Jacopo Farinato
University of Bologna
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Featured researches published by Jacopo Farinato.
Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018
T. M. Herbst; Carmelo Arcidiacono; Maria Bergomi; Thomas Bertram; Peter Bizenberger; Florian Briegel; Luca Marafatto; Richard J. Mathar; Rosalie McGurk; Roberto Ragazzoni; Kalyan Kumar Radhakrishnan Santhakumari; Valentina Viotto; Micah Klettke; Jürgen Berwein; Jacopo Farinato
This paper reports on early commissioning of LINC-NIRVANA (LN), an innovative Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) system for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). LN uses two, parallel MCAO systems, each of which corrects turbulence at two atmospheric layers, to deliver near diffraction-limited imagery over a two-arcminute field of view. We summarize LN’s approach to MCAO and give an update on commissioning, including the achievement of First Light in April 2018. This is followed by a discussion of challenges that arise from our particular type of MCAO and the solutions implemented. We conclude with a brief look forward to the remainder of commissioning and future upgrades.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII | 2018
T. M. Herbst; Maria Bergomi; Carmelo Arcidiacono; Thomas Bertram; Jürgen Berwein; Peter Bizenberger; Florian Briegel; Jacopo Farinato; Luca Marafatto; Richard J. Mathar; Rosalie McGurk; Roberto Ragazzoni; Kalyan Kumar Radhakrishnan Santhakumari; Valentina Viotto; Micah Klettke
This paper reports on the installation and initial commissioning of LINC-NIRVANA (LN), an innovative high resolution, near-infrared imager for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). We present the delicate and difficult installation procedure, the culmination of a re-integration campaign that was in full swing at the last SPIE meeting. We also provide an update on the ongoing commissioning campaigns, including our recent achievement of First Light. Finally, we discuss lessons learned from the shipment and installation of a large complex instrument.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave | 2018
Demetrio Magrin; Maria Bergomi; Marco Dima; Davide Greggio; Luca Marafatto; Federico Biondi; Roberto Ragazzoni; Valentina Viotto; Matteo Munari; I. Pagano; G. Scandariato; Thomas Beck; Willy Benz; Christopher Broeg; Martin Diego Busch; Andrea Fortier; Martin Rieder; Eduardo Hernández; Giordano Bruno; Virginie Cessa; Daniele Piazza; Timothy Bandy; Giampaolo Piotto; Mario Salatti; Elisabetta Tommasi; Francesco Ratti; N. Rando; Atul Deep; Ivan Ngan; Lisa Gambicorti
CHEOPS is the first small class mission adopted by ESA in the framework of the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025. Its launch is foreseen in early 2019. CHEOPS aims to get transits follow-up measurements of already known exo-planets, hosted by near bright stars (V<12). Thanks to its ultra-high precision photometry, CHEOPS science goal is accurately measure the radii of planets in the super-Earth to Neptune mass range (1<Mplanet/MEarth<20). The knowledge of the radius by transit measurements, combined with the determination of planet mass through radial velocity techniques, will allow the determination/refinement of the bulk density for a large number of small planets during the scheduled 3.5 years life mission. The instrument is mainly composed of a 320 mm aperture diameter Ritchey-Chretien telescope and a Back End Optics, delivering a de-focused star image onto the focal plane. In this paper we describe the opto-thermo-mechanical model of the instrument and the measurements obtained during the opto-mechanical integration and alignment phase at Leonardo company premises, highlighting the level of congruence between the predictions and measurements.
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VIII | 2018
Daniele Vassallo; Jacopo Farinato; Elena Carolo; Valentina Viotto; Davide Greggio; Maria Bergomi; Luca Marafatto; Andrea Baruffolo; Marco De Pascale; Jean-François Sauvage; Thierry Fusco
Phase diversity is a focal plane wavefront sensing technique that allows to retrieve the phase aberration introduced by a camera starting from two images of whatever object, one of which (the diverse image) is intentionally corrupted by a known aberration. We present here the results of a simulation campaign aimed at assessing the validity of this approach for sensing non-common path aberrations (NCPA) in SHARK-NIR, the new-generation high-contrast imager for the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). The aberrations to be retrieved has been modeled on a realistic error budget of the instrument, while images are generated with an end-to-end Fresnel simulator which makes use of atmospheric phase screens to simulate realistic closed-loop observations. A wide parameter space is explored in order to identify the critical parameters and to estimate the expected level of correction.
