James Camakaris
University of Melbourne
Featured researches published by James Camakaris.
The EMBO Journal | 1996
Michael J. Petris; Julian F. B. Mercer; J. G. Culvenor; Paul J. Lockhart; Paul A. Gleeson; James Camakaris
The Menkes P‐type ATPase (MNK), encoded by the Menkes gene (MNK; ATP7A), is a transmembrane copper‐translocating pump which is defective in the human disorder of copper metabolism, Menkes disease. Recent evidence that the MNK P‐type ATPase has a role in copper efflux has come from studies using copper‐resistant variants of cultured Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. These variants have MNK gene amplification and consequently overexpress MNK, the extents of which correlate with the degree of elevated copper efflux. Here, we report on the localization of MNK in these copper‐resistant CHO cells when cultured in different levels of copper. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that MNK is predominantly localized to the Golgi apparatus of cells in basal medium. In elevated copper conditions there was a rapid trafficking of MNK from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. This shift in steady‐state distribution of MNK was reversible and not dependent on new protein synthesis. In media containing basal copper, MNK accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles after treatment of cells with a variety of agents that inhibit endosomal recycling. We suggest that MNK continuously recycles between the Golgi and the plasma membrane and elevated copper shifts the steady‐state distribution from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. These data reveal a novel system of regulated protein trafficking which ultimately leads to the efflux of an essential yet potentially toxic ligand, where the ligand itself appears directly and specifically to stimulate the trafficking of its own transporter.
The Plant Cell | 2004
Dawar Hussain; Michael J. Haydon; Yuwen Wang; Edwin Wong; Sarah Sherson; Jeff Young; James Camakaris; Jeffrey F. Harper; Christopher S. Cobbett
Arabidopsis thaliana has eight genes encoding members of the type 1B heavy metal–transporting subfamily of the P-type ATPases. Three of these transporters, HMA2, HMA3, and HMA4, are closely related to each other and are most similar in sequence to the divalent heavy metal cation transporters of prokaryotes. To determine the function of these transporters in metal homeostasis, we have identified and characterized mutants affected in each. Whereas the individual mutants exhibited no apparent phenotype, hma2 hma4 double mutants had a nutritional deficiency phenotype that could be compensated for by increasing the level of Zn, but not Cu or Co, in the growth medium. Levels of Zn, but not other essential elements, in the shoot tissues of a hma2 hma4 double mutant and, to a lesser extent, of a hma4 single mutant were decreased compared with the wild type. Together, these observations indicate a primary role for HMA2 and HMA4 in essential Zn homeostasis. HMA2promoter- and HMA4promoter-reporter gene constructs provide evidence that HMA2 and HMA4 expression is predominantly in the vascular tissues of roots, stems, and leaves. In addition, expression of the genes in developing anthers was confirmed by RT-PCR and was consistent with a male-sterile phenotype in the double mutant. HMA2 appears to be localized to the plasma membrane, as indicated by protein gel blot analysis of membrane fractions using isoform-specific antibodies and by the visualization of an HMA2-green fluorescent protein fusion by confocal microscopy. These observations are consistent with a role for HMA2 and HMA4 in Zn translocation. hma2 and hma4 mutations both conferred increased sensitivity to Cd in a phytochelatin-deficient mutant background, suggesting that they may also influence Cd detoxification.
Brain Research | 1999
Anthony R. White; Rosario Reyes; Julian F. B. Mercer; James Camakaris; Hui Zheng; Ashley I. Bush; Gerd Multhaup; Konrad Beyreuther; Colin L. Masters; Roberto Cappai
The pathological process in Alzheimers disease (AD) involves amyloid beta (Abeta) deposition and neuronal cell degeneration. The neurotoxic Abeta peptide is derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP), a member of a larger gene family including the amyloid precursor-like proteins, APLP1 and APLP2. The APP and APLP2 molecules contain metal binding sites for copper and zinc. The zinc binding domain (ZnBD) is believed to have a structural rather than a catalytic role. The activity of the copper binding domain (CuBD) is unknown, however, APP reduces copper (II) to copper (I) and this activity could promote copper-mediated neurotoxicity. The expression of APP and APLP2 in the brain suggests they could have an important direct or indirect role in neuronal metal homeostasis. To examine this, we measured copper, zinc and iron levels in the cerebral cortex, cerebellum and selected non-neuronal tissues from APP (APP(-/-)) and APLP2 (APLP2(-/-)) knockout mice using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Compared with matched wild-type (WT) mice, copper levels were significantly elevated in both APP(-/-) and APLP2(-/-) cerebral cortex (40% and 16%, respectively) and liver (80% and 36%, respectively). Copper levels were not significantly different between knockout and WT cerebellum, spleen or serum samples. There were no significant differences observed between APP(-/-), APLP2(-/-) and WT mice zinc or iron levels in any tissue examined. These findings indicate APP and APLP2 expression specifically modulates copper homeostasis in the liver and cerebral cortex, the latter being a region of the brain particularly involved in AD. Perturbations to APP metabolism and in particular, its secretion or release from neurons may alter copper homeostasis resulting in increased Abeta accumulation and free radical generation. These data support a novel mechanism in the APP/Abeta pathway which leads to AD.
