J. P. D'Incao
University of Colorado Boulder
Physical Review Letters | 2009
F. Ferlaino; S. Knoop; Martin Berninger; Walter Harm; J. P. D'Incao; Hanns-Christoph Nägerl; R. Grimm
We report on the measurement of four-body recombination rate coefficients in an atomic gas. Our results obtained with an ultracold sample of cesium atoms at negative scattering lengths show a resonant enhancement of losses and provide strong evidence for the existence of a pair of four-body states, which is strictly connected to Efimov trimers via universal relations. Our findings confirm recent theoretical predictions and demonstrate the enrichment of the Efimov scenario when a fourth particle is added to the generic three-body problem.
Physical Review Letters | 2008
J. J. Zirbel; Kang-Kuen Ni; S. Ospelkaus; J. P. D'Incao; Carl E. Wieman; J. Ye; D. S. Jin
Using a Feshbach resonance, we create ultracold fermionic molecules starting from a Bose-Fermi atom gas mixture. The resulting mixture of atoms and weakly bound molecules provides a rich system for studying few-body collisions because of the variety of atomic collision partners for molecules; either bosonic, fermionic, or distinguishable atoms. Inelastic loss of the molecules near the Feshbach resonance is dramatically affected by the quantum statistics of the colliding particles and the scattering length. In particular, we observe a molecule lifetime as long as 100 ms near the Feshbach resonance.
Journal of Physics B | 2011
Seth T. Rittenhouse; J. von Stecher; J. P. D'Incao; Nirav Mehta; Chris H. Greene
The problem of a few interacting fermions in quantum physics has sparked intense interest, particularly in recent years owing to connections with the behaviour of superconductors, fermionic superfluids and finite nuclei. This review addresses recent developments in the theoretical description of four fermions having finite-range interactions, stressing insights that have emerged from a hyperspherical coordinate perspective. The subject is complicated, so we have included many detailed formulae that will hopefully make these methods accessible to others interested in using them. The universality regime, where the dominant length scale in the problem is the two-body scattering length, is particularly stressed, including its implications for the famous BCS–BEC crossover problem. Derivations and relevant formulae are also included for the calculation of challenging few-body processes such as recombination.
Physical Review Letters | 2005
J. P. D'Incao; B. D. Esry
We present a simple and unifying picture that provides the energy and scattering length dependence for all inelastic three-body collision rates in the ultracold regime for three-body systems with short-range two-body interactions. Here, we present the scaling laws for vibrational relaxation, three-body recombination, and collision-induced dissociation for systems that support s-wave two-body collisions. These systems include three identical bosons, two identical bosons, and two identical fermions. Our approach reproduces all previous results, predicts several others, and gives the general form of the scaling laws in all cases.
Physical Review Letters | 2004
J. P. D'Incao; H. Suno; B. D. Esry
The recombination rate for three identical bosons has been calculated to test the limits of its universal behavior. It has been obtained for several different collision energies and scattering lengths a up to 10(5) a.u., giving rates that vary over 15 orders of magnitude. We find that universal behavior is limited to the threshold region characterized by E equal or less than Plancks 2/2mu(12)a(2), where E is the total energy and mu(12) is the two-body reduced mass. The analytically predicted infinite series of resonance peaks and interference minima is truncated to no more than three of each for typical experimental parameters.
Physical Review Letters | 2012
Jia Wang; J. P. D'Incao; B. D. Esry; Chris H. Greene
In recent years extensive theoretical and experimental studies of universal few-body physics have advanced our understanding of universal Efimov physics. Whereas theory had been the driving force behind our understanding of Efimov physics for decades, recent experiments have contributed an unexpected discovery. Specifically, measurements have found that the so-called three-body parameter determining several properties of the system is universal, even though fundamental assumptions in the theory of the Efimov effect suggest that it should be a variable property that depends on the precise details of the short-range two- and three-body interactions. The present Letter resolves this apparent contradiction by elucidating previously unanticipated implications of the two-body interactions. Our study shows that the three-body parameter universality emerges because a universal effective barrier in the three-body potentials prevents the three particles from simultaneously getting close together. Our results also show limitations on this universality, as it is more likely to occur for neutral atoms but less likely to extend to light nuclei.
Physical Review Letters | 2010
S. Knoop; F. Ferlaino; Martin Berninger; M. Mark; Hanns-Christoph Nägerl; R. Grimm; J. P. D'Incao; B. D. Esry
We report on the observation of an elementary exchange process in an optically trapped ultracold sample of atoms and Feshbach molecules. We can magnetically control the energetic nature of the process and tune it from endoergic to exoergic, enabling the observation of a pronounced threshold behavior. In contrast to relaxation to more deeply bound molecular states, the exchange process does not lead to trap loss. We find excellent agreement between our experimental observations and calculations based on the solutions of three-body Schrödinger equation in the adiabatic hyperspherical representation. The high efficiency of the exchange process is explained by the halo character of both the initial and final molecular states.
Physical Review Letters | 2012
Yujun Wang; Jia Wang; J. P. D'Incao; Chris H. Greene
In Efimov physics, a three-body parameter (3BP), previously regarded as nonuniversal, uniquely defines bound and scattering properties of three particles. A universal 3BP, however, has been recently shown in experiments and theory in ultracold homonuclear gases. Our present study further predicts a universal 3BP for heteronuclear atomic systems near broad Feshbach resonances and provides physical interpretations for its origin. We show that for a system composed of two light and one heavy atom, the physical origin of the universal 3BP is similar to the homonuclear case, while for systems composed by one light and two heavy atoms, the universality of the 3BP is now mostly controlled by the heavy-heavy interatomic properties. This new universality is explained by the universal properties of the van der Waals interactions in a simple Born-Oppenheimer picture. Finally, we show the numerically determined 3BPs for some combinations of alkali atoms used in ultracold experiments.
Journal of Physics B | 2009
J. P. D'Incao; Chris H. Greene; B. D. Esry
We discuss several issues important for experimentally observing Efimov physics in ultracold quantum gases. By numerically solving the three-boson Schrodinger equation over a broad range of scattering lengths and energies, and by including model potentials with multiple bound states, we address the complications of relating experimental observations to available analytic expressions. These more realistic potentials introduce features that can mask the predicted Efimov physics at small scattering lengths. They also allow us to verify that positive and negative scattering lengths are universally connected only across a pole, not across a zero. Additionally, we show that the spacing between Efimov features for the relatively small scattering lengths accessible experimentally fails to precisely follow the geometric progression expected for Efimov physics. Finally, we emphasize the importance of the short-range three-body physics in determining the position of Efimov features and show that theoretically reproducing two-body physics is not generally sufficient to predict three-body properties quantitatively.
Physical Review A | 2006
J. P. D'Incao; B. D. Esry
We show that many aspects of ultracold three-body collisions can be controlled by choosing the mass ratio between the collision partners. In the ultracold regime, the scattering length dependence of the three-body rates can be substantially modified from the equal mass results. We demonstrate that the only nontrivial mass dependence is due solely to Efimov physics. We have determined the mass dependence of the three-body collision rates for all heteronuclear combinations relevant for two-component atomic gases with resonant s-wave interspecies interactions, i.e., three-body systems with two identical bosons or two identical fermions.