Jan Rusz
Uppsala University
Nature Materials | 2009
S. Elgazzar; Jan Rusz; Martin Amft; Peter M. Oppeneer; J. A. Mydosh
Spontaneous, collective ordering of electronic degrees of freedom leads to second-order phase transitions that are characterized by an order parameter driving the transition. The notion of a hidden order has recently been used for a variety of materials where a clear phase transition occurs without a known order parameter. The prototype example is the heavy-fermion compound URu(2)Si(2), where a mysterious hidden-order transition occurs at 17.5 K. For more than twenty years this system has been studied theoretically and experimentally without a firm grasp of the underlying physics. Here, we provide a microscopic explanation of the hidden order using density-functional theory calculations. We identify the Fermi surface hot spots where degeneracy induces a Fermi surface instability and quantify how symmetry breaking lifts the degeneracy, causing a surprisingly large Fermi surface gapping. As the mechanism for the hidden order, we deduce spontaneous symmetry breaking through a dynamic mode of antiferromagnetic moment excitations.
Nature Communications | 2014
Shunsuke Muto; Jan Rusz; Kazuyoshi Tatsumi; Roman Adam; Shigeo Arai; Vancho Kocevski; Peter M. Oppeneer; Daniel E. Bürgler; Claus M. Schneider
Electron magnetic circular dichroism (EMCD) allows the quantitative, element-selective determination of spin and orbital magnetic moments, similar to its well-established X-ray counterpart, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). As an advantage over XMCD, EMCD measurements are made using transmission electron microscopes, which are routinely operated at sub-nanometre resolution, thereby potentially allowing nanometre magnetic characterization. However, because of the low intensity of the EMCD signal, it has not yet been possible to obtain quantitative information from EMCD signals at the nanoscale. Here we demonstrate a new approach to EMCD measurements that considerably enhances the outreach of the technique. The statistical analysis introduced here yields robust quantitative EMCD signals. Moreover, we demonstrate that quantitative magnetic information can be routinely obtained using electron beams of only a few nanometres in diameter without imposing any restriction regarding the crystalline order of the specimen.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2008
P. Schattschneider; Stefano Rubino; M. Stoeger-Pollach; Cécile Hébert; Jan Rusz; L. Calmels; E. Snoeck
The similarity between x-ray absorption near edge structure and electron energy loss near edge structure is well known. However, “exporting” x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) to the transmission electron microscope (TEM) was considered impossible with present technology since electron probes possessing chirality (i.e., spin polarization) cannot be set up with sufficient intensity. But recently magnetically induced chiral electronic transitions were detected in the TEM. In analogy to XMCD we introduced the term EMCD (energy loss magnetic chiral dichroism). The mechanism builds upon the formal equivalence between the mixed dynamic form factor for inelastic electron scattering and the absorption cross section for x-rays. Experiments on the 3d ferromagnets show effects very similar to XMCD. Calculations based on the WIEN2K package are in good agreement with experiments. The recent improvement in signal strength and spatial resolution allows now to study atom specific spin and orbital moments on a scale...
Ultramicroscopy | 2013
Jan Rusz; Shunsuke Muto; Kazuyoshi Tatsumi
We discuss in detail the Bloch waves method for the calculation of energy and orientation dependent scattering cross-section for inelastic scattering of electrons on crystals. Convergence properties are investigated and a new algorithm with superior timing and accuracy is described. The new method is applied to calculations of intensity of weakly excited spots, maps of magnetic signal, and tilt series from zone axis orientation towards three-beam orientation.
Ultramicroscopy | 2008
Jo Verbeeck; Cécile Hébert; Stefano Rubino; Pavel Novák; Jan Rusz; Florent Houdellier; Christophe Gatel; P. Schattschneider
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in energy-loss magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD)--the equivalent of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in the electron microscope--is optimized with respect to the detector shape, size and position. We show that an important increase in SNR over previous experiments can be obtained when taking much larger detector sizes. We determine the ideal shape of the detector but also show that round apertures are a good compromise if placed in their optimal position. We develop the theory for a simple analytical description of the EMCD experiment and then apply it to dynamical multibeam Bloch wave calculations and to an experimental data set. In all cases it is shown that a significant and welcome improvement of the SNR is possible.
Ultramicroscopy | 2010
Hans Lidbaum; Jan Rusz; Stefano Rubino; Andreas Liebig; Björgvin Hjörvarsson; Peter M. Oppeneer; Olle Eriksson; Klaus Leifer
Electron magnetic chiral dichroism (EMCD) is an emerging tool for quantitative measurements of magnetic properties using the transmission electron microscope (TEM), with the possibility of nanometer resolution. The geometrical conditions, data treatment and electron gun settings are found to influence the EMCD signal. In this article, particular care is taken to obtain a reliable quantitative measurement of the ratio of orbital to spin magnetic moment using energy filtered diffraction patterns. For this purpose, we describe a method for data treatment, normalization and selection of mirror axis. The experimental results are supported by theoretical simulations based on dynamical diffraction and density functional theory. Special settings of the electron gun, so called telefocus mode, enable a higher intensity of the electron beam, as well as a reduction of the influence from artifacts on the signal. Using these settings, we demonstrate the principle of acquiring real space maps of the EMCD signal. This enables advanced characterization of magnetic materials with superior spatial resolution.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2014
L. Reichel; G. Giannopoulos; Sandra Kauffmann-Weiss; Martin Hoffmann; Darius Pohl; Alexander Edström; Steffen Oswald; D. Niarchos; Jan Rusz; L. Schultz; S. Fähler
Rare earth free alloys are in focus of permanent magnet research since the accessibility of the elements needed for nowadays conventional magnets is limited. Tetragonally strained iron-cobalt (Fe-Co) has attracted large interest as promising candidate due to theoretical calculations. In experiments, however, the applied strain quickly relaxes with increasing film thickness and hampers stabilization of a strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy. In our study, we show that already 2 at.u2009% of carbon substantially reduces the lattice relaxation leading to the formation of a spontaneously strained phase with 3% tetragonal distortion. In these strained (Fe0.4Co0.6)0.98C0.02 films, a magnetocrystalline anisotropy above 0.4u2009MJ/m3 is observed while the large polarization of 2.1u2009T is maintained. Compared to binary Fe-Co, this is a remarkable improvement of the intrinsic magnetic properties. In this paper, we relate our experimental work to theoretical studies of strained Fe-Co-C and find a very good agreement.
Physical Review B | 2015
Alexander Edström; Miroslaw Werwinski; Diana Iusan; Jan Rusz; Olle Eriksson; Konstantin P. Skokov; Iliya Radulov; Semih Ener; M. D. Kuz'min; J. Hong; M. Fries; D. Yu. Karpenkov; O. Gutfleisch; P. Toson; J. Fidler
We have explored, computationally and experimentally, the magnetic properties of fecob{} alloys. Calculations provide a good agreement with experiment in terms of the saturation magnetization and the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy with some difficulty in describing Co
Journal of Microscopy | 2010
Jan Rusz; Peter M. Oppeneer; Hans Lidbaum; Stefano Rubino; Klaus Leifer
Applied Physics Letters | 2010
Kazuyoshi Tatsumi; Shunsuke Muto; Ikuo Nishida; Jan Rusz
B, for which it is found that both full potential effects and electron correlations treated within dynamical mean field theory are of importance for a correct description. The material exhibits a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy for a range of cobalt concentrations between