Jason M. Whitehead
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
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Featured researches published by Jason M. Whitehead.
Antarctic Science | 2001
Barrie McKelvey; Michael J. Hambrey; David M. Harwood; Mark Mabin; Peter-Noel Webb; Jason M. Whitehead
The northern Prince Charles Mountains overlook the western side of the 700 km long Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf drainage system. Within these mountains, at Amery Oasis (70°50′S, 68°00′E) and Fisher Massif (71°31′S, 67°40′E), the Cenozoic glaciomarine Pagodroma Group consists of four uplifted Miocene and Pliocene–early Pleistocene formations here named the Mount Johnston, Fisher Bench, Battye Glacier and Bardin Bluffs formations. These are composed of massive and stratified diamicts, boulder gravels and minor laminated sandstones, siltstones and mudstones. Each formation rests on either Precambrian metamorphic rocks, or on Permo-Triassic fluvial strata. The unconformity surfaces are parts of the walls and floors of palaeofjords. The Miocene Fisher Bench Formation exceeds 350 m in thickness at Fisher Massif, where the yet older Miocene (or Oligocene) Mount Johnston Formation overlies basement rocks at up to 1400 m above sea level. Individual formations contain either Miocene diatoms, or else Pliocene–early Pleistocene diatom-foram assemblages. The diamicts are interpreted as fjordal ice-proximal or ice-contact sediments, deposited seawards of tidewater glacier fronts located some 250 to 300 km inland of the present ocean margin. Each formation records an ice recession following a glacial expansion.
Geology | 2005
Jason M. Whitehead; Simon Wotherspoon; Steven M. Bohaty
Antarctic sea-ice concentration at Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1165 (64.380°S, 67.219°E) and 1166 (67.696°S, 74.787°E) was lower than today through much of the Pliocene. The low sea-ice concentration is evident from the proportion of the diatom Eucampia antarctica with intercalary valves (Eucampia index). This sea-ice proxy was calibrated by using modern diatom data obtained from core-top samples and winter sea-ice concentration data (September average through 1979-1987). The modern relationship is expressed as a binomial generalized linear model (modern sea-ice model). This model was applied to the Pliocene Eucampia index within a 95% tolerance interval (obtained from bootstrap estimates). The results indicate that reduced winter sea-ice concentrations persisted through much of the Pliocene and at times were 78% and 61% relatively less concentrated than today at Sites 1165 and 1166, respectively.
Marine Geology | 2003
S. Passchier; Philip E. O’Brien; John E. Damuth; Nicole Januszczak; D.A. Handwerger; Jason M. Whitehead
Abstract Lithostratigraphy, grain sizes and down-hole logs of Site 1166 on the continental shelf, and Site 1167 on the upper slope, are analyzed to reconstruct glacial processes in eastern Prydz Bay and the development of the Prydz trough-mouth fan. In eastern Prydz Bay upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene glaciomarine sediments occur interbedded with open-marine muds and grade upward into waterlaid tills and subglacial tills. Lower Pleistocene sediments of the trough-mouth fan consist of coarse-grained debrites interbedded with bottom-current deposits and hemipelagic muds, indicating repeated advances and retreats of the Lambert Glacier–Amery Ice Shelf system with respect to the shelf break. Systematic fluctuations in lithofacies and down-hole logs characterize the upper Pliocene–lower Pleistocene transition at Sites 1166 and 1167 and indicate that an ice stream advanced and retreated within the Prydz Channel until the mid Pleistocene. The record from Site 1167 shows that the grounding line of the Lambert Glacier did not extend to the shelf break after 0.78 Ma. Published ice-rafted debris records in the Southern Ocean show peak abundances in the Pliocene and the early Pleistocene, suggesting a link between the nature of the glacial drainage system as recorded by the trough-mouth fans and increased delivery of ice-rafted debris to the Southern Ocean.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | 2003
Fabio Florindo; Steven M. Bohaty; Patrick S. Erwin; Carl Richter; Andrew P. Roberts; Patricia A. Whalen; Jason M. Whitehead
