Ja Halpin
University of Tasmania
Geology | 2008
Ja Halpin; Anthony J. Crawford; Nicholas G. Direen; Millard F. Coffin; Caroline Forbes; Irina Borissova
The origin of the submarine Naturaliste Plateau off the southwestern coast of Australia is controversial; previous work supports both oceanic and continental affinities for the basement to volcanic and sedimentary sequences. We report the first evidence of reworked Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1230–1190 Ma) continental crust, based on laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry analysis of zircons from granite and orthogneiss samples dredged from the southern margin of the plateau. Thermobarometry of peak metamorphic minerals and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite reveal that these igneous rocks were metamorphosed to ~700 °C and ~6.5 kbar during the Cambrian Pinjarra Orogeny at ca. 515 Ma. These data confirm a continental origin for a significant swathe of the southern Naturaliste Plateau, and suggest that the protoliths may have affinities to Mesoproterozoic crust within the Albany-Fraser-Wilkes Orogen (Australia-Antarctica). The present Naturaliste Plateau basement beneath its volcanic carapace probably represents a middle-to lower-crustal extensional allochthon exhumed during Cretaceous hyperextensional breakup between Australia and Antarctica.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2013
S. J. Craven; Nathan R. Daczko; Ja Halpin
The Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex is characterised by ∼400 km2 of biotite-grade rocks with irregular, km-scale zones of cordierite-bearing high-T rock (T > 550°C). Cordierite-bearing rocks include different textures: (i) cordierite–K-feldspar–spotted hornfels; (ii) sheared cordierite–K-feldspar–augen schists; and (iii) migmatites with or without comparatively coarse garnet poikiloblasts. Integrated petrography, mineral chemistry and mineral equilibria modelling indicate metamorphic peak conditions in samples of hornfels of approximately P ≤ 250 MPa and T = 570–620°C. Two samples of sheared rock preserve peak conditions of approximately T = 670–690°C or T < 600°C and P ≤ 200 MPa, consistent with rapid cooling or variable thermal structure in the Glen Mohr Shear Zone. Electron microprobe U–Th–Pb monazite data indicate a date of 291.5 ± 1.8 Ma for the shear zone, indistinguishable from the age of Hillgrove Plutonic Suite granitoids in the complex. Monazite ages are complex in the hornfels samples that were likely, on the basis of structural relationships, metamorphosed early in the history of the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex (ca 300 Ma). Previous monazite dating of migmatite samples (ca 297 Ma) suggests that the metamorphic cycle was short-lived, lasting less than ca 10 m.y. Metamorphic field gradients are <15–23°C km−1 across much of the complex but locally steep (>50–100°C km−1) around the high-T rocks. Rejection of most heat sources leaves regional conductive heating as the most plausible explanation for the smooth, broad and shallow metamorphic field gradient in the biotite-grade rocks. Another mechanism of heat transfer is required to explain the local, steep metamorphic field gradients and development of high-T cordierite-bearing rocks. The spatial association of quartzite units centred within two cordierite-bearing high-T domains and an increased abundance of quartz veins above the cordierite isograd suggests heat advection by aqueous fluid locally perturbed the broad conductive heating. Fluid was channelled within shear zones and locally infiltrated nearby rocks. Variable fluid flux and strain have produced the range of different textures in cordierite-bearing rocks of the Wongwibinda Metamorphic Complex.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2017
Nicholas G. Direen; B.E. Cohen; Roland Maas; Frederick A. Frey; Joanne M. Whittaker; Mike F. Coffin; S Meffre; Ja Halpin; Anthony J. Crawford
ABSTRACT Volcanism associated with the Kerguelen Large Igneous Province is found scattered in southwestern Australia (the ca 136 to ca 130 Ma Bunbury Basalts, and ca 124 Ma Wallaby Plateau), India (ca 118 Ma Rajmahal Traps and Cona Basalts), and Tibet (the ca 132 Ma Comei Basalts), but apart from the ∼70 000 km2 Wallaby Plateau, these examples are spatially and volumetrically minor. Here, we report dredge, geochronological and geochemical results from the ∼90 000 km2 Naturaliste Plateau, located ∼170 to ∼500 km southwest of Australia. Dredged lavas and intrusive rocks range from mafic to felsic compositions, and prior geophysical analyses indicate these units comprise much of the plateau substrate. 40Ar/39Ar plagioclase ages from mafic units and U–Pb zircon ages from silicic rocks indicate magmatic emplacement from 130.6 ± 1.2 to 129.4 ± 1.3 Ma for mafic rocks and 131.8 ± 3.9 to 128.2 ± 2.3 Ma for silicic rocks (2σ). These Cretaceous Naturaliste magmas incorporated a significant component of continental crust, with relatively high 87Sr/86Sr (up to 0.78), high 207Pb/204 Pb ratios (15.5–15.6), low 143Nd/144Nd (0.511–0.512) and primitive-mantle normalised Th/Nb of 11.3 and La/Nb of 3.97. These geochemical results are consistent with the plateau being underlain by continental basement, as indicated by prior interpretations of seismic and gravity data, corroborated by dredging of Mesoproterozoic granites and gneisses on the southern plateau flank. The Cretaceous Naturaliste Plateau igneous rocks have signatures indicative of extraction from a depleted mantle, with trace-element and isotopic values that overlap with Kerguelen Plateau lavas reflect crustal contamination. Our chemical and geochronological results therefore show the Naturaliste Plateau contains evidence of an extensive igneous event representing some of the earliest voluminous Kerguelen hotspot magmas. Prior work reports that contemporaneous correlative volcanic sequences underlie the nearby Mentelle Basin, and the Enderby Basin and Princess Elizabeth Trough in the Antarctic. When combined, the igneous rocks in the Naturaliste, Mentelle, Wallaby, Enderby, Princess Elizabeth, Bunbury and Comei-Cona areas form a 136–124 Ma Large Igneous Province covering >244 000 km2.
