Jacques Légaré
Université de Montréal
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Featured researches published by Jacques Légaré.
Canadian Studies in Population | 1988
Jacques Légaré
This paper presents the population register of the Programme de recherche en demographie historique which reconstitutes the Canadian population under the French regime. Resulting from an almost completely computerized series of operations from data collection to data analysis its individual and family files are eminently suited for longitudinal analysis. Various applications illustrate this fact: the kinship relationships between pioneers arriving in Canada before 1680 the conjugal lives of these pioneers adult mortality and orphanhood premarital conceptions and differential number of descendants. (SUMMARY IN FRE) (EXCERPT)
Population Studies-a Journal of Demography | 1990
François Nault; Bertrand Desjardins; Jacques Légaré
In this paper the effects of mothers age, birth order, sibship size breastfeeding habits of the mother and length of previous birth interval on infant mortality among the French-Canadian population during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are considered. A U-shaped effect of mothers age and a J-shaped effect of birth order are observed. The relation with birth order is shown to hold, even after controlling for sibship size. Study of the effect of sibship size leads to a relation between the fates of siblings and definition of a familial component in infant mortality. A significant factor in that familial component is the breastfeeding habit of the mother. Finally, the effect of the length of the previous birth interval is scrutinized, but no single explanation is found that fully accounts for the observed inverse relation with infant mortality.
Canadian Public Policy-analyse De Politiques | 2007
Janice Keefe; Jacques Légaré; Yves Carrière
This paper projects annual growth rates between 2001 and 2031 in the need for informal and formal support among elderly Canadians with disabilities. The paper also discusses the policy implications of the increasing demand for informal caregivers. Using Statistics Canadas LifePaths microsimulation model, these projections incorporate disability rates and the potential availability of family caregivers. The authors conclude that continued focus on family to meet the needs of elderly Canadians is not sustainable. New public policies involving financial support and respite for family caregivers are proposed and their economic feasibility is evaluated.
Archive | 2006
Yves Carrière; Laurent Martel; Jacques Légaré; Lucie Morin
The last two decades have seen population aging become one of the major reasons put forward when discussing the need to adjust social policies to a changing society where public expenditures are expected to increase substantially. Of course, public retirement schemes and health care services are the two programs that are more likely to be targeted by these discussions. This study focuses on the possible effects of changing demographic trends on the use of home care services by examining characteristics associated with the use of different sources of these services for the elderly population.
Population | 1991
Jacques Légaré; Bertrand Desjardins
Legare (Jacques), Desjardins (Bertrand). - La Monoparentalidad : un concepto moderno, una realidad de antaňo La familia, e i el momento que ella toma las formas mas variadas, sigue siendo el cri- sol de la evolucion de las poblaciones. Hasta no hace mucho, era la familia tradicional que tuvo la preferencia los investigadores, pero en la actualidad, existe cada vez mas un interes por las familias donde un solo conyugue asume las responsabilidades parentales. El presente estudio, ilustra en principio y ante todo, una pista metodologica, utilizan- do los datos de la poblacion canadiense de los siglos xvn y xviii, que permiten medir la in- tensidad y el calendario de dicho fenomeno, lo mismo que las caracteristicas de los diferentes protagonistas, a principios y al final de la monoparentalidad. Aqui, el 70 % de las primeras uniones afectadas por una ruptura (se excluyeron las situaciones que implican las madres solteras), se encuentran en situacion de monoparentalidad, teniendo por lo menos un hijo de menos de 25 aňos a cargo. Rupturas producidas al cabo de 20 aňos, dejan al conyuge sobreviviente a cargo de cuatro hijos de 8 a 16 aňos. El cabo de 6 aňos, la monoparentalidad se terminera, ya sea por el fallecimiento о рог un nuevo matrimonio del conyu- gue sobreviviente, sea рог la emancipacion del ultimo de los hijos. Aquella que se termina рог un nuevo matrimonio del padre sobreviviente, se caracteriza mas por la edad de los hijos que por el numero de estos. Por ultimo, en 20 % de los casos de monoparentalidad, los hijos menores, tres en termino medio, devienen huerfanos de padre y madre. En esta primera presentacion, el fenomeno ha sido estudiado, sobre todo a travez de la situacion de los padres ; la proxima, pondra enfasis en la situacion de los hijos.
