
Nature Genetics | 2014

Germline and somatic SMARCA4 mutations characterize small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type

Leora Witkowski; Jian Carrot-Zhang; Steffen Albrecht; Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Nancy Hamel; Eva Tomiak; David Grynspan; Emmanouil Saloustros; Javad Nadaf; Barbara Rivera; Catherine Gilpin; Ester Castellsagué; Rachel Silva-Smith; François Plourde; Mona Wu; Avi Saskin; Madeleine Arseneault; Rouzan G. Karabakhtsian; Elizabeth A. Reilly; Frederick R. Ueland; Kitty Pavlakis; Sharon M. Castellino; Janez Lamovec; Helen Mackay; Lawrence M. Roth; Thomas M. Ulbright; Tracey Bender; Vassilis Georgoulias; Michel Longy; Andrew Berchuck

Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) is the most common undifferentiated ovarian malignancy in women under 40 years of age. We sequenced the exomes of six individuals from three families with SCCOHT. After discovering segregating deleterious germline mutations in SMARCA4 in all three families, we tested DNA from a fourth affected family, which also carried a segregating SMARCA4 germline mutation. All the familial tumors sequenced harbored either a somatic mutation or loss of the wild-type allele. Immunohistochemical analysis of these cases and additional familial and non-familial cases showed loss of SMARCA4 (BRG1) protein in 38 of 40 tumors overall. Sequencing of cases with available DNA identified at least one germline or somatic deleterious SMARCA4 mutation in 30 of 32 cases. Additionally, the SCCOHT cell line BIN-67 had biallelic deleterious mutations in SMARCA4. Our findings identify alterations in SMARCA4 as the major cause of SCCOHT, which could lead to improvements in genetic counseling and new treatment approaches.

Science | 2016

Histone H3K36 mutations promote sarcomagenesis through altered histone methylation landscape

Chao Lu; Siddhant U. Jain; Dominik Hoelper; Denise Bechet; Rosalynn C. Molden; Leili Ran; Devan Murphy; Sriram Venneti; Meera Hameed; Bruce R. Pawel; Jay S. Wunder; Brendan C. Dickson; Stefan M. Lundgren; Krupa S. Jani; Nicolas De Jay; Simon Papillon-Cavanagh; Irene L. Andrulis; Sarah L. Sawyer; David Grynspan; Robert E. Turcotte; Javad Nadaf; Somayyeh Fahiminiyah; Tom W. Muir; Jacek Majewski; Craig B. Thompson; Ping Chi; Benjamin A. Garcia; C. David Allis; Nada Jabado; Peter W. Lewis

An oncohistone deranges inhibitory chromatin Missense mutations (that change one amino acid for another) in histone H3 can produce a so-called oncohistone and are found in a number of pediatric cancers. For example, the lysine-36–to-methionine (K36M) mutation is seen in almost all chondroblastomas. Lu et al. show that K36M mutant histones are oncogenic, and they inhibit the normal methylation of this same residue in wild-type H3 histones. The mutant histones also interfere with the normal development of bone-related cells and the deposition of inhibitory chromatin marks. Science, this issue p. 844 The lysine-36–to–methionine mutation in histone H3 is oncogenic and interferes with inhibitory chromatin marks. Several types of pediatric cancers reportedly contain high-frequency missense mutations in histone H3, yet the underlying oncogenic mechanism remains poorly characterized. Here we report that the H3 lysine 36–to–methionine (H3K36M) mutation impairs the differentiation of mesenchymal progenitor cells and generates undifferentiated sarcoma in vivo. H3K36M mutant nucleosomes inhibit the enzymatic activities of several H3K36 methyltransferases. Depleting H3K36 methyltransferases, or expressing an H3K36I mutant that similarly inhibits H3K36 methylation, is sufficient to phenocopy the H3K36M mutation. After the loss of H3K36 methylation, a genome-wide gain in H3K27 methylation leads to a redistribution of polycomb repressive complex 1 and de-repression of its target genes known to block mesenchymal differentiation. Our findings are mirrored in human undifferentiated sarcomas in which novel K36M/I mutations in H3.1 are identified.

