James A. King
Harris Corporation
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics | 1992
Emmanuel G. Collins; James A. King; Dennis S. Bernstein
Maximum entropy/optimal projection design synthesis is a methodology for designing robust, fixed-order controllers for flexible structures. This paper reviews the theoretical basis for this method and illustrates the approach using a benchmark problem. The benchmark problem involves two masses with spring coupling, an uncertain spring constant, and a sensor and actuator that are noncollocated. The results of this paper also illustrate the use of a precompensation methodology that allows the control designer to precondition the design plant by embedding judiciously designed filters. These filters are included in the implemented controller.
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics | 1992
Emmanuel G. Collins; James A. King; Douglas J. Phillips; David C. Hyland
Many large space system concepts will require active vibration control to satisfy critical performance requirements such as line of sight pointing accuracy and constraints on rms surface roughness. In order for these concepts to become operational, it is imperative that the benefits of active vibration control be shown to be practical in ground based experiments. The results of an experiment shows the successful application of the Maximum Entropy/Optimal Projection control design methodology to active vibration control for a flexible structure. The testbed is the Mini-Mast structure at NASA-Langley and has features dynamically traceable to future space systems. To maximize traceability to real flight systems, the controllers were designed and implemented using sensors (four accelerometers and one rate gyro) that are actually mounted to the structure. Ground mounted displacement sensors that could greatly ease the control design task were available but were used only for performance evaluation. The use of the accelerometers increased the potential of destabilizing the system due to spillover effects and motivated the use of precompensation strategy to achieve sufficient compensator roll-off.
Physics of Plasmas | 2009
T. Ma; M.H. Key; R.J. Mason; K. U. Akli; R. L. Daskalova; R. R. Freeman; J. S. Green; K. Highbarger; P. A. Jaanimagi; James A. King; K. L. Lancaster; S. P. Hatchett; A. J. Mackinnon; A. G. MacPhee; P. A. Norreys; P. K. Patel; R. Stephens; W. Theobald; L. Van Woerkom; M. S. Wei; S. C. Wilks; F. N. Beg
Nail-wire targets (20 μm diameter copper wires with 80 μm hemispherical head) were used to investigate energy transport by relativistic fast electrons generated in intense laser-plasma interactions. The targets were irradiated using the 300 J, 1 ps, and 2×1020 W⋅cm−2 Vulcan laser at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. A spherically bent crystal imager, a highly ordered pyrolytic graphite spectrometer, and single photon counting charge-coupled device gave absolute Cu Kα measurements. Results show a concentration of energy deposition in the head and an approximately exponential fall-off along the wire with about 60 μm 1/e decay length due to resistive inhibition. The coupling efficiency to the wire was 3.3±1.7% with an average hot electron temperature of 620±125 keV. Extreme ultraviolet images (68 and 256 eV) indicate additional heating of a thin surface layer of the wire. Modeling using the hybrid E-PLAS code has been compared with the experimental data, showing evidence of resistive heating, magnetic trap...
Space Technology Conference and Exposition | 1999
Larry Davis; James A. King; Scott W. Greeley; David C. Hyland
The Frequency Domain Expert (FDE) adaptive identification and control design algorithm will be applied to the Middeck Active Control Experiment (MACE) during a re-flight of the experiment. FDE was recently developed by the authors to address the need for an algorithm that requires only local measurement, has predictable convergence properties, and yields performance in terms easily understood by controls system engineers. Ground testing to date has produced FDE controllers that reduce line-of-sight error by more than 22 dB, only a few dB less than the best performance attained via offline, fixed-gain LQG controllers during the original MACE flight.