Molecular Microbiology | 1995
Nigel L. Brown; Siobhán R. Barrett; James Camakaris; Barry T.O. Lee; Duncan A. Rouch
The copper‐resistance determinant (pco) of Escherichia coli plasmid pRJ1004 was cloned and sequenced. Tn1000 transposon mutagenesis identified four complementation groups, mutations in any of which eliminated copper resistance. DNA sequence analysis showed that the four complementation groups contained six open reading frames, designated pcoABCDRS. The protein product sequences derived from the nucleotide sequence show close homology between this copper‐resistance system and the cop system of a plasmid pPT23D of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. The PcoR and PcoS protein sequences show homology to the family of two‐component sensor/responder phosphokinase regulatory systems. A seventh reading frame (pcoE) was identified from DNA sequence data, and lies downstream of a copper‐regulated promoter. Transport assays with 64Cu(II) showed that the resistant cells containing the plasmid had reduced copper accumulation during the log phase of growth, while increased accumulation had previously been observed during stationary phase. Chromosomal mutants defective in cellular copper management were obtained and characterized. In two of these mutants pco resistance was rendered totally inactive, whilst in another two mutants pco complemented the defective genes. These data indicate that plasmid‐borne copper resistance in E. coli is linked with chromosomal systems for copper management.
Neurochemistry International | 2013
Mark Greenough; James Camakaris; Ashley I. Bush
Alzheimers disease is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly and is defined by two pathological hallmarks; the accumulation of aggregated amyloid beta and excessively phosphorylated Tau proteins. The etiology of Alzheimers disease progression is still debated, however, increased oxidative stress is an early and sustained event that underlies much of the neurotoxicity and consequent neuronal loss. Amyloid beta is a metal binding protein and copper, zinc and iron promote amyloid beta oligomer formation. Additionally, copper and iron are redox active and can generate reactive oxygen species via Fenton (and Fenton-like chemistry) and the Haber-Weiss reaction. Copper, zinc and iron are naturally abundant in the brain but Alzheimers disease brain contains elevated concentrations of these metals in areas of amyloid plaque pathology. Amyloid beta can become pro-oxidant and when complexed to copper or iron it can generate hydrogen peroxide. Accumulating evidence suggests that copper, zinc, and iron homeostasis may become perturbed in Alzheimers disease and could underlie an increased oxidative stress burden. In this review we discuss oxidative/nitrosative stress in Alzheimers disease with a focus on the role that metals play in this process. Recent studies have started to elucidate molecular links with oxidative/nitrosative stress and Alzheimers disease. Finally, we discuss metal binding compounds that are designed to cross the blood brain barrier and restore metal homeostasis as potential Alzheimers disease therapeutics.
