female-UF. Fructose concentration was increased in female-UF versus male-UF, while glucose levels were similar. In vitro cultures with molecules isolated from male-UF were found to improve male embryo development compared to female embryos cultured with molecules isolated from female-UF. We postulated that, in vivo, male embryos induce changes in the endometrium to help ensure their survival. In contrast, female embryos do not appear to induce these changes.

Molecular Reproduction and Development | 2012

Efficient derivation of bovine embryonic stem cells needs more than active core pluripotency factors

Julien Maruotti; M. Muñoz; Séverine A. Degrelle; E. Gómez; Claire Louet; Carmen Díez Monforte; Priscille Huot de Longchamp; Vincent Brochard; Isabelle Hue; J. N. Caamaño; Alice Jouneau

Pluripotency can be captured in vitro, providing that the culture environment meets the requirements that avoid differentiation while stimulating self‐renewal. From studies in the mouse embryo, two kinds of pluripotent stem cells have been obtained from the early and late epiblast, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs), representing the naive and primed states, respectively. All attempts to derive convincing ESCs in ungulates have been unsuccessful, although all attempts were based on the assumption that the conditions used to derive mouse ESCs or human ESC could be applied in other species. Pluripotent cells derived in primates, rabbit, and pig strongly indicate that the state of pluripotency of these cells is, in fact, closer to EpiSCs than to ESCs, and thus depend on fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and Activin signaling pathways. Based on this observation, we have tried to derive EpiSC from the epiblast of bovine elongated embryos as well as ESCs from Day‐8 blastocysts. We here show that the core transcription factors Oct4/Sox2/Nanog can be used as markers of pluripotency in the bovine since their expression was restricted to the developing epiblast after Day 8, and disappeared following differentiation of both the ESC‐like and EpiSC‐like cultures. Although FGF and Activin pathways are indeed present and active in the bovine, it is not sufficient/enough to maintain a long‐term pluripotency ex vivo, as was reported for mouse and pig EpiSCs. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79:461–477, 2012.

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