A transect of three sites was drilled during Leg 188 of the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), proximal to the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) across the Prydz Bay continental shelf (Site 1166), slope (Site 1167), and rise (Site 1165). We present results of a palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of sediments recovered at sites 1165 and 1166. Magnetostratigraphic interpretations are presented for both holes and are mainly constrained by diatom and radiolarian biostratigraphies, interpreted in the light of recent refinements to Southern Ocean zonal schemes and datum calibrations for these microfossil groups. Site 1165 records a history of sedimentation on the continental rise extending back to earliest Miocene times (about 22 Ma). Several long-term changes characterise this record, including an overall trend of decreasing sedimentation rates from the bottom to the top of the hole. There is a progressive decrease in the sedimentation rate above about 308 mbsf (meters below sea floor), which is marked by a transition from dark-grey fissile claystones to greenish-grey diatom-bearing clays. At this transition, ice-rafted debris, sand grains, and total clay content also increase. The chronology presented here indicates a middle Miocene age (~14.3 Ma) for the lithological transition. Correlation to ODP Hole 747A from the Kerguelen Plateau suggests that this lithological transition coincides with the base of the Mi-3/3a 18O event, which suggests palaeoclimatic control on middle Miocene sedimentation changes at Site 1165. Core recovery was poor at Site 1166. Consequently, the magnetostratigraphic data are of limited value. The deepest cores recovered at Site 1166 record brief intervals in the early history of the EAIS for the Prydz Bay region, extending back through the early stage of glaciation to pre-glacial times. An Early Cretaceous fluvio-lacustrine unit, lagoonal deposits and sandy fluvio-deltaic units of mid–late Eocene age contain a sporadic record of the transition from humid and mild conditions to cool temperate conditions.
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2004
Jason M. Whitehead; David M. Harwood; Barrie McKelvey; Michael J. Hambrey; Andrew McMinn
In the northern Prince Charles Mountains glaciomarine sediments of the Pagodroma Group outcrop on Fisher Massif (Mt Johnston and Fisher Bench Formations) and at the Amery Oasis (Battye Glacier and Bardin Bluffs Formations), at locations 300 and 250 km south of the Amery Ice Shelf edge, respectively. Most of the Pagodroma Group consists of ice‐proximal glaciomarine diamict, and a much subordinate (<2%) amount of more ice‐distal mudstone. Microfossil biostratigraphy based upon in situ and glacially reworked diatoms constrains the ages of the four formations, and identifies at least six intervals of marine fjordal deposition. Sparse diatoms in Mt Johnston Formation diamicts indicate an Early Oligocene age. However, it is unclear whether these diatoms are in situ or else are glacially reworked and represent either an immediately prior or more remote past interglacial. The Battye Glacier and Fisher Bench Formations contain in situ diatoms and are broadly time equivalent, the former dating between 10.7 and 9.0 Ma and the latter between 12.1 or 10.7 Ma and 8.5 Ma. In situ diatoms indicate the Bardin Bluffs Formation to have been deposited between 2.6 and either 1.8 or 0.99 Ma. Glacially reworked diatoms in the Bardin Bluffs and Fisher Bench Formations identify four depositional intervals. The reworked taxa are sourced from Eocene‐Oligocene (>30.1 Ma), Middle Miocene (14.5–12.5 Ma and 12.1–11.5 Ma), Early Pliocene (4.9–3.6 Ma) and, tentatively, Late Pliocene (3.4–2.6 Ma) strata. These microfossil data further develop the interpretation that the Pagodroma Group formed during episodes of reduced glacial extent when, in the absence of an ice shelf, marine waters penetrated far southwards into the Lambert Graben of East Antarctica.
Antarctic Science | 2001
Jason M. Whitehead; Barrie McKelvey
In the Amery Oasis of the northern Prince Charles Mountains, the glaciomarine Bardin Bluffs Formation of the Pagodroma Group was deposited between the Late Pliocene (<3.1 Ma) and Early Pleistocene (>1 Ma). The formation provides evidence of (i) a reduced East Antarctic ice sheet compared to that of the present day and (ii) a subsequent Plio–Pleistocene ice sheet expansion. The formation consists of two members. The older, basal Member 1 is c. 12.5 m thick and consists of relatively ice-distal silty, sandy and sparsely fossiliferous fjordal strata. Member 1 reflects largely ice-free marine sedimentation c. 250 km inland from the current Amery Ice Shelf edge. The member is restricted to the area about the north-eastern end of Pagodroma Gorge where it infills a chemically weathered erosion surface, cut in the form of a valley on the Permo-Triassic Amery Group. Weathering occurred during aerial exposure of the Amery Oasis in a warmer climate than that of today. The younger Member 2 exceeds 40 m in thickness and is made up of coarse ice proximal glaciomarine diamicts. It overlies disconformably Member 1 at Pagodroma Gorge. Elsewhere, Member 2 rests directly upon a smoothed and striated erosion surface, cut on the Amery Group, which was part of a fjord floor. This erosional surface and the facies contrast between the two members, indicates an East Antarctic Ice Sheet expansion and Lambert Glacier grounding-line advance.
