James P. Brewer
University of British Columbia
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Brad M. S. Hansen; James P. Brewer; Greg Fahlman; B. K. Gibson; Rodrigo A. Ibata; Marco Limongi; R. Michael Rich; Harvey B. Richer; Michael M. Shara; Peter B. Stetson
We present the white dwarf sequence of the globular cluster M4, based on a 123 orbit Hubble Space Telescope exposure, with a limiting magnitude of V ~ 30 and I ~ 28. The white dwarf luminosity function rises sharply for I > 25.5, consistent with the behavior expected for a burst population. The white dwarfs of M4 extend to approximately 2.5 mag fainter than the peak of the local Galactic disk white dwarf luminosity function. This demonstrates a clear and significant age difference between the Galactic disk and the halo globular cluster M4. Using the same standard white dwarf models to fit each luminosity function yields ages of 7.3 ± 1.5 Gyr for the disk and 12.7 ± 0.7 Gyr for M4 (2 σ statistical errors).
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2004
Brad M. S. Hansen; Harvey B. Richer; Greg Fahlman; Peter B. Stetson; James P. Brewer; Thayne Currie; Brad K. Gibson; Rodrigo A. Ibata; R. Michael Rich; Michael M. Shara
We investigate in detail the white dwarf cooling sequence of the globular cluster Messier 4. In particular, we study the influence of various systematic uncertainties, both observational and theoretical, on the determination of the cluster age from the white dwarf cooling sequence. These include uncertainties in the distance to the cluster and the extinction along the line of sight, as well as the white dwarf mass, envelope, and core compositions and the white dwarf-main-sequence mass relation. We find that fitting to the full two-dimensional color-magnitude diagram offers a more robust method for age determination than the traditional method of fitting the one-dimensional white dwarf luminosity function. After taking into account the various uncertainties, we find a best-fit age of 12.1 Gyr, with a 95% lower limit of 10.3 Gyr. We also perform fits using two other sets of cooling models from the literature. The models of Chabrier et al. yield an encouragingly similar result, although the models of Salaris et al. do not provide as good a fit. Our results support our previous determination of a delay between the formation of the Galactic halo and the onset of star formation in the Galactic disk.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2005
Brad M. S. Hansen; Jay Anderson; James P. Brewer; Aaron Dotter; Greg Fahlman; Jarrod R. Hurley; Jason S. Kalirai; Ivan R. King; David B. Reitzel; Harvey B. Richer; R. Michael Rich; Michael M. Shara; Peter B. Stetson
We present the results of a deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) exposure of the nearby globular cluster NGC 6397, focussing attention on the clusters white dwarf cooling sequence. This sequence is shown to extend over 5 mag in depth, with an apparent cutoff at magnitude F814W ~ 27.6. We demonstrate, using both artificial star tests and the detectability of background galaxies at fainter magnitudes, that the cutoff is real and represents the truncation of the white dwarf luminosity function in this cluster. We perform a detailed comparison between cooling models and the observed distribution of white dwarfs in color and magnitude, taking into account uncertainties in distance, extinction, white dwarf mass, progenitor lifetimes, binarity, and cooling model uncertainties. After marginalizing over these variables, we obtain values for the cluster distance modulus and age of μ0 = 12.02 ± 0.06 and Tc = 11.47 ± 0.47 Gyr (95% confidence limits). Our inferred distance and white dwarf initial-final mass relations are in good agreement with other independent determinations, and the cluster age is consistent with, but more precise than, prior determinations made using the main-sequence turnoff method. In particular, within the context of the currently accepted ΛCDM cosmological model, this age places the formation of NGC 6397 at a redshift z ~ 3, at a time when the cosmological star formation rate was approaching its peak.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2002
Harvey B. Richer; James P. Brewer; Gregory G. Fahlman; Brad K. Gibson; Brad M. S. Hansen; Rodrigo A. Ibata; Jasonjot Singh Kalirai; Marco Limongi; R. Michael Rich; Ivo Saviane; Michael M. Shara; Peter B. Stetson
The deepest optical image ever in a globular star cluster, a Hubble Space Telescope 123 orbit exposure in a single field of Messier 4, was obtained in two filters (F606W, F814W) over a 10 week period in early 2001. A somewhat shallower image obtained in 1995 allowed us to select out cluster and field objects via their proper-motion displacement, resulting in remarkably clean color-magnitude diagrams that reach to V = 30, I = 28. The cluster main-sequence luminosity function contains very few stars fainter than MV = 15.0, MI = 11.8, which, in both filters, is more than 2 mag brighter than our limit. This is about the faintest luminosity seen among field Population II subdwarfs of the same metallicity. However, there remains a sprinkling of potential cluster stars to lower luminosity all the way down to our limiting magnitudes. These latter objects are significantly redder than any known metal-poor field subdwarf. Comparison with the current generation of theoretical stellar models implies that the masses of the lowest luminosity cluster stars observed are near 0.09 M☉. We derive the mass function of the cluster in our field and find that it is very slowly rising toward the lowest masses with no convincing evidence of a turnover even below 0.1 M☉. The formal slope between 0.65 and 0.09 M☉ is α = 0.75 (Salpeter of 2.35) with a 99% confidence interval of 0.55-1.05. A consistency check between these slopes and the number of observed cluster white dwarfs yields a range of possible conclusions, one of which is that we have indeed seen the termination of the white dwarf cooling sequence in M4.
