J. Urbanec
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
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Featured researches published by J. Urbanec.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1969
J. Lipták; J. Vrzal; E. P. Grigoriev; G. S. Katykhin; J. Urbanec
The investigation of different silver isotope decay gamma-rays fromA=102 toA=113 was made using two Ge(Li) detectors with resolution 3·7–6 keV. The results obtained and data from other papers were analyzed to correct and to complete the decay schemes of these nuclei. The radioactivity having a half-time of 3 min. is considered as a new isotope of97Ag. Three new states were added to the level scheme of102Ag in agreement with the results of the Β-gamma and gamma-gamma coincidences. Two gamma-ray transitions were added to the scheme of excited levels of103Pd. About 60 transitions were found in the decay of the two known isomers of104Ag. Most of them are located in the decay scheme of the 19 excited levels of the104Pd isotope. Positive parity was assigned to all of them.The112Ag and113Ag gamma-ray spectra were first obtained with the aid of a Ge(Li) spectrometer. The observed transitions were placed in a decay scheme containing 16 levels in the case of112Cd and 5 levels in the case of113Cd.The properties of the low excited even-even isotope states of Ru, Pd and Cd are discussed and compared.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1969
F. Bečvář; J. Lipták; J. Urbanec; J. Vrzal
The γ-spectra from the capture of resonance neutrons on Ba and Pr were investigated using a high resolution Ge(Li) spectrometer. The measurements made it possible to draw conclusions about the character of the 24·5 eV resonance in135Ba and about the low-lying levels in136Ba. Measurements concerning γ-rays from the capture of resonance neutrons by141Pr made it possible to determine the character of the 85·1 eV resonance and to construct the scheme of low-lying levels in142Pr.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1959
J. Urbanec; Jiří Kopecký; Josef Kajfosz
AbstractС помощью сцинтилляц ионного однокристал ьного спектрометра и змерялись энергии и абсолютные интенси вности γ-излучения в с лучае радиационного захвата тепловых нейтронов ядрами S33, Cl36, K40, Са41, V52, Мn56 и Hg200. Измеренные переходы в области энергий 100–1200 keV в большинс тве случаев соответс твуют переходам межд у самыми низкими возбужденны ми состояниями иссле дуемых ядер.AbstractThe energies and absolute intensities of gamma radiation from the radiative capture of thermal neutrons on S33, Cl36, K40, Ca41, V52, Mn56 and Hg200 nuclei were measured by means of a one-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The transitions measured in the energy interval 100–1200 keV are mostly transitions between the lowest excited states of the nuclei studied.The energies and absolute intensities of gamma radiation from the radiative capture of thermal neutrons on S/sup 33/ Cl/sup 36/, K/sup 40/, Ca/sup 41/, V/sup 52/, Mn/sup 56/, and Hg/sup 200/ nuc lei were measured by means of a single-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The transitions measured in the energy interval 100 to 1200 kev are mostly transitions between the lowest excited states of the nuclei studied. (auth)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1960
J. Kopecky; Josef Kajfosz; J. Urbanec
AbstractИнститут ядерных исс ледований ЧСАН, Прага С помощью однокриста льного одноканально го сцинтилляционног о спектрометра были измерены энерги и и интенсивности гам ма-лучей, испускаемых при захвате нейтрона ядрами Na, Co, Zn, Ag и J в области энергий 20÷1000 keV. При измерении на ядрах Co, Zn, Te и J были найден ы новые энергии радиа ционных переходов.AbstractThe energies and intensities of gamma rays from the capture of a neutron on Na, Co, Zn, Ag, Te and I nucleus in the 20–1000 keV energy region were measured with a single-crystal, single-channel scintillation spectrometer. New energies of radiative transition were measured when measuring Co, Zn, Te and I nuclei.The energies and intensities of gamma rays from the capture of a neutron in Na, Co, Zn, Ag, Te, and I nuclei at 20 to 1000 kev were measured with a single- crystal, single-channel scintillation spectrometer. Energies of radiative transition were measured for Co, Zn, Te, and I nuclei. (auth)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1959
J. Urbanec; J. Kopecky; Josef Kajfosz
AbstractС помощью сцинтилляц ионного однокристал ьного спектрометра и змерялись энергии и абсолютные интенси вности γ-излучения в с лучае радиационного захвата тепловых нейтронов ядрами S33, Cl36, K40, Са41, V52, Мn56 и Hg200. Измеренные переходы в области энергий 100–1200 keV в большинс тве случаев соответс твуют переходам межд у самыми низкими возбужденны ми состояниями иссле дуемых ядер.AbstractThe energies and absolute intensities of gamma radiation from the radiative capture of thermal neutrons on S33, Cl36, K40, Ca41, V52, Mn56 and Hg200 nuclei were measured by means of a one-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The transitions measured in the energy interval 100–1200 keV are mostly transitions between the lowest excited states of the nuclei studied.The energies and absolute intensities of gamma radiation from the radiative capture of thermal neutrons on S/sup 33/ Cl/sup 36/, K/sup 40/, Ca/sup 41/, V/sup 52/, Mn/sup 56/, and Hg/sup 200/ nuc lei were measured by means of a single-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The transitions measured in the energy interval 100 to 1200 kev are mostly transitions between the lowest excited states of the nuclei studied. (auth)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1969
