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Featured researches published by Jacques Weill.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 1987

Serum desialotransferrin in the detection of alcohol abuse. Definition of a Tf index.

François Schellenberg; Jacques Weill

Different molecular forms of transferrin (Tf) have been separated in sera from alcoholics and controls by isoelectric focusing on ultrathin polyacrylamide gels using a semi narrow pH range. The main fraction focused at pH 5.4 (Tf5.4) and minor components appeared among controls at pH 5.7 (Tf5.7). This fraction was increased among alcoholics and was sometimes accompanied by a fraction focusing at pH 5.9 (Tf5.9). Fractions were quantified by densitometry following immunofixation. Significant differences in the ratios Tf5.4/Tf and Tf5.7/Tf between the groups were obtained, but no difference could be determined in the total Tf. We used the ratio Tf5.7/Tf5.4 called Tf index to distinguish alcoholics from controls. The sensitivity, the specificity and the global predictive value of this test were 0.82, 1 and 0.88 respectively. These results seems to indicate that the Tf index is more reliable for the detection of alcohol abuse than liver enzymes such as gammaglutamyl transferase (gamma GT) or glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH).

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 1979

Immunological correlates between the multiple hemocyanin subunits of Limulus polyphemus and Tachypleus tridentatus

Jean Lamy; Josette Lamy; Jacques Weill; Joseph Bonaventura; Celia Bonaventura; Michael Brenowitz

Abstract The 60 S hemocyanins of the horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus and Tachypleus tridentatus, are of interest as models of how structurally diverse subunits interact in the assembly of high molecular weight proteins. Subunit diversity is a general characteristic in hemocyanins of the Chelicerates (horseshoe crabs, spiders, and scorpions) and is expressed to a lesser extent in hemocyanins of the crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, and lobsters). In order to better characterize the hemocyanins of Limulus and Tachypleus, their subunits were fractionated by ion-exchange and thin-layer gel chromatography. Immunological techniques were used extensively in isolation and characterization of the subunits. Both hemocyanins yield six chromatographic zones at pH 8.9. The Limulus pattern is due to the existence of seven monomers and a heterodimer. The heterodimer contains one additional monomer for a total of eight distinct subunits. Limulus monomer IIA is antigenically related to IIIa but is antigenically deficient. Dissociation of Tachypleus hemocyanin at pH 8.9 yields five monomers and a heterodimer that contains two additional monomers. One monomer in the dimeric component of Limulus hemocyanin is antigenically related to a monomer of the dimeric component of Tachypleus and the other two monomers in the dimers are antigenically identical. It is proposed that dimeric components link the hexameric “building blocks” of the Chelicerate hemocyanins and thus play specific functional and structural roles.

Clinica Chimica Acta | 1973

Réversibilité des signes biologiques de cirrhose chez l'alcoolique chronique a la suite du sevrage

Jean Lamy; Emile Aron; Josette Lamy; Jean-Claude Martin; Jacques Weill; M. Leclerc; C. Titeca

Abstract In cases of chronic alcoholism without clinical signs of cirrhosis, after one year of alcohol-free diet the IgA level decreases significantly (85 subjects under study). This decrease is more important when the initial increase was higher. On the contrary, when alcoholic consumption continues, the IgA level increases significantly (45 subjects under study). The increase or decrease of the IgA level might be correlated to the mesenchyme inflammation of the liver.

Alcohol | 1988

The decrease of low serum gamma glutamyl transferase during short-term abstinence

Jacques Weill; François Schellenberg; Anne-Marie Le Goff; Jean-Yves Benard

We present a study of 107 in-patients of a detoxification center. As expected, 81 percent of them showed upon admittance an increased serum gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). After alcohol withdrawal, GGT decreased in all but one of these patients. More surprisingly, even among the rest of the patients exhibiting upon admittance a GGT result within the reference range, there still occurred a significant decrease in 50 percent of the cases. Thus, whether the initial GGT is high or normal, we observed a decrease in 96 patients out of 107, i.e., a sensitivity of 0.90. The decrease test consists in asking a subject to refrain from any alcohol intake during a short period, e.g., seven days. If any significant diminution of serum GGT occurs, the possibility of alcohol abuse should at least be given serious consideration before being rejected. This test was used up to now only when GGT was initially high. The present results show that it can be attempted even when GGT is initially within the normal range, with a sensitivity of 0.90.

FEBS Letters | 1980

Intramolecular location of the subunits of androctonus australis hemocyanin

Jean Lamy; Josette Lamy; M. Leclerc; Pierre-Yves Sizaret; Jacques Weill

Arthropod hemocyanins (Hc) are large molecular mass, copper containing respiratory proteins made up of polypeptide chains with M, 70 000-95 000. The complexity of the molecule varies with the species but it is generally accepted that the more complex structures arose by successive dimerisations of a minimal structural unit, often designated as hexamer (1 X 6 mer), constituted of 6 polypeptide chains. In the scorpion Androctonus australis, 8 subunits [I], with different N-terminal amino acid sequences [2] constitute the 34 S (4 X 6 mer) native Hc. The number of copies of each chain being known [3], the next step in the determination of the quaternary structure is the intramolecular location of each subunit. This papel reports how the immunological recognition of the subunits in the native molecule was used to approach the problem of their intramolecular location.

Clinica Chimica Acta | 1989

Kinetics of serum glutamate dehydrogenase during short-term alcohol withdrawal

Jacques Weill; François Schellenberg; Anne-Marie Le Goff

The behavior of serum glutamate dehydrogenase after alcohol withdrawal was studied in 64 alcoholics admitted to a detoxification center. The enzyme activity decreased in 57 patients by a median of -35.8 percent in 24 h. Thus, the decrease of serum glutamate dehydrogenase after 24 h of ethanol abstinence can serve as a test of alcohol abuse.

Clinica Chimica Acta | 1973

Hyperhaptoglobinemie des alcooliques chroniques

Josette Lamy; Emile Aron; J.C Martin; Jacques Weill

Abstract Chronic alcoholics exhibit a high serum haptoglobin level at an average of 2.21 g/l. In almost 50% of them serum haptoglobin values are higher than the upper limit (2.3 g/l) of the 99% confidence interval of controls. This hyper-haptoglobinaemia persists after a 3-months temperance cure and is not lowered by corticotherapy. These results can be compared to the lasting, corticoid-resistant hyper-haptoglobinaemia described by Jayle as a sign of a precoronary condition.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1971

Méthode de détermination quantitative des variations passagères des constantes de biosynthèse et de dégradation des enzymes

Jean Lamy; Roland Itti; Josette Lamy; Thérèse Plantol; Jacques Weill

Abstract We describe a graphical method for the determination of fugitive variations of the synthesis and degradation constants of enzymes which obey the law dE/dt = Ks−KDE. This method implies measurement of enzyme concentrations (activities) and of specific radioactivities. The graph is dimensionless and can be used for any enzyme presenting any temporary variation of any one or both constants. The only condition is that the new constants remain at the same level during the period of labelling.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research | 1989

Evaluation of Carbohydrate-deficient Transferrin Compared with Tf Index and Other Markers of Alcohol Abuse

François Schellenberg; J. Y. Bénard; A. M. Goff; C. Bourdin; Jacques Weill

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research | 1989

Assessment of the Transferrin Index in Screening Heavy Drinkers from a General Practice

R. Poupon; François Schellenberg; Bertrand Nalpas; Jacques Weill


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Jean Lamy

François Rabelais University

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Josette Lamy

François Rabelais University

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M. Leclerc

François Rabelais University

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Pierre-Yves Sizaret

François Rabelais University

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