
Nature Genetics | 1997

DMBT1, a new member of the SRCR superfamily, on chromosome 10q25.3-26.1 is deleted in malignant brain tumours

Jan Mollenhauer; Stefan Wiemann; Wolfram Scheurlen; Bernhard Korn; Yutaka Hayashi; Klaus K. Wilgenbus; Andreas von Deimling; Annemarie Poustka

Loss of sequences from human chromosome 10q has been associated with the progression of human cancer. Medulloblastoma and glioblastoma multiforme are the most common malignant brain tumours in children and adults, respectively. In glioblastoma multiforme, the most aggressive form, 80% of the tumours show loss of 10q. We have used representational difference analysis to identify a homozygous deletion at 10q25.3–26.1 in a medulloblastoma cell line and have cloned a novel gene, DMBT1, spanning this deletion. DMBT1 shows homology to the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily. Intragenic homozygous deletions have been detected in 2/20 medulloblastomas and in 9/39 glioblastomas multiformes. Lack of DMBT1 expression has been demonstrated in 4/5 brain-tumour cell lines. We suggest that DMBT1 is a putative tumour-suppressor gene implicated in the carcinogenesis of medulloblastoma and glioblastoma multiforme.

Oncogene | 1999

The genomic structure of the DMBT1 gene: evidence for a region with susceptibility to genomic instability

Jan Mollenhauer; Uffe Holmskov; Stefan Wiemann; Inge Krebs; Stephan Herbertz; Jens Madsen; Petra Kioschis; Johannes F. Coy; Annemarie Poustka

Increasing evidence has accumulated for an involvement of the inactivation of tumour suppressor genes at chromosome 10q in the carcinogenesis of brain tumours, melanomas, and carcinomas of the lung, the prostate, the pancreas, and the endometrium. The gene DMBT1 (Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumours 1) is located at chromosome 10q25.3 – q26.1, within one of the putative intervals for tumour suppressor genes. DMBT1 is a member of the scavenger-receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily and displays homozygous deletions or lack of expression in glioblastoma multiforme, medulloblastoma, and in gastrointestinal and lung cancers. Based on these properties, DMBT1 has been proposed to be a candidate tumour suppressor gene. We have determined the genomic sequence of DMBT1 to allow analyses of mutations. The gene has at least 54 exons that span a genomic region of about 80 kb. We have identified a putative exon with coding potential for a transmembrane domain. Our data further suggest that alternative splicing gives rise to isoforms of DMBT1 with a differential utilization of SRCR domains and SRCR interspersed domains. The major part of the gene harbours locus specific repeats. These repeats may point to the DMBT1 locus as a region susceptible to chromosomal instability.

Cancer Biology & Therapy | 2004

Differentially expressed genes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas identified through serial analysis of gene expression.

Steven R. Hustinx; Dengfeng Cao; Anirban Maitra; Norihiro Sato; Sean T. Martin; D. Sudhir; Christine A. Iacobuzio-Donahue; John L. Cameron; Charles J. Yeo; Scott E. Kern; Michael Goggins; Jan Mollenhauer; Akhilesh Pandey; Ralph H. Hruban

Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) is a powerful tool for the discovery of novel tumor markers. The publicly available on-line SAGE libraries of normal and neoplastic tissues ( have recently been expanded; in addition, a more complete annotation of the human genome and better biocomputational techniques have substantially improved the assignment of differentially expressed SAGE “tags” to human genes. These improvements have provided us with an opportunity to re-evaluate global gene expression in pancreatic cancer using existing SAGE libraries. SAGE libraries generated from 6 pancreatic cancers were compared to SAGE libraries generated from 11 non-neoplastic tissues. Compared to normal tissue libraries, we identified 453 SAGE tags as differentially expressed in pancreatic cancer, including 395 that mapped to known genes and 58 “uncharacterized” tags. Of the 395 SAGE tags assigned to known genes, 223 were overexpressed in pancreatic cancer, and 172 were underexpressed. In order to map the 58 uncharacterized differentially expressed SAGE tags to genes, we used a newly developed resource called TAGmapper (, to identify 16 additional differentially expressed genes. The differential expression of 7 genes, involved in multiple cellular processes such as signal transduction (MIC-1), differentiation (DMBT1 and Neugrin), immune response (CD74), inflammation (CXCL2), cell cycle (CEB1) and enzymatic activity (Kallikrein 6), was confirmed by either immunohistochemical labeling of tissue microarrays (Kallikrein 6, CD74 and DMBT1) or by RT-PCR (CEB1, Neugrin, MIC1, and CXCL2). Of note, Neugrin was one of the genes whose previously uncharacterized SAGE tag was correctly assigned using TAGmapper, validating the utility of this program. Novel differentially expressed genes in a cancer type can be identified by revisiting updated and expanded SAGE databases. TAGmapper should prove to be a powerful tool for the discovery of novel tumor markers through assignment of uncharacterized SAGE tags.