Science | 2006
Harvey B. Richer; Jay Anderson; James P. Brewer; Saul D. Davis; Gregory G. Fahlman; Brad M. S. Hansen; Jarrod R. Hurley; Jasonjot Singh Kalirai; Ivan R. King; David B. Reitzel; R. Michael Rich; Michael M. Shara; Peter B. Stetson
NGC 6397 is the second closest globular star cluster to the Sun. Using 5 days of time on the Hubble Space Telescope, we have constructed an ultradeep color-magnitude diagram for this cluster. We see a clear truncation in each of its two major stellar sequences. Faint red main-sequence stars run out well above our observational limit and near to the theoretical prediction for the lowest mass stars capable of stable hydrogen burning in their cores. We also see a truncation in the number counts of faint blue stars, namely white dwarfs. This reflects the limit to which the bulk of the white dwarfs can cool over the lifetime of the cluster. There is also a turn toward bluer colors in the least luminous of these objects. This was predicted for the very coolest white dwarfs with hydrogen-rich atmospheres as the formation of H2 and the resultant collision-induced absorption cause their atmospheres to become largely opaque to infrared radiation.
The Astronomical Journal | 2004
Harvey B. Richer; Gregory G. Fahlman; James P. Brewer; Saul D. Davis; Jasonjot Singh Kalirai; Peter B. Stetson; Brad M. S. Hansen; Robert Michael Rich; Rodrigo A. Ibata; B. K. Gibson; Michael M. Shara
We present new results from a photometric study of the main-sequence stars in M4 (NGC 6121=C1620-264), the closest globular cluster to the Sun. Multifield, multiepoch observations at approximately 1, 2, and 6 core radii were obtained with WFPC2 on the Hubble Space Telescope through either the F606W filter or the F555W (V) and F814W (I) filters. The multiepoch observations allowed us to clean the data on the basis of proper motion and thus separate cluster from field stars or extragalactic objects. In all the fields the cluster main sequence can be traced to at least V = 27.0, but there remains a trail of stars to the limit of the data near V = 30 in the deepest outer field. There is no evidence that we have reached the end of the hydrogen-burning main sequence in any of our fields; however, there is some indication that very few stars remain to be detected in the deepest data. A study of the scatter about the cluster main sequence yields a surprisingly small and variable binary fraction: fb 2% in the inner parts of the cluster, falling to the 1% range outside. However, with one possible exception, no stars in the 6 core radius field exhibit photometric variability on timescales of a few hours through a few days. For the currently visible main-sequence stars, the cluster mass function (MF) is very flat (? = 0.1) in the outer field and flattens further in the inner fields, suggesting well-developed mass segregation. The observed variation in the MF is broadly consistent with isotropic, multimass Michie-King models. Because we have a large sample of white dwarfs in the outer field, we are able to show that the cluster IMF above 0.8 M? was considerably steeper than the present-day MF for low-mass stars. Two appendices are included in this contribution. The first is a detailed discussion of the techniques used to reduce the data, while the second provides a direct comparison between the cluster stars and those belonging to the inner spheroid of the Galaxy. This yields a relative distance between the cluster, dc, and the Galactic center, Ro, of Ro/dc = 4.36 ? 0.13. With our subdwarf-based estimate of dc = 1.73 ? 0.09 kpc to M4, we find Ro = 7.5 ? 0.6 kpc.