Nature Genetics | 2015

Germline RECQL mutations are associated with breast cancer susceptibility

Cezary Cybulski; Jian Carrot-Zhang; Wojciech Kluźniak; Barbara Rivera; Aniruddh Kashyap; Dominika Wokołorczyk; Sylvie Giroux; Javad Nadaf; Nancy Hamel; Shiyu Zhang; Tomasz Huzarski; Jacek Gronwald; Tomasz Byrski; Marek Szwiec; Anna Jakubowska; Helena Rudnicka; Marcin Lener; Bartłomiej Masojć; Patrica N Tonin; François Rousseau; Bohdan Górski; Tadeusz Dębniak; Jacek Majewski; Jan Lubinski; William D. Foulkes; Steven A. Narod; Mohammad Akbari

Several moderate- and high-risk breast cancer susceptibility genes have been discovered, but more are likely to exist. To discover new breast cancer susceptibility genes, we used 2 populations (from Poland and Quebec, Canada) and applied whole-exome sequencing in a discovery phase (n = 195), followed by validation. We identified rare recurrent RECQL mutations in each population. In Quebec, 7 of 1,013 higher-risk breast cancer cases and 1 of 7,136 newborns carried the c.643C>T (p.Arg215*) variant (P = 0.00004). In Poland, 30 of 13,136 unselected breast cancer cases and 2 of 4,702 controls carried the c.1667_1667+3delAGTA (p.K555delinsMYKLIHYSFR) variant (P = 0.008). RECQL is implicated in resolving stalled DNA replication forks to prevent double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks. This function is related to that of other known breast cancer susceptibility genes, many of which are involved in repairing dsDNA breaks. We conclude that RECQL is a breast cancer susceptibility gene.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2015

Recessive Osteogenesis Imperfecta Caused by Missense Mutations in SPARC

Roberto Mendoza-Londono; Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Jacek Majewski; Martine Tétreault; Javad Nadaf; Peter Kannu; Etienne Sochett; Andrew Howard; Jennifer Stimec; Lucie Dupuis; Paul Roschger; Klaus Klaushofer; Telma Palomo; Jean Ouellet; Hadil Al-Jallad; John S. Mort; Pierre Moffatt; Sergei P. Boudko; Hans-Peter Bächinger; Frank Rauch

Secreted protein, acidic, cysteine-rich (SPARC) is a glycoprotein that binds to collagen type I and other proteins in the extracellular matrix. Using whole-exome sequencing to identify the molecular defect in two unrelated girls with severe bone fragility and a clinical diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta type IV, we identified two homozygous variants in SPARC (GenBank: NM_003118.3; c.497G>A [p.Arg166His] in individual 1; c.787G>A [p.Glu263Lys] in individual 2). Published modeling and site-directed mutagenesis studies had previously shown that the residues substituted by these mutations form an intramolecular salt bridge in SPARC and are essential for the binding of SPARC to collagen type I. The amount of SPARC secreted by skin fibroblasts was reduced in individual 1 but appeared normal in individual 2. The migration of collagen type I alpha chains produced by these fibroblasts was mildly delayed on SDS-PAGE gel, suggesting some overmodification of collagen during triple helical formation. Pulse-chase experiments showed that collagen type I secretion was mildly delayed in skin fibroblasts from both individuals. Analysis of an iliac bone sample from individual 2 showed that trabecular bone was hypermineralized on the material level. In conclusion, these observations show that homozygous mutations in SPARC can give rise to severe bone fragility in humans.

Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics | 2015

Whole-exome sequencing as a diagnostic tool: current challenges and future opportunities

Martine Tétreault; Eric Bareke; Javad Nadaf; Najmeh Alirezaie; Jacek Majewski

Whole-exome sequencing (WES) represents a significant breakthrough in the field of human genetics. This technology has largely contributed to the identification of new disease-causing genes and is now entering clinical laboratories. WES represents a powerful tool for diagnosis and could reduce the ‘diagnostic odyssey’ for many patients. In this review, we present a technical overview of WES analysis, variants annotation and interpretation in a clinical setting. We evaluate the usefulness of clinical WES in different clinical indications, such as rare diseases, cancer and complex diseases. Finally, we discuss the efficacy of WES as a diagnostic tool and the impact on patient management.

