Jakub Żurawski
Poznan University of Medical Sciences
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Featured researches published by Jakub Żurawski.
Archives of Medical Science | 2013
Paweł Burchardt; Jakub Żurawski; Bartosz Zuchowski; Tomasz Kubacki; Dawid Murawa; Krzysztof Wiktorowicz; Henryk Wysocki
An increased level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a very well established risk factor of coronary artery disease (CAD). Unoxidized LDL is an inert transport vehicle of cholesterol and other lipids in the body and is thought to be atherogenic. Recently it has been appreciated that oxidized products of LDL are responsible for plaque formation properties previously attributed to the intact particle. The goal of this article is to review the recent understanding of the LDL oxidation pathway. The role of oxidized products and key enzymes (lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 and carboxyl ester lipase) are also extensively discussed in the context of clinical conditions.
Tumor Biology | 2011
Mariusz Kaczmarek; Agata Nowicka; Magdalena Kozlowska; Jakub Żurawski; Halina Batura-Gabryel; Jan Sikora
Macrophages are among the infiltrate components of most malignant tumors. Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) may secrete a variety of humoral factors, which promote or inhibit tumor growth. In general, depending on their activation pathway, macrophages exhibit two different patterns of phenotype, M1 or M2. It is assumed that TAMs comprise pattern M2. In the malignant pleural effusion, macrophages are a frequent component of cytological evaluation. In this microenvironment, TAMs could be involved in the development of immunity. The phenotype of macrophages represented in malignant and non-malignant pleural effusions is unknown. In this study, macrophages were isolated from 38 pleural effusions (15 malignant and 23 non-malignant) and the expression of a variety of immune mediators and their receptors was assessed to determine the type of activation (M1 vs. M2). The expression of mRNA was analyzed for IL-1β, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-11, IL-18, TNFα, TGFβ1, IL1R1, IL1RAP, TLR2, TLR4, VLA4, CD62L, MMP2, MMP9, VEGFA, PDGFA, and PDGFB. In immunohistochemical evaluation, the expressions of CD68, mesothelin, MAC387, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, TNFα, and CD105 were assessed. The cytoplasmic expression of IFNγ, TNFα, IL-6, and IL-10 and the surface expression of CD11a, CD14, CD15, CD16, CD23, CD25, CD45, CD54, CD62L, CD69, VLA2, VLA3, VLA4, VLA6, TLR2, TLR4, and CCR7 were tested using flow cytometry. In supernatants from macrophages cultures, TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, MCP1, and VEGF were investigated by cytometric beads array method (CBA flex sets) and TGFβ1 by ELISA. Our results indicate that macrophages from malignant and non-malignant pleural effusions differ from each other and suggest that macrophages isolated from non-malignant effusions show a pattern comparable to M1 while those isolated from malignant effusions express similarity to M2 phenotype, but they have not shown a classical M2 pattern.
Materials Science and Engineering: C | 2017
Andrzej Miklaszewski; M.U. Jurczyk; Mariusz Kaczmarek; Anna Paszel-Jaworska; Aleksandra Romaniuk; Natalia Lipińska; Jakub Żurawski; Paulina Urbaniak; Mieczysław Jurczyk
Novel in situ Metal Matrix Nanocomposite (MMNC) materials based on titanium and boron, revealed their new properties in the nanoscale range. In situ nanocomposites, obtained through mechanical alloying and traditional powder metallurgy compaction and sintering, show obvious differences to their microstructural analogue. A unique microstructure connected with good mechanical properties reliant on the processing conditions favour the nanoscale range of results of the Ti-TiB in situ MMNC example. The data summarised in this work, support and extend the knowledge boundaries of the nanoscale size effect that influence not only the mechanical properties but also the studies on the cell viability and cytocompatibility. Prepared in the same bulk, in situ MMNC, based on titanium and boron, could be considered as a possible candidate for dental implants and other medical applications. The observed relations and research conclusions are transferable to the in situ MMNC material group. Aside from all the discussed relations, the increasing share of these composites in the ever-growing material markets, heavily depends on the attractiveness and a possible wider application of these composites as well as their operational simplicity presented in this work.