The Astronomical Journal | 1995
James P. Brewer; Harvey B. Richer; Dennis R. Crabtree
We have imaged five 7\arcmin \x 7\arcmin\ fields in M31 spanning galactocentric radii from 4 to 32 kpc along the SW-major axis. The fields were observed through two broad-band (\V\ and \I) and two narrow-band (\CN\ and \TiO) filters. The broad-band data were used to construct \IvsVI\ color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and, in some of our fields, we found significant numbers of stars in the Cepheid instability strip. A distance modulus for the Cepheids in the middle field was found that agreed well with other values in the literature values. The width of the giant branch (GB) in the \IvsVI\ CMD of all 5 fields was investigated, and we show that in four of the fields a likely explanation for the GB width is a combination of {\it both} metallicity and mass variations. Using the broad-band data, the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) luminosity functions (LFs) were measured in the five fields, and we show that differences exist between these LFs. We speculate on how the different star forming histories in the fields may lead to the observed AGB LFs and GB widths. Using the narrow-band data along with the broad-band data we separated the AGB stars into carbon-rich (C) and oxygen-rich (M) types. The carbon stars LFs were used to obtain an estimate for the distance modulus of M31 which agrees with the value derived from Cepheids. The ratio of C- to M-stars (C/M) is believed to be an indicator of gaseous chemical abundance at the time of formation of these stars. We show that the C/M ratio increases smoothly with galactocentric distance, suggesting an inverse correlation with metallicity. This is the first demonstration of this effect within a single extragalactic system. We find that differences in the width of the GB and the AGB LFs do not significantly affect the C/M ratio. We consider the effect of the increasing C/M ratio on the ISM in M31, and cite evidence in favor of a model where the grain composition in M31 is a function of galactocentric distance.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2007
Jasonjot Singh Kalirai; Jay Anderson; Harvey B. Richer; Ivan R. King; James P. Brewer; Giovanni Carraro; Saul D. Davis; Gregory G. Fahlman; Brad M. S. Hansen; Jarrod R. Hurley; Sebastien Lepine; David B. Reitzel; R. Michael Rich; Michael M. Shara; Peter B. Stetson
As a by-product of high-precision, ultradeep stellar photometry in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6397 with the Hubble Space Telescope, we are able to measure a large population of background galaxies whose images are nearly pointlike. These provide an extragalactic reference frame of unprecedented accuracy, relative to which we measure the most accurate absolute proper motion ever determined for a globular cluster. We find μα cos δ = 3.56 ± 0.04 mas yr-1 and μδ = -17.34 ± 0.04 mas yr-1. We note that the formal statistical errors quoted for the proper motion of NGC 6397 do not include possible unavoidable sources of systematic errors, such as cluster rotation. These are very unlikely to exceed a few percent. We use this new proper motion to calculate NGC 6397s UVW space velocity and its orbit around the Milky Way and find that the cluster has made frequent passages through the Galactic disk.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Jasonjot Singh Kalirai; Harvey B. Richer; Brad M. S. Hansen; Peter B. Stetson; Michael M. Shara; Ivo Saviane; R. Michael Rich; Marco Limongi; Rodrigo A. Ibata; Brad K. Gibson; Gregory G. Fahlman; James P. Brewer
We establish an extragalactic, zero-motion frame of reference within the deepest optical image of a globular star cluster, a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) 123 orbit exposure of M4 (GO 8679, Cycle 9). The line of sight beyond M4 (l,b = 351?,16?) intersects the inner halo (spheroid) of our Galaxy at a tangent-point distance of 7.6 kpc (for R0 = 8 kpc). The main sequence of this population can be clearly seen on the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) below the M4 main sequence. We isolate these spheroid stars from the cluster on the basis of their proper motions over the 6 yr baseline between these observations and others made at a previous epoch with HST (GO 5461, Cycle 4). Distant background galaxies are also found on the same sight line by using image-morphology techniques. This fixed-reference frame allows us to determine an independent measurement of the fundamental Galactic constant, ?0 = ?0/R0 = 25.3 ? 2.6 km s-1 kpc-1, thus providing a velocity of the local standard of rest vLSR = ?0 = 202.7 ? 24.7 km s-1 for R0 = 8.0 ? 0.5 kpc. Second, the galaxies allow a direct measurement of M4s absolute proper motion, ?? = -12.26 ? 0.54 mas yr-1, ?? = -18.95 ? 0.54 mas yr-1, in excellent agreement with recent studies. The clear separation of galaxies from stars in these deep data also allow us to search for inner halo white dwarfs. We model the conventional Galactic contributions of white dwarfs along our line of sight and predict 7.9 thin-disk, 6.3 thick-disk, and 2.2 spheroid objects to the limiting magnitude at which we can clearly delineate stars from galaxies (V ~ 29). An additional 2.5 objects are expected from a 20% white dwarf dark halo consisting of 0.5 M? objects, 70% of which are of the DA type. After considering the kinematics and morphology of the objects in our data set, we find the number of white dwarfs to be consistent with the predictions for each of the conventional populations. However, we do not find any evidence for dark halo white dwarfs.
The Astronomical Journal | 1993
James P. Brewer; Gregory G. Fahlman; Harvey B. Richer; Leonard Searle; Ian B. Thompson
CCD Photometry in U, B, V and I is presented for the halo globular cluster NGC 3201. The data analyzed consist of CCD images of two fields, one being centered on the cluster core and the other located at approximately 7 core radii. Images were secured in U, B, and V for the «core» field and B, V, and I for the «outer» field. In addition, images of a nearby background field were secured in V and I. The fiducial sequence of NGC 3201, derived from the color-magnitude diagram of the core field, was compared to that of NGC 362 and it was found that the clusters are approximately coeval. The core field revealed a sequence of 31 blue stragglers which were shown, by means of a Kolomogorov-Smirnov test, not to be more centrally concentrated than subgiants of the same V magnitude range