
Featured researches published by Jae-Ick Kim.

Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation | 2011

Modeling and Simulation for Evaluating the Submarine Detection Capability of ASW Missions for an Anti Submarine Helicopter

Chan-Woo Yu; Jae-Ick Kim; Cheol-Ho Kim; Young-Ran Jung; Sung-Woon Park

In this paper, a method to allocate a submarine search mission to an ASW(Anti-Submarine Warfare) helicopter is proposed. The aim of the proposed method is to increase the submarine detection capability. For this purpose, we modeled the behaviors that the ASW helicopter conduct during the search mission, and the relations between the behaviors are also modeled. To measure quantitatively the effectiveness of ASW search mission, the measure of effectiveness(MOP) is defined. Scenarios are designed to analyze the effectiveness utilizing the ASW mission model. We conducted simulations applying the designed scenarios and some parameters concerned with the friendly ship and the enemy submarine interacting each other in the ASW missions. We analyzed the result of simulation depending on the dipping interval and the pattern of dipping positions in the situation that the helicopter operates for a long time and should resupply several times on the friendly ship. From the analyzed data, we suggested the practical value of ratio between the detectable range of the sonar and the dipping interval to improve the effectiveness of ASW mission.

Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation | 2011

Many-to-Many Warship Combat Tactics Generation Methodology Using the Evolutionary Simulation

Chan-Ho Jung; Han-eul Ryu; Yong-Jun You; Sung-Do Chi; Jae-Ick Kim

In most existing warships combat simulation system, the tactics of a warship is manipulated by human operators. For this reason, the simulation results are restricted due to the stereotype of human operators. To deal with this, we have employed the genetic algorithm for supporting the evolutionary simulation environment. In which, the tactical decision by human operators is replaced by the human model with a rule-based chromosome for representing tactics so that the population of simulations are created and hundreds of simulation runs are continued on the basis of the genetic algorithm without any human intervention until to find emergent tactics which shows the best performance throughout the simulation. This paper proposes an evolutionary tactics generation methodology for the emergent tactics in many-to-many warship combat simulation. To do this, 3:3 warship combat simulation tests are performed.

Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation | 2011

The Rule-based Agent Modeling and Simulation considering the Evacuation Behavior Characteristics on the Passenger Ship Fire

Eun-Bok Lee; Suk-Hoon Shin; Yong-Jun You; Sung-Do Chi; Jae-Ick Kim

ABSTRACTThis paper suggests the passenger model considered evacuation behavioral characteristics on the passenger ship fire using a rules-based agent technique. The existing evacuation simulation system was modeled only passenger speed. The speed-based model considered passenger’s physical characteristics, so it couldn’t consider evacuation behavioral characteristics. For solving this problem, we modeled the passenger model using a rule-based agent applied evacuation behavioral characteristics. The rule-based agent consists of knowledge base and inference engine. In knowledge base, we represented evacuation behavioral characteristics, and chose the examples of the evacuation behavioral characteristics to show various patterns of behavior. And we simulated in the IMO MSC/Circ.1238 example 8 and we proved the simulation results could represent variety patterns of human behavior. Key words : Rule-based Agent, Modeling and Simulation, Evacuation Behavior Characteristics요 약본 논문은 규칙기반 에이전트를 이용하여 여객선 화재시 피난행동특성을 고려한 승객행동모델을 제안한다 . 기존 시스템들은 승객의 속도만을 반영한 속도기반모델을 사용하였다 . 속도기반모델은 승객의 신체적 특징만 고려한 모델로 피난행동특성을 반영하기 어렵다. 이 문제점을 해결하기 위해 규칙기반 에이전트로 피난행동특성을 반영한 승객모델을 모델링하였다 . 규칙기반 에이전트는 지식베이스와 추론엔진으로 구성된다. 지식베이스에는 피난행동특성들 중에서 다양한 행동 패턴을 보여줄 수 있는 예제를 선택하여 규칙형태의 지식으로 표현하고 , 추론엔진은 지식을 전방추론하여 승객의 행위를 결정하도록 구현하였다 . 이 승객모델을 IMO MSC/Circ.1238의 문제 8에 적용하여 시뮬레이션을 진행한 결과 규칙기반 에이전트로 모델링한 승객이 다양한 인간의 행동 패턴을 표현할 수 있음을 검증하였다 .주요어 : 규칙기반 에이전트., 모델링 & 시뮬레이션, 피난행동특성

Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology | 2014

A Study on the Design and Verification-Validation of the Supportive Equipment for Shipyard Test of Naval Combat System