Oncotarget | 2016

Molecular analyses reveal close similarities between small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type and atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor

Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Leora Witkowski; Javad Nadaf; Jian Carrot-Zhang; Catherine Goudie; Martin Hasselblatt; Pascal Johann; Marcel Kool; Ryan S. Lee; Tenzin Gayden; Charles W. M. Roberts; Jaclyn A. Biegel; Nada Jabado; Jacek Majewski; William D. Foulkes

Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) is the most common undifferentiated ovarian malignancy diagnosed in women under age 40. We and others recently determined that germline and/or somatic deleterious mutations in SMARCA4 characterize SCCOHT. Alterations in this gene, or the related SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling gene SMARCB1, have been previously reported in atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumors (ATRTs) and malignant rhabdoid tumors (MRTs). To further describe the somatic landscape of SCCOHT, we performed whole exome sequencing on 14 tumors and their matched normal tissues and compared their genomic alterations with those in ATRT and ovarian high grade serous carcinoma (HGSC). We confirmed that SMARCA4 is the only recurrently mutated gene in SCCOHT, and show that recurrent allelic imbalance is observed exclusively on chromosome 19p, where SMARCA4 resides. By comparing genomic alterations between SCCOHT, ATRT and HGSC, we demonstrate that SCCOHTs, like ATRTs, have a remarkably simple genome and harbor significantly fewer somatic protein-coding mutations and chromosomal alterations than HGSC. Furthermore, a comparison of global DNA methylation profiles of 45 SCCOHTs, 65 ATRTs, and 92 HGSCs demonstrates a strong epigenetic correlation between SCCOHT and ATRT. Our results further confirm that the genomic and epigenomic signatures of SCCOHT are more similar to those of ATRT than HGSC, supporting our previous hypothesis that SCCOHT is a rhabdoid tumor and should be renamed MRT of the ovary. Furthermore, we conclude that SMARCA4 inactivation is the main cause of SCCOHT, and that new distinct therapeutic approaches should be developed to specifically target this devastating tumor.

Cell Reports | 2015

Loss-of-Function Mutation in APC2 Causes Sotos Syndrome Features

Mariam Almuriekhi; Takafumi Shintani; Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Akihiro Fujikawa; Kazuya Kuboyama; Yasushi Takeuchi; Zafar Nawaz; Javad Nadaf; Hussein Kamel; Abu Khadija Kitam; Zaineddin Samiha; Laila Mahmoud; Tawfeg Ben-Omran; Jacek Majewski; Masaharu Noda

Sotos syndrome, characterized by intellectual disability and characteristic facial features, is caused by haploinsufficiency in the NSD1 gene. We conducted an etiological study on two siblings with Sotos features without mutations in NSD1 and detected a homozygous frameshift mutation in the APC2 gene by whole-exome sequencing, which resulted in the loss of function of cytoskeletal regulation in neurons. Apc2-deficient (Apc2-/-) mice exhibited impaired learning and memory abilities along with an abnormal head shape. Endogenous Apc2 expression was downregulated by the knockdown of Nsd1, indicating that APC2 is a downstream effector of NSD1 in neurons. Nsd1 knockdown in embryonic mouse brains impaired the migration and laminar positioning of cortical neurons, as observed in Apc2-/- mice, and this defect was rescued by the forced expression of Apc2. Thus, APC2 is a crucial target of NSD1, which provides an explanation for the intellectual disability associated with Sotos syndrome.

