
The Astrophysical Journal | 2000

Overview of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Mission

H. W. Moos; Webster Cash; L. L. Cowie; Arthur F. Davidsen; Andrea K. Dupree; Paul D. Feldman; Scott D. Friedman; James C. Green; R. F. Green; C. Gry; J. B. Hutchings; Edward B. Jenkins; J. L. Linsky; Roger F. Malina; Andrew G. Michalitsianos; Blair D. Savage; J. M. Shull; O. H. W. Siegmund; Theodore P. Snow; George Sonneborn; A. Vidal-Madjar; Allan J. Willis; Bruce E. Woodgate; D. G. York; Thomas B. Ake; B-G Andersson; John Paul Andrews; Robert H. Barkhouser; Luciana Bianchi; William P. Blair

The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer satellite observes light in the far-ultraviolet spectral region, 905-1187 Angstrom, with a high spectral resolution. The instrument consists of four co-aligned prime-focus telescopes and Rowland spectrographs with microchannel plate detectors. Two of the telescope channels use Al :LiF coatings for optimum reflectivity between approximately 1000 and 1187 Angstrom, and the other two channels use SiC coatings for optimized throughput between 905 and 1105 Angstrom. The gratings are holographically ruled to correct largely for astigmatism and to minimize scattered light. The microchannel plate detectors have KBr photocathodes and use photon counting to achieve good quantum efficiency with low background signal. The sensitivity is sufficient to examine reddened lines of sight within the Milky Way and also sufficient to use as active galactic nuclei and QSOs for absorption-line studies of both Milky Way and extragalactic gas clouds. This spectral region contains a number of key scientific diagnostics, including O VI, H I, D I, and the strong electronic transitions of H-2 and HD.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2000

On-Orbit Performance of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Satellite

David J. Sahnow; H. W. Moos; Thomas B. Ake; J. Andersen; B-G Andersson; M. Andre; D. Artis; A. F. Berman; William P. Blair; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; H. M. Calvani; Pierre Chayer; Steven J. Conard; Paul D. Feldman; Scott D. Friedman; A. W. Fullerton; G. A. Gaines; W. C. Gawne; James C. Green; M. A. Gummin; T. B. Jennings; J. B. Joyce; Mary Elizabeth Kaiser; Jeffrey W. Kruk; D. J. Lindler; Derck L. Massa; Edward M. Murphy; William R. Oegerle; Raymond G. Ohl; Bryce A. Roberts

The launch of the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) has been followed by an extensive period of calibration and characterization as part of the preparation for normal satellite operations. Major tasks carried out during this period include the initial coalignment, focusing, and characterization of the four instrument channels and a preliminary measurement of the resolution and throughput performance of the instrument. We describe the results from this test program and present preliminary estimates of the on-orbit performance of the FUSE satellite based on a combination of these data and prelaunch laboratory measurements.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2012


James C. Green; Cynthia S. Froning; Steve Osterman; Dennis C. Ebbets; Sara H. Heap; Claus Leitherer; Jeffrey L. Linsky; Blair D. Savage; Kenneth R. Sembach; J. Michael Shull; Oswald H. W. Siegmund; Theodore P. Snow; John R. Spencer; S. Alan Stern; John T. Stocke; Barry Y. Welsh; Stephane Beland; Eric B. Burgh; Charles W. Danforth; Brian A. Keeney; Jason McPhate; Steven V. Penton; John Paul Andrews; Kenneth R. Brownsberger; Jon A. Morse; Erik Wilkinson

The Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) is a moderate-resolution spectrograph with unprecedented sensitivity that was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in 2009 May, during HST Servicing Mission 4 (STS-125). We present the design philosophy and summarize the key characteristics of the instrument that will be of interest to potential observers. For faint targets, with flux F ? 1.0 ? 10?14?erg?cm?2?s?1 ??1, COS can achieve comparable signal to noise (when compared to Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph echelle modes) in 1%-2% of the observing time. This has led to a significant increase in the total data volume and data quality available to the community. For example, in the first 20 months of science operation (2009 September-2011 June) the cumulative redshift pathlength of extragalactic sight lines sampled by COS is nine times than sampled at moderate resolution in 19 previous years of Hubble observations. COS programs have observed 214 distinct lines of sight suitable for study of the intergalactic medium as of 2011 June. COS has measured, for the first time with high reliability, broad Ly? absorbers and Ne VIII in the intergalactic medium, and observed the He II reionization epoch along multiple sightlines. COS has detected the first CO emission and absorption in the UV spectra of low-mass circumstellar disks at the epoch of giant planet formation, and detected multiple ionization states of metals in extra-solar planetary atmospheres. In the coming years, COS will continue its census of intergalactic gas, probe galactic and cosmic structure, and explore physics in our solar system and Galaxy.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2010


