J. S. Bloom
University of California, Berkeley
Nature | 1999
J. S. Bloom; S. R. Kulkarni; S. G. Djorgovski; A.C. Eichelberger; Patrick Cote; John P. Blakeslee; S. C. Odewahn; Fiona A. Harrison; Dale A. Frail; A. V. Filippenko; Douglas C. Leonard; Adam G. Riess; Hyron Spinrad; D. Stern; Andrew J. Bunker; Arjun Dey; B. Grossan; S. Perlmutter; R. A. Knop; I. M. Hook; M. Feroci
Cosmic γ-ray bursts have now been firmly established as one of the most powerful phenomena in the Universe, releasing almost the rest-mass energy of a neutron star within the space of a few seconds (ref. 1). The two most popular models to explain γ-ray bursts are the coalescence of two compact objects such as neutron stars or black holes, or the catastrophic collapse of a massive star in a very energetic supernova-like explosion. Here we show that, about three weeks after the γ-ray burst of 26 March 1998, the transient optical source associated with the burst brightened to about 60 times the expected flux, based upon an extrapolation of the initial light curve. Moreover, the spectrum changed dramatically, with the colour becoming extremely red. We argue that the new source is an underlying supernova. If our hypothesis is true then this provides evidence linking cosmologically located γ-ray bursts with deaths of massive stars.Palomar Observatory 105-24, Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA National Radio Astronomy Observatory, P. O. Box O, Socorro, NM 87801, USA Department of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-3411 USA National Optical Astronomy Observatories, 950 N. Cherry, Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719, USA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Avenue, P. O. Box 808, L-413, Livermore, CA 94551-9900, USA Center for Particle Astrophysics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA European Southern Observatory, D-85748 Garching, Germany Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale, CNR, via Fosso del Cavaliere, Roma I-00133, Italy
Nature | 2009
Avishay Gal-Yam; Paolo A. Mazzali; Eran O. Ofek; Peter E. Nugent; S. R. Kulkarni; Mansi M. Kasliwal; Robert Michael Quimby; A. V. Filippenko; S. B. Cenko; Ryan Chornock; Roni Waldman; D. Kasen; Edward C. Beshore; Andrew J. Drake; R. C. Thomas; J. S. Bloom; Dovi Poznanski; Adam A. Miller; Ryan J. Foley; Jeffrey M. Silverman; Iair Arcavi; Richard S. Ellis; J. S. Deng
Stars with initial masses such that 10 ≤ Minitial ≤ 100, where is the solar mass, fuse progressively heavier elements in their centres, until the core is inert iron. The core then gravitationally collapses to a neutron star or a black hole, leading to an explosion—an iron-core-collapse supernova. By contrast, extremely massive stars with Minitial ≥ 140 (if such exist) develop oxygen cores with masses, Mcore, that exceed 50, where high temperatures are reached at relatively low densities. Conversion of energetic, pressure-supporting photons into electron–positron pairs occurs before oxygen ignition and leads to a violent contraction which triggers a nuclear explosion that unbinds the star in a pair-instability supernova. Transitional objects with 100 < Minitial < 140 may end up as iron-core-collapse supernovae following violent mass ejections, perhaps as a result of brief episodes of pair instability, and may already have been identified. Here we report observations of supernova SN 2007bi, a luminous, slowly evolving object located within a dwarf galaxy. We estimate the exploding core mass to be Mcore ≈ 100, in which case theory unambiguously predicts a pair-instability supernova. We show that >3 of radioactive 56Ni was synthesized during the explosion and that our observations are well fitted by models of pair-instability supernovae. This indicates that nearby dwarf galaxies probably host extremely massive stars, above the apparent Galactic stellar mass limit, which perhaps result from processes similar to those that created the first stars in the Universe.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2009
J. P. U. Fynbo; P. Jakobsson; Jason X. Prochaska; Daniele Malesani; Cedric Ledoux; A. de Ugarte Postigo; M. Nardini; Paul M. Vreeswijk; K. Wiersema; J. Hjorth; Jesper Sollerman; H.-. W. Chen; C. C. Thöne; G. Björnsson; J. S. Bloom; A. J. Castro-Tirado; L. Christensen; A. De Cia; Andrew S. Fruchter; J. Gorosabel; John F. Graham; Andreas O. Jaunsen; B. L. Jensen; D. A. Kann; C. Kouveliotou; Andrew J. Levan; Justyn R. Maund; N. Masetti; B. Milvang-Jensen; Eliana Palazzi
