Jadunandan Dash
University of Southampton
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Featured researches published by Jadunandan Dash.
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2004
Jadunandan Dash; Paul J. Curran
The long wavelength edge of the major chlorophyll absorption feature in the spectrum of a vegetation canopy moves to longer wavelengths with an increase in chlorophyll content. The position of this red-edge has been used successfully to estimate, by remote sensing, the chlorophyll content of vegetation canopies. Techniques used to estimate this red-edge position (REP) have been designed for use on small volumes of continuous spectral data rather than the large volumes of discontinuous spectral data recorded by contemporary satellite spectrometers. Also, each technique produces a different value of REP from the same spectral data and REP values are relatively insensitive to chlorophyll content at high values of chlorophyll content. This paper reports on the design and indirect evaluation of a surrogate REP index for use with spectral data recorded at the standard band settings of the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). This index, termed the MERIS terrestrial chlorophyll index (MTCI), was evaluated using model spectra, field spectra and MERIS data. It was easy to calculate (and so can be automated), was correlated strongly with REP but unlike REP was sensitive to high values of chlorophyll content. As a result this index became an official MERIS level-2 product of the European Space Agency in March 2004. Further direct evaluation of the MTCI is proposed, using both greenhouse and field data.
Advances in Space Research | 2004
Jadunandan Dash; E Steinle; Ramesh P. Singh; Hans-Peter Bähr
Estimation of damages caused by a disaster is a major task in the post disaster mitigation process. To enhance the relief and rescue operation in the affected area it is required to get a near real time damage model. For this purpose a fast method of data acquisition with suitable methods for extracting the man-made objects is required. Laser scanning data provide the height of the ground objects, which can be used for developing models to extract the man-made features in a complex urban environment. Using the height variation along the periphery of objects present in the data, a method based on standard deviation was developed to distinguish between tree and building.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2011
Peter M. Atkinson; Jadunandan Dash; C. Jeganathan
[1] During the last decade two major drought events, one in 2005 and another in 2010, occurred in the Amazon basin. Several studies have claimed the ability to detect the effect of these droughts on Amazon vegetation response, measured through satellite sensor vegetation indices (VIs). Such monitoring capability is important as it potentially links climate changes (increasing frequency and severity of drought), vegetation response as observed through vegetation greenness, and land-atmosphere carbon fluxes which directly feedback into global climate change. However, we show conclusively that it is not possible to detect the response of vegetation to drought from space using VIs. We analysed 11 years of dry season (July–September) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) images. The VI standardised anomaly was analysed alongside the absolute value of EVI and NDVI, and the VI values for drought years were compared with those for non-drought years. Through a series of analyses, the standardised anomalies and VI values for drought years were shown to be of similar magnitude to those for non-drought years. Thus, while Amazon vegetation may respond to drought, this is not detectable through satellite-observed changes in vegetation greenness. A significant long-term decadal decline in VI values is reported, which is independent of the occurrence of drought. This trend may be caused by environmental or noise-related factors which require further investigation.
Ecological Informatics | 2007
Giles M. Foody; Jadunandan Dash
There is uncertainty about the extent and distribution of grasslands following the C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways. Since these grasses have an asynchronous seasonal profile it should be possible to estimate and map the C3–C4 composition of grasslands from multi-temporal remote sensing imagery. This potential was evaluated using 30 weekly composite MERIS MTCI images for South Dakota, USA. Derived relationships between the remotely sensed response and composition of grasslands were significant, with R2 0.6. It also appears possible to map broad classes of grassland composition, with a three class (high, medium and low C3 cover) classification having an accuracy of 77.8%.