Scientific Reports | 2018
Nathan R. Daczko; Ja Halpin; Ian Fitzsimons; Joanne M. Whittaker
The most poorly exposed and least understood Gondwana-forming orogen lies largely hidden beneath ice in East Antarctica. Called the Kuunga orogen, its interpolation between scattered outcrops is speculative with differing and often contradictory trends proposed, and no consensus on the location of any sutures. While some discount a suture altogether, paleomagnetic data from Indo-Antarctica and Australo-Antarctica do require 3000–5000 km relative displacement during Ediacaran-Cambrian Gondwana amalgamation, suggesting that the Kuunga orogen sutured provinces of broadly Indian versus Australian affinity. Here we use compiled data from detrital zircons offshore of East Antarctica that fingerprint two coastal subglacial basement provinces between 60 and 130°E, one of Indian affinity with dominant ca. 980–900 Ma ages (Indo-Antarctica) and one of Australian affinity with dominant ca. 1190–1140 and ca. 1560 Ma ages (Australo-Antarctica). We combine this offshore compilation with existing and new onshore U-Pb geochronology and previous geophysical interpretations to delimit the Indo-Australo-Antarctic boundary at a prominent geophysical lineament which intersects the coast east of Mirny at ~94°E.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2018
Jacob A. Mulder; Rf Berry; Ja Halpin; S Meffre; Jl Everard
ABSTRACT The Proterozoic Oonah Formation comprises a thick sequence of turbidites and mafic rocks that is widely exposed in western and northern Tasmania. The regional significance of the Oonah Formation is poorly understood as its contacts are faulted and estimates of its depositional age range from 1450 Ma to 700 Ma. Here we refine the depositional age of the Oonah Formation and clarify its relationship to other Proterozoic sequences in Tasmania. Magmatic apatite from the syn-sedimentary Cooee Dolerite has a 207Pb-corrected 238U/206Pb age of 733 ± 9 Ma that provides a robust estimate of the depositional age of the Oonah Formation. The Oonah Formation contains abundant 750 Ma detrital monazite and has detrital zircon age populations at 1800–1700 Ma, 1590 Ma, and 1450 Ma. The new age and provenance data support the interpretation that the Oonah Formation is a lateral equivalent of the base of the Togari Group and correlatives in Tasmania. We demonstrate that the stratigraphy and provenance of Neoproterozoic strata in Tasmania differ from time-equivalent sequences in Adelaide Rift Complex but are similar to the Pahrump Group (Death Valley, California) and the Cobham Formation (Transantarctic Mountains), which supports a southwest Laurentia—Tasmania—East Antarctica connection within supercontinent Rodinia.
Journal of Metamorphic Geology | 2005
R. W. White; R. Powell; Ja Halpin
Gondwana Research | 2014
Clive Burrett; Khin Zaw; S Meffre; Chun-Kit Lai; Somboon Khositanont; Pol Chaodumrong; Mongkol Udchachon; Samuel Ekins; Ja Halpin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2014
Rr Large; Ja Halpin; Leonid V. Danyushevsky; Valeriy V. Maslennikov; Sw Bull; John A. Long; D Gregory; E Lounejeva; Timothy W. Lyons; Patrick J. Sack; Pj McGoldrick; Clive R. Calver
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2005
Ja Halpin; Cl Gerakiteys; G. L. Clarke; Elena Belousova; William L. Griffin
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2012
Ja Halpin; Nathan R. Daczko; L. A. Milan; G. L. Clarke