James M. Robb
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by James M. Robb.
AAPG Bulletin | 1976
John S. Schlee; John C. Behrendt; John A. Grow; James M. Robb; Robert E. Mattick; P.T. Taylor; Barbara J. Lawson
Six multichannel seismic-reflection profiles taken across the Atlantic continental margin off the northeastern United States show an excess of 14 km of presumed Mesozoic and younger sedimentary rocks in the Baltimore Canyon trough and 8 km in the Georges Bank basin. Beneath the continental rise, the sedimentary prism thickness exceeds 7 km south of New Jersey and Maryland, and it is 4.5 km thick south of Georges Bank. Stratigraphically, the continental slope--outer edge of the continental shelf is a transition zone of high-velocity sedimentary rock, probably carbonate, that covers deeply subsided basement. Acoustically, the sedimentary sequence beneath the shelf is divided into three units which are correlated speculatively with the Cenozoic, the Cretaceous, and the Jurassic-Triassic sections. These units thicken offshore, and some have increased seismic velocities farther offshore. The uppermost unit thickens from a fraction of a kilometer to slightly more than a kilometer in a seaward direction, and velocity values range from 1.7 to 2.2 km/sec. The middle unit thickens from a fraction of a kilometer to as much as 5 km (northern Baltimore Canyon trough), and seismic velocity ranges from 2.2 to 5.4 km/sec. The lowest unit thickens to a maximum of 9 km (northern Baltimore Canyon), and velocities span the 3.9 to 5.9-km/sec interval. The spatial separation of magnetic and gravity anomalies on line 2 (New Jersey) suggests that in the Baltimore Canyon region the magnetic-slope anomaly is due to edge effects and that the previously reported free-air and isostatic gravity anomalies over the outer shelf may be due in part to a lateral increase in sediment density (velocity) near the shelf edge. The East Coast magnetic anomaly and the free-air gravity high both coincide over the outer shelf edge on line 1 (Georges Bank) but are offset by 20 km from the ridge on the reflection profile. Because the magnetic-slope-anomaly wavelength is nearly 50 km across, a deep source is likely. In part, the positive free-air gravity anomaly likewise may represent the significant lateral density increase within the sedimentary section to ard the outer edge of the shelf.
Geology | 1984
James M. Robb
Undersea discharge of ground water during periods of lower sea level may have eroded valleys on part of the lower continental slope, offshore New Jersey. Steep-headed basins, cliffed and terraced walls, and irregular courses of these valleys may have been produced by sapping of exposed near-horizontal Tertiary strata. Joints in Eocene calcareous rocks would have localized ground-water movement. Some karstlike features of the submarine topography and the outcrops suggest that solution of the calcareous rocks also took place.
Marine Geology | 1980
William P. Dillon; James M. Robb; H. Gary Greene; Juan Carlos Lucena
Abstract Seismic reflection profiles and magnetic intensity measurements were collected across the southern continental margin of Spain and the Alboran basin between Spain and Africa. Correlation of the distinct seismic stratigraphy observed in the profiles to stratigraphic information obtained from cores at Deep Sea Drilling Project site 121 allows effective dating of tectonic events. The Alboran Sea basin occupies a zone of motion between the African and Iberian lithospheric plates that probably began to form by extension in late Miocene time (Tortonian). At the end of Miocene time (end of Messinian) profiles show that an angular unconformity was cut, and then the strata were block faulted before subsequent deposition. The erosion of the unconformity probably resulted from lowering of Mediterranean sea level by evaporation when the previous channel between the Mediterranean and Atlantic was closed. Continued extension probably caused the block faulting and, eventually the opening of the present channel to the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar and the reflooding of the Mediterranean. Minor tectonic movements at the end of Calabrian time (early Pleistocene) apparently resulted in minor faulting, extensive transgression in southeastern Spain, and major changes in the sedimentary environment of the Alboran basin. Active faulting observed at five locations on seismic profiles seems to form a NNE zone of transcurrent movement across the Alboran Sea. This inferred fault trend is coincident with some bathymetric, magnetic and seismicity trends and colinear with active faults that have been mapped on-shore in Morocco and Spain. The faults were probably caused by stresses related to plate movements, and their direction was modified by inherited fractures in the lithosphere that floors the Alboran Sea.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1974
John C. Behrendt; John S. Schlee; James M. Robb; M. Katherine Silverstein
