
Featured researches published by J. Timothy Inglis.

The Journal of Physiology | 2002

Distribution and behaviour of glabrous cutaneous receptors in the human foot sole

Paul M. Kennedy; J. Timothy Inglis

To document the activity of cutaneous mechanoreceptors in the glabrous skin of the foot sole, tungsten microelectrodes were inserted through the popliteal fossa and into the tibial nerve of thirteen healthy human subjects. A total of 104 cutaneous mechanoreceptors were identified in the glabrous skin of the foot. This sample consisted of 15 slow adapting type I (14 %), 16 slow adapting type II (15 %), 59 fast adapting type I (57 %), and 14 fast adapting type II units (14 %). The location of the receptors and the outline of the receptive fields were determined by using nylon monofilaments perpendicularly applied against the surface of the skin. This revealed that the receptors were widely distributed without an accumulation of receptors in the toes. There were also larger receptive fields predominantly isolated on the plantar surface of the metatarsal‐tarsal region of the foot sole. Furthermore, with the foot in an unloaded position, there was no background discharge activity in any of the cutaneous receptors in the absence of intentionally applied stimulation. These findings suggest that skin receptors in the foot sole behave differently from those receptors found on the glabrous skin of the hand. This may reflect the role of foot sole skin receptors in standing balance and movement control.

Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | 2005

Exercise leads to faster postural reflexes, improved balance and mobility, and fewer falls in older persons with chronic stroke.

Daniel S. Marigold; Janice J. Eng; Andrew S. Dawson; J. Timothy Inglis; Jocelyn E. Harris; Sif Gylfadottir

Objectives: To determine the effect of two different community‐based group exercise programs on functional balance, mobility, postural reflexes, and falls in older adults with chronic stroke.

Neuroscience Letters | 2000

Magnitude effects of galvanic vestibular stimulation on the trajectory of human gait

Leah R. Bent; Bradford J. McFadyen; Veronique French Merkley; Paul M. Kennedy; J. Timothy Inglis

This study examines the contribution of the vestibular system during different magnitudes of galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) during human walking. Anodal threshold levels of GVS were determined for right and left sides for each subject. Seven conditions were tested (no stimulation, left and right anode stimulation) at one, two and three times threshold. GVS was delivered to the mastoid processes at first heel contact and continued for the duration of the trial. All subjects responded by deviating towards the anode while walking. In addition, the magnitude of deviation increased as the stimulus intensity increased. Our results demonstrate that the vestibular system is sensitive to GVS intensity changes and responds by altering the magnitude of the response accordingly. These data provide a strong argument in support of a significant role for vestibular information during dynamic tasks.

The Journal of Physiology | 2001

Startle response of human neck muscles sculpted by readiness to perform ballistic head movements

Gunter P. Siegmund; J. Timothy Inglis; David J. Sanderson

1 An acoustic startle stimulus delivered in place of a ‘go’ signal in a voluntary reaction time (RT) task has been shown previously to advance the onset latency of a prepared distal limb movement without affecting the amplitude of the muscle response or movement kinematics. The primary goal of this study was to use muscles with a larger startle response to investigate whether the startling stimulus only triggered the RT movement or whether some form of interaction occurred between a startle response and a temporally advanced RT movement. 2 Twenty healthy male or female subjects were instructed to react as quickly as possible to an acoustic ‘go’ stimulus by performing a ballistic head flexion or right axial rotation. The ‘go’ stimulus was periodically replaced by an acoustic stimulus capable of eliciting a startle reflex. Separate startle‐inducing stimuli under relaxed conditions before and after the movement trials served as control trials (CT trials). Bilateral surface electromyography of the orbicularis oculi, masseter, sternocleidomastoid and cervical paraspinal muscles, and head‐mounted transducers were used to measure the muscle response and movement kinematics. 3 Muscle activation times in startled movement trials (ST trials) were about half those observed in RT trials, and were not significantly different from those observed in the startle CT trials. The duration of head acceleration was longer in ST trials than in RT trials and the amplitude of both the neck muscle electromyogram (EMG) and head kinematics was larger during ST trials than during RT trials. The EMG amplitude of ST trials was biased upward rather than scaled upward compared with the EMG amplitude of RT trials. 4 Over the 14 ST trials used in this experiment, no habituation of the reflex response was observed in the muscles studied. This absence of habituation was attributed to a combination of motor readiness and sensory facilitation. 5 The results of this experiment indicated that the neck muscle response evoked by a startling acoustic stimulus in the presence of motor readiness could be described as a facilitated startle reflex superimposed on a temporally advanced, pre‐programmed, voluntary RT movement. Parallel reticular pathways to the neck muscle motoneurones are proposed as a possible explanation for the apparent summation of the startle and voluntary movement responses.

