
Featured researches published by Jacob L. Bean.

Nature | 2014

Clouds in the atmosphere of the super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b.

Laura Kreidberg; Jacob L. Bean; J.-M. Desert; Björn Benneke; Drake Deming; Kevin B. Stevenson; Sara Seager; Zachory K. Berta-Thompson; Andreas Seifahrt; D. Homeier

Recent surveys have revealed that planets intermediate in size between Earth and Neptune (‘super-Earths’) are among the most common planets in the Galaxy. Atmospheric studies are the next step towards developing a comprehensive understanding of this new class of object. Much effort has been focused on using transmission spectroscopy to characterize the atmosphere of the super-Earth archetype GJ 1214b (refs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), but previous observations did not have sufficient precision to distinguish between two interpretations for the atmosphere. The planet’s atmosphere could be dominated by relatively heavy molecules, such as water (for example, a 100 per cent water vapour composition), or it could contain high-altitude clouds that obscure its lower layers. Here we report a measurement of the transmission spectrum of GJ 1214b at near-infrared wavelengths that definitively resolves this ambiguity. The data, obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, are sufficiently precise to detect absorption features from a high mean-molecular-mass atmosphere. The observed spectrum, however, is featureless. We rule out cloud-free atmospheric models with compositions dominated by water, methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen or carbon dioxide at greater than 5σ confidence. The planet’s atmosphere must contain clouds to be consistent with the data.

Nature | 2010

A ground-based transmission spectrum of the super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b

Jacob L. Bean; Eliza Miller-Ricci Kempton; Derek Homeier

In contrast to planets with masses similar to that of Jupiter and higher, the bulk compositions of planets in the so-called super-Earth regime (masses 2–10 times that of the Earth) cannot be uniquely determined from a measurement of mass and radius alone. For these planets, there is a degeneracy between the mass and composition of both the interior and a possible atmosphere in theoretical models. The recently discovered transiting super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b is one example of this problem. Three distinct models for the planet that are consistent with its mass and radius have been suggested. Breaking the degeneracy between these models requires obtaining constraints on the planets atmospheric composition. Here we report a ground-based measurement of the transmission spectrum of GJ 1214b between wavelengths of 780 and 1,000 nm. The lack of features in this spectrum rules out (at 4.9σ confidence) cloud-free atmospheres composed primarily of hydrogen. If the planets atmosphere is hydrogen-dominated, then it must contain clouds or hazes that are optically thick at the observed wavelengths at pressures less than 200 mbar. Alternatively, the featureless transmission spectrum is also consistent with the presence of a dense, water vapour atmosphere.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2014

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)

George R. Ricker; Joshua N. Winn; R. Vanderspek; David W. Latham; G. Á. Bakos; Jacob L. Bean; Zachory K. Berta-Thompson; Timothy M. Brown; Lars A. Buchhave; Nathaniel R. Butler; R. Paul Butler; W. J. Chaplin; David Charbonneau; Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard; Mark Clampin; Drake Deming; John P. Doty; Nathan De Lee; Courtney D. Dressing; Edward W. Dunham; Michael Endl; Francois Fressin; Jian Ge; Thomas Henning; Matthew J. Holman; Andrew W. Howard; Shigeru Ida; Jon M. Jenkins; Garrett Jernigan; John Asher Johnson

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS ) will search for planets transiting bright and nearby stars. TESS has been selected by NASA for launch in 2017 as an Astrophysics Explorer mission. The spacecraft will be placed into a highly elliptical 13.7-day orbit around the Earth. During its two-year mission, TESS will employ four wide-field optical CCD cameras to monitor at least 200,000 main-sequence dwarf stars with IC (approximately less than) 13 for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. Each star will be observed for an interval ranging from one month to one year, depending mainly on the stars ecliptic latitude. The longest observing intervals will be for stars near the ecliptic poles, which are the optimal locations for follow-up observations with the James Webb Space Telescope. Brightness measurements of preselected target stars will be recorded every 2 min, and full frame images will be recorded every 30 min. TESS stars will be 10-100 times brighter than those surveyed by the pioneering Kepler mission. This will make TESS planets easier to characterize with follow-up observations. TESS is expected to find more than a thousand planets smaller than Neptune, including dozens that are comparable in size to the Earth. Public data releases will occur every four months, inviting immediate community-wide efforts to study the new planets. The TESS legacy will be a catalog of the nearest and brightest stars hosting transiting planets, which will endure as highly favorable targets for detailed investigations.

Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems | 2014

Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

George R. Ricker; Joshua N. Winn; R. Vanderspek; David W. Latham; G. Á. Bakos; Jacob L. Bean; Zachory K. Berta-Thompson; Timothy M. Brown; Lars A. Buchhave; Nathaniel R. Butler; R. Paul Butler; W. J. Chaplin; David Charbonneau; Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard; Mark Clampin; Drake Deming; John P. Doty; Nathan De Lee; Courtney D. Dressing; Edward W. Dunham; Michael Endl; Francois Fressin; Jian Ge; Thomas Henning; Matthew J. Holman; Andrew W. Howard; Shigeru Ida; Jon M. Jenkins; Garrett Jernigan; John Asher Johnson

Abstract. The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will search for planets transiting bright and nearby stars. TESS has been selected by NASA for launch in 2017 as an Astrophysics Explorer mission. The spacecraft will be placed into a highly elliptical 13.7-day orbit around the Earth. During its 2-year mission, TESS will employ four wide-field optical charge-coupled device cameras to monitor at least 200,000 main-sequence dwarf stars with IC≈4−13 for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. Each star will be observed for an interval ranging from 1 month to 1 year, depending mainly on the star’s ecliptic latitude. The longest observing intervals will be for stars near the ecliptic poles, which are the optimal locations for follow-up observations with the James Webb Space Telescope. Brightness measurements of preselected target stars will be recorded every 2 min, and full frame images will be recorded every 30 min. TESS stars will be 10 to 100 times brighter than those surveyed by the pioneering Kepler mission. This will make TESS planets easier to characterize with follow-up observations. TESS is expected to find more than a thousand planets smaller than Neptune, including dozens that are comparable in size to the Earth. Public data releases will occur every 4 months, inviting immediate community-wide efforts to study the new planets. The TESS legacy will be a catalog of the nearest and brightest stars hosting transiting planets, which will endure as highly favorable targets for detailed investigations.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011

The Optical and Near-infrared Transmission Spectrum of the Super-Earth GJ 1214b: Further Evidence for a Metal-rich Atmosphere

Jacob L. Bean; J.-M. Desert; P. Kabath; B. Stalder; Sara Seager; Eliza Miller-Ricci Kempton; Zachory K. Berta; Derek Homeier; Shane Walsh; Andreas Seifahrt

We present an investigation of the transmission spectrum of the 6.5 M ? planet GJ?1214b based on new ground-based observations of transits of the planet in the optical and near-infrared, and on previously published data. Observations with the VLT + FORS and Magellan + MMIRS using the technique of multi-object spectroscopy with wide slits yielded new measurements of the planets transmission spectrum from 0.61 to 0.85 ?m, and in the J, H, and K atmospheric windows. We also present a new measurement based on narrow-band photometry centered at 2.09 ?m with the VLT + HAWKI. We combined these data with results from a reanalysis of previously published FORS data from 0.78 to 1.00 ?m using an improved data reduction algorithm, and previously reported values based on Spitzer data at 3.6 and 4.5 ?m. All of the data are consistent with a featureless transmission spectrum for the planet. Our K-band data are inconsistent with the detection of spectral features at these wavelengths reported by Croll and collaborators at the level of 4.1?. The planets atmosphere must either have at least 70% H2O by mass or optically thick high-altitude clouds or haze to be consistent with the data.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011

Observational evidence for a metal rich atmosphere on the super-Earth GJ1214b

J.-M. Desert; Jacob L. Bean; Eliza Miller-Ricci Kempton; Zachory K. Berta; David Charbonneau; J. Irwin; Jonathan J. Fortney; Christopher J. Burke; Philip Nutzman

We report observations of two consecutive transits of the warm super-Earth exoplanet GJ 1214b at 3.6 and 4.5 ?m with the Infrared Array Camera instrument on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The two transit light curves allow for the determination of the transit parameters for this system. We find these parameters to be consistent with the previously determined values and no evidence for transit timing variations. The main investigation consists of measuring the transit depths in each bandpass to constrain the planets transmission spectrum. Fixing the system scale and impact parameters, we measure Rp /R = 0.1176+0.0008 ?0.0009 and 0.1163+0.0010 ?0.0008 at 3.6 and 4.5 ?m, respectively. Combining these data with the previously reported MEarth Observatory measurements in the red optical allows us to rule out a cloud-free, solar composition (i.e., hydrogen-dominated) atmosphere at 4.5? confidence. This independently confirms a recent finding that was based on a measurement of the planets transmission spectrum using the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The Spitzer, MEarth, and VLT observations together yield a remarkably flat transmission spectrum over the large wavelength domain spanned by the data. Consequently, cloud-free atmospheric models require more than 30% metals (assumed to be in the form of H2O) by volume to be consistent with all the observations.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014

A precise water abundance measurement for the hot Jupiter WASP-43b

Laura Kreidberg; Jacob L. Bean; Jean-Michel Desert; Michael R. Line; Jonathan J. Fortney; Nikku Madhusudhan; Kevin B. Stevenson; David Charbonneau; Peter Rankin McCullough; Sara Seager; Adam Burrows; Gregory W. Henry; Michael H. Williamson; Tiffany Kataria; Derek Homeier

The water abundance in a planetary atmosphere provides a key constraint on the planet’s primordial origins because water ice is expected to play an important role in the core accretion model of planet formation. However, the water content of the Solar System giant planets is not well known because water is sequestered in clouds deep in their atmospheres. By contrast, short-period exoplanets have such high temperatures that their atmospheres have water in the gas phase, making it possible to measure the water abundance for these objects. We present a precise determination of the water abundance in the atmosphere of the 2 MJup short-period exoplanet WASP-43b based on thermal emission and transmission spectroscopy measurements obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. We nd the water content is consistent with the value expected in a solar composition gas at planetary temperatures (0:4 3:5 solar at 1 condence). The metallicity of WASP-43b’s atmosphere suggested by this result extends the trend observed in the Solar System of lower metal enrichment for higher planet masses. Subject headings: planets and satellites: atmospheres | planets and satellites: composition | planets and satellites: individual: WASP-43b