Materials Science and Engineering: C | 2016
Mariusz Kaczmarek; M.U. Jurczyk; Andrzej Miklaszewski; Anna Paszel-Jaworska; Aleksandra Romaniuk; Natalia Lipińska; Jakub Żurawski; Paulina Urbaniak; Karolina Jurczyk
Recently, the effect of different sizes of precursor powders during surface plasma alloying modification on the properties of titanium surface was studied. In this work we show in vitro test results of the titanium (α-Ti) after plasma surface alloying with boron (B). Ti-B nanopowders with 2 and 10wt% B were deposited onto microcrystalline Ti substrate. The in vitro cytocompatibility of these biomaterials was evaluated and compared with a conventional microcrystalline Ti. During the studies, established cell line of human gingival fibroblasts and osteoblasts were cultured in the presence of tested materials, and its survival rate and proliferation activity were examined. For this purpose, MTT assay, flow cytometric and fluorescent microscopic evaluation were made. Biocompatibility tests carried out indicate that the Ti after plasma surface alloying with B could be a possible candidate for dental implants and other medicinal applications. Plasma alloying is a promising method for improving the properties of titanium, thus increasing the field of its applications.
Annals of Dermatology | 2016
Anita Rokowska-Waluch; Mariola Pawlaczyk; Marcin Cybulski; Jakub Żurawski; Mariusz Kaczmarek; Michał Michalak; Ewa Mojs
Background Psychological stress is an important factor of acne pathogenesis. Stress related production of hormones, cytokines and neuropeptides may result in the chronic course and exacerbations of the disease. Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between acne severity, intensity of emotional stress and serum concentration of substance P (scSP), to compare the intensity of adversities, psychological stress and scSP in acne patients with healthy controls and to compare coping techniques for stress. Methods The study consisted of 80 patients. Emotional stress was analyzed with the use of social readjustment rating scale, whereas the methods of coping with stress were assessed with the coping inventory for stressful situation questionnaire. The blood concentration of substance P was analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method in a group of 40 patients with acne vulgaris and in control subjects. Results There was no statistically significant difference between the severity of acne and the intensity of stress. Acne patients presented a higher average scSP than the controls. No statistically significant correlation was observed between the severity of acne and scSP; however, the intensity of stress correlated with scSP in the control group. The evaluation of methods of coping with stress showed significantly higher rate for the avoidance-oriented coping among acne patients. Conclusion The number of stressful events is not a factor that determines the severity of acne. The course of the disease may depend on tolerance to stress and methods of coping with stress.
Ultrastructural Pathology | 2016
Jakub Żurawski; Paweł Burchardt; Jerzy Moczko; Monika Seget; Wiesława Salwa-Żurawska
ABSTRACT Results of 61 cases of various glomerulopathies with thin glomerular basement membranes are presented. The largest group of 31 cases consisted of mesangial glomerulonephritis. The second largest group consisted of 19 patients with small glomerular lesions described as non-specific. This group stood out in both clinical presentations and in the higher diversity of lesions within the lamina densa of the basement membrane. The results of measurements of the lamina densa in various glomerulopathies were compared to those obtained in control groups consisting of thin basement membrane syndrome and submicroscopic glomerulonephritis.
Otolaryngologia Polska | 2007
Maciej Pabiszczak; Małgorzata Wierzbicka; Aldona Woźniak; Jakub Żurawski; Witold Szyfter
Summary It has been presented a rare case of extramedullary plasmocytoma in a 69-years old woman. The tumor has arised in soft tissues of the right cheek. Extramedullary plasmocytoma is a rare tumor which belongs to non-Hodgkins lymphomas. The characteristic feature of that group is monoclonal proliferation of B lymphocytes. One of the most common locations is nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses.
Ultrastructural Pathology | 2017
Wiesława Salwa-Żurawska; Jakub Żurawski; Aldona Woźniak; Elżbieta Bortkiewicz; Paweł Burchardt; Przemysław Kwiatkowski; Monika Seget; Piotr Tabaczewski
ABSTRACT The blood count test results of six patients (five male adolescents and one female adult) who were diagnosed with the hemolytic-uremic syndrome are presented. Certain diverse lesions and especially, their different intensity, were observed. They were referred to the clinical process and the time from syndrome occurrence to biopsy.
Polish Journal of Pathology | 2016
Jakub Żurawski; Paweł Burchardt; Monika Seget; Jerzy Moczko; Aldona Woźniak; Marcin Grochowalski; Wiesława Salwa-Żurawska
We examined a group of 83 patients (57 children and 26 adults) with thin basement membrane disease and 17 patients with Alport syndrome. We compared the clinical data and, above all, the morphological patterns of both disease entities, with particular focus on not very advanced changes which might lead to a misdiagnosis due to the non-detection of the early stages of Alport syndrome.