Annals of Neurology | 1999
Martin B. Delatycki; James Camakaris; Hilary Brooks; Tracy J. Evans-Whipp; David R. Thorburn; Robert Williamson; Susan M. Forrest
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is due to mutations in the FRDA gene (FRDA). When the gene homologous to FRDA is knocked out in yeast, there is accumulation of iron in mitochondria and reduced respiratory function. So far, there is only indirect evidence to support the hypothesis that FRDA is due to accumulation of mitochondrial iron leading to increased production of free radicals. We show here that mitochondrial iron is significantly higher in fibroblasts from patients with FRDA than in control fibroblasts. This is the first direct evidence that the findings in yeast are reproducible in cells from patients with FRDA. Ann Neurol 1999;45:673–675
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1999
Ilia Voskoboinik; Daniel Strausak; Mark Greenough; Hilary Brooks; Michael J. Petris; Suzanne Smith; Julian F. B. Mercer; James Camakaris
The Menkes protein (MNK) is a copper-transporting P-type ATPase, which has six highly conserved metal-binding sites, GMTCXXC, at the N terminus. The metal-binding sites may be involved in MNK trafficking and/or copper-translocating activity. In this study, we report the detailed functional analysis in mammalian cells of recombinant human MNK and its mutants with various metal-binding sites altered by site-directed mutagenesis. The results of the study, both in vitro and in vivo, provide evidence that the metal-binding sites of MNK are not essential for the ATP-dependent copper-translocating activity of MNK. Moreover, metal-binding site mutations, which resulted in a loss of ability of MNK to traffick to the plasma membrane, produced a copper hyperaccumulating phenotype. Using an in vitro vesicle assay, we demonstrated that the apparent K m andV max values for the wild type MNK and its mutants were not significantly different. The results of this study suggest that copper-translocating activity of MNK and its copper-induced relocalization to the plasma membrane represent a well coordinated copper homeostasis system. It is proposed that mutations in MNK which alter either its catalytic activity or/and ability to traffick can be the cause of Menkes disease.
Molecular Microbiology | 1995
Sheik-Tao Fong; James Camakaris; Barry T.O. Lee
The cutA locus, presumably involved in copper tolerance in Escherichia coli, was characterized by a mutation leading to copper sensitivity. Copper‐accumulation measurements with radioactive 64Cu6+ showed increased uptake by cutA copper‐sensitive mutant cells, and reduced uptake when the cutA mutation was complemented in trans. The locus was mapped using complementation of the cutA mutant to partial copper tolerance with wild‐type chromosomal fragments. The 3.2 kb DNA region involved in cutA was sequenced and analysed, revealing three significant open reading frames, none of which had been previously published. The products of all three open reading frames were identified, when synthesized with the T7 phage promoter expression system, as polypeptides of about 50kDa, 24kDa, and 13kDa, consistent with the sizes predicted from the DNA sequences. The 50kDa and 24kDa polypeptides were found in the bacterial inner membrane, and the 13kDa polypeptide with the cytoplasmic fraction. In addition to being required for copper tolerance, cutA affects tolerance levels to zinC., nickel, cobalt and cadmium salts. Transcriptional fusions of cutA with the lux operon showed induction by copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt and, to a lesser extent, cadmium, manganese and silver salts.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 2004
Shayne A. Bellingham; Giuseppe D. Ciccotosto; B. Elise Needham; Lisa R. Fodero; Anthony R. White; Colin L. Masters; Roberto Cappai; James Camakaris
Alzheimers disease is characterised by the accumulation of amyloid‐β peptide, which is cleaved from the copper‐binding amyloid‐β precursor protein. Recent in vivo and in vitro studies have illustrated the importance of copper in Alzheimers disease neuropathogenesis and suggested a role for amyloid‐β precursor protein and amyloid‐β in copper homeostasis. Amyloid‐β precursor protein is a member of a multigene family, including amyloid precursor‐like proteins‐1 and ‐2. The copper‐binding domain is similar among amyloid‐β precursor protein family members, suggesting an overall conservation in its function or activity. Here, we demonstrate that double knockout of amyloid‐β precursor protein and amyloid precursor‐like protein‐2 expression results in significant increases in copper accumulation in mouse primary cortical neurons and embryonic fibroblasts. In contrast, over‐expression of amyloid‐β precursor protein in transgenic mice results in significantly reduced copper levels in primary cortical neurons. These findings provide cellular neuronal evidence for the role of amyloid‐β precursor protein in copper homeostasis and support the existing hypothesis that amyloid‐β precursor protein and amyloid precursor‐like protein‐2 are copper‐binding proteins with functionally interchangeable roles in copper homeostasis.
FEBS Letters | 1998
Ilia Voskoboinik; Hilary Brooks; Suzanne V. Smith; Peiyan Shen; James Camakaris
The Menkes (MNK) protein is a vital component of copper homeostasis in mammalian cells. In this paper we provide the first biochemical evidence that the MNK protein functions as a copper‐translocating P‐type ATPase in mammalian cells. The enzyme activity in membrane vesicles prepared from Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing MNK was ATP‐dependent, correlated with the amount of MNK and followed Michaelis‐Menten kinetics with respect to copper. The copper transport was observed only under reducing conditions suggesting MNK transports Cu(I). This study opens the way to detailed structure‐function studies and assessment of functional MNK derived from patients with Menkes disease.