We present a sample of 77 optical afterglows (OAs) of Swift detected gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) for which spectroscopic follow-up observations have been secured. Our first objective is to measure the redshifts of the bursts. For the majority (90%) of the afterglows, the redshifts have been determined from the spectra. We provide line lists and equivalent widths (EWs) for all detected lines redward of Lyα covered by the spectra. In addition to the GRB absorption systems, these lists include line strengths for a total of 33 intervening absorption systems. We discuss to what extent the current sample of Swift bursts with OA spectroscopy is a biased subsample of all Swift detected GRBs. For that purpose we define an X-ray-selected statistical sample of Swift bursts with optimal conditions for ground-based follow-up from the period 2005 March to 2008 September; 146 bursts fulfill our sample criteria. We derive the redshift distribution for the statistical (X-ray selected) sample and conclude that less than 18% of Swift bursts can be at z > 7. We compare the high-energy properties (e.g., γ-ray (15-350 keV) fluence and duration, X-ray flux, and excess absorption) for three subsamples of bursts in the statistical sample: (1) bursts with redshifts measured from OA spectroscopy; (2) bursts with detected optical and/or near-IR afterglow, but no afterglow-based redshift; and (3) bursts with no detection of the OA. The bursts in group (1) have slightly higher γ-ray fluences and higher X-ray fluxes and significantly less excess X-ray absorption than bursts in the other two groups. In addition, the fractions of dark bursts, defined as bursts with an optical to X-ray slope βOX 39% in group (3). For the full sample, the dark burst fraction is constrained to be in the range 25%-42%. From this we conclude that the sample of GRBs with OA spectroscopy is not representative for all Swift bursts, most likely due to a bias against the most dusty sight lines. This should be taken into account when determining, e.g., the redshift or metallicity distribution of GRBs and when using GRBs as a probe of star formation. Finally, we characterize GRB absorption systems as a class and compare them to QSO absorption systems, in particular the damped Lyα absorbers (DLAs). On average GRB absorbers are characterized by significantly stronger EWs for H I as well as for both low and high ionization metal lines than what is seen in intervening QSO absorbers. However, the distribution of line strengths is very broad and several GRB absorbers have lines with EWs well within the range spanned by QSO-DLAs. Based on the 33 z > 2 bursts in the sample, we place a 95% confidence upper limit of 7.5% on the mean escape fraction of ionizing photons from star-forming galaxies. Based on observations collected at the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, Chile, under programs 275.D-5022 (PI: Chincarini), 075.D-0270 (PI: Fynbo), 077.D-0661 (PI: Vreeswijk), 077.D-0805 (PI: Tagliaferri), 177.A-0591 (PI: Hjorth), 078.D-0416 (PI: Vreeswijk), 079.D-0429 (PI: Vreeswijk), 080.D-0526 (PI: Vreeswijk), 081.A-0135 (PI: Greiner), 281.D-5002 (PI: Della Valle), and 081.A-0856 (PI: Vreeswijk). Also based on observations made with the Nordic Optical Telescope, operated on the island of La Palma jointly by Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. Some of the data obtained herein were obtained at the W.M. Keck Observatory, which is operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University of California, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by the generous financial support of the W.M. Keck foundation.
Science | 2011
Andrew J. Levan; Nial R. Tanvir; S. B. Cenko; Daniel A. Perley; K. Wiersema; J. S. Bloom; Andrew S. Fruchter; A. de Ugarte Postigo; P. T. O’Brien; N. Butler; A. J. van der Horst; G. Leloudas; Adam N. Morgan; Kuntal Misra; Geoffrey C. Bower; J. Farihi; R. L. Tunnicliffe; Maryam Modjaz; Jeffrey M. Silverman; J. Hjorth; C. C. Thöne; A. Cucchiara; J. M. Castro Cerón; A. J. Castro-Tirado; J. A. Arnold; M. Bremer; Jean P. Brodie; Thomas L. Carroll; Michael C. Cooper; P. A. Curran
A recent bright emission observed by the Swift satellite is due to the sudden accretion of a star onto a massive black hole. Variable x-ray and γ-ray emission is characteristic of the most extreme physical processes in the universe. We present multiwavelength observations of a unique γ-ray–selected transient detected by the Swift satellite, accompanied by bright emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and whose properties are unlike any previously observed source. We pinpoint the event to the center of a small, star-forming galaxy at redshift z = 0.3534. Its high-energy emission has lasted much longer than any γ-ray burst, whereas its peak luminosity was ∼100 times higher than bright active galactic nuclei. The association of the outburst with the center of its host galaxy suggests that this phenomenon has its origin in a rare mechanism involving the massive black hole in the nucleus of that galaxy.