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 2002

Sequential changes of the DMBT1 expression and location in normal lung tissue and lung carcinomas

Jan Mollenhauer; Burkhard Helmke; Hanna Müller; Gaby Kollender; Stefan Lyer; Laura Diedrichs; Uffe Holmskov; Toon Ligtenberg; Stephan Herbertz; Inge Krebs; Stefan Wiemann; Jens Madsen; Floris J. Bikker; Liane Schmitt; Herwart F. Otto; Annemarie Poustka

Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) at chromosome region 10q25.3–q26.1 has been proposed as a candidate tumor‐suppressor gene for brain, digestive tract, and lung cancer. Recent studies on its expression in lung cancer have led to divergent results and have raised a controversial discussion. Moreover, DMBT1 has been implicated with epithelial protection in the respiratory tract. We thus wondered how a loss of its expression could be related to carcinogenesis in the lung. To address these issues, we investigated the DMBT1 expression and location in the normal lung and lung cancer. By reverse‐transcription PCR, a down‐regulation of the DMBT1 expression in lung cancer cell lines is commonly detected. Immunohistochemical studies in situ demonstrate that there are also low steady‐state levels of DMBT1 in the normal respiratory epithelium. However, an up‐regulation takes place in the tumor‐flanking epithelium and upon respiratory inflammation. Lung carcinomas show increased DMBT1 expression compared to that of undiseased lung tissue, but decreased DMBT1 levels compared to that of tumor‐flanking and inflammatory tissue. A switch from a lumenal secretion to a secretion to the extracellular matrix takes place during lung carcinogenesis. Our data may resolve the controversial discussion on its expression in lung carcinomas. We hypothesize that the changes of the DMBT1 expression and location do reflect a time course that may point to possible mechanisms for its role in epithelial cancer.

International Journal of Cancer | 2003

Frequent downregulation of DMBT1 and galectin-3 in epithelial skin cancer

Jan Mollenhauer; Martin Deichmann; Burkhard Helmke; Hanna Müller; Gaby Kollender; Uffe Holmskov; Toon Ligtenberg; Inge Krebs; Stefan Wiemann; Ursula Bantel-Schaal; Jens Madsen; Floris J. Bikker; Sabine M. Klauck; Herwart F. Otto; Gerd Moldenhauer; Annemarie Poustka

DMBT1 and galectin‐3 are potential interacting proteins with presumably complex roles in tumorigenesis. While at present a variety of mechanisms are discussed for DMBT1 and its participation in cancer, galectin‐3 is commonly known to exert tumor‐promoting effects. However, in vitro studies in a rodent system have suggested that DMBT1/galectin‐3 interaction in the ECM triggers epithelial differentiation, which would point to tumor‐suppressive properties. To improve the understanding of DMBT1/galectin‐3 action in cancer, we carried out studies in skin cancer of different origins. Mutational analyses of DMBT1 identified a missense mutation in 1 of 13 melanoma cell lines. It led to an exchange of an evolutionary conserved proline residue for serine and located within the second CUB domain of DMBT1. Immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated absence of DMBT1/galectin‐3 expression from melanocytes but induction of DMBT1 expression in 1 of 8 nevi and 1 of 11 melanomas and of galectin‐3 expression in 3 of 8 nevi and 4 of 8 melanomas. These data suggest that DMBT1 and galectin‐3 are unlikely to act as classical tumor suppressors in melanomas. DMBT1 and galectin‐3 appear to be secreted to the ECM by epithelial cells within the epidermis and the hair follicle. Compared to the flanking normal epidermis, skin tumors of epithelial origin frequently displayed downregulation of DMBT1 (18 of 19 cases) and galectin‐3 (12 of 12 cases). Thus, loss of DMBT1/galectin‐3 expression may play a role in the genesis of epithelial skin cancer. This would support the view that galectin‐3 can exert tumor‐suppressive effects in certain scenarios, and DMBT1/galectin‐3‐mediated differentiation represents a candidate mechanism for this effect.

Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 2002

The SRCR/SID region of DMBT1 defines a complex multi-allele system representing the major basis for its variability in cancer.

Jan Mollenhauer; Hanna Müller; Gaby Kollender; Stefan Lyer; Laura Diedrichs; Burkhard Helmke; Uffe Holmskov; Toon Ligtenberg; Stephan Herbertz; Inge Krebs; Jens Madsen; Floris J. Bikker; Liane Schmitt; Stefan Wiemann; Wolfram Scheurlen; Herwart F. Otto; Andreas von Deimling; Annemarie Poustka

Deleted in malignant brain tumors 1 (DMBT1) at 10q25.3–q26.1 has been proposed as a candidate tumor‐suppressor gene for brain and epithelial cancer. DMBT1 encodes a multifunctional mucin‐like protein presumably involved in epithelial differentiation and protection. The gene consists of highly homologous and repeating exon and intron sequences. This specifically applies to the region coding for the repetitive scavenger receptor cysteine‐rich (SRCR) domains and SRCR‐interspersed domains (SIDs) that constitutes the major part of the gene. This particular structure may previously have interfered with the delineation of DMBT1 alterations in cancer. Uncovering these, however, is of mechanistic importance. By a combined approach, we conducted a detailed mutational analysis, starting from a panel of 51 tumors, including 46 tumor cell lines and five primary tumors. Alterations in the repetitive region were present in 22/31 (71%) tumors that were investigated in detail. Six tumors showed presumably de novo mutations, among these three with point mutations in combination with a loss of heterozygosity. However, none of the alterations unambiguously would be predicted to lead to an inactivation of DMBT1. We define seven distinct DMBT1 alleles based on variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTRs). At least 11 tumors exclusively harbored these VNTRs. The data suggest that the SRCR/SID region defines a complex multi‐allele system that has escaped previous analyses and that represents the major basis for the variability of DMBT1 in cancer. DMBT1 thus compares to mucins rather than to conventional tumor suppressors.

