J.W. Hughes
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Featured researches published by J.W. Hughes.
Nuclear Fusion | 2004
B. LaBombard; J. E. Rice; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; M. Greenwald; James H. Irby; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; C. S. Pitcher; N. Smick; S.M. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch
Plasma profiles and flows in the low- and high-field side scrape-off-layer (SOL) regions in Alcator C-Mod are found to be remarkably sensitive to magnetic separatrix topologies (upper-, lower- and double-null) and to impose topology-dependent flow boundary conditions on the confined plasma. Near-sonic plasma flows along magnetic field lines are observed in the high-field SOL, with magnitude and direction clearly dependent on X-point location. The principal drive mechanism for the flows is a strong ballooning-like poloidal transport asymmetry: parallel flows arise so as to re-symmetrize the resulting poloidal pressure variation in the SOL. Secondary flows involving a combination of toroidal rotation and Pfirsch–Schluter ion currents are also evident. As a result of the transport-driven parallel flows, the SOL exhibits a net co-current (counter-current) volume-averaged toroidal momentum when B × ∇B is towards (away from) the X-point. Depending on the discharge conditions, flow momentum can couple across the separatrix and affect the toroidal rotation of the confined plasma. This mechanism accounts for a positive (negative) increment in central plasma co-rotation seen in L-mode discharges when B × ∇B is towards (away from) the X-point. Experiments in ion-cyclotron range-of-frequency-heated discharges suggest that topology-dependent flow boundary conditions may also play a role in the sensitivity of the L–H power threshold to X-point location: in a set of otherwise similar discharges, the L–H transition is seen to be coincident with central rotation achieving roughly the same value, independent of magnetic topology. For discharges with B × ∇B pointing away from the X-point (i.e. with the SOL flow boundary condition impeding co-current rotation), the same characteristic rotation can only be achieved with higher input power.
Physics of Plasmas | 2001
B. LaBombard; R. L. Boivin; M. Greenwald; J.W. Hughes; B. Lipschultz; D. A. Mossessian; Charles Spencer Pitcher; James Terry; S. J. Zweben
Cross-field particle transport in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of Alcator C-Mod [Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] can be characterized by an effective particle diffusivity (Deff) that increases markedly with distance from the separatrix. As a consequence, recycling onto the main-chamber walls is large compared to plasma flows into the divertor volume. The SOL exhibits a two-layer structure: Steep gradients and moderate fluctuation levels are typically found in a ∼5 mm region near the separatrix (near SOL) where parallel electron conduction typically dominates energy losses. Small gradients and larger fluctuation levels with longer correlation times are found outside this region (far SOL). Deff in the near SOL increases strongly with local plasma collisionality normalized to the magnetic connection length. As the discharge density limit is approached, Deff and associated fluctuation levels become large across the entire SOL and cross-field heat convection everywhere exceeds parallel conduction losses, impacting...
Nuclear Fusion | 2010
D.G. Whyte; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; B. Lipschultz; J. E. Rice; E. Marmar; M. Greenwald; I. Cziegler; A. Dominguez; T. Golfinopoulos; N.T. Howard; L. Lin; R. M. Mcdermott; M. Porkolab; M.L. Reinke; J. L. Terry; N. Tsujii; Scot A. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch; Y. Lin
An improved energy confinement regime, I-mode, is studied in Alcator C-Mod, a compact high-field divertor tokamak using ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRFs) auxiliary heating. I-mode features an edge energy transport barrier without an accompanying particle barrier, leading to several performance benefits. H-mode energy confinement is obtained without core impurity accumulation, resulting in reduced impurity radiation with a high-Z metal wall and ICRF heating. I-mode has a stationary temperature pedestal with edge localized modes typically absent, while plasma density is controlled using divertor cryopumping. I-mode is a confinement regime that appears distinct from both L-mode and H-mode, combining the most favourable elements of both. The I-mode regime is investigated predominately with ion ∇B drift away from the active X-point. The transition from L-mode to I-mode is primarily identified by the formation of a high temperature edge pedestal, while the edge density profile remains nearly identical to L-mode. Laser blowoff injection shows that I-mode core impurity confinement times are nearly identical with those in L-mode, despite the enhanced energy confinement. In addition, a weakly coherent edge MHD mode is apparent at high frequency ~100–300 kHz which appears to increase particle transport in the edge. The I-mode regime has been obtained over a wide parameter space (BT = 3–6 T, Ip = 0.7–1.3 MA, q95 = 2.5–5). In general, the I-mode exhibits the strongest edge temperature pedestal (Tped) and normalized energy confinement (H98 > 1) at low q95 ( 4 MW). I-mode significantly expands the operational space of edge localized mode (ELM)-free, stationary pedestals in C-Mod to Tped ~ 1 keV and low collisionality , as compared with EDA H-mode with Tped . The I-mode global energy confinement has a relatively weak degradation with heating power; leading to increasing H98 with heating power.