Adaptive Optics Systems VI | 2018
Roberto Ragazzoni; Davide Greggio; Valentina Viotto; Simone Di Filippo; Dima Marco; Jacopo Farinato; Maria Bergomi; Elisa Portaluri; Demetrio Magrin; Luca Marafatto; Federico Biondi; Elena Carolo; Simonetta Chinellato; Gabriele Umbriaco; Daniele Vassallo
Laser Guide Stars are, in spite of their name, all but “stars”. They do not stand at infinite distance, neither on a plane. If fired from the side of a large telescope their characteristics as seen from various points on the apertures changes dramatically. As they extend in a 3D world, there is need of a WFS that deploy in a similar 3D manner, in the conjugated volume, resembling the approach that MCAO required long time ago to overcome the usual limitations of conventional AO. We describe a class of a novel kind of WFS that employ a combination of refraction and reflection, such that they can convey the light from an LGS into a limited number of pupils, making the device compact, doable with a single piece of glass, and able to feed a minimum sized format detector where the information is collected maximizing the information depending from which part of the LGS the light is coming from, and on which portion of the telescope aperture the light is landing. They represent, in our opinion, the best-known adaptation of the pyramid WFS for NGS to the LGS world. As in the natural reference case the practical advantages come along with some fundamental advantages. Being a pupil plane WFS with the perturbator placed on the (3D) loci of focus of the various portions of the source of light they have the potentiality to extend WFS to a number of issues, including the ability to sense the islands effect, where non-contiguous portions of the main apertures are optically displaced. Further to their description and the main recipes we speculate onto possible variations on cases where the LGS is fired from the back of the secondary mirror and we exploit some potential features when implementing onto an extremely large aperture.
Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 – Conference Proceedings | 2015
Valentina Viotto; Maria Bergomi; Elisa Portaluri; Marco Dima; Jacopo Farinato; Davide Greggio; Demetrio Magrin; Roberto Ragazzoni
In this paper, we discuss the feasibility and the performance assessment of a possible MCAO system for E-ELT, basedon the novel concept of Global MCAO, which takes advantage of a very wide technical FoV to perform adaptive opticscorrection using only natural guide stars, with the aim to increase the sky coverage. The technique envisages thedefinition of Virtual-DMs, as tools for the global reconstruction. This investigation has been carried out during afeasibility study we performed for ESO, in which we combined computations, simulations and literature. The aim of thisanalysis is to identify and review the main parameters and the technical issues, which would act as error sources in a realGMCAO system, evaluating their contribution to the overall performance. The study involves both issues related to thePyramid WFS in general, and to the GMCAO case in particular, including the wavelength and FoV size selection, thenumber of guide stars and reconstructed Virtual-DMs, and actual components parameters.
Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 4 – Conference Proceedings | 2015
Elisa Portaluri; Valentina Viotto; Maria Bergomi; Federico Biondi; Marco Dima; Jacopo Farinato; Davide Greggio; Demetrio Magrin; Roberto Ragazzoni
Enabling accurate morphological and photometric analysis across a wide Field of View (FoV) is one of the keyscience requirement for multi-conjugate adaptive optics systems. With this motivation we present a study aimedat the investigation of the performance of Global-MCAO (GMCAO). Such an innovative concept, based onnatural guide stars in a wide technical FoV, addresses the need for an increase of the sky coverage, which is akey ingredient for future MCAO-based VLT instruments and for the forthcoming E-ELT. Using a tomographicsimulation tool, we compute a map of the Strehl Ratio in a 250′′ × 250′′ area, matching the Chandra Deep FieldSouth survey. Mock images of star and galactic fields are then built using such a map and analyzed as if theywere real and observed with the E-ELT instrumentation. We perform the source detection and two-dimensionallight-profile modeling using the IRAF/ELLIPSE code and we then compare the recovered parameters with theintrinsic data. The good match of our results claims that GMCAO is a reliable approach that can rebuild theAO concepts and can provide a frame of reference for a number of science cases.
