James W. Fawcett
University of Cambridge
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Featured researches published by James W. Fawcett.
Nature | 2002
Elizabeth J. Bradbury; Lawrence Moon; Reena J. Popat; Von R. King; Gavin S. Bennett; Preena N. Patel; James W. Fawcett; Stephen B. McMahon
The inability of axons to regenerate after a spinal cord injury in the adult mammalian central nervous system (CNS) can lead to permanent paralysis. At sites of CNS injury, a glial scar develops, containing extracellular matrix molecules including chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans (CSPGs). CSPGs are inhibitory to axon growth in vitro, and regenerating axons stop at CSPG-rich regions in vivo. Removing CSPG glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains attenuates CSPG inhibitory activity. To test the functional effects of degrading chondroitin sulphate (CS)-GAG after spinal cord injury, we delivered chondroitinase ABC (ChABC) to the lesioned dorsal columns of adult rats. We show that intrathecal treatment with ChABC degraded CS-GAG at the injury site, upregulated a regeneration-associated protein in injured neurons, and promoted regeneration of both ascending sensory projections and descending corticospinal tract axons. ChABC treatment also restored post-synaptic activity below the lesion after electrical stimulation of corticospinal neurons, and promoted functional recovery of locomotor and proprioceptive behaviours. Our results demonstrate that CSPGs are important inhibitory molecules in vivo and suggest that their manipulation will be useful for treatment of human spinal injuries.
Brain Research Bulletin | 1999
James W. Fawcett; Richard A. Asher
Damage to the central nervous system (CNS) results in a glial reaction, leading eventually to the formation of a glial scar. In this environment, axon regeneration fails, and remyelination may also be unsuccessful. The glial reaction to injury recruits microglia, oligodendrocyte precursors, meningeal cells, astrocytes and stem cells. Damaged CNS also contains oligodendrocytes and myelin debris. Most of these cell types produce molecules that have been shown to be inhibitory to axon regeneration. Oligodendrocytes produce NI250, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), and tenascin-R, oligodendrocyte precursors produce NG2 DSD-1/phosphacan and versican, astrocytes produce tenascin, brevican, and neurocan, and can be stimulated to produce NG2, meningeal cells produce NG2 and other proteoglycans, and activated microglia produce free radicals, nitric oxide, and arachidonic acid derivatives. Many of these molecules must participate in rendering the damaged CNS inhibitory for axon regeneration. Demyelinated plaques in multiple sclerosis consists mostly of scar-type astrocytes and naked axons. The extent to which the astrocytosis is responsible for blocking remyelination is not established, but astrocytes inhibit the migration of both oligodendrocyte precursors and Schwann cells which must restrict their access to demyelinated axons.
Trends in Neurosciences | 2001
Joel M. Levine; Richard Reynolds; James W. Fawcett
Adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) make up around 5-8% of the glial cell population in the CNS. Their function in the undamaged CNS is largely unknown, but their processes are in contact with nodes of Ranvier and synapses, suggesting a regulatory role at these structures. The cells divide slowly, and constitute approximately 70% of cells labelled following a pulse injection of bromodeoxyuridine. In the injured CNS the cells form a reactive glial population that undergoes hypertrophy and mitosis, probably driven by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. In response to demyelination they divide and are thought to differentiate to provide new oligodendrocytes to replace those that have been lost. However, remyelination fails during the later stages of multiple sclerosis, and it is not clear whether this is as a result of a depletion of adult OPCs, inhibition within the glial scar, or damage to the axons that prevents myelination. Adult OPCs are also activated and proliferate following other forms of CNS damage, such as mechanical injury, excitotoxicity and viral infection. The cells produce several of the chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans that might inhibit axon regeneration.
Nature Neuroscience | 2001
Lawrence Moon; Richard A. Asher; Kate E. Rhodes; James W. Fawcett
Following CNS injury in the adult mammal, axon regeneration fails in scar regions containing a number of different chondroitin sulfate-bearing proteoglycans (CSPGs). Degradation of chondroitin sulfate using chondroitinase ABC reduces growth inhibition associated with many CSPGs. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to enhance CNS axon regeneration in the adult rat nigrostriatal tract following chondroitinase ABC degradation of chondroitin sulfate.