P. Galan; V.V. Kuznetsov; M. Ya. Kuznetsova; J. Urbanec; Miroslav Finger; D. Khristov; O. B. Nielsen; J. Jursík
Conversion electron spectra, gamma rays, and e-γ and γ-γ coincidences in the decay of155Tb were investigated. The conversion electron spectra were measured with a toroidal six-gap beta spectrometer and a two-fold double-focusing π √2 beta spectrometer. The gamma rays were measured by means of Ge(Li) detectors. The e-γ-coincidence spectra were investigated by means of the six-gap beta spectrometer and a NaI(Tl)-gamma spectrometer. The γ-γ-coincidences were studied by the method of two-dimensional analysis with the use of two coaxial Ge(Li) detectors.A number of transitions was found in155Tb decay which were not observed up to now. A more complete scheme of the decay155Tb →155Gd is proposed.Conclusions were reached on the multipolarity of most transitions and possible spin and parity values were determined for the155Gd levels.The populations of the excited levels in155Gd ware determined and the lgft values were calculated.A comparison of the results obtained with the calculations by Solovev et al. based on the superfluid model of the nucleus enables one to assign the structure to the 592·6 keV state as follows: [521]↑−0·7%, [521]↑+Q1(20)−99% and to interpret the 559·9 keV level as a mixed state of the type [521]↺−42%, [521]↑+Q1(22)−37%, [523]↺+Q1(22)−16%.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1960
Jiří Kopecký; Josef Kajfosz; J. Urbanec
AbstractИнститут ядерных исс ледований ЧСАН, Прага С помощью однокриста льного одноканально го сцинтилляционног о спектрометра были измерены энерги и и интенсивности гам ма-лучей, испускаемых при захвате нейтрона ядрами Na, Co, Zn, Ag и J в области энергий 20÷1000 keV. При измерении на ядрах Co, Zn, Te и J были найден ы новые энергии радиа ционных переходов.AbstractThe energies and intensities of gamma rays from the capture of a neutron on Na, Co, Zn, Ag, Te and I nucleus in the 20–1000 keV energy region were measured with a single-crystal, single-channel scintillation spectrometer. New energies of radiative transition were measured when measuring Co, Zn, Te and I nuclei.The energies and intensities of gamma rays from the capture of a neutron in Na, Co, Zn, Ag, Te, and I nuclei at 20 to 1000 kev were measured with a single- crystal, single-channel scintillation spectrometer. Energies of radiative transition were measured for Co, Zn, Te, and I nuclei. (auth)
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1969
N. A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya; J. Vrzal; J. Lipták; N. G. Zaytseva; V. G. Tishin; J. Urbanec; E. P. Grigoriev
The spectrum of γ-radiation of the radioactive isotope170Lu was studied by means of two Ge(Li) coaxial semiconductor detectors. Around 150γ-transitions belonging to the decay of170Lu were found and their relative intensities were determined. Using the relative intensities of the conversional electrons from other works the internal conversional coefficients and the multipolarities of γ-ray transitions in the170Yb nucleus were established. Twenty new excited levels of the170Yb nucleus were introduced.A comparison of the experimental results with the predictions of the superfluid and Davydov models is made. The possible existence of Iπ=O− excited states in the level scheme of170Yb is discussed.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1969
F. Becvar; J. Vrzal; J. Lipták; J. Urbanec
The measurements of the γ-ray spectra, following resonance, neutron capture in133Cs, performed with the aid of the Ge(Li) detector of active volume about 12 cm3, are described. The energies and intensities of a number of transitions have been obtained.
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics | 1960
J. Urbanec; Josef Kajfosz; Jiří Kopecký
AbstractС помощью однокриста лльного сцинтилляци онногр спектрометра были измерены энергии и интенсивно сти переходов состав ного ядра, образующег ося при захвате нейтрона. Измерения п роизводились в облас ти энергий 20–1000 keV на ядрах Sc, Fe, Cu, Mo, Cd и La.AbstractThe energies and intensities of the transitions of a compound nucleus, produced by the capture of a neutron, were measured by means of a single-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The region of energies 20–1000 keV was measured on Sc, Fe, Cu, Mo, Cd and L a nuclei.The energies and intenstties for transitions of a compound nucleus, produced by the capture of a neutron, were measured by means of a single-crystal scintillation spectrometer. The 20 to 1000 kev energies were measured on Se, Fe, Cu, Mo, Cd, and La nuclei. (auth)