
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2011

Gd2@C79N: Isolation, Characterization, and Monoadduct Formation of a Very Stable Heterofullerene with a Magnetic Spin State of S = 15/2

Wujun Fu; Jianyuan Zhang; Tim Fuhrer; Hunter Champion; Ko Furukawa; Tatsuhisa Kato; James E. Mahaney; Brian Burke; Keith A. Williams; Kenneth Walker; Caitlyn Dixon; Jiechao Ge; Chunying Shu; Kim Harich; Harry C. Dorn

The dimetallic endohedral heterofullerene (EHF), Gd(2)@C(79)N, was prepared and isolated in a relatively high yield when compared with the earlier reported heterofullerene, Y(2)@C(79)N. Computational (DFT), chemical reactivity, Raman, and electrochemical studies all suggest that the purified Gd(2)@C(79)N, with the heterofullerene cage, (C(79)N)(5-) has comparable stability with other better known isoelectronic metallofullerene (C(80))(6-) cage species (e.g., Gd(3)N@C(80)). These results describe an exceptionally stable paramagnetic molecule with low chemical reactivity with the unpaired electron spin density localized on the internal diatomic gadolinium cluster and not on the heterofullerene cage. EPR studies confirm that the spin state of Gd(2)@C(79)N is characterized by a half-integer spin quantum number of S = 15/2. The spin (S = ½) on the N atom of the fullerene cage and two octet spins (S = 7/2) of two encapsulated gadoliniums are coupled with each other in a ferromagnetic manner with a small zero-field splitting parameter D. Because the central line of Gd(2)@C(79)N is due to the Kramers doublet with a half-integer spin quantum number of S = 15/2, this relatively sharp line is prominent and the anisotropic nature of the line is weak. Interestingly, in contrast with most Gd(3+) ion environments, the central EPR line (g = 1.978) is observable even at room temperature in a toluene solution. Finally, we report the first EHF derivative, a diethyl bromomalonate monoadduct of Gd(2)@C(79)N, which was prepared and isolated via a modified Bingel-Hirsch reaction.

Biophysical Journal | 1997

Interaction of Bee Venom Melittin with Zwitterionic and Negatively Charged Phospholipid Bilayers: A Spin-Label Electron Spin Resonance Study

Jörg H. Kleinschmidt; James E. Mahaney; David D. Thomas; Derek Marsh

Electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy was used to study the penetration and interaction of bee venom melittin with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and ditetradecylphosphatidylglycerol (DTPG) bilayer membranes. Melittin is a surface-active, amphipathic peptide and serves as a useful model for a variety of membrane interactions, including those of presequences and signal peptides, as well as the charged subdomain of the cardiac regulatory protein phospholamban. Derivatives of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol spin-labeled at various positions along the sn-2 acyl chain were used to establish the chain flexibility gradient for the two membranes in the presence and absence of melittin. Negatively charged DTPG bilayer membranes showed a higher capacity for binding melittin without bilayer disruption than did membranes formed by the zwitterionic DMPC, demonstrating the electrostatic neutralization of bound melittin by DTPG. The temperature dependence of the ESR spectra showed that the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition is eliminated by binding melittin to DTPG bilayers, whereas a very broad transition remains in the case of DMPC bilayers. None of the spin labels used showed a two-component spectrum characteristic of a specific restriction of their chain motion by melittin, but the outer hyperfine splittings and effective chain order parameters were increased for all labels upon binding melittin. This indicates a reduced flexibility of the lipid chains induced by a surface orientation of the bound melittin. Whereas the characteristic shape of the chain flexibility gradient was maintained upon melittin addition to DMPC bilayers, the chain flexibility profile in DTPG bilayers was much more strongly perturbed. It was found that the steepest change in segmental flexibility was shifted toward the bilayer interior when melittin was bound to DTPG membranes, indicating a greater depth of penetration than in DMPC membranes. pH titration of stearic acid labeled at the C-5 position, used as a probe of interfacial interactions, showed net downward shifts in interfacial pK of 0.8 and 1.2 pH units contributed from the positive charge of melittin, outweighing upward shifts from interfacial dehydration, when melittin was bound to DTPG and DMPC, respectively. The perturbation of the outer hyperfine splitting was used to determine the interactions of melittin with spin-labeled lipids of different polar headgroups in DTPG and DMPC. Anionic lipids (phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylglycerol, and stearic acid) and zwitterionic lipids (phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine) had the largest outer splittings in the presence of melittin. Neutral lipids (protonated stearic acid and diacylglycerol) displayed the largest increase in outer splitting on binding melittin, which was attributed to a change in the vertical location of these lipids in the bilayer. Both effects were more pronounced in DTPG than in DMPC.

