
Featured researches published by Jan Pleuger.

Geology | 2003

Exhumation of high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks by slab extraction

Nikolaus Froitzheim; Jan Pleuger; S. Roller; Thorsten J. Nagel

Exhumation of high- and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in collisional orogens may be explained by upward extrusion of these rocks, erosion of their overburden, or extensional thinning of the overburden. Some high-pressure terranes, such as the Adula nappe in the Central Alps, fit none of these scenarios. We propose an additional way in which part of the overburden may be removed: it may sink off into the deeper mantle (slab extraction). Structural and metamorphic relationships in and around the Adula nappe indicate that the emplacement of this Alpine high- to ultrahigh-pressure nappe (to 3.2 GPa) in a pile of lower-pressure nappes resulted from the interaction of two subduction zones that accommodated the closure of two ocean basins, ultimately leading to the extraction of the intervening slab. In terms of mechanics, the cause of the exhumation is, in this case, not the buoyancy of the high-pressure rocks, but the negative buoyancy of the extracted slab.

Tectonics | 2014

A purely structural restoration of the NFP20‐East cross section and potential tectonic overpressure in the Adula nappe (central Alps)

Jan Pleuger; Yuri Y. Podladchikov

Common extrusion-type models for the high- to ultrahigh-pressure Adula nappe require a major normal fault along the top of this unit which is not conveyed in the structural record. This implies that such a normal fault existed but was completely erased during later deformational stages. However, there is evidence that decompression occurred during top-to-the-foreland thrusting. We performed a new, purely structural kinematic restoration of the central part of the NFP20-East cross section in order to estimate the burial depths of individual units without converting petrological pressure data into depth under the assumption that pressures were lithostatic. The results show that pressures within most of the units were close to but somewhat higher than lithostatic for several stages of the tectono-metamorphic history. Only for the maximum burial stage of the Adula nappe, we estimate local tectonic overpressures of 40 to 80% of the lithostatic pressures. Accepting such an amount of overpressure, which is moderate compared to values theoretically possible, the Adula nappe was probably not subducted to subcrustal depth. We propose that the structural record of the Penninic nappe stack is quite complete and suggest that the decay of tectonic overpressure is a feasible explanation for decompression from eclogite- to amphibolite-facies conditions during thrusting. Consequently, exhumation and convergence rates of the Eocene to Oligocene Alps may be smaller than previously assumed.

Tectonics | 2014

Age and composition of meta‐ophiolite from the Rhodope Middle Allochthon (Satovcha, Bulgaria): A test for the maximum‐allochthony hypothesis of the Hellenides

Nikolaus Froitzheim; Silke Jahn-Awe; Dirk Frei; Ashlea Wainwright; Roland Maas; Neven Georgiev; Thorsten J. Nagel; Jan Pleuger

The metamorphosed thrust stack of the Rhodopes comprises a level with ophiolites (Middle Allochthon) underlain and overlain by continent-derived allochthons. The Upper Allochthon represents the European margin, but the origin of the Lower Allochthon remains controversial, with suggestions that it may be derived from an inferred microcontinent (Drama) or from the margin of Adria. Trace element compositions and Sr and Nd isotope ratios of metagabbroic amphibolites and enclosed meta-plagiogranites from the Satovcha Ophiolite, Middle Allochthon, show that they are cogenetic and represent suprasubduction zone ophiolites. U-Pb dating using laser ablation sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of zircons from two meta-plagiogranites and a metagabbro yielded identical Jurassic ages (160 ± 1 Ma, 160.6 ± 1.8 Ma, and 160 ± 1 Ma, respectively), similar to ophiolites in the eastern Vardar Zone bordering the Rhodopes to the SW. The trace element patterns also closely resemble those of the Vardar ophiolites. The association with Late Jurassic arc-type granitoids is another feature that applies both to eastern Vardar and Satovcha. This strongly suggests that the Middle Allochthon comprises the metamorphosed northeastward continuation of the Vardar Zone. The Jurassic age of the Satovcha Ophiolite contradicts the hypothesis of Early Jurassic suturing between Europe (Upper Allochthon) and the assumed Drama microcontinent (Lower Allochthon) but is in line with the “maximum allochthony hypothesis,” i.e., the assumption that the Lower Allochthon represents Adria and that the “root” of the Vardar-derived thrust sheets is at the NE boundary of the Rhodopes.

Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2008

On the role and importance of orogen-parallel and -perpendicular extension, transcurrent shearing, and backthrusting in the Monte Rosa nappe and the Southern Steep Belt of the Alps (Penninic zone, Switzerland and Italy)