Antarctic Science | 2006
Jason M. Whitehead; Patrick G. Quilty; Barrie McKelvey; Philip E. O’Brien
The Cenozoic glacial history of East Antarctica is recorded in part by the stratigraphy of the Prydz Bay—Lambert Graben region. The glacigene strata and associated erosion surfaces record at least 10 intervals of glacial advance (with accompanying erosion and sediment compaction), and more than 17 intervals of glacial retreat (enabling open marine deposition in Prydz Bay and the Lambert Graben). The number of glacial advances and retreats is considerably less than would be expected from Milankovitch frequencies due to the incomplete stratigraphic record. Large advances of the Lambert Glacier caused progradation of the continental shelf edge. At times of extreme glacial retreat, marine conditions reached > 450 km inland from the modern ice shelf edge. This review presents a partial reconstruction of Cenozoic glacial extent within Prydz Bay and the Lambert Graben that can be compared to eustatic sea-level records from the southern Australian continental margin.
Sedimentary Geology | 2003
Werner Ehrmann; Jan Bloemendal; Michael J. Hambrey; Barrie McKelvey; Jason M. Whitehead
Abstract The Cenozoic Pagodroma Group in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, is a glaciomarine succession of fjordal character, comprising four uplifted formations of different ages. The composition of the The assemblage of the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Mount Johnston Formation is characterised by the dominance of illite and intermediate concentrations of chlorite. Similar to that assemblage is the clay mineral suite of the middle Miocene Fisher Bench Formation, where illite and chlorite together account for 95% of the clay minerals. The middle to upper Miocene Battye Glacier Formation is the only formation with significant and persistent smectite concentrations, although illite is still dominant. The kaolinite concentration is also high and is even higher than that of chlorite. The clay fraction of the upper Pliocene to lower Pleistocene Bardin Bluffs Formation is characterised by maximum kaolinite concentrations and relatively low illite and chlorite concentrations. The bulk of the clay fraction in each formation can be explained by the physical weathering and erosion of a nearby source under glacial conditions. In the case of Mount Johnston Formation and Fisher Bench Formation this source may be situated in the metavolcanic and gneissic rocks of Fisher Massif. The sediments of the Bardin Bluffs Formation indicate a local source within the Amery Oasis, where Proterozoic granitoid rocks and gneisses, and Permo–Triassic fluvial rocks of the Amery Group are exposed. These results suggest a strong local imprint on the glacial sediments as northwards flowing ice eroded the bedrock in these areas. The origin of the clay fraction of the Battye Glacier Formation is a matter of debate. The smectite and kaolinite content most easily can be explained by erosion of sources largely hidden beneath the ice upstream. Less likely, these clay minerals reflect climatic conditions that were much warmer and wetter than today, facilitating chemical weathering.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | 2002
Jason M. Whitehead; Andrew McMinn
Abstract Gravity cores from the South Kerguelen Plateau contain sections representing two Quaternary intervals: (1)
Marine Micropaleontology | 1997
Jason M. Whitehead; Andrew McMinn
Abstract Analysis of modern surface sediments from fjords in the Vestfold Hills (Antarctica) indicates that 58% of the variation in benthic diatom assemblages can be attributed to changes in environmental parameters with water depth. Attenuation of light through the water column is suggested to account for 45% of the variation, and the decrease in substrate grain size with depth possibly accounts for a further 13%. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to objectively circumscribe five floral zones between the surface and 35 m depth. The depth distribution of the benthic diatoms was then used to interpret the paleodepth of relict fjord (Holocene) sediments exposed around Deep Lake in the Death Valley (Vestfold Hills). Paleodepths measured from the sea-ice bench around Deep Lake combined with data from grain size analysis indicate that the relict fjord sediments have no analogue amongst the modern fjord sediments sampled in the Vestfold Hills. Without a comparable modern habitat on which to model the diatom depth zones, however, this study was unable to accurately determine the paleowater depth at Deep Lake using diatoms. Paleodepth determination will be possible using grain size analysis and diatom data when the substrate and light requirements of benthic diatoms are understood.