Journal of Family History | 1977
Bertrand Desjardins; Pierre Beauchamp; Jacques Légaré
*Bertrand Desjardins is Research Assistant for the Programme de Recherche en Demographie Historique at the Universite de Montreal. Pierre Beauchamp is Computer Analyst for the Programme de Recherche en Demographic Historique at the Université. de Montréal. Jacques Légaré is Professor of Demography at the Université de Montréal. Blessed with a competent and diligent clergy from the outset of the colony, the Canadian province of Quebec possesses an exhaustive vital registration dating back to 1621. This fortunate condition prompted the undertaking of an ambitious research
Canadian Studies in Population | 1987
Jacques Légaré
This is an outline of major issues concerning demographic aging in Canada and its socioeconomic implications. Among the subjects included are the predominance of women among the aged old age security the health of the aged and geographic variations. (SUMMARY IN FRE) (ANNOTATION)
Demography | 1972
Jacques Légaré
In order to evaluate the main educational characteristics of a grade cohort—which are the proportion of those who get a degree, the average time spent in school and finally the mean educational attainment of the cohort—we present a school system in which repeat enrolments are well identified. In this discrete model, we present, for each grade, three transition coefficients: the proportion of those passing to the next grade, the proportion of those repeating the grade and the proportion of those leaving the school system. Afterwards, we set up a system of equations leading to the distribution of the entrants in the cohort according to the levels of their educational attainment, a system of equations for which a simple solution will depend on two assumptions.
Canadian Journal on Aging-revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement | 2014
Jacques Légaré; Yann Décarie; Alain Bélanger
Le vieillissement de la population est l’enjeux démographique du XXI ième siècle et plusieurs indicateurs sont utilisés pour en mesurer le niveau et les tendances. Dans Science (2010), Sanderson et Scherbov ont suggéré des améliorations à la mesure du rapport de dépendance des personnes âgées. Ils ont identifié plusieurs limites à l’utilisation de l’âge chronologique comme la principale variable et ont proposé un nouvel indice, le rapport de dépendance des adultes avec incapacités, défini comme le nombre d’adultes ayant une incapacité qui ont au moins 20 ans, divisé par le nombre d’adultes du même âge sans incapacité. Ils ont utilisé la méthode de Sullivan, basée sur la prévalence, en multipliant des taux d’incapacité dérivés à des projections démographiques de niveau macro. Les résultats ont été calculés pour plusieurs pays de la CEE et de l’OCDE. Les résultats pour le Canada (voir l’annexe en ligne) ont été calculés en utilisant les coefficients de l’Italie. Cependant, l’incapacité est un processus complexe et multidimensionnel (voir Carrière et al, 2007; Légaré et Décarie, 2011), et la microsimulation peut tenir compte de cette complexité implicite. Nos résultats pour le Canada, présentés ici, sont supérieurs à ceux de Science, et indiquent comment des projections plus élaborées des personnes âgées avec incapacités peuvent améliorer l’analyse. Nous avons utilisé LifePaths, un modèle de microsimulation de Statistique Canada, pour fournir une perspective du phénomène du vieillissement impossible à obtenir en utilisant des méthodes basées sur la prévalence.Population aging is the population issue of the XXI century and many indices are used to measure its level and pace. In Science (2010), Sanderson and Scherbov suggested improvements to the measure of elderly dependency ratio. They identified several limitations to the use of chronological age as the main variable and proposed a new index, the Adult Disability Dependency Ratio, defined as the number of adults at least 20 years old with disabilities divided by the number of similarly aged adults without disabilities. They used the Sullivan prevalence-based method by multiplying derived disability rates to macro population projections. They showed results for several ECE and OECD countries; results for Canada were derived using coefficients of Italy. However, disability is a complex multidimensional process (see Carrière, Keefe, Légaré, Lin, & Rowe, 2007; Légaré and Décarie, 2011), and microsimulation can take into account its implied complexity. Our results for Canada, presented here, exceed those in Science to show how more-sophisticated projections of disabled older adults can improve the analysis. We used LifePaths, a Statistics Canada’s microsimulation model, to provide a perspective of the phenomena unobtainable with prevalence-based methods.
Canadian Journal on Aging-revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement | 2012
Marc-Antoine Busque; Jacques Légaré
Based on data from the 2002 General Social Survey, this research presents a global portrait of unmet needs for home care services among Canadians aged 65 and over. It shows that 26.8% of seniors need assistance, accounting for approximately 1,024,000 individuals. Among these, just over 180,000 (17.7%) had at least one unmet need. In nearly half the cases, elderly with unmet needs receive insufficient support for 2 activities or more. Furthermore, house cleaning, house maintenance and outdoor work are the three activities with the highest prevalence of unmet needs. Finally, the younger seniors, those who require assistance for 3 or 4 activities and those living in Quebec and British Columbia are most likely to have unmet needs.Based on data from the 2002 General Social Survey, this research presents a global portrait of unmet needs for home care services among Canadians aged 65 and over. It shows that 26.8% of seniors need assistance, accounting for approximately 1,024,000 individuals. Among these, just over 180,000 (17.7%) had at least one unmet need. In nearly half the cases, elderly with unmet needs receive insufficient support for 2 activities or more. Furthermore, house cleaning, house maintenance and outdoor work are the three activities with the highest prevalence of unmet needs. Finally, the younger seniors, those who require assistance for 3 or 4 activities and those living in Quebec and British Columbia are most likely to have unmet needs.