Nature | 2009
Nial R. Tanvir; Derek B. Fox; Andrew J. Levan; Edo Berger; K. Wiersema; J. P. U. Fynbo; A. Cucchiara; T. Krühler; N. Gehrels; J. S. Bloom; J. Greiner; P. A. Evans; E. Rol; F. E. Olivares; J. Hjorth; P. Jakobsson; J. Farihi; R. Willingale; Rhaana L. C. Starling; S. B. Cenko; Daniel A. Perley; Justyn R. Maund; J. Duke; R. A. M. J. Wijers; Andrew J. Adamson; A. Allan; M. N. Bremer; D. N. Burrows; A. J. Castro-Tirado; B. Cavanagh
Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to result from the explosions of certain massive stars, and some are bright enough that they should be observable out to redshifts of z > 20 using current technology. Hitherto, the highest redshift measured for any object was z = 6.96, for a Lyman-alpha emitting galaxy. Here we report that GRB 090423 lies at a redshift of z approximately 8.2, implying that massive stars were being produced and dying as GRBs approximately 630 Myr after the Big Bang. The burst also pinpoints the location of its host galaxy.It is thought that the first generations of massive stars in the Universe were an important, and quite possibly dominant, source of the ultra-violet radiation that reionized the hydrogen gas in the intergalactic medium (IGM); a state in which it has remained to the present day. Measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropies suggest that this phase-change largely took place in the redshift range z=10.8 +/- 1.4, while observations of quasars and Lyman-alpha galaxies have shown that the process was essentially completed by z=6. However, the detailed history of reionization, and characteristics of the stars and proto-galaxies that drove it, remain unknown. Further progress in understanding requires direct observations of the sources of ultra-violet radiation in the era of reionization, and mapping the evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction through time. The detection of galaxies at such redshifts is highly challenging, due to their intrinsic faintness and high luminosity distance, whilst bright quasars appear to be rare beyond z~7. Here we report the discovery of a gamma-ray burst, GRB 090423, at redshift z=8.26 -0.08 +0.07. This is well beyond the redshift of the most distant spectroscopically confirmed galaxy (z=6.96) and quasar (z=6.43). It establishes that massive stars were being produced, and dying as GRBs, ~625 million years after the Big Bang. In addition, the accurate position of the burst pinpoints the location of the most distant galaxy known to date. Larger samples of GRBs beyond z~7 will constrain the evolving rate of star formation in the early universe, while rapid spectroscopy of their afterglows will allow direct exploration of the progress of reionization with cosmic time.Long-duration γ-ray bursts (GRBs) are thought to result from the explosions of certain massive stars, and some are bright enough that they should be observable out to redshifts of z > 20 using current technology. Hitherto, the highest redshift measured for any object was z = 6.96, for a Lyman-α emitting galaxy. Here we report that GRB 090423 lies at a redshift of z ≈ 8.2, implying that massive stars were being produced and dying as GRBs ∼630 Myr after the Big Bang. The burst also pinpoints the location of its host galaxy.