Jan Pleuger; Thorsten J. Nagel; Jens M. Walter; E. Jansen; Nikolaus Froitzheim

Abstract During Europe–Adria collision in Tertiary times, the Monte Rosa nappe was penetratively deformed in several stages after an eclogite-facies pressure peak: (1) top-to-the-NW thrust shearing (Mattmark phase, after 40 Ma); (2) orogen-parallel, top-to-the-SW extensional shearing and folding (Malfatta phase); (3) orogen-perpendicular, top-to-the-SE extensional shearing and folding (Mischabel phase, before 30 Ma); and (4) large-scale, upright, SE-vergent folding (Vanzone phase, c. 29–28 Ma). Structural analysis and neutron texture goniometry of quartz mylonites show that the Stellihorn shear zone in the Monte Rosa nappe accommodated a complex and multidirectional sequence of shearing movements during the Mattmark, Malfatta and Mischabel phases, and was folded in the Vanzone phase. In the tail-shaped eastward prolongation of the Monte Rosa nappe in the Southern Steep Belt of the Alps, both dextral and sinistral mylonites (Olino phase) were formed during and after the formation of the Vanzone fold, reflecting renewed orogen-parallel (SW–NE) extension contemporaneous with NW–SE shortening from c. 29 Ma onward. A similar sequence of deformation stages was identified in the Adula nappe at the eastern border of the Lepontine metamorphic dome. Important consequences arise for the Insubric fault at the southern border of the Lepontine dome: (1) the NW- to N-dipping orientation of the Insubric fault is not a primary feature but resulted from rotation of an originally SE-dipping shear zone after c. 30 Ma; and (2), the strong contrast in metamorphic grade across this fault (upper amphibolite facies to the north versus anchizone to the south) results from north-side-up faulting coupled with orogen-parallel extension of the northern block (Lepontine dome), while no such extension occurred in the southern block (Southern Alps). Extension in the northern block started in the Malfatta phase and continued in the Mischabel phase when the foliation in the area which later became the Southern Steep Belt still dipped towards south. During Vanzone/Olino deformation, further unroofing and uplift of the Lepontine dome relative to the South Alpine block took place while the Southern Steep Belt was progressively rotated into its present, overturned position, changing its character from a normal fault into a backthrust. Complex deformation paths in the Southern Steep Belt resulted from the combination of extension of the northern block with strike-slip motion along the Insubric fault.

Archive | 2009

The Contribution of Neutron Texture Goniometry to the Study of Complex Tectonics in the Alps

Jan Pleuger; Nikolaus Froitzheim; Jan F. Derks; Walter Kurz; Jan Albus; Jens M. Walter; E. Jansen

Textures (lattice-preferred orientations) of rocks can be analyzed by various methods, each of which has its specific qualities. Unlike any other technique, neutron texture goniometry affords true volume texture measurements of relatively large (up to several cm\(^3\)) isometric samples. Furthermore, the textures of different minerals in polyphasic rocks can be analyzed simultaneously. This is particularly attractive for applications in the geosciences where textures of ductily deformed rocks are studied for various purposes, but mostly to gain information about the geological mechanisms of texture formation and rock deformation. Presenting two case studies from different tectonic settings within the Alps and taking quartz textures as examples, we discuss (1) some aspects of texture representation by normal and inverse pole figures, that is, the two most common diagram types, and (2) the potentials and limitations of interpreting rock textures in terms of the kinematical path, strain geometry, and physical conditions during deformation.

Archive | 2006

Kinematik des Deckenkontaktes zwischen der Combinzone und der Zermatt-Saas-Zone (Penninische Decken, Westalpen) und deren Bedeutung für die Exhumierung der Zermatt-Saas-Zone

Jan Pleuger; S. Roller; Jens M. Walter; E. Jansen; Nikolaus Froitzheim

Die Grenze zwischen zwei ophiolithischen Decken der penninischen Alpen, der Zermatt-Saas-Zone (unten) und der Combinzone (oben), markiert zugleich einen bedeutenden Sprung der bei der tertiaren alpinen Metamorphose maximal erreichten Drucke. Wahrend die Zermatt-Saas-Zone Ultrahochdruckmetamorphose (25–30 kbar/550–600°C, Bucher et al. 2005) erfuhr, erreichte die Combinzone lediglich blauschieferfazielle Bedingungen (13–18 kbar/380– 550°C, Bousquet et al. 2004). Vor allem die Polaritat des Drucksprunges fuhrte dazu, das die Deckengrenze zumeist als gewaltige sudostvergente Abschiebung interpretiert wurde (z.B. Ballevre & Merle 1993, Reddy et al. 1999). Strukturgeologische Gelandebeobachtungen ergeben jedoch sowohl fur das Hangende als auch das Liegende der Combinstorung die folgende kinematische Entwicklung:

Tectonics | 2010

Structural and geochronological evidence for Paleogene thrusting in the western Rhodopes, SW Bulgaria: Elements for a new tectonic model of the Rhodope Metamorphic Province

Silke Jahn-Awe; Nikolaus Froitzheim; Thorsten J. Nagel; Dirk Frei; Neven Georgiev; Jan Pleuger

Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology | 2012

Timing of high-pressure metamorphic events in the Bulgarian Rhodopes from Lu–Hf garnet geochronology

Maria Kirchenbaur; Jan Pleuger; Silke Jahn-Awe; Thorsten J. Nagel; Nikolaus Froitzheim; Raúl O.C. Fonseca; Carsten Münker

International Journal of Earth Sciences | 2007

Structural evolution of the contact between two Penninic nappes (Zermatt-Saas zone and Combin zone, Western Alps) and implications for the exhumation mechanism and palaeogeography

Jan Pleuger; S. Roller; Jens M. Walter; E. Jansen; Nikolaus Froitzheim

Tectonics | 2005

Folded continental and oceanic nappes on the southern side of Monte Rosa (western Alps, Italy): Anatomy of a double collision suture

Jan Pleuger; Nikolaus Froitzheim; E. Jansen

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