Jeffrey L. Linsky; Hao Yang; Cynthia S. Froning; James C. Green; John T. Stocke; Steven Neil Osterman

Using the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope, we obtained moderate-resolution, high signal/noise ultraviolet spectra of HD 209458 and its exoplanet HD 209458b during transit, both orbital quadratures, and secondary eclipse. We compare transit spectra with spectra obtained at non-transit phases to identify spectral features due to the exoplanets expanding atmosphere. We find that the mean flux decreased by 7.8% ± 1.3% for the C II 1334.5323 A and 1335.6854 A lines and by 8.2% ± 1.4% for the Si III 1206.500 A line during transit compared to non-transit times in the velocity interval –50 to +50 km s–1. Comparison of the C II and Si III line depths and transit/non-transit line ratios shows deeper absorption features near –10 and +15 km s–1 and less certain features near –40 and +30-70 km s–1, but future observations are needed to verify this first detection of velocity structure in the expanding atmosphere of an exoplanet. Our results for the C II lines and the non-detection of Si IV 1394.76 A absorption are in agreement with Vidal-Madjar et al., but we find absorption during transit in the Si III line contrary to the earlier result. The 8% ± 1% obscuration of the star during transit is far larger than the 1.5% obscuration by the exoplanets disk. Absorption during transit at velocities between –50 and +50 km s–1 in the C II and Si III lines requires high-velocity ion absorbers. Assuming hydrodynamic model values for the gas temperature and outflow velocity at the limb of the outflow as seen in the C II lines, we find mass-loss rates in the range (8-40)×1010 g s–1. These rates assume that the carbon abundance is solar, which is not the case for the giant planets in the solar system. Our mass-loss rate estimate is consistent with theoretical hydrodynamic models that include metals in the outflowing gas.

Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2002

Abundances of Deuterium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in the Local Interstellar Medium: Overview of First Results from the FUSE Mission

H. W. Moos; K. R. Sembach; A. ‐Madjar; D. G. York; Scott D. Friedman; G. Hébrard; Jeffrey W. Kruk; Nicolas Lehner; Martin Lemoine; George Sonneborn; Brian E. Wood; Thomas B. Ake; M. Andre; William P. Blair; Pierre Chayer; C. Gry; Andrea K. Dupree; R. Ferlet; Paul D. Feldman; James C. Green; J. C. Howk; J. B. Hutchings; Edward B. Jenkins; Jeffrey L. Linsky; E. M. Murphy; William R. Oegerle; Cristina M. Oliveira; Katherine C. Roth; David J. Sahnow; Blair D. Savage

Observations obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) have been used to determine the column densities of D i ,N i, and O i along seven sight lines that probe the local interstellar medium (LISM) at distances from 37 to 179 pc. Five of the sight lines are within the Local Bubble, and two penetrate the surrounding H i wall. Reliable values of N(H i) were determined for five of the sight lines from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data, International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) data, and published Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) measurements. The weighted mean of D i/H i for these five sight lines is ð1:52 � 0:08 Þ� 10 � 5 (1 � uncertainty in the mean). It is likely that the D i/H i ratio in the Local Bubble has a single value. The D i/O i ratio for the five sight lines within the Local Bubble is ð3:76 � 0:20 Þ� 10 � 2 .I t is likely that O i column densities can serve as a proxy for H i in the Local Bubble. The weighted mean for O i/H i for the seven FUSE sight lines is ð3:03 � 0:21 Þ� 10 � 4 , comparable to the weighted mean ð3:43 � 0:15 Þ� 10 � 4 reported for 13 sight lines probing larger distances and higher column densities. The FUSE weighted mean of N i/H i for five sight lines is half that reported by Meyer and colleagues for seven sight lines with larger distances and higher column densities. This result combined with the variability of O i/N i (six sight lines) indicates that at the low column densities found in the LISM, nitrogen ionization balance is important. Thus, unlike O i ,N i cannot be used as a proxy for H i or as a metallicity indicator in the LISM. Subject headings: cosmology: observations — Galaxy: abundances — ISM: abundances — ISM: evolution — ultraviolet: ISM