Science | 2012
Benjamin E. P. Dilday; D. A. Howell; S. B. Cenko; Jeffrey M. Silverman; Peter E. Nugent; Sagi Ben-Ami; Lars Bildsten; M. Bolte; Michael Endl; A. V. Filippenko; Orly Gnat; Assaf Horesh; E. Y. Hsiao; Mansi M. Kasliwal; David Kirkman; K. Maguire; G. W. Marcy; K. Moore; Y.-C. Pan; Jerod T. Parrent; Philipp Podsiadlowski; Robert Michael Quimby; Assaf Sternberg; Nao Suzuki; D. R. Tytler; Dong Xu; J. S. Bloom; Avishay Gal-Yam; I. M. Hook; S. R. Kulkarni
Stellar Explosions Stars that are born with masses greater than eight times that of the Sun end their lives in luminous explosions known as supernovae. Over the past decade, access to improved sky surveys has revealed rare types of supernovae that are much more luminous than any of those that were known before. Gal-Yam (p. 927) reviews these superluminous events and groups them into three classes that share common observational and physical characteristics. Gamma-ray bursts are another type of extreme explosive events related to the death of massive stars, which occur once per day somewhere in the universe and produce short-lived bursts of gamma-ray light. Gehrels and Mészáros (p. 932) review what has been learned about these events since the launch of NASAs Swift (2004) and Fermi (2008) satellites. The current interpretation is that gamma-ray bursts are related to the formation of black holes. Type Ia supernovae are used as cosmological distance indicators. They are thought to be the result of the thermonuclear explosion of white dwarf stars in binary systems, but the nature of the stellar companion to the white dwarf is still debated. Dilday et al. (p. 942) report high-resolution spectroscopy of the supernova PTF 11kx, which was detected on 26 January 2011 by the Palomar Transient Factory survey. The data suggest a red giant star companion whose material got transferred to the white dwarf. Spectroscopic data imply that a stellar explosion arose from a binary consisting of a white dwarf and a red giant star. There is a consensus that type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) arise from the thermonuclear explosion of white dwarf stars that accrete matter from a binary companion. However, direct observation of SN Ia progenitors is lacking, and the precise nature of the binary companion remains uncertain. A temporal series of high-resolution optical spectra of the SN Ia PTF 11kx reveals a complex circumstellar environment that provides an unprecedentedly detailed view of the progenitor system. Multiple shells of circumstellar material are detected, and the SN ejecta are seen to interact with circumstellar material starting 59 days after the explosion. These features are best described by a symbiotic nova progenitor, similar to RS Ophiuchi.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2009
Maryam Modjaz; Weidong Li; N. Butler; Ryan Chornock; Daniel A. Perley; Stephane Blondin; J. S. Bloom; A. V. Filippenko; Robert P. Kirshner; Daniel Kocevski; Dovi Poznanski; Malcolm Stuart Hicken; Ryan J. Foley; Guy S. Stringfellow; Perry L. Berlind; D. Barrado y Navascués; Cullen H. Blake; Herve Bouy; Warren R. Brown; Peter M. Challis; H.-. W. Chen; W. H. de Vries; P. Dufour; Emilio E. Falco; Andrew S. Friedman; Mohan Ganeshalingam; Peter Marcus Garnavich; B. Holden; G. D. Illingworth; Nicholas Lee
We present extensive early photometric (ultraviolet through near-infrared) and spectroscopic (optical and near-infrared) data on supernova (SN) 2008D as well as X-ray data analysis on the associated Swift X-ray transient (XRT) 080109. Our data span a time range of 5 hr before the detection of the X-ray transient to 150days after its detection, and a detailed analysis allowed us to derive constraints on the nature of the SN and its progenitor; throughout we draw comparisons with results presented in the literature and find several key aspects that differ. We show that the X-ray spectrum of XRT 080109 can be fit equally well by an absorbed power law or a superposition of about equal parts of both power law and blackbody. Our data first established that SN 2008D is a spectroscopically normal SN Ib (i.e., showing conspicuous He lines) and showed that SN 2008D had a relatively long rise time of 18days and a modest optical peak luminosity. The early-time light curves of the SN are dominated by a cooling stellar envelope (for Δt0.1-4days, most pronounced in the blue bands) followed by 56Ni decay. We construct a reliable measurement of the bolometric output for this stripped-envelope SN, and, combined with estimates of E K and M ej from the literature, estimate the stellar radius R ⊙ of its probable Wolf-Rayet progenitor. According to the model of Waxman etal. and Chevalier & Fransson, we derive R W07⊙ = 1.2 0.7R ⊙ and R CF08⊙ = 12 7 R ⊙, respectively; the latter being more in line with typical WN stars. Spectra obtained at three and four months after maximum light show double-peaked oxygen lines that we associate with departures from spherical symmetry, as has been suggested for the inner ejecta of a number of SN Ib cores.
