Jamerson Viegas Queiroz
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Journal of Technology Management & Innovation | 2013
Gustavo Henrique Silva de Souza; Nilton Cesar Lima; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Antonio Sergio Torres Penedo; Jorge Artur Peçanha de Miranda Coelho; Antonio Carlos Silva Costa
Prospects for the wind energy market have proposed changes of focus to managerial issues. The objective of this article is to map the specific market factors from Brazilian wind energy industry, in order to develop reflections and considerations on the subject, towards to the managerial, strategic and commercial development of the sector. Through an exploratory methodology in empirical format, and by a SWOT analysis of Telescopic Observations Strategic Framework, were found results that show funding and grants determined by Brazilian government, as the big question of the wind energy industry marketing, allowing the economic viability of wind energy projects. Further, it appears that the wind energy industry is eager to investments and has great potential for new business, but there are problems within the producing companies which that have to be assessed, such as the competitiveness capability, the high equipment costs, the installation locations limitations and lack of specialized employees with specific skills and capacities.
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management | 2013
Ricardo Pires de Souza; Hélio Roberto Hékis; Lucas Ambrósio Bezerra de Oliveira; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Ricardo Alexsandro de Medeiros Valentim
Purpose – The Six Sigma project aims at a continual reduction in process variation, eliminating defects or flaws in products and services, optimizing processes and reducing costs. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate improvements in customer service index (CSI), product cycle time and inventory turnover after implementation of a Six Sigma project.Design/methodology/approach – This research focused on the value stream mapping of a company process, performed by a multidisciplinary team that implemented a pull production system, the standard operational procedure in machines that were process bottlenecks, and the kanban system.Findings – After three months of implementation, the authors observed an 11.7 percent reduction in product cycle time, increase in customer service index (CSI) from 93.9 to 97 percent and increase in inventory turnovers from 4.9 to 9.Originality/value – The project was in accordance with the competitive strategy of the company, which is focused on customer satisfaction and cost ...
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2013
Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Natália Veloso Caldas de Vasconcelos; Marciano Furukava; Hélio Roberto Hékis; Flávia Aparecida Barbosa Pereira
The article analyzes the changes in the Brazilian higher education, taking as reference the database of the INEP, and the dynamics of Private Institutions of Higher Education in quickly assimilate state policies focused on higher education. Aims to present the evolution of higher education in Brazil, especially graduation, highlighting the changes made in public policy from the 2000s and that affected this level of education. The theoretical framework was based on discussing the origin and evolution of higher education in Brazil, the gap between supply and demand for places in higher education and the Brazilian public policies implemented in higher education from the 2000s. Concerning the methodological aspects, it is a descriptive research quantitative and qualitative approach. The results show that the growth of enrollment in higher education has been showing signs of exhaustion, causing a idle system manifested in the various courses without demand in selection processes. Public policies have a key role to adjust supply and demand, since there is evidence that income is a major inhibitor of filling vacancies and success rate.
Globalización, Competitividad y Gobernabilidad de Georgetown/Universia | 2018
Anna Camila Lima E Silva; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Fabrícia Gonçalves De Carvalho; Eduardo Lopes Marques
The present research seeks, as it main objective, to identify the relationship between the variables that favor the organizational performance of Brazilian startups. The research was developed with startups associated with the Brazilian Association of Startups (ABStartup). For the analysis of the collected data, it was chosen to use the Structural Equations Modeling (SEM). It was identified that the orientation to the market, although important for the startups, does not influence the organizational performance, but does have some effect in the product innovation capability. On the other hand, this orientation has relevance to the innovative capability of the product. And such a capability ultimately influences organizational performance.