The Astrophysical Journal | 1993

The extreme ultraviolet spectrum of Alpha Aurigae (Capella)

Andrea K. Dupree; Nancy S. Brickhouse; G. A. Doschek; James C. Green; J. C. Raymond

Extreme ultraviolet spectra (λλ 70-740) of the bright spectroscopic binary system, Capella (Alpha Aurigae) obtained with the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer satellite (EUVE), show a rich emission spectrum dominated by iron emission lines: Fe XV-XXIV. The emission measure for the system reveals a continuous distribution of plasma temperatures between 10 5 and 10 7.8 K, with a clear minimum near 10 6 K and a local maximum at 6×10 6 K. Electron density diagnostics based on Fe XXI indicate N e ≃4×10 11 -10 13 cm 3 at T e =10 7 K

Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2003

The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of O VI Absorption in and near the Galaxy

B. P. Wakker; Blair D. Savage; Kenneth R. Sembach; Philipp Richter; Marilyn R. Meade; Edward B. Jenkins; J. M. Shull; Thomas B. Ake; William P. Blair; William Van Dyke Dixon; Scott D. Friedman; James C. Green; Richard F. Green; Jeffrey W. Kruk; H. W. Moos; E. M. Murphy; William R. Oegerle; David J. Sahnow; George Sonneborn; Erik Wilkinson; D. G. York

We present Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) observations of the O VI λλ1031.926, 1037.617 absorption lines associated with gas in and near the Milky Way, as detected in the spectra of a sample of 100 extragalactic targets and two distant halo stars. We combine data from several FUSE Science Team programs with guest observer data that were public before 2002 May 1. The sight lines cover most of the sky above Galactic latitude |b| > 25°—at lower latitude the ultraviolet extinction is usually too large for extragalactic observations. We describe the details of the calibration, alignment in velocity, continuum fitting, and manner in which several contaminants were removed—Galactic H2, absorption intrinsic to the background target and intergalactic Lyβ lines. This decontamination was done very carefully, and in several sight lines very subtle problems were found. We searched for O VI absorption in the velocity range -1200 to 1200 km s-1. With a few exceptions, we only find O VI in the velocity range -400 to 400 km s-1; the exceptions may be intergalactic O VI. In this paper we analyze the O VI associated with the Milky Way (and possibly with the Local Group). We discuss the separation of the observed O VI absorption into components associated with the Milky Way halo and components at high velocity, which are probably located in the neighborhood of the Milky Way. We describe the measurements of equivalent width and column density, and we analyze the different contributions to the errors. We conclude that low-velocity Galactic O VI absorption occurs along all sight lines—the few nondetections only occur in noisy spectra. We further show that high-velocity O VI is very common, having equivalent width >65 mA in 50% of the sight lines and equivalent width >30 mA in 70% of the high-quality sight lines. The central velocities of high-velocity O VI components range from |vLSR| = 100 to 330 km s-1; there is no correlation between velocity and absorption strength. We discuss the possibilities for studying O VI absorption associated with Local Group galaxies and conclude that O VI is probably detected in M31 and M33. We limit the extent of an O VI halo around M33 to be 200 km s-1 occurs along all sight lines in the region l = 180°-300°, b > 20°.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2000

Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Observations of O VI Absorption in the Galactic Halo

Blair D. Savage; Kenneth R. Sembach; Edward B. Jenkins; J. M. Shull; D. G. York; George Sonneborn; H. W. Moos; Scott D. Friedman; James C. Green; William R. Oegerle; William P. Blair; Jeffrey W. Kruk; Edward M. Murphy

Far-ultraviolet spectra of 11 active galactic nuclei observed by Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) are analyzed to obtain measures of O VI λ1031.93 absorption occurring over very long paths through Milky Way halo gas. Strong O VI absorption is detected along 10 of 11 sight lines. Values of log[N(O VI) sin |b|] range from 13.80 to 14.64, with a median value of 14.21. The observations reveal the existence of a widespread but irregular distribution of O VI in the Milky Way halo. Combined with estimates of the O VI midplane density, n0 = 2 × 10-8 cm-3, from the Copernicus satellite, the FUSE observations imply an O VI exponential scale height of 2.7 ± 0.4 kpc. We find that N(C IV)/N(O VI) ranges from ~0.15 in the disk to ~0.6 along four extragalactic sight lines. The changing ionization state of the gas from the disk to the halo is consistent with a systematic decrease in the scale heights of Si IV, C IV, N V, to O VI from ~5.1 to ~2.7 kpc. While conductive heating models can account for the highly ionized atoms at low |z|, a combination of models (and processes) appears to be required to explain the highly ionized atoms found in the halo. The greater scale heights of Si IV and C IV compared to O VI suggests that some of the Si IV and C IV in the halo is produced in turbulent mixing layers or by photoionization by hot halo stars or the extragalactic background.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2016