SPIE's 1996 International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation | 1996
David C. Hyland; James A. King; Lawrence D. Davis
Operation of sensitive equipment aboard multi-sensor platforms requires active vibration isolation technology. In response to these needs, the active isolation fitting (AIF) was developed to replace passive mechanical end fittings and joints in truss structures. The AIF combines intrastructural and inertial devices to cancel vibration transmission into a vibration-sensitive subsystem. This paper discusses the AIF principles of operation, details its robust performance characteristics and reviews the extensive experimental results that have been accumulated over the past several years. Test results show 20 to 30 dB of broadband isolation for both single AIF tests and six degree-of-freedom isolation systems demonstrated on two major, government- supplied testbeds.
conference on decision and control | 1991
Douglas J. Phillips; David C. Hyland; Emmanuel G. Collins; James A. King
The authors describe the Multi-Hex Prototype Experiment (MHPE), which was developed to experimentally investigate the technologies associated with the active control of flexible structures. The MHPE has as its main component a structure that was designed to emulate the generic properties of large space structures, such as high-frequency RF or optical antennas and solar concentrators. The authors describe the primary features of the MHPE and present some experimental results which illustrate the efficacy of system identification and active control. Experimentation has provided validation of system identification using the eigensystem realization algorithm and has also shown the ability of active control to provide significant vibration attenuation.<<ETX>>
AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition | 2001
R. Ninneman; James A. King; Larry Davis; Scott W. Greeley
The Frequency Domain Expert (FDE) adaptive identification and control design algorithm will be applied to the M iddeck Active Control Experiment (MACE) during a re-flight of the experiment. FDE was recently developed by the authors to address the need for an algorithm that requires only local measurement, has predictable convergence properties, and yields performance in terms easily understood by controls system engineers. Ground testing to date has produced FDE controllers that reduce line-of-sight error by more than 22 dB, only a few dB less than the best performance attained via offline, fixed-gain LQG controllers during the original MACE flight.
Smart Structures and Materials 1995: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures | 1995
David C. Hyland; James A. King
This paper discusses the Adaptive Neural Control (ANC) Architecture for on-line system identification and adaptive control. After reviewing results to-date involving control of structural vibration, we describe extensions of the ANC architecture to handle adaptive control of smart structures involving large numbers of distributed actuators and sensors.
Target Diagnostics Physics and Engineering for Inertial Confinement Fusion VI | 2017
James A. King; Kenneth Jacoby; Gabe Torres; Peter Torres; Michael J. Haugh; R. R. Freeman; Patrick W. Hillyard; J. A. Koch
X-ray calibration is a primary component of the calibration services provided by National Security Technologies, LLC (NSTec) Livermore Operations (LO). The X-ray calibration labs at NSTec LO consist of four labs which provide characteristic and bremsstrahlung X-ray output beams ranging in energy from 300 eV to 110 keV. These labs can calibrate a variety of X-ray detectors and components including CCD’s, streak cameras, spectrometers, and filters. Many of the calibration measurements are NIST-traceable. Calibrations and characterizations provided include quantum efficiency, sensitivity, dynamic range, resolution, flat-field test, and transmission measurements. Historically, these labs have performed calibrations for various institutions and national laboratories such as LLNL, LANL, and Sandia. In addition, NSTec (LO) has diagnostic R&D capabilities such as extending curved crystal X-ray imaging to higher energies. This presentation will describe the services provided by these labs, the operation and in-house, NVLAP certified calibration of the various X-ray sources and diagnostics used, and the general layout of the NSTec (LO) X-ray labs.
Target Diagnostics Physics and Engineering for Inertial Confinement Fusion VI | 2017
John L. Porter; J. A. Koch; John E. Field; J. D. Kilkenny; Eric Harding; Gregory Alan Rochau; A. M. Covington; Eric Dutra; R. R. Freeman; G. Hall; James A. King; Eric Huffman; F. N. Beg
We are developing a novel diagnostic for measurement of bulk fluid motion in materials, that is particularly applicable to very hot, x-ray emitting plasmas in the High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) regime. The X-ray Doppler Velocimetry (XDV) technique relies on monochromatic imaging in multiple x-ray energy bands near the center of an x-ray emission line in a plasma, and utilizes bent imaging crystals. Higher energy bands are preferentially sensitive to plasma moving towards the viewer, while lower energy bands are preferentially sensitive to plasma moving away from the viewer. Combining multiple images in different energy bands allows for a reconstruction of the fluid velocity field integrated along the line of sight. We review the technique, and we discuss progress towards benchmarking the technique with proof-of-principle HEDP experiments.