Archive | 2017
Magaly Aparecida Galvao Dantas De Melo; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Anna Camila Lima E Silva
Inúmeras pesquisas acadêmicas visam identificar determinantes, dimensões e atributos da satisfação de alunos em Instituições de Ensino Superior. O presente estudo tem como objetivo verificar, por meio da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais, se o modelo de satisfação ECSI European Customer Satisfaction Index representa os determinantes da satisfação dos alunos dos cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu em engenharia de produção no Brasil. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa survey com 483 alunos regularmente matriculados nos 30 cursos de mestrado e doutorado cadastrados e avaliados pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) no Brasil O instrumento de coleta de dados utilizado foi um questionário estruturado composto de 34 questões, baseado no modelo de satisfação europeu ECSI. O estudo atendeu a todos os critérios estatísticos para sua validação além de apresentar um índice de ajustamento moderado explicando 76,40% da satisfação dos estudantes. Finalmente, após algumas adaptações, constatou-se que o modelo ECSI apresenta-se adequado para aferir a satisfação dos alunos de pós-graduação mantendo todos os construtos observados no modelo original
Globalización, Competitividad y Gobernabilidad de Georgetown/Universia | 2013
Lismara Ribeiro Macêdo; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Hélio Roberto Hékis; Maribel Barreto; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz
El articulo posee el objetivo de analizar como las politicas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) influencian en la conducta personal y profesional de colaboradores de la red de venta al por menos de supermercados del municipio de Lauro de Freitas, Bahia - Brasil. La investigacion asume un caracter exploratorio, en razon del numero incipiente de publicaciones que traten de la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el ambito de la venta al por menor de supermercados.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2013
Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Natália Veloso Caldas de Vasconcelos; Marciano Furukava; Hélio Roberto Hékis; Flávia Aparecida Barbosa Pereira
The article analyzes the changes in the Brazilian higher education, taking as reference the database of the INEP, and the dynamics of Private Institutions of Higher Education in quickly assimilate state policies focused on higher education. Aims to present the evolution of higher education in Brazil, especially graduation, highlighting the changes made in public policy from the 2000s and that affected this level of education. The theoretical framework was based on discussing the origin and evolution of higher education in Brazil, the gap between supply and demand for places in higher education and the Brazilian public policies implemented in higher education from the 2000s. Concerning the methodological aspects, it is a descriptive research quantitative and qualitative approach. The results show that the growth of enrollment in higher education has been showing signs of exhaustion, causing a idle system manifested in the various courses without demand in selection processes. Public policies have a key role to adjust supply and demand, since there is evidence that income is a major inhibitor of filling vacancies and success rate.
Ensaio: Avaliação e Políticas Públicas em Educação | 2013
Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Natália Veloso Caldas de Vasconcelos; Marciano Furukava; Hélio Roberto Hékis; Flávia Aparecida Barbosa Pereira
The article analyzes the changes in the Brazilian higher education, taking as reference the database of the INEP, and the dynamics of Private Institutions of Higher Education in quickly assimilate state policies focused on higher education. Aims to present the evolution of higher education in Brazil, especially graduation, highlighting the changes made in public policy from the 2000s and that affected this level of education. The theoretical framework was based on discussing the origin and evolution of higher education in Brazil, the gap between supply and demand for places in higher education and the Brazilian public policies implemented in higher education from the 2000s. Concerning the methodological aspects, it is a descriptive research quantitative and qualitative approach. The results show that the growth of enrollment in higher education has been showing signs of exhaustion, causing a idle system manifested in the various courses without demand in selection processes. Public policies have a key role to adjust supply and demand, since there is evidence that income is a major inhibitor of filling vacancies and success rate.
Revista Ciências Sociais em Perspectiva | 2012
Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Luciana Torres Correia de Mello; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Marciano Furukava; Agnaldo Francisco da Silva Queiroz
The consumer is increasingly demanding in several respects specially by regarding quality in attendance, products and services. This perception acts in all places including gas station. In this scenario, this article purpose to apply the Quality Function Deployment method (QFD) generating a gas station services improvements models. The methodology was the case study in a gas station of Natal/RN city, through qualitative and quantitative approaches, studying the main requirements of the enterprise, from the customer point of view. The survey points out that the factors such as fuel price, payment by credit card and good service are the key requirements for customer loyalty.
Holos | 2012
Natália Veloso Caldas de Vasconcelos; Fernanda Cristina Barbosa Pereira Queiroz; Jamerson Viegas Queiroz; Priscila Cruz Fernandes; Dalliane Vanessa Pires Andrade
Este estudo tem a finalidade de comparar, em tracos gerais, a Educacao Superior Americana e Europeia, a partir do Sistema de Avaliacao Americana e o Processo de Bolonha. Identificando e compreendendo as recentes transformacoes no ensino superior. Sao analisadas as principais caracteristicas de ambos os sistemas, examinando a interligacao progressiva dos espacos da politica de educacao superior. Como resultado, observamos que a Declaracao de Bolonha, apela a urgencia das exigencias da competitividade internacional do ensino superior. Tem sido considerada com “a chave” para promover a mobilidade, superando o ensino superior dos Estados Unidos, e consequentemente ocorrendo perdas de interesses dos estudantes