Geophysical surveys made by R/V Unitedgeo I (USGS–IDOE Cruise Leg 5), combined with earlier surveys and available geologic information, provide the basis for interpreting the structure of the continental margin of Liberia. This area lies at the junction of the Americas and Africa in published reconstructions of Gondwanaland prior to the opening of the North and South Atlantic in Jurassic and Cretaceous time, respectively. Three fracture zones (St. Paul, Cape Palmas, and Grand Cess) are inferred in the area southeast of 9°30′ W. on the basis of magnetic and gravity data, which is supported by bathymetric and seismic reflection data. The three fracture zones appear to exist as separate lineaments near the African coast. Farther seaward, they may be part of the same transform fault crossing the Atlantic (St. Paul fracture zone). The magnetic anomalies associated with these fracture zones, which may have originated in Cretaceous time at the opening of the South Atlantic, are continuous with magnetic anomalies over crust of Eburnean age (∼2,000 m.y.) in southeast Liberia and its continental shelf. This suggests that Eburnean age structures may have been zones of weakness that were reactivated in Cretaceous time. A positive gravity anomaly (∼50 mgal) along the coast and continental shelf of Liberia is attributed to deep crustal rocks that were uplifted and exposed in Pan-African time (∼550 m.y.). The land boundary of this anomaly coincides with a shear zone that marks the boundary between the Pan-African and the Liberian age province (∼2,700 m.y.); the shearing (in a thrust-fault sense) may be the result of compressive stress associated with the closing of a proto-Atlantic ocean. Liberian age magnetic anomalies in the area northwest of 9°30′ W. cross the Pan-African province (and the positive coastal gravity anomaly) and continue over the continental shelf and slope to about the 3,000-m bathymetric contour; the seaward limit of the anomalies is interpreted as representing the seaward limit of the old continental crust. This westward extension of the continental crust does not completely fill the gap in fit in various published reconstructions of Gondwanaland, and we suggest that the northern Florida block may have been located near the Liberian margin at one time. Magnetic data indicate a thick section of sedimentary rock, possibly as great as 8 km, on the continental slope. Comparison of gravity data over magnetically inferred basins in the shelf, slope, and rise suggests that low-density sedimentary rocks constitute a greater proportion of the section in basins beneath the shelf and beneath the slope and rise northwest of 9°309 W. than beneath the slope and rise in the area of the fracture zones. The gravitational attraction that corresponds to a crust-mantle boundary dipping 45° to 60° can be computed to fit observed data – as might be expected at a rifted continental margin. A shallow high-density block beneath the coast and continental shelf is required to fit the coastal positive anomaly; this block is represented by exposures on land of granulite-grade metamorphic rock of the Pan-African province.
Geology | 1983
James M. Robb; John R. Kirby; John C. Hampson; Patricia. Gibson; Barbara. Hecker
A sea bottom of middle Eocene calcareous claystone cut by downslope-trending furrows was observed during an Alvin dive to the mouth of Berkeley Canyon on the continental slope off New Jersey. The furrows are 10 to 50 m apart, 4 to 13 m deep, linear, and nearly parallel in water depths of 2,000 m. They have steep walls and flat floors 3 to 5 m wide, of fine-grained sediment. Mid-range sidescan-sonar images show that similarly furrowed surfaces are found on nearby areas of the lower continental slope, not associated with canyons. The furrows are overlain in places by Pleistocene sediments. Although they show evidence of erosional origin, they do not appear to be related to observed structures, and their straight, parallel pattern is not well understood. A general cover of flocky unconsolidated sediments implies that bottom-current erosion is not active now.
Geological Society of America Bulletin | 1991
John S. Schlee; James M. Robb
Approximately 6,100 km of 3.5-kHz echo-sounding profiles was correlated with a GLORIA side-scan sonar image of the mid-Atlantic United States (34°N, 70°W) lower slope-upper continental rise. The image allows us to map the major erosional and depositional features and to identify major processes that have shaped the area. The GLORIA imagery shows three approximately triangular-shaped sediment-gather areas that cover the upper-rise and slope transition areas near Wilmington, Baltimore, and Norfolk Canyons. The gather areas, which are interspersed with hemipelagic drape areas, are composed of dendritic networks of channels that extend from the base of the slope toward major channel systems on the middle rise, such as Wilmington Valley. Seaward of Cape Hatteras, a tongue-shaped area of mottled high back scatter on the GLORIA imagery denotes the Albemarle-Currituck mass-movement complex, a large (60 km wide by >190 km long) area of the sea floor that is marked by the disruption of upper-rise sedimentary strata and by mass-flow deposits. Interpretation of GLORIA imagery and echo-sounding profiles indicates that mass movement is the predominant process affecting sediment on the United States east coast mid-Atlantic slope and upper rise and that isobath-parallel sediment movement by geostrophic currents is restricted mainly to the lower continental rise. The mass-movement processes evident on the rise probably were most active during the Pleistocene, when sea level was lower and sediment input more active.