Physics of Plasmas | 2009
R.M. McDermott; B. Lipschultz; J.W. Hughes; Peter J. Catto; A. Hubbard; Ian H. Hutchinson; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; B. LaBombard; K. Marr; M.L. Reinke; J. E. Rice; D.G. Whyte
High-resolution charge-exchange recombination spectroscopic measurements of B5+ ions have enabled the first spatially resolved calculations of the radial electric field (Er) in the Alcator C-Mod pedestal region [E. S. Marmar, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 261 (2006)]. These observations offer new challenges for theory and simulation and provide for important comparisons with other devices. Qualitatively, the field structure observed on C-Mod is similar to that on other tokamaks. However, the narrow high-confinement mode (H-mode) Er well widths (5 mm) observed on C-Mod suggest a scaling with machine size, while the observed depths (up to 300 kV/m) are unprecedented. Due to the strong ion-electron thermal coupling in the C-Mod pedestal, it is possible to infer information about the main ion population in this region. The results indicate that in H-mode the main ion pressure gradient is the dominant contributor to the Er well and that the main ions have significant edge flow. C-Mod H-mode data show a clear correl...
Physics of Plasmas | 2010
G.M. Wallace; R.R. Parker; P.T. Bonoli; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; B. LaBombard; O. Meneghini; A.E. Schmidt; S. Shiraiwa; D.G. Whyte; John Wright; S.J. Wukitch; R. W. Harvey; A. P. Smirnov; J. R. Wilson
The goal of the Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) system on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] is to investigate current profile control under plasma conditions relevant to future tokamak experiments. Experimental observations of a LHCD “density limit” for C-Mod are presented in this paper. Bremsstrahlung emission from relativistic fast electrons in the core plasma drops suddenly above line averaged densities of 1020 m−3 (ω/ωLH∼3–4), well below the density limit previously observed on other experiments (ω/ωLH∼2). Electric currents flowing through the scrape off layer (SOL) between the inner and outer divertors increase dramatically across the same density range that the core bremsstrahlung emission drops precipitously. These experimental x-ray data are compared to both conventional modeling, which gives poor agreement with experiment above the density limit and a model including collisional absorption in the SOL, which dramatically improves agreement with experimen...
Physics of Plasmas | 2005
B. LaBombard; J. E. Rice; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; M. Greenwald; R. Granetz; James H. Irby; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; K. Marr; D. A. Mossessian; R.R. Parker; W. Rowan; N. Smick; J. A. Snipes; J. L. Terry; S.M. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch
Factor of ∼2 higher power thresholds for low- to high-confinement mode transitions (L-H) with unfavorable x-point topologies in Alcator C-Mod [Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] are linked to flow boundary conditions imposed by the scrape-off layer (SOL). Ballooning-like transport drives flow along magnetic field lines from low- to high-field regions with toroidal direction dependent on upper/lower x-point balance; the toroidal rotation of the confined plasma responds, exhibiting a strong counter-current rotation when B×∇B points away from the x point. Increased auxiliary heating power (rf, no momentum input) leads to an L-H transition at approximately twice the edge electron pressure gradient when B×∇B points away. As gradients rise prior to the transition, toroidal rotation ramps toward the co-current direction; the H mode is seen when the counter-current rotation imposed by the SOL flow becomes compensated. Remarkably, L-H thresholds in lower-limited discharges are identical to lower x-point discharges; SOL...