Biophysical Journal | 1992

Effects of melittin on lipid-protein interactions in sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes

James E. Mahaney; Jörg H. Kleinschmidt; Derek Marsh; David D. Thomas

To investigate the physical mechanism by which melittin inhibits Ca-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membranes, we have used electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy to probe the effect of melittin on lipid-protein interactions in SR. Previous studies have shown that melittin substantially restricts the rotational mobility of the Ca-ATPase but only slightly decreases the average lipid hydrocarbon chain fluidity in SR. Therefore, in the present study, we ask whether melittin has a preferential effect on Ca-ATPase boundary lipids, i.e., the annular shell of motionally restricted lipid that surrounds the protein. Paramagnetic derivatives of stearic acid and phosphatidylcholine, spin-labeled at C-14, were incorporated into SR membranes. The electronic paramagnetic resonance spectra of these probes contained two components, corresponding to motionally restricted and motionally fluid lipids, that were analyzed by spectral subtraction. The addition of increasing amounts of melittin, to the level of 10 mol melittin/mol Ca-ATPase, progressively increased the fraction of restricted lipids and increased the hyperfine splitting of both components in the composite spectra, indicating that melittin decreases the hydrocarbon chain rotational mobility for both the fluid and restricted populations of lipids. No further effects were observed above a level of 10 mol melittin/mol Ca-ATPase. In the spectra from control and melittin-containing samples, the fraction of restricted lipids decreased significantly with increasing temperature. The effect of melittin was similar to that of decreased temperature, i.e., each spectrum obtained in the presence of melittin (10:1) was nearly identical to the spectrum obtained without melittin at a temperature approximately 5 degrees C lower. The results suggest that the principal effect of melittin on SR membranes is to induce protein aggregation and this in turn, augmented by direct binding of melittin to the lipid, is responsible for the observed decreases in lipid mobility. Protein aggregation is concluded to be the main cause of inactivation of the Ca-ATPase by melittin, with possible modulation also by the decrease in mobility of the boundary layer lipids.

Biophysical Journal | 1995

Self-association accompanies inhibition of Ca-ATPase by thapsigargin.

J.V. Mersol; H. Kutchai; James E. Mahaney; David D. Thomas

Recent studies have demonstrated a relationship between the activity of the Ca-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum and its state of self-association. In the present study, the effects of thapsigargin (TG), a toxin that specifically inhibits the Ca-ATPase of rabbit skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane, were studied by detecting the time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy (TPA) decay of the Ca-ATPase that had been labeled with the phosphorescent probe erythrosin-isothiocyanate (ErITC). Anisotropy decays were fit to a function that consisted of three exponential decays plus a constant background, as well as to a function describing explicitly the uniaxial rotation of proteins in a membrane. In the absence of TG, the anisotropy was best-fit by a model representing the rotation of three populations, corresponding to different-sized oligomeric species in the membrane. The addition of stoichiometric amounts of TG to the Ca-ATPase promptly decreased the overall apparent rate of decay, indicating decreased rotational mobility. A detailed analysis showed that the principal change was not in the rates of rotation but rather in the population distribution of the Ca-ATPase molecules among the different-sized oligomers. TG decreased the proportion of small oligomers and increased the proportion of large ones. Preincubation of the ErITC-SR in 1 mM Ca2+, which stabilizes the E1 conformation relative to E2, was found to protect partially against the changes in the TPA associated with the presence of the inhibitor. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that TG inhibits the Ca-ATPase by stabilizing it in an E2-like conformation, which promotes the formation of larger aggregates of the enzyme. When combined with the effects of other inhibitors on the Ca-ATPase, these results support a general model for the coupling of enzyme conformation and self-association in this system.