Spinal Cord | 2007
James W. Fawcett; Armin Curt; John D. Steeves; W. P. Coleman; Mark H. Tuszynski; Daniel P. Lammertse; Perry F. Bartlett; Andrew R. Blight; V. Dietz; John F. Ditunno; Bruce H. Dobkin; Leif A. Havton; Peter H. Ellaway; Michael G. Fehlings; A. Privat; Robert G. Grossman; James D. Guest; N. Kleitman; Masaya Nakamura; M. Gaviria; D. Short
The International Campaign for Cures of Spinal Cord Injury Paralysis (ICCP) supported an international panel tasked with reviewing the methodology for clinical trials in spinal cord injury (SCI), and making recommendations on the conduct of future trials. This is the first of four papers. Here, we examine the spontaneous rate of recovery after SCI and resulting consequences for achieving statistically significant results in clinical trials. We have reanalysed data from the Sygen trial to provide some of this information. Almost all people living with SCI show some recovery of motor function below the initial spinal injury level. While the spontaneous recovery of motor function in patients with motor-complete SCI is fairly limited and predictable, recovery in incomplete SCI patients (American spinal injury Association impairment scale (AIS) C and AIS D) is both more substantial and highly variable. With motor complete lesions (AIS A/AIS B) the majority of functional return is within the zone of partial preservation, and may be sufficient to reclassify the injury level to a lower spinal level. The vast majority of recovery occurs in the first 3 months, but a small amount can persist for up to18 months or longer. Some sensory recovery occurs after SCI, on roughly the same time course as motor recovery. Based on previous data of the magnitude of spontaneous recovery after SCI, as measured by changes in ASIA motor scores, power calculations suggest that the number of subjects required to achieve a significant result from a trial declines considerably as the start of the study is delayed after SCI. Trials of treatments that are most efficacious when given soon after injury will therefore, require larger patient numbers than trials of treatments that are effective at later time points. As AIS B patients show greater spontaneous recovery than AIS A patients, the number of AIS A patients requiring to be enrolled into a trial is lower. This factor will have to be balanced against the possibility that some treatments will be more effective in incomplete patients. Trials involving motor incomplete SCI patients, or trials where an accurate assessment of AIS grade cannot be made before the start of the trial, will require large subject numbers and/or better objective assessment methods.
Progress in Brain Research | 2002
Daniel A. Morgenstern; Richard A. Asher; James W. Fawcett
As the preceding discussion has demonstrated, experimental data now indicate that the expression of a number of different CSPGs is increased following CNS injury. The hyalectans neurocan, versican and [figure: see text] brevican, plus NG2 and phosphacan are upregulated following injury and all have been shown to exhibit inhibitory effects on neurite outgrowth in vitro. It is likely therefore that the increased expression of these molecules contributes to the non-permissive nature of the glial scar. The relative contributions of individual molecules remain, however, to be determined. It is important to remember also that not only does the glial scar contain many different inhibitory molecules, but that these are the products of a number of different cells, including not just astrocytes, but also oligodendrocyte progenitor and meningeal cells. It is arguable that the latter two cell types make a greater contribution than astrocytes to the inhibitory environment of the injured CNS. Recently, attempts have been made to alter the CSPG component of the glial scar in the hope that this will facilitate improved axonal regeneration. Three studies (Bradbury et al., 2002; Yick et al., 2000; Moon et al., 2001) have reported an improved regenerative response following treatment of the injured CNS with chondroitinase ABC. CSPGs represent a significant source of inhibition within the injured CNS; these studies indicate that successful CNS regeneration may be brought about by interventions which target these molecules and/or the cells which produce them.