Science | 2011
Assaf Sternberg; Avishay Gal-Yam; J. D. Simon; Douglas C. Leonard; Robert Michael Quimby; Mark M. Phillips; Nidia I. Morrell; Ian B. Thompson; Inese I. Ivans; J. L. Marshall; A. V. Filippenko; G. W. Marcy; J. S. Bloom; Ferdinando Patat; Ryan J. Foley; D. Yong; Bryan E. Penprase; Daniel Jay Beeler; C. Allende Prieto; Guy S. Stringfellow
Most of the progenitors of type Ia supernovae in nearby spiral galaxies may be white dwarf−normal star binary systems. Type Ia supernovae are key tools for measuring distances on a cosmic scale. They are generally thought to be the thermonuclear explosion of an accreting white dwarf in a close binary system. The nature of the mass donor is still uncertain. In the single-degenerate model it is a main-sequence star or an evolved star, whereas in the double-degenerate model it is another white dwarf. We show that the velocity structure of absorbing material along the line of sight to 35 type Ia supernovae tends to be blueshifted. These structures are likely signatures of gas outflows from the supernova progenitor systems. Thus, many type Ia supernovae in nearby spiral galaxies may originate in single-degenerate systems.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
Daniel A. Perley; Andrew J. Levan; Nial R. Tanvir; S. B. Cenko; J. S. Bloom; J. Hjorth; T. Krühler; A. V. Filippenko; Andrew S. Fruchter; Johan Peter Uldall Fynbo; P. Jakobsson; Jason S. Kalirai; B. Milvang-Jensen; Adam N. Morgan; Jason X. Prochaska; Jeffrey M. Silverman
We present observations and analysis of the host galaxies of 23 heavily dust-obscured gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) observed by the Swift satellite during the years 2005-2009, representing all GRBs with an unambiguous host-frame extinction of AV > 1 mag from this period. Deep observations with Keck, Gemini, Very Large Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope, and Spitzer successfully detect the host galaxies and establish spectroscopic or photometric redshifts for all 23 events, enabling us to provide measurements of the intrinsic host star formation rates, stellar masses, and mean extinctions. Compared to the hosts of unobscured GRBs at similar redshifts, we find that the hosts of dust-obscured GRBs are (on average) more massive by about an order of magnitude and also more rapidly star forming and dust obscured. While this demonstrates that GRBs populate all types of star-forming galaxies, including the most massive, luminous systems at z ≈ 2, at redshifts below 1.5 the overall GRB population continues to show a highly significant aversion to massive galaxies and a preference for low-mass systems relative to what would be expected given a purely star-formation-rate-selected galaxy sample. This supports the notion that the GRB rate is strongly dependent on metallicity, and may suggest that the most massive galaxies in the universe underwent a transition in their chemical properties ~9 Gyr ago. We also conclude that, based on the absence of unobscured GRBs in massive galaxies and the absence of obscured GRBs in low-mass galaxies, the dust distributions of the lowest-mass and the highest-mass galaxies are relatively homogeneous, while intermediate-mass galaxies (~109 M ☉) have diverse internal properties.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2011
S. B. Cenko; Dale A. Frail; Fiona A. Harrison; J. B. Haislip; Daniel E. Reichart; N. Butler; Bethany Elisa Cobb; A. Cucchiara; Edo Berger; J. S. Bloom; P. Chandra; Derek B. Fox; Daniel A. Perley; Jason X. Prochaska; A. V. Filippenko; Karl Glazebrook; Kevin Ivarsen; Mansi M. Kasliwal; S. R. Kulkarni; Aaron Patrick Lacluyze; Sebastian Pedraza Lopez; Adam N. Morgan; Max Pettini; V. Rana
We present broadband (radio, optical, and X-ray) light curves and spectra of the afterglows of four long-duration gamma-ray bursts (GRBs; GRBs 090323, 090328, 090902B, and 090926A) detected by the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor and Large Area Telescope (LAT) instruments on the Fermi satellite. With its wide spectral bandpass, extending to GeV energies, Fermi is sensitive to GRBs with very large isotropic energy releases (10^(54) erg). Although rare, these events are particularly important for testing GRB central-engine models. When combined with spectroscopic redshifts, our afterglow data for these four events are able to constrain jet collimation angles, the density structure of the circumburst medium, and both the true radiated energy release and the kinetic energy of the outflows. In agreement with our earlier work, we find that the relativistic energy budget of at least one of these events (GRB 090926A) exceeds the canonical value of 10^(51) erg by an order of magnitude. Such energies pose a severe challenge for models in which the GRB is powered by a magnetar or a neutrino-driven collapsar, but remain compatible with theoretical expectations for magnetohydrodynamical collapsar models (e.g., the Blandford-Znajek mechanism). Our jet opening angles (θ) are similar to those found for pre-Fermi GRBs, but the large initial Lorentz factors (Γ_0) inferred from the detection of GeV photons imply θΓ_0 ≈ 70-90, values which are above those predicted in magnetohydrodynamic models of jet acceleration. Finally, we find that these Fermi-LAT events preferentially occur in a low-density circumburst environment, and we speculate that this might result from the lower mass-loss rates of their lower-metallicity progenitor stars. Future studies of Fermi-LAT afterglows at radio wavelengths with the order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity offered by the Extended Very Large Array should definitively establish the relativistic energy budgets of these events.