Biophysical Journal | 1995

Molecular dynamics in mouse atrial tumor sarcoplasmic reticulum

John C. Voss; James E. Mahaney; Larry R. Jones; David D. Thomas

We have determined directly the effects of the inhibitory peptide phospholamban (PLB) on the rotational dynamics of the calcium pump (Ca-ATPase) of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). This was accomplished by comparing mouse ventricular SR, which has PLB levels similar to those found in other mammals, with mouse atrial SR, which is effectively devoid of PLB and thus has much higher (unregulated) calcium pump activity. To obtain sufficient quantities of atrial SR, we isolated the membranes from atrial tumor cells. We used time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy of an erythrosin isothiocyanate label attached selectively and rigidly to the Ca-ATPase, to detect the microsecond rotational motion of the Ca-ATPase in the two preparations. The time-resolved phosphorescence anisotropy decays of both preparations at 25 degrees C were multi-exponential, because of the presence of different oligomeric species. The rotational correlation times for the different oligomers were similar for the two preparations, but the total decay amplitude was substantially greater for atrial tumor SR, indicating that a smaller fraction of the Ca-ATPase molecules exists as large aggregates. Phosphorylation of PLB in ventricular SR decreased the population of large-scale Ca-ATPase aggregates to a level similar to that of atrial tumor SR. Lipid chain mobility (fluidity), detected by electron paramagnetic resonance of stearic acid spin labels, was very similar in the two preparations, indicating that the higher protein mobility in atrial tumor SR is not due to higher lipid fluidity. We conclude that PLB inhibits by inducing Ca-ATPase lateral aggregation, which can be relieved either by phosphorylating or removing PLB.

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health | 2003

The Amide Class Herbicide 3,4-Dichloropropionanilide (DCPA) Alters the Mobility of Hydrocarbon Chains in T-Lymphocyte but not Macrophage Membranes

Kathleen M. Brundage; John B. Barnett; James E. Mahaney

Previous studies in our laboratory have demonstrated that the lipophilic herbicide 3,4-dicholoropropionanilide (DCPA) adversely affects cytokine production by activated macrophages and T lymphocytes. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that DCPA alters the mobility of plasma membrane lipid hydrocarbon chains, which interferes with normal T-lymphocyte activation and macrophage function. Electron spin reasonance (ESR) spectroscopy of stearic acid spin labels incorporated into each cell type was used to test the effects of DCPA on lipid hydrocarbon chain mobility in the absence and presence of specific agents that activate each cell type. The results indicated that DCPA treatment had no significant effect on hydrocarbon chain mobility in either cell type per se. However, for T lymphocytes, but not macrophages, DCPA treatment increased a small population of lipid molecules that exhibited reduced hydrocarbon chain mobility near the bilayer hydrocarbon core following cell stimulation. In contrast, there were no significant effects of DCPA on hydrocarbon chain mobility near the head group region of the bilayer for either cell type. The identity of this subpopulation of lipids and its motional properties could not be elucidated from these studies. Nevertheless, data show that DCPA alters the distribution of lipids in distinct motional environments in the membrane of activated T lymphocytes.

Archive | 1993

Transient EPR of Spin-Labeled Proteins

David D. Thomas; E. Michael Ostap; Christopher L. Berger; Scott M. Lewis; Piotr G. Fajer; James E. Mahaney

A central goal in modern molecular biophysics is to understand the physical mechanisms of protein function. This problem is often stated as an issue of structure and function, but static structural information, from electron microscopy or X-ray diffraction, has consistently proven to be insufficient for the understanding of enzyme or receptor mechanisms. This should not be surprising, since each of these mechanisms involves a dynamic sequence of structural changes. In order to elucidate these essential molecular motions, direct measurements of chemical and structural dynamics are required.

ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Parts A and B | 2009

Carbon Nanohorns as Photochemical and Photothermal Agents

Saugata Sarkar; Amy Lutkus; James E. Mahaney; Harry C. Dorn; Thomas A. Campbell; Dave Geohegan; Marissa Nichole Rylander

Laser therapies based on photochemical or photothermal mechanisms can provide a minimally invasive and potentially more effective treatment alternative to conventional surgical resection procedures by delivering prescribed optical/thermal doses to a targeted tissue volume with minimal damage to intervening and surrounding tissues. However laser therapy effectiveness is limited due to nonspecific excitation/heating of target tissue which often results in healthy tissue injury. Nanostructures targeted to tumor cells and utilized in combination with laser excitation can enhance treatment effectiveness by increasing thermal deposition and generating toxic photo-chemical mediators in the form of reactive oxygen species for targeted cell destruction.Copyright

American Journal of Physiology-renal Physiology | 2001

Uremic levels of urea inhibit L-arginine transport in cultured endothelial cells.

Shen Xiao; Laszlo Wagner; James E. Mahaney; Chris Baylis

Biochemistry | 1991

Effects of Melittin on Molecular Dynamics and Ca-ATPase Activity in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Membranes: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

James E. Mahaney; David D. Thomas

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