Charles W. Danforth; Brian A. Keeney; Evan M. Tilton; J. Michael Shull; John T. Stocke; Matthew L. Stevans; Matthew M. Pieri; Blair D. Savage; David Syphers; Britton D. Smith; James C. Green; Cynthia S. Froning; Steven V. Penton; Steven Neil Osterman

We use high-quality, medium-resolution Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (HST/COS) observations of 82 UV-bright active galactic nuclei (AGNs) at redshifts z(AGN) \textless 0.85 to construct the largest survey of the low-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM) to date: 5138 individual extragalactic absorption lines in H I and 25 different metal-ion species grouped into 2611 distinct redshift systems at z(abs) \textless 0.75 covering total redshift pathlengths Delta z(HI) = 21.7 and Delta z(O VI) = 14.5. Our semi-automated line-finding and measurement technique renders the catalog as objectively defined as possible. The cumulative column density distribution of H I systems can be parametrized dN (\textgreater N)/dz = C-14 (N/10(14) cm(-2))(-(beta-1)), with C-14 = 25 +/- 1 and beta = 1.65 +/- 0.02. This distribution is seen to evolve both in amplitude, C-14 infinity (1+z)(2.3 +/- 0.1), and slope beta(z) = 1.75-0.31 z for z \textless= 0.47. We observe metal lines in 418 systems, and find that the fraction of IGM absorbers detected in metals is strongly dependent on N-H I. The distribution of O VI absorbers appears to evolve in the same sense as the Ly alpha forest. We calculate contributions to Omega(b) from different components of the low-z IGM and determine the Ly alpha decrement as a function of redshift. IGM absorbers are analyzed via a two-point correlation function in velocity space. We find substantial clustering of H I absorbers on scales of Delta v = 50-300 km s(-1) with no significant clustering at Delta(v) greater than or similar to 1000 km s(-1). Splitting the sample into strong and weak absorbers, we see that most of the clustering occurs in strong, N-H I greater than or similar to 10(13.5) cm(-2), metal-bearing IGM systems. The full catalog of absorption lines and fully reduced spectra is available via the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) as a high-level science product at

The Astrophysical Journal | 2011


Anand Narayanan; Blair D. Savage; Bart P. Wakker; Charles W. Danforth; Yangsen Yao; Brian A. Keeney; J. Michael Shull; Kenneth R. Sembach; Cynthia S. Froning; James C. Green

We report on the detection of Ne vm in the Hubble Space Telescope/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) spectrum of the intervening absorption system at z = 0.495096 toward PKS 0405―123 (z em = 0.5726). The high signal-to-noise COS spectrum also covers absorption from H I, C III, O III, O IV, and O VI associated with this multiphase system. The Ne VIII is detected with high significance in both lines of the doublet, with integrated column densities of log N a (Ne VIII 770) = 13.96 ± 0.06 and log N a (Ne VIII 780) = 14.08 ± 0.07. We find the origin of Ne VIII consistent with collisionally ionized gas at T ∼ 5 × 10 5 K with a large baryonic column density of N(H) ∼ 10 19 ―10 20 cm ―2 . The metallicity in the Ne VIII gas phase is estimated to be [Ne/H] ∼ -0.6 ± 0.3 dex. The intermediate ions such as Cm, O III, O IV, and H I are consistent with photoionization in lower ionization gas at T ∼ 10 4 K. The O V and O VI in this absorber can have contributions from both the photoionized and collisionally ionized gas phases. The absorber is at |Δv| = 180 km s ―1 systematic velocity and ρ = 110h ―1 70 kpc projected separation from an M R = ―19.6 galaxy of extended morphology. The collisionally ionized gas at T ∼ 5 x 10 5 K detected in Ne VIII and O VI points to an origin in multiphase gas embedded in the hot halo of the galaxy, or in a nearby WHIM structure. The high-sensitivity UV spectroscopy afforded by COS has opened up new opportunities for discovering large reservoirs of missing baryons in the low-z universe through the detection of Ne vm systems.

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