The Astrophysical Journal | 2014

Hubble Space Telescope Near-IR Transmission Spectroscopy of the Super-Earth HD 97658b

Heather A. Knutson; Diana Dragomir; Laura Kreidberg; Eliza M.-R. Kempton; Peter Rankin McCullough; Jonathan J. Fortney; Jacob L. Bean; Michaël Gillon; D. Homeier; Andrew W. Howard

Recent results from the Kepler mission indicate that super-Earths (planets with masses between 1 10 times that of the Earth) are the most common kind of planet around nearby Sun-like stars. These planets have no direct solar system analogue, and are currently one of the least well-understood classes of extrasolar planets. Many super-Earths have average densities that are consistent with a broad range of bulk compositions, including both water-dominated worlds and rocky planets covered by a thick hydrogen and helium atmosphere. Measurements of the transmission spectra of these planets offer the opportunity to resolve this degeneracy by directly constraining the scale heights and corresponding mean molecular weights of their atmospheres. We present Hubble Space Telescope nearinfrared spectroscopy of two transits of the newly discovered transiting super-Earth HD 97658b. We use the Wide Field Camera 3’s scanning mode to measure the wavelength-dependent transit depth in thirty individual bandpasses. Our averaged differential transmission spectrum has a median 1� uncertainty of 19 ppm in individual bins, making this the most precise observation of an exoplanetary transmission spectrum obtained with WFC3 to date. Our data are inconsistent with a cloud-free solar metallicity atmosphere at the 17� level. They are a good match for flat models corresponding to either a metal-rich atmosphere or a solar metallicity atmosphere with a cloud or haze layer located at pressures of a mbar or higher. Subject headings: binaries: eclipsing — planetary systems — techniques: spectroscopy

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


Zachory K. Berta; David Charbonneau; Jacob L. Bean; J. Irwin; Christopher J. Burke; J.-M. Desert; Philip Nutzman; Emilio E. Falco

The super-Earth GJ1214b transits a nearby M dwarf that exhibits a 1% intrinsic variability in the near-infrared. Here, we analyze new observations to refine the physical properties of both the star and planet. We present three years of out-of-transit photometric monitoring of the stellar host GJ1214 from the MEarth Observatory and find the rotation period to be long, most likely an integer multiple of 53 days, suggesting low levels of magnetic activity and an old age for the system. We show that such variability will not pose significant problems to ongoing studies of the planets atmosphere with transmission spectroscopy. We analyze two high-precision transit light curves from ESOs Very Large Telescope (VLT) along with seven others from the MEarth and Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory 1.2 m telescopes, finding physical parameters for the planet that are consistent with previous work. The VLT light curves show tentative evidence for spot occultations during transit. Using two years of MEarth light curves, we place limits on additional transiting planets around GJ1214 with periods out to the habitable zone of the system. We also improve upon the previous photographic V-band estimate for the star, finding V = 14.71 ± 0.03.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2015


Laura Kreidberg; Michael R. Line; Jacob L. Bean; Kevin B. Stevenson; Jean-Michel Desert; Nikku Madhusudhan; Jonathan J. Fortney; Joanna K. Barstow; Gregory W. Henry; Michael H. Williamson

Detailed characterization of exoplanets has begun to yield measurements of their atmospheric properties that constrain the planets’ origins and evolution. For example, past observations of the dayside emission spectrum of the hot Jupiter WASP-12b indicated that its atmosphere has a high carbon-tooxygen ratio (C/O > 1), suggesting it had a dierent formation pathway than is commonly assumed for giant planets. Here we report a precise near-infrared transmission spectrum for WASP-12b based on six transit observations with the Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Camera 3. We bin the data in 13 spectrophotometric light curves from 0.84 - 1.67 m and measure the transit depths to a median precision of 51 ppm. We retrieve the atmospheric properties using the transmission spectrum and nd strong evidence for water absorption (7 condence). This detection marks the rst high-condence, spectroscopic identication of a molecule in the atmosphere of WASP-12b. The retrieved 1 water volume mixing ratio is between 10 5 10 2 , which is consistent with C/O > 1 to within 2 . However, we also introduce a new retrieval parameterization that ts for C/O and metallicity under the assumption of chemical equilibrium. With this approach, we constrain C/O to 0:5 +0:2 0:3 at 1 and rule out a carbon-rich atmosphere composition (C/O> 1) at > 3 condence. Further observations and modeling of the planet’s global thermal structure and dynamics would aid in resolving the tension between our inferred C/O and previous constraints. Our ndings highlight the importance of obtaining high-precision data with multiple observing techniques in order to obtain robust constraints on the chemistry and physics of exoplanet atmospheres. Subject headings: planets and satellites: atmospheres | planets and satellites: composition | planets and satellites: individual: WASP-12b

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