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave | 2018
Maria Bergomi; Federico Biondi; Luca Marafatto; Valentina Viotto; Demetrio Magrin; Jacopo Farinato; Roberto Ragazzoni; Andrea Novi; Massimo Marinai; Marco Dima; Davide Greggio; Mario Salatti; Atul Deep; Thomas Beck; Daniele Piazza; L. Lessio; Elisa Portaluri; Willy Benz; I. Pagano; Matteo Munari; Marco Baroni; Enrico Battistelli; Elisabetta Tommasi
CHEOPS (CHaracterizing ExOPlanets Satellite) is an ESA Small Mission, planned to be launched in early 2019 and whose main goal is the photometric precise characterization of the radii of exoplanets orbiting bright stars (V<12) already known to host planets. The telescope is composed by two optical systems: a compact on-axis F/5 Ritchey-Chrétien, with an aperture of 320 mm and a Back-End Optics, reshaping a defocused PSF on the detector. In this paper we describe how alignment and integration, as well as ground support equipment, realized on a demonstrator model at INAF Padova, evolved and were successfully applied during the AIV phase of the flight model telescope subsystem at LEONARDO, the Italian industrial prime contractor premises.
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V | 2018
Marco De Pascale; Andrea Baruffolo; Bernardo Salasnich; Florian Briegel; V. D'Orazi; Jacopo Farinato; Valentina Viotto; Maria Bergomi; Luca Marafatto; Philip M. Hinz; Elwood C. Downey; Lars Mohr
The System for coronagraphy with High Order adaptive optics in Kand H band (SHARKNIR), is a high contrast imager with coronagraphic and spectroscopic capabilities, which will be mounted at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT). It will observe in the near infrared, between 0.96 and 1.7 microns. Its main scientific goal is the direct imaging of exo-planets, their detection and characterization, taking advantage of the adaptive optics offered by LBT. Other science objectives include brown dwarfs, protoplanetary discs, stellar jets, QSOs and AGNs. In this paper we describe the design and architecture of the SHARK-NIR instrument control software (SHINS). SHINS architecture is largely inspired to ESO VLT instrument control software: a central component dispatches commands to peripheral components dedicated to subsystems control. Observation, calibration and maintenance procedure are implemented by means of templates We also describe how communication between software components is implemented. We begin by explaining how we employed TwiceAsNice, a service oriented architecture framework, to control all the motorized functions. We also illustrate the interface to the control software for the tip/tilt subsystem, built inside SHARK-NIR and in charge of image stabilization. Then, we describe the interface implemented using the Instrument-Neutral Distributed Interface (INDI) communication protocol, which is used by SHINS to communicate both with the telescope and the scientific detector control systems.
Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII | 2018
Luca Marafatto; Maria Bergomi; Federico Biondi; Elena Carolo; Simonetta Chinellato; Marco De Pascale; Marco Dima; Jacopo Farinato; Davide Greggio; L. Lessio; Demetrio Magrin; Elisa Portaluri; Roberto Ragazzoni; Daniele Vassallo; Valentina Viotto
SHARK-NIR is one of the forthcoming instruments of the Large Binocular Telescope second generation instruments. Due to its coronagraphic nature, coupled with low resolution spectroscopy capabilities, it will be mainly devoted to exoplanetary science, but its FoV of 18 x 18 arcsec and very high contrast imaging capabilities will allow to exploit also other intriguing scientific cases. The instrument has been conceived and designed to fully exploit the exquisite adaptive optics correction delivered by the FLAO module, which will be improved with the SOUL upgrade, and will implement different coronagraphic techniques, with contrast as high as 10-6 up to 65 mas from the star. Despite the wavelength range of SHARK-NIR is 0.96-1.7 um, the instrument is designed to work in synergy with SHARK-VIS and with LMIRcam, on board of LBTI. The contemporary acquisition from these instruments will extend the wavelength coverage from M band down to the visible radiation. The physical location of the instrument, at the entrance of LBTI, imposes dimensional constraints to the instrument, which had been kept very compact. The folded optical design includes more than 50 optical elements, among which 4 Off-Axis Parabolas, 1 Deformable Mirror for the compensation of the Non Common Path Aberrations from the FLAO Wavefront Sensor, 2 detectors and 3 different kinds of coronagraph: Gaussian Lyot, Shaped Pupil and Four Quadrant Pupil Mask. Most of these optics are located onto an optical bench 500 x 400 mm, which makes SHARK-NIR an extremely dense instrument. This, together with the presence of 4 off-axis parabolas and of coronagraphs, such as the Four Quadrant, poorly tolerant to misalignments, requires a careful alignment and test phase, which needs the fine adjustement of many hundreds of degrees of freedom. We will give here an overview of the opto-mechanical layout of SHARK-NIR and of the identified alignment procedure, mostly optical, planned to take place in 2018.