Global Change Biology | 2015
Felix Eigenbrod; Patrick Gonzalez; Jadunandan Dash; Ilse Steyl
The combined effects of climate change and habitat loss represent a major threat to species and ecosystems around the world. Here, we analyse the vulnerability of ecosystems to climate change based on current levels of habitat intactness and vulnerability to biome shifts, using multiple measures of habitat intactness at two spatial scales. We show that the global extent of refugia depends highly on the definition of habitat intactness and spatial scale of the analysis of intactness. Globally, 28% of terrestrial vegetated area can be considered refugia if all natural vegetated land cover is considered. This, however, drops to 17% if only areas that are at least 50% wilderness at a scale of 48×48 km are considered and to 10% if only areas that are at least 50% wilderness at a scale of 4.8×4.8 km are considered. Our results suggest that, in regions where relatively large, intact wilderness areas remain (e.g. Africa, Australia, boreal regions, South America), conservation of the remaining large-scale refugia is the priority. In human-dominated landscapes, (e.g. most of Europe, much of North America and Southeast Asia), focusing on finer scale refugia is a priority because large-scale wilderness refugia simply no longer exist. Action to conserve such refugia is particularly urgent since only 1 to 2% of global terrestrial vegetated area is classified as refugia and at least 50% covered by the global protected area network.
Journal of remote sensing | 2011
Doreen S. Boyd; Samuel Almond; Jadunandan Dash; Paul J. Curran; Ross A. Hill
Given the close association between climate change and vegetation response, there is a pressing requirement to monitor the phenology of vegetation and understand further how its metrics vary over space and time. This article explores the use of the Envisat MERIS terrestrial chlorophyll index (MTCI) data set for monitoring vegetation phenology, via its estimates of chlorophyll content. The MTCI was used to construct the phenological profile of and extract key phenological event dates from woodland and grass/heath land in Southern England as these represented a range of chlorophyll contents and different phenological cycles. The period 2003–2008 was selected as this was known to be a period with temperature and phenological anomalies. Comparisons of the MTCI-derived phenology data were made with ground indicators and climatic proxy of phenology and with other vegetation indices: MERIS global vegetation index (MGVI), MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Close correspondence between MTCI and canopy phenology as indicated by ground observations and climatic proxy was evident. Also observed was a difference between MTCI-derived phenological profile curves and key event dates (e.g. green-up, season length) and those derived from MERIS MGVI, MODIS NDVI and MODIS EVI. The research presented in this article supports the use of the Envisat MTCI for monitoring vegetation phenology, principally due to its sensitivity to canopy chlorophyll content, a vegetation property that is a useful proxy for the canopy physical and chemical alterations associated with phenological change.
Journal of remote sensing | 2010
Jadunandan Dash; Paul J. Curran; Matthew J. Tallis; G. M. Llewellyn; Gail Taylor; P. Snoeij
The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (MTCI), a standard level 2 European Space Agency (ESA) product, provides information on the chlorophyll content of vegetation (amount of chlorophyll per unit area of ground). This is a combination of information on Leaf Area Index (LAI, area of leaves per unit area of ground) and the chlorophyll concentration of those leaves. The MTCI correlates strongly with chlorophyll content when using model, laboratory and field spectrometry data. However, MTCI calculated with MERIS data has only been correlated with surrogate chlorophyll content data. This is because of the logistical difficulties of determining the chlorophyll content of the area covered by a MERIS pixel (9 × 104 m2). This paper reports the first attempt to determine the relationship between MTCI and chlorophyll content using actual MERIS data and actual chlorophyll content data. During the summer of 2006 LAI and chlorophyll concentration data were collected for eight large (> 25 ha) fields around Dorchester in southern England. The fields contained six crops (beans, linseed, wheat, grass, oats and maize) at different stages of maturity and with different canopy structures, LAIs and chlorophyll concentrations. A stratified sampling method was used in which each field contained sampling units in proportion to the spatial variability of the crop. Within each unit 25 random points were sampled. This approach captured the variability of the field and reduced the potential bias introduced by the planting pattern or later agricultural treatments (e.g. pesticides or herbicides). At each random point LAI was estimated using an LAI-2000 plant canopy analyser and chlorophyll concentration was estimated using a Minolta-SPAD chlorophyll meter. In addition, for each field a calibration set of 30 contiguous SPAD measurements and associated leaf samples were collected. The relationship between MTCI and chlorophyll content was positive. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.62, root mean square error (RMSE) was 244 g per MERIS pixel and accuracy of estimation (in relation to the mean) was 65%. However, one field included a high proportion of seed heads, which artificially increased the measured LAI and thus chlorophyll content. Removal of this field from the dataset resulted in a stronger relationship between MTCI and chlorophyll content with an R2 of 0.8, an RMSE of 192 g per MERIS pixel and accuracy of estimation (in relation to the mean) of 71%.