Clinical Neurophysiology | 2001

Modulation of the soleus H-reflex in prone human subjects using galvanic vestibular stimulation

Paul M. Kennedy; J. Timothy Inglis

OBJECTIVES To determine if vestibular-evoked modulation of the soleus H-reflex can be achieved in a muscle that is not being used for postural support. METHODS Ten healthy subjects lay prone while the right leg was supported. In this position soleus H-reflex amplitudes were measured with the head facing forward, coupled with ipsilateral monopolar monaural galvanic stimulation (anode or cathode). To evaluate the interval between the onset of the galvanic stimulus and tibial nerve stimulation, the timing was varied between 0 and 200 ms in 20 ms intervals. A two-way ANOVA and students t-test was performed to compare the mean amplitudes of the test and conditioned H-reflexes. RESULTS Galvanic stimulation significantly modified the amplitude of the H-reflex in a prone lying subject (P<0.05). Furthermore, the peak inhibitory and facilitatory effect occurred when the galvanic vestibular stimulus was delivered 100 ms prior to the H-reflex stimulus. CONCLUSIONS The results of this study demonstrate that galvanic stimulation can modulate the excitability of the soleus motoneuron pool when the muscle is not being used posturally. This suggests that in certain situations, it may be possible to use this type of vestibular stimulation to examine the integrity of descending vestibulospinal pathways in prone human subjects.

The Journal of Physiology | 2014

Modulation of human vestibular reflexes with increased postural threat

Brian C. Horslen; Christopher J. Dakin; J. Timothy Inglis; Jean-Sébastien Blouin; Mark G. Carpenter

The vestibular system is an important sensory contributor to the control of standing balance. Fear, anxiety and arousal are thought to influence the excitability of the vestibular system, but it is not clear if these changes lead to altered vestibular‐evoked balance reflexes. Low and high standing surface heights were used to manipulate fear and anxiety in this study, while stochastic vestibular stimulation was used to evoke balance reflexes. High surface heights lead to greater coupling between vestibular inputs and balance reflexes, as well as larger responses. These results support the idea that the manner in which vestibular information is processed is altered when people are exposed to a threat to their balance, and this altered processing may explain why normal balance behaviour is different in threatening scenarios.

Journal of Neurophysiology | 2013

Effects of postural threat on spinal stretch reflexes: evidence for increased muscle spindle sensitivity?

Brian C. Horslen; Chantelle D. Murnaghan; J. Timothy Inglis; Romeo Chua; Mark G. Carpenter

Standing balance is often threatened in everyday life. These threats typically involve scenarios in which either the likelihood or the consequence of falling is higher than normal. When cats are placed in these scenarios they respond by increasing the sensitivity of muscle spindles imbedded in the leg muscles, presumably to increase balance-relevant afferent information available to the nervous system. At present, it is unknown whether humans also respond to such postural threats by altering muscle spindle sensitivity. Here we present two studies that probed the effects of postural threat on spinal stretch reflexes. In study 1 we manipulated the threat associated with an increased consequence of a fall by having subjects stand at the edge of an elevated surface (3.2 m). In study 2 we manipulated the threat by increasing the likelihood of a fall by occasionally tilting the support surface on which subjects stood. In both scenarios we used Hoffmann (H) and tendon stretch (T) reflexes to probe the spinal stretch reflex circuit of the soleus muscle. We observed increased T-reflex amplitudes and unchanged H-reflex amplitudes in both threat scenarios. These results suggest that the synaptic state of the spinal stretch reflex is unaffected by postural threat and that therefore the muscle spindles activated in the T-reflexes must be more sensitive in the threatening conditions. We propose that this increase in sensitivity may function to satisfy the conflicting needs to restrict movement with threat, while maintaining a certain amount of sensory information related to postural control.