Oncogene | 2002

Rare mutations of the DMBT1 gene in human astrocytic gliomas

Wolf Mueller; Jan Mollenhauer; Florian Stockhammer; Annemarie Poustka; Andreas von Deimling

The Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 gene (DMBT1) has been proposed as a tumor suppressor gene candidate in human brain tumors, based on the observation of homozygous deletions affecting the DMBT1 region or part of the gene. In order to support this hypothesis, we performed a mutational analysis of the entire coding region of DMBT1, employing SSCP analysis and direct DNA sequencing in a series of 79 astrocytic gliomas. Five somatic mutations were detected. Two mutations, one of which resulted in an amino acid exchange, occurred in glioblastomas. One pilocytic astrocytoma carried two missense mutations and another pilocytic astrocytoma contained a somatic mutation, not affecting the presumed protein. In addition, 21 of the 27 single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in this study have not been recognized previously. The data indicate, that small mutations are not a frequent finding in gliomas.

Respiratory Research | 2007

Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) is present in hyaline membranes and modulates surface tension of surfactant

Hanna Müller; Caroline End; Marcus Renner; Burkhard Helmke; Nikolaus Gassler; Christel Weiss; Dominik Hartl; Matthias Griese; Mathias Hafner; Annemarie Poustka; Jan Mollenhauer; Johannes Poeschl

BackgroundDeleted in Malignant Brain Tumors 1 (DMBT1) is a secreted scavenger receptor cysteine-rich protein that binds various bacteria and is thought to participate in innate pulmonary host defense. We hypothesized that pulmonary DMBT1 could contribute to respiratory distress syndrome in neonates by modulating surfactant function.MethodsDMBT1 expression was studied by immunohistochemistry and mRNA in situ hybridization in post-mortem lungs of preterm and full-term neonates with pulmonary hyaline membranes. The effect of human recombinant DMBT1 on the function of bovine and porcine surfactant was measured by a capillary surfactometer. DMBT1-levels in tracheal aspirates of ventilated preterm and term infants were determined by ELISA.ResultsPulmonary DMBT1 was localized in hyaline membranes during respiratory distress syndrome. In vitro addition of human recombinant DMBT1 to the surfactants increased surface tension in a dose-dependent manner. The DMBT1-mediated effect was reverted by the addition of calcium depending on the surfactant preparation.ConclusionOur data showed pulmonary DMBT1 expression in hyaline membranes during respiratory distress syndrome and demonstrated that DMBT1 increases lung surface tension in vitro. This raises the possibility that DMBT1 could antagonize surfactant supplementation in respiratory distress syndrome and could represent a candidate target molecule for therapeutic intervention in neonatal lung disease.

20th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy | 2013

Expression of Tumor Suppressors PTEN and TP53 in Isogenic Glioblastoma U-251MG Cells Affects Cellular Mechanical Properties - An AFM-based Quantitative Investigation

Alexandre Berquand; Hella-Monika Kuhn; Andreas Holloschi; Jan Mollenhauer; Petra Kioschis

Glioblastoma is the most common and malign form of brain cancer that is highly resistant to therapy and particularly hard to cure since the blood-barrier is not very permeable to drugs. Moreover, a surgery is always highly risky. Thus, there is a real need to develop technique enabling accurate identification of potentially tumor cells at an early stage. It is getting well established that cancer cells are usually softer than their normal homologues and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has proven itself over the last decade to be a tool of choice to characterize cells mechanical properties. Among the various AFM techniques, Force Spectroscopy (FS), especially Force Volume (FV) is the most commonly used. In the present study, AFM has been used to successfully characterize malignant and modified less malignant forms of glioblastoma U-251MG isogenic cells, using FV and Peak Force Tapping (PFT), a newly released AFM mode. Although both modes are quantitative and easy to use, PFT appears as the most relevant. Benefits and drawbacks of both techniques are discussed.

Cancer Research | 2000

DMBT1 Encodes a Protein Involved in the Immune Defense and in Epithelial Differentiation and Is Highly Unstable in Cancer

Jan Mollenhauer; Stephan Herbertz; Uffe Holmskov; Markus Tolnay; Inge Krebs; Adrian Merlo; Henrik Daa Schrøder; Daniel Maier; Frank Breitling; Stefan Wiemann; Hermann Josef Gröne; Annemarie Poustka

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