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2007
Paul J. Curran; Jadunandan Dash; G. M. Llewellyn
The Indian Ocean tsunami of 26 December 2004 removed coastal vegetation and inundated large areas of near‐coastal and low lying land with salt water. There were subsequent reports of early vegetation senescence as salt stress reduced the chlorophyll content of plant canopies. The European Space Agency (ESA) uses data from its Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Envisat to produce an operational product called the MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index (MTCI). The MTCI values are related to the relative position of the red edge in the reflectance spectrum of vegetation and so can be used to estimate the chlorophyll content of that vegetation. The difference between pre and post‐tsunami MTCI images was compared with elevation data from the Shuttle Radar Topography Missions (SRTM) Spaceborne Imaging Radar‐C (SIR‐C) for the Phuket region of Thailand. There was a statistically significant (95% confidence level) decrease in the MTCI after the tsunami in near‐coastal and low lying interior regions. It was hypothesized that this decrease was due to a reduction in chlorophyll content as a result of the salt stress produced by salt water inundation. The recovery of this region is to be monitored using the MTCI.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2017
Qunming Wang; George Alan Blackburn; Alex Okiemute Onojeghuo; Jadunandan Dash; Lingquan Zhou; Yihang Zhang; Peter M. Atkinson
Sentinel-2 is a wide-swath and fine spatial resolution satellite imaging mission designed for data continuity and enhancement of the Landsat and other missions. The Sentinel-2 data are freely available at the global scale, and have similar wavelengths and the same geographic coordinate system as the Landsat data, which provides an excellent opportunity to fuse these two types of satellite sensor data together. In this paper, a new approach is presented for the fusion of Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imager data to coordinate their spatial resolutions for continuous global monitoring. The 30 m spatial resolution Landsat 8 bands are downscaled to 10 m using available 10 m Sentinel-2 bands. To account for the land-cover/land-use (LCLU) changes that may have occurred between the Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images, the Landsat 8 panchromatic (PAN) band was also incorporated in the fusion process. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach is effective for fusing Landsat 8 with Sentinel-2 data, and the use of the PAN band can decrease the errors introduced by LCLU changes. By fusion of Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 data, more frequent observations can be produced for continuous monitoring (this is particularly valuable for areas that can be covered easily by clouds, thereby, contaminating some Landsat or Sentinel-2 observations), and the observations are at a consistent fine spatial resolution of 10 m. The products have great potential for timely monitoring of rapid changes.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation | 2013
Irfan Akhtar Iqbal; Jadunandan Dash; Saleem Ullah; Ghayyas Ahmad
The Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) aboard Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) is a spaceborne LiDAR sensor. It is the first LiDAR instrument which can digitize the backscattered waveform and offer near global coverage. Among others, scientific objectives of the mission include precise measurement of vegetation canopy heights. Existing approaches of waveform processing for canopy height estimation suggest Gaussian decomposition of the waveform which has the limitation to properly characterize significant peaks and results in discrepant information. Moreover, in most cases, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are required for canopy height estimation. This paper presents a new automated method of GLAS waveform processing for extracting vegetation canopy height in the absence of a DTM. Canopy heights retrieved from GLAS waveforms were validated with field measured heights. The newly proposed method was able to explain 79% of variation in canopy heights with an RMSE of 3.18 m, in the study area. The unexplained variation in canopy heights retrieved from GLAS data can be due to errors introduced by footprint eccentricity, decay of energy between emitted and received signals, uncertainty in the field measurements and limited number of sampled footprints. Results achieved with the newly proposed method were encouraging and demonstrated its potential of processing full-waveform LiDAR data for estimating forest canopy height. The study also had implications on future full-waveform spaceborne missions and their utility in vegetation studies.