Nuclear Fusion | 2011
J. E. Rice; B.P. Duval; M.L. Reinke; Y. Podpaly; A. Bortolon; R.M. Churchill; I. Cziegler; P. H. Diamond; A. Dominguez; P. Ennever; C. Fiore; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; James H. Irby; Y. Ma; E. Marmar; R. M. McDermott; M. Porkolab; N. Tsujii; S.M. Wolfe
Direction reversals of intrinsic toroidal rotation have been observed in Alcator C-Mod ohmic L-mode plasmas following modest electron density or toroidal magnetic field ramps. The reversal process occurs in the plasma interior, inside of the q = 3/2 surface. For low density plasmas, the rotation is in the co-current direction, and can reverse to the counter-current direction following an increase in the electron density above a certain threshold. Reversals from the co- to counter-current direction are correlated with a sharp decrease in density fluctuations with k(R) >= 2 cm(-1) and with frequencies above 70 kHz. The density at which the rotation reverses increases linearly with plasma current, and decreases with increasing magnetic field. There is a strong correlation between the reversal density and the density at which the global ohmic L-mode energy confinement changes from the linear to the saturated regime.
Physics of Plasmas | 2008
B. LaBombard; J.W. Hughes; N. Smick; A. Graf; K. Marr; R. McDermott; Matthew Reinke; M. Greenwald; B. Lipschultz; J. L. Terry; D.G. Whyte; Stewart J. Zweben; Alcator C-Mod Team
Recent experiments have led to a fundamental shift in our view of edge transport physics; transport near the last-closed flux surface may be more appropriately described in terms of a critical gradient phenomenon rather than a diffusive and/or convective paradigm. Edge pressure gradients, normalized by the square of the poloidal magnetic field strength, appear invariant in plasmas with the same normalized collisionality, despite vastly different currents and magnetic fields—a behavior that connects with first-principles electromagnetic plasma turbulence simulations. Near-sonic scrape-off layer (SOL) flows impose a cocurrent rotation boundary condition on the confined plasma when B×∇B points toward the active x-point, suggesting a link to the concomitant reduction in input power needed to attain high-confinement modes. Indeed, low-confinement mode plasmas are found to attain higher edge pressure gradients in this configuration, independent of the direction of B, evidence that SOL flows may affect transport...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2001
J.W. Hughes; D. A. Mossessian; A. Hubbard; E. Marmar; D. Johnson; D. Simon
A high-resolution Thomson scattering diagnostic is in operation on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak, measuring radial profiles of electron temperature and density at the plasma edge. Photons are scattered from a Nd–yttrium–aluminum–garnet laser beam pulsed at 30 Hz (1.3 J, 8 ns pulse), and are measured by a filter polychromator with four spectral channels. The polychromator measures Te in the range of 15–800 eV and ne of 0.3–3×1020 m−3. Twenty scattering volumes are located about the last closed flux surface, spaced for a nominal resolution of 1.3 mm in midplane radial coordinates. High resolution is essential for measuring edge Te and ne profiles on C-Mod, since these quantities exhibit gradient scale lengths as small as 2 mm in H mode. The steep profiles at the H mode edge are fit to a parameterized pedestal function for ease of analysis. Measured profiles are compared with edge profiles from electron cyclotron emission and visible continuum diagnostics.
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
B. LaBombard; J. L. Terry; J.W. Hughes; D. Brunner; J. Payne; Matthew Reinke; I. Cziegler; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; Ian H. Hutchinson; J. Irby; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; Y. Ma; E. Marmar; William L. Rowan; N. Tsujii; G. Wallace; D.G. Whyte; S. M. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch; G. A. Wurden; Alcator C-Mod Team
Parametric dependences of the heat flux footprint on the outer divertor target plate are explored in EDA H-mode and ohmic L-mode plasmas over a wide range of parameters with attached plasma conditions. Heat flux profile shapes are found to be independent of toroidal field strength, independent of power flow along magnetic field lines and insensitive to x-point topology (single-null versus double-null). The magnitudes and widths closely follow that of the “upstream” pressure profile, which are correlated to plasma thermal energy content and plasma current. Heat flux decay lengths near the strike-point in H- and L-mode plasmas scale approximately with the inverse of plasma current, with a diminished dependence at high collisionality in L-mode. Consistent with previous studies, pressure gradients in the boundary scale with plasma current squared, holding the magnetohydrodynamic ballooning parameter approximately invariant at fixed collisionality—strong evidence that critical-gradient transport physics plays ...