Kardiologia Polska | 2013
Paweł Burchardt; Jakub Żurawski; Anna Palasz; Edyta Gurgul
Pacjentkę w wieku 72 lat przyjęto w czasie ostrego dyżuru z powodu zaburzeń rytmu serca pod postacią szybkiego migotania przedsionków (AF) z częstością zespołów QRS 150–160/min (ryc. 1) po 8 wyładowaniach ICD. Dotychczas z powodu niewydolności serca chora stosowała diuretyki pętlowe, beta-adrenolityki, suplementację potasu i kwas acetylosalicylowy; 7 dni przed hospitalizacją pacjentkę wypisano z Oddziału Intensywnej Terapii Medycznej (OIOM) szpitala powiatowego, gdzie przebywała 2 miesiące po nagłym zatrzymaniu krążenia (NZK) (w nieznanym mechanizmie) oraz z powodu zapalenia płuc i ostrej niewydolności oddechowej. Chora była wówczas zaintubowana. W trakcie pobytu na OIOM występowały wyładowania ICD, które po kontroli okazały się nieadekwatne — spowodowane błędnym identyfikowaniem rytmu wiodącego AF jako częstoskurczu komorowego. Zaburzenia rytmu występowały przy wahaniach kaliemii. W ramach terapii antyarytmicznej stosowano amiodaron. Kilka lat wcześniej u chorej zdiagnozowano wole obojętne tarczycy. W wykonanej wówczas CT klatki piersiowej wykazano nieznaczny ucisk tchawicy przez wole. Sześć lat temu pacjentka była po raz pierwszy hospitalizowana na OIOM z powodu NZK i niewydolności oddechowej. Pacjentkę wówczas także intubowano i wykonano tracheostomię. Ze względu na nieznany mechanizm NZK przeprowadzono koronarografię, w której nie stwierdzono istotnych zmian w świetle naczyń wieńcowych. Podjęto decyzję o implantacji ICD w profilaktyce wtórnej NZK. W chwili przyjęcia do ośrodka oprócz szybkiej czynności serca zaobserwowano spazm oskrzelowy z zaostrzonym szmerem pęcherzykowym. W badaniach laboratoryjnych z nieprawidłowości stwierdzono wysokie stężenia: białka C-reaktywnego, glikemii, kreatyniny, ultraczułej troponiny T (prawdopodobnie wtórnie wobec szybkiego AF i wyładowań ICD) oraz tetrajodotyroniny FT4. Ponadto zanotowano obniżone stężenia TSH i hipokaliemię. Zastosowano suplementację potasu i magnezu, po czym w celu kontroli rytmu podano digoksynę. Stosowano również dożylnie kortykosteroidy oraz antybiotykoterapię. Objawy obturacji oskrzeli ustąpiły, pozostawał stridor. W USG tarczycy stwierdzono 2 powiększone płaty tarczycy z wieloma guzkami, a w tomogramach tchawicy (Fig. 2) — znaczny ucisk tchawicy przez lewy płat tarczycy powodujący jej znaczne zwężenie. Ponadto w badaniu laryngologicznym stwierdzono uwypuklenie lewej okolicy podgłośniowej. W 2. dobie hospitalizacji doszło do ostrej niewydolność oddechowej i NZK w mechanizmie rozkojarzenia elektro-mechanicznego. Pacjentkę zaintubowano. Po wspólnej konsultacji endokrynologicznej, chirurgicznej i laryngologicznej zadecydowano o konieczności przeprowadzenia pilnej strumektomii. Ponadto do terapii wdrożono tyreostatyki. Do czasu zabiegu pacjentka przebywała na OIOM, gdzie zaobserwowano powrót rytmu zatokowego. W 5. dobie hospitalizacji całkowicie usunięto operacyjnie gruczoł tarczowy i założono rurkę tracheostomijną. W badaniu histopatologicznym tkanki tarczycowej stwierdzono utkanie adenoma folliculare ze zwapnieniami i hialinizacją oraz guzki koloidowe. W wycinku pobranym z tchawicy nie było cech procesu rozrostowego. Zastosowano suplementację hormonów tarczycy w dawce 75 μg/d., którą stopniowo zwiększano do 100 μg/d. Po 7 dniach od zabiegu usunięto szwy z rany pooperacyjnej, wymieniono rurkę tracheostomijną i wypisano pacjentkę do domu z zaleceniem dalszej kontroli laryngologicznej, endokrynologicznej i kardiologicznej.