Bioinformatics | 2015

ExomeAI: Detection of recurrent Allelic Imbalance in tumors using whole Exome sequencing data

Javad Nadaf; Jacek Majewski; Somayyeh Fahiminiya

SUMMARY Whole-exome sequencing (WES) has extensively been used in cancer genome studies; however, the use of WES data in the study of loss of heterozygosity or more generally allelic imbalance (AI) has so far been very limited, which highlights the need for user-friendly and flexible software that can handle low-quality datasets. We have developed a statistical approach, ExomeAI, for the detection of recurrent AI events using WES datasets, specifically where matched normal samples are not available. AVAILABILITY ExomeAI is a web-based application, publicly available at: CONTACT or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

Journal of Medical Genetics | 2015

Nonsense mutation in the WDR73 gene is associated with Galloway-Mowat syndrome

Tawfeg Ben-Omran; Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Natalie Sorfazlian; Mariam Almuriekhi; Zafar Nawaz; Javad Nadaf; Kitam Abu Khadija; Samiha Zaineddin; Hussein Kamel; Jacek Majewski; Vincent Tropepe

Background Neuroanatomical defects are often present in children with severe developmental delay and intellectual disabilities. Few genetic loci have been associated with disorders of neurodevelopment. Our objective of the present study was to analyse a consanguineous Arab family showing some of the hallmark signs of a rare cerebellar hypoplasia-related neurodevelopmental syndrome as a strategy for discovering a causative genetic mutation. Methods We used whole exome sequencing to identify the causative mutation in two female siblings of a consanguineous Arab family showing some of the hallmark signs of a cerebellar-hypoplasia-related neurodevelopmental disorder. Direct Sanger sequencing was used to validate the candidate mutations that cosegregated with the phenotype. Gene expression and loss of function studies were carried out in the zebrafish model system to examine the role of the candidate gene in neurodevelopment. Results Patients presented with severe global developmental delay, intellectual disability, hypoplasia of the cerebellum and biochemical findings suggestive of nephrotic disease. Whole exome sequencing of the two patients revealed a shared nonsense homozygous variant in WDR73 (p.Q235X (c.703C>T)) resulting in loss of the last 144 amino acids of the protein. The variant segregated according to a recessive mode of inheritance in this family and was absent from public and our inhouse databases. We examined the developmental role of WDR73 using a loss-of-function paradigm in zebrafish. There was a significant brain growth and morphogenesis defect in wdr73 knockdown embryos resulting in a poorly differentiated midbrain and cerebellum. Conclusions The results provide new insight into the functional role of WDR73 in brain development and show that perturbation of its function in an inherited disorder in humans is associated with cerebellar hypoplasia as well as nephrotic disease, consistent with Galloway-Mowat Syndrome.

Biology of Reproduction | 2014

Transcriptome Profiling of Granulosa and Theca Cells During Dominant Follicle Development in the Horse

F. Xavier Donadeu; Somayyeh Fahiminiya; Cristina L. Esteves; Javad Nadaf; Katarzyna Miedzinska; Alan S. McNeilly; D. Waddington; Nadine Gérard

ABSTRACT Several aspects of equine ovarian physiology are unique among domestic species. Moreover, follicular growth patterns are very similar between horses and humans. This study aimed to characterize, for the first time, global gene expression profiles associated with growth and preovulatory (PO) maturation of equine dominant follicles. Granulosa cells (GCs) and theca interna cells (TCs) were harvested from follicles (n = 5) at different stages of an ovulatory wave in mares corresponding to early dominance (ED; diameter ≥22 mm), late dominance (LD; ≥33 mm) and PO stage (34 h after administration of crude equine gonadotropins at LD stage), and separately analyzed on a horse gene expression microarray, followed by validation using quantitative PCR and immunoblotting/immunohistochemistry. Numbers of differentially expressed transcripts (DETs; ≥2-fold; P < 0.05) during the ED-LD and LD-PO transitions were 546 and 2419 in GCs and 5 and 582 in TCs. The most prominent change in GCs was the down-regulation of transcripts associated with cell division during both ED-LD and LD-PO. In addition, DET sets during LD-PO in GCs were enriched for genes involved in cell communication/adhesion, antioxidation/detoxification, immunity/inflammation, and cholesterol biosynthesis. In contrast, the largest change in TCs during the LD-PO transition was an up-regulation of genes involved in immune activation, with other DET sets mapping to GPCR/cAMP signaling, lipid/amino acid metabolism, and cell proliferation/survival and differentiation. In conclusion, distinct expression profiles were identified between growing and PO follicles and, particularly, between GCs and TCs within each stage. Several DETs were identified that have not been associated with follicle development in other species.

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