Spinal Cord | 2007
John D. Steeves; Daniel P. Lammertse; Armin Curt; James W. Fawcett; Mark H. Tuszynski; John F. Ditunno; Peter H. Ellaway; Michael G. Fehlings; James D. Guest; N. Kleitman; Perry F. Bartlett; Andrew R. Blight; V. Dietz; Bruce H. Dobkin; Robert G. Grossman; D. Short; Masaya Nakamura; W. P. Coleman; M. Gaviria; A. Privat
An international panel reviewed the methodology for clinical trials of spinal cord injury (SCI), and provided recommendations for the valid conduct of future trials. This is the second of four papers. It examines clinical trial end points that have been used previously, reviews alternative outcome tools and identifies unmet needs for demonstrating the efficacy of an experimental intervention after SCI. The panel focused on outcome measures that are relevant to clinical trials of experimental cell-based and pharmaceutical drug treatments. Outcome measures are of three main classes: (1) those that provide an anatomical or neurological assessment for the connectivity of the spinal cord, (2) those that categorize a subjects functional ability to engage in activities of daily living, and (3) those that measure an individuals quality of life (QoL). The American Spinal Injury Association impairment scale forms the standard basis for measuring neurologic outcomes. Various electrophysiological measures and imaging tools are in development, which may provide more precise information on functional changes following treatment and/or the therapeutic action of experimental agents. When compared to appropriate controls, an improved functional outcome, in response to an experimental treatment, is the necessary goal of a clinical trial program. Several new functional outcome tools are being developed for measuring an individuals ability to engage in activities of daily living. Such clinical end points will need to be incorporated into Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials. QoL measures often do not correlate tightly with the above outcome tools, but may need to form part of Phase 3 trial measures.
Nature Neuroscience | 2009
Guillermo García-Alías; Stanley Barkhuysen; Miranda Buckle; James W. Fawcett
Chondroitinase ABC treatment promotes spinal cord plasticity. We investigated whether chondroitinase-induced plasticity combined with physical rehabilitation promotes recovery of manual dexterity in rats with cervical spinal cord injuries. Rats received a C4 dorsal funiculus cut followed by chondroitinase ABC or penicillinase as a control. They were assigned to two alternative rehabilitation procedures, the first reinforcing skilled reaching and the second reinforcing general locomotion. Chondroitinase treatment enhanced sprouting of corticospinal axons independently of the rehabilitation regime. Only the rats receiving the combination of chondroitinase and specific rehabilitation showed improved manual dexterity. Rats that received general locomotor rehabilitation were better at ladder walking, but had worse skilled-reaching abilities than rats that received no treatment. Our results indicate that chondroitinase treatment opens a window during which rehabilitation can promote recovery. However, only the trained skills are improved and other functions may be negatively affected.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005
Poonam Verma; Sabrina Chierzi; Amanda M. Codd; Douglas S. Campbell; Ronald L. Meyer; Christine E. Holt; James W. Fawcett
Axonal regeneration can occur within hours of injury, the first step being the formation of a new growth cone. For sensory and retinal axons, regenerative ability in vivo correlates with the potential to form a new growth cone after axotomy in vitro. We show that this ability to regenerate a new growth cone depends on local protein synthesis and degradation within the axon. Axotomy in vitro leads to a fourfold to sixfold increase in 3H-leucine incorporation in both neurones and axons, starting within 10 min and peaking 1 h after axotomy. Application of protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide and anisomycin) to cut axons, including axons whose cell bodies were removed, or proteasome inhibitors (lactacystin and N-acetyl-Nor-Leu-Leu-Al) all result in a reduction in the proportion of transected axons able to reform growth cones. Similar inhibition of growth cone formation was observed on addition of target of rapamycin (TOR), p38 MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase), and caspase-3 inhibitors. Comparing retinal and sensory axons of different developmental stages, levels of ribosomal protein P0 and phosphorylated translation initiation factor are high in sensory axons, lower in embryonic axons, and absent in adult retinal axons. Conditioning lesions, which increase the regenerative ability of sensory axons, lead to increases in intra-axonal protein synthetic and degradative machinery both in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, these findings suggest that local protein synthesis and degradation, controlled by various TOR-, p38 MAPK-, and caspase-dependent pathways, underlie growth cone initiation after axotomy.
Nature Medicine | 2007
Grégoire Courtine; Mary Bartlett Bunge; James W. Fawcett; Robert G. Grossman; Jon H. Kaas; Roger N. Lemon; Irin C. Maier; John H. Martin; Randolph J. Nudo; Almudena Ramón-Cueto; Eric M. Rouiller; Lisa Schnell; Thierry Wannier; Martin E. Schwab; V. Reggie Edgerton
Can experiments in nonhuman primates expedite the translation of treatments for spinal cord injury in humans?