Journal of Neurophysiology | 2011

Human proprioceptive adaptations during states of height-induced fear and anxiety

Justin R. Davis; Brian C. Horslen; Kei Nishikawa; Katie Fukushima; Romeo Chua; J. Timothy Inglis; Mark G. Carpenter

Clinical and experimental research has demonstrated that the emotional experience of fear and anxiety impairs postural stability in humans. The current study investigated whether changes in fear and anxiety can also modulate spinal stretch reflexes and the gain of afferent inputs to the primary somatosensory cortex. To do so, two separate experiments were performed on two separate groups of participants while they stood under conditions of low and high postural threat. In experiment 1, the proprioceptive system was probed using phasic mechanical stimulation of the Achilles tendon while simultaneously recording the ensuing tendon reflexes in the soleus muscle and cortical-evoked potentials over the somatosensory cortex during low and high threat conditions. In experiment 2, phasic electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve was used to examine the effect of postural threat on somatosensory evoked potentials. Results from experiment 1 demonstrated that soleus tendon reflex excitability was facilitated during states of height-induced fear and anxiety while the magnitude of the tendon-tap-evoked cortical potential was not significantly different between threat conditions. Results from experiment 2 demonstrated that the amplitudes of somatosensory-evoked potentials were also unchanged between threat conditions. The results support the hypothesis that muscle spindle sensitivity in the triceps surae muscles may be facilitated when humans stand under conditions of elevated postural threat, although the presumed increase in spindle sensitivity does not result in higher afferent feedback gain at the level of the somatosensory cortex.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews | 2015

What startles tell us about control of posture and gait

Jorik Nonnekes; Mark G. Carpenter; J. Timothy Inglis; Jacques Duysens; Vivian Weerdesteyn

Recently, there has been an increase in studies evaluating startle reflexes and StartReact, many in tasks involving postural control and gait. These studies have provided important new insights. First, several experiments indicate a superimposition of startle reflex activity on the postural response during unexpected balance perturbations. Overlap in the expression of startle reflexes and postural responses emphasizes the possibility of, at least partly, a common substrate for these two types of behavior. Second, it is recognized that the range of behaviors, susceptible to StartReact, has expanded considerably. Originally this work was concentrated on simple voluntary ballistic movements, but gait initiation, online step adjustments and postural responses can be initiated earlier by a startling stimulus as well, indicating advanced motor preparation of posture and gait. Third, recent experiments on StartReact using TMS and patients with corticospinal lesions suggest that this motor preparation involves a close interaction between cortical and subcortical structures. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview on startle reflexes, StartReact, and their interaction with posture and gait.

Experimental Brain Research | 2002

The effect of perturbation acceleration and advance warning on the neck postural responses of seated subjects

Gunter P. Siegmund; David J. Sanderson; J. Timothy Inglis

The muscle and kinematic responses of subjects exposed to postural perturbations have been shown to vary with platform acceleration when this acceleration was covaried with platform velocity or displacement. The purpose of the current study was to isolate platform acceleration and examine its effect on the neck muscle response and head kinematics of seated subjects exposed to anterior perturbations. Thirty-six subjects (20 females, 16 males) underwent two blocks of 36 perturbations. Three different perturbations with peak accelerations of 7.7, 14.7, and 21.7 m/s2 up to a common velocity of 0.5 m/s were used. In one block, subjects received an audible warning corresponding to the platform acceleration magnitude, and in the other block, no advance warning was given. Onset and amplitude of the sternocleidomastoid and cervical paraspinal muscle responses were measured using surface electromyography. Kinematic measures included linear and angular accelerations and displacements of the head. The results showed no differences in either the preperturbation posture or the muscle or kinematic responses between the warned and unwarned trials. Significant differences were observed in the onset and amplitude of the muscle and kinematic variables with perturbation acceleration, although these response differences were not linearly graded with perturbation acceleration. Gradation of muscle activation times has not been previously observed in postural perturbation studies, and their gradation with platform acceleration in the current study suggested that platform acceleration was a strong regulator of the reflex muscle response in postural perturbations.

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