AAPG Bulletin | 1974
John S. Schlee; John C. Behrendt; James M. Robb
The rifting of Africa from North and South America has affected the structural framework off Liberia in two episodes. As shown by bathymetry, seismic-reflection profiles, magnetic data, and stratigraphy, the southeastern third of the margin is cut by west-southwest-trending fracture zones which we interpret as the extension of the St. Pauls fracture zone. These fracture zones intersect the continental margin off Cape Palmas to give rise to a blockfaulted and slump topography, similar to that in the area where the Romanche fracture zone intersects the African continent off Cape Three Points, Ghana. The fracture zones are covered by a prograded wedge of presumed Tertiary and Cretaceous sedimentary rock off central Liberia. Adjacent to the northwestern third of the Liberian margin, northwest-trending basins filled mainly with Lower Cretaceous paralic sediments are under the continental shelf; they extend to the upper slope, where they are downdropped along a northwest-striking fault zone that separates the shelf deposits from a thick prism of sediment beneath the continental rise. The southeastern third of the margin appears to have formed during the separation of Africa and South America in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous. The rest of the margin seems, more strongly influenced by the tensional forces created during the rifting of Africa and North America; volcanic rocks are Late Triassic to Early Jurassic in age, and shelf sedimentation occurred mainly after the continents broke apart.
Marine Geophysical Researches | 1986
Michel David; Didier Crozel; James M. Robb
High-quality contour maps can be computer drawn from single track echo-sounding data by combining Universal Kriging and the theory of intrinsic random function of order K (IRFK). These methods interpolate values among the closely spaced points that lie along relatively widely spaced lines. The technique provides a variance which can be contoured as a quantitative measure of map precision. The technique can be used to evaluate alternative survey trackline configurations and data collection intervals, and can be applied to other types of oceanographic data.
AAPG Bulletin | 1974
Robert N. Oldale; J.C. Hathaway; William P. Dillon; John D. Hendricks; James M. Robb
Continuous-seismic-reflection and magnetic-intensity profiles provide data for inferences about the geology of the northern part of Georges Bank and the basins of the Gulf of Maine adjacent to the bank. Basement is inferred to be mostly sedimentary and volcanic rocks of Paleozoic age that were metamorphosed and intruded locally by felsic and mafic plutons near the end of the Paleozoic Era. During Late Triassic time, large fault basins formed within the Gulf of Maine and probably beneath Georges Bank. The fault basins and a possible major northeast-trending fault zone beneath the northern part of the bank probably formed as a result of the opening Atlantic during the Mesozoic. Nonmarine sediments, associated with mafic flows and intrusive rocks, were deposited in the fault basins as they formed. The upper surface of the Triassic and pre-Triassic rocks that comprise basement is an unconformity that makes up much of the bottom of the Gulf of Maine. Depths to the basement surface beneath the gulf differ greatly because of fluvial erosion in Tertiary time and glacial erosion in Pleistocene time. Beneath the northern part of Georges Bank the basement surface is smoother and slopes southward. Prominent valleys, cut before Late Cretaceous time, are present beneath this part of the bank. Cretaceous, Tertiary, and possibly Jurassic times were characterized by episodes of coastal-plain deposition and fluvial erosion. During this time a very thick wedge of sediment, mostly of Jurassic(?) and Cretaceous ages, was deposited on the shelf. Major periods of erosion took place at the close of the Cretaceous and during the Pliocene. Fluvial erosion during the Pliocene removed much of the coastal-plain sedimentary wedge and formed the Gulf of Maine. Pleistocene glaciers eroded all but a few remnants of the coastal-plain sediments within the gulf and deposited a thick section of drift against the north slope of Georges Bank and a thin veneer of outwash on the bank. Marine sediments were deposited in the basins of the Gulf of Maine during the retreat of the last ice and the postglacial rise in sea level.
Nature | 1974
John C. Behrendt; John S. Schlee; James M. Robb
PUBLISHED reconstructions of Gondwana continent1 (Fig. la) show a gap in fit near the junction of the Americas and Africa. To study this critical area, the Unitedgeo I made geophysical measurements and collected rock samples across the continental margin of Liberia (USGS-IDOE cruise leg 5) in November 1971. Figure Ib indicates the location of the 5,400 km of ship track on a generalised bathymetric map2. We shall discuss the data in detail elsewhere. Here we present the evidence for the existence of three fracture zones, two of which have not been reported previously, intersecting the continental margin at the north end of the South Atlantic, which remained closed probably until Cretaceous time. We suggest that Precambrian structures on the African continent controlled the location of these fracture zones. Figure Ic compares gravity and magnetic profiles and interpretations of the seismic profiles for three selected lines (27, 30 and 34) crossing the Grand Cess, Cape Palmas and St Paul fracture zones, respectively.