Young-Ran Jung; Cheol-Ho Kim; Woong-Gie Han; Jae-Ick Kim; Hyunsil Kim

ABSTRACT The Shipyard Test of Naval Combat System depends on external factors, such as weather conditions and availability of its sensor-weapon, due to the need of on-board sensor-weapon during the test. This paper suggests the Supportive Equipment using virtual simulator for Shipward Test, in case of the unavailability of the on-board sensor-weapon or the test support force(aircraft, surface ship etc.), to pre-check the functions of the combat system as well as to prepare the Shipyard Test. To mock the real sensor-weapon functions as similar as possible, the Supportive Equipment for Shipyard Test was verified by the Verification and Validation process, which is usually performed while developing models in the Modeling & Simulation field.Key Words : Naval Combat System(함정 전투체계), Combat Management System(전투관리체계), Shipyard Test(함상시험), Supportive Equipment(지원장비), V&V(Verification and Validation : 검증-확인) 1. 서 론 함정 전투체계(Naval Combat System)는 함정에 탑재된 센서 및 무장체계를 통합하여 전술 상황 평가, 지휘 결심, 무장 할당, 교전 수행의 과정을 자동화하고 시스템화한 함정의 핵심 무기체계로서, 여러 개의 단일 무기체계가 통합되어 하나의 무기체계를 구성하

Archive | 2012

A Study on the Requirements for Designing Agent-Based Computer Generated Force

Yong-Jun You; Jang-Se Lee; Sung-Do Chi; Jae-Ick Kim

CGF (Computer Generated Forces) is known as a representation of constructive forces in a simulation environment which attempts to model human behavior. Currently, CGF deals with some extent on lower levels of command as well as weapon system, however, their behavior is stereotyped so as to support only simple level of decision-making. In this paper, we propose the level of agent-based CGF by integrating various viewpoints of requirements for supporting the systematic design.

Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation | 2012

The Battle Warship Simulation of Agent-based with Reinforcement and Evolutionary Learning

Chan-Ho Jung; Cheol-Young Park; Sung-Do Chi; Jae-Ick Kim

Due to the development of technology related to a weapon system and the info-communication, the battle system of a warship has to manage many kinds of human intervention tactics according to the complicated battlefield environment. Therefore, many kinds of studies about M&S(Modeling & Simulation) have been carried out recently. The previous M&S system based on an agent, however, has simply used non-flexible(or fixed) tactics. In this paper, we propose an agent modeling methodology which has reinforcement learning function for spontaneous(active) reaction and generation evolution learning Function using Genetic Algorithm for more proper reaction for warship battle. We experiment with virtual 1:1 warship combat simulation on the west sea so as to test validity of our proposed methodology. We consequently show the possibility of both reinforcement and evolution learning in a warship battle.

Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology | 2011

On the Development of the Generic CFCS for Engineering Level Simulation of the Surface Ship

Young-Ran Jung; Woong-Gie Han; Cheol-Ho Kim; Jae-Ick Kim

In this paper, we considered the authoritative representation of Command and Fire Control System(CFCS) for the surface ship that was the engineering level model to develop system specifications and to analyze operational concepts on the concept design phase and to analyze military requirements, effectiveness and performance for the system. The engineering level model of CFCS can be used in simulation independently of the surface ship`s type, and also it takes reuse, interoperability, and extension into consideration. The detailed sub-models, internal and external data interface, data flow among each sub-model, sensor and weapon models about the engineering level model of CFCS was defined. It was verified via engineering level simulations according to the V&V process.

spring simulation multiconference | 2010

Benefits and challenges in developing warship simulator based on DEVS formalism

Chang Beom Choi; Jangwon Bae; Tag Gon Kim; Jae-Ick Kim; Woong Gie Han; Cheol Ho Kim

Modeling and simulation(M&S) engineering is one of the most challenging areas that have to deal with problems from multiple domains. Hence, in the M&S field, the various domain experts and the M&S experts often work together to build a simulator. Yet, in some domains like military, cooperation has been limited because of the security policies in domains. Therefore, the domain experts in such fields are required to have M&S knowledge on the top of their domain knowledge to build simulation models by themselves. This paper describes our experience of developing a simple warship simulator and assisting such domain experts to obtain the M&S knowledge using Warship Simulator Project. From the experience of the project, we found that the DEVS formalism is easy to learn, and it is suitable for developing a simulator easily with implementation of DEVS formalism.

spring simulation multiconference | 2009

FAMES: fully agent-based modeling & emergent simulation

Sung-Do Chi; Yong-Jun You; Chan-Ho Jung; Jang-Se Lee; Jae-Ick Kim

Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation | 2008

Design of No-human-in-the-Loop Battleship Warfare M&S System applied to the Korea Yellow Sea Warfare Case using Agent-based Modeling

Sung-Do Chi; Yong-Jun You; Chan-Ho Jung; Jang-Se Lee; Jae-Ick Kim

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