Javier Cubero
University of Extremadura
Journals of Gerontology Series A-biological Sciences and Medical Sciences | 2010
María Garrido; Sergio D. Paredes; Javier Cubero; M. Lozano; Antonio F. Toribio-Delgado; Juan L. Muñoz; Russel J. Reiter; C. Barriga; Ana B. Rodríguez
Tryptophan, serotonin, and melatonin, present in Jerte Valley cherries, participate in sleep regulation and exhibit antioxidant properties. The effect of the intake of seven different Jerte Valley cherry cultivars on the sleep-wake cycle, 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels, and urinary total antioxidant capacity in middle-aged and elderly participants was evaluated. Volunteers were subjected to actigraphic monitoring to record and display the temporal patterns of their nocturnal activity and rest. 6-sulfatoxymelatonin and total antioxidant capacity were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and colorimetric assay kits, respectively. The intake of each of the cherry cultivars produced beneficial effects on actual sleep time, total nocturnal activity, assumed sleep, and immobility. Also, there were significant increases in 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels and total antioxidant capacity in urine after the intake of each cultivar. These findings suggested that the intake of Jerte Valley cherries exerted positive effect on sleep and may be seen as a potential nutraceutical tool to counteract oxidation.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | 2008
Soledad Sánchez; Cristina Sánchez; Sergio D. Paredes; Javier Cubero; Ana B. Rodríguez; C. Barriga
Most of the physiological processes that take place in the organism follow a circadian rhythm. Serotonin is one of the most important neurotransmitters in our nervous system, and has been strongly implicated in the regulation on the mammalian circadian clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN). The present study analysed the levels of serotonin over a period of 24 h in the plasma and in different brain regions. The model used was of male Wistar rats, 14 ± 2 weeks of age (n = 120), maintained under conditions of 12 h light and 12 h dark, and food and water ad libitum. The serotonin levels were measured by ELISA every hour at night (20:00–08:00 h) and every 4 h during the daytime (08:00–20:00 h). Ours results show that the maximum levels of serotonin in plasma were obtained at 09:00 and 22:00 and a minor peak at 01:00 h. In hypothalamus there was a significant peak at 22:00 and two minor peaks at 17:00 and 02:00 h; the same occurred in hippocampus with a significant peak at 21:00, and two secondary peaks at 24:00 and 05:00 h; in cerebellum there were two peaks at 21:00 and 02:00 h, while in striatum and pineal there were peaks at 21:00 h and 23:00, respectively. In conclusion, the higher levels of serotonin were during the phase of darkness, which varies depending on the region in which it is measured.
Experimental Gerontology | 2002
M.P. Terrón; Javier Cubero; J.M. Marchena; C. Barriga; A. B. Rodriguez
We have studied the circadian rhythm of melatonin in the ring dove (Streptopelia risoria) for different age groups: young (1-1.5 years), mature (3-4 years) and old animals (>8 years). Melatonin levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Results showed a significant decline in plasma melatonin levels in old animals when compared with the concentrations observed in the other two age groups, in which maximum (nocturnal) concentrations were 300 pg/ml and minimum (diurnal) concentrations were 50 pg/ml. We analyzed the in vitro effect of the physiological concentrations found in young and mature animals on the heterophils obtained from old animals, evaluating the capacity for ingestion and destruction of Candida albicans, and the oxidative metabolism associate to phagocytosis by determining the superoxide anion levels. Melatonin induced an increase in both the phagocytosis index and the candidicide capacity. This effect was dose-dependent. In relation with the oxidative metabolism, a decline in superoxide anion levels after incubation with both concentrations of the hormone was observed. Thus our results corroborate in this avian species the decline in plasma melatonin levels with advanced age, as well as the enhancing effect of physiological concentrations of melatonin on the phagocytic function.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology | 2003
M.P. Terrón; Javier Cubero; C. Barriga; Eduardo Ortega; A. B. Rodriguez
We observed in previous studies on avian heterophils that incubation with either physiological or pharmacological concentrations of the neurohormone melatonin increased the phagocytosis of inert particles (latex beads), and also provoked a decline in superoxide anion levels of those phagocytes. In the present study, we wanted to corroborate whether melatonin acts on the oxidative metabolism that accompanies the respiratory burst during phagocytosis by inducing a more effective phagocytic activity at the same time as exerting an antioxidant effect to eliminate and/or scavenge the free radicals left over after the destruction of the foreign material. To this end, we evaluated the ingestion and destruction of Candida albicans (live particles) by ring dove (Streptopelia risoria) heterophils after different times of incubation (30 and 60 min) with physiological concentrations of melatonin (50 pg/ml diurnal and 300 pg/ml nocturnal), as well as with a pharmacological concentration 23 × 106 pg/ml (100 µm) of the hormone. In parallel, using the same times of incubation, we evaluated the oxidative metabolism by determining the superoxide anion levels (O2−·). The results show that melatonin, at all the times and concentrations studied, increases both the phagocytosis index (number of C. albicans phagocytosed by 100 heterophils) and the candidicide power (percentage of C. albicans killed of those ingested by 100 heterophils). The effect was dose‐dependent. With respect to the oxidative metabolism accompanying the digestion and destruction, there was a decline in superoxide anion levels after incubation with all of the concentrations of the hormone studied. The effect was dose‐dependent and most pronounced at 60 min. These results thus corroborate the proposal that melatonin enhances the phagocytic function at the same time as neutralizing the oxidative stress derived from this immune function.
PLOS ONE | 2012
Lourdes Franco; Cristina Sánchez; Rafael Bravo; Ana B. Rodríguez; C. Barriga; Eulalia Romero; Javier Cubero
Introduction The hop (Humulus lupulus L.), a component of beer, is a sedative plant whose pharmacological activity is principally due to its bitter resins, in particular to the α-acid degradation product 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol. The mechanism of action of hop resin consists of raising the levels of the neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter acting in the central nervous system (CNS). Objectives To analyze the sedative effect of hops as a component of non-alcoholic beer on the sleep/wake rhythm in a work-stressed population. Methods The experiment was conducted with healthy female nurses (n = 17) working rotating and/or night shifts. Overnight sleep and chronobiological parameters were assessed by actigraphy (Actiwatch®) after moderate ingestion of non-alcoholic beer containing hops (333 ml with 0,0% alcohol) with supper for 14 days (treatment). Data were obtained in comparison with her own control group without consumption of beer during supper. Results Actigraphy results demonstrated improvement of night sleep quality as regards the most important parameters: Sleep Latency diminished (p≤0.05) in the Treatment group (12.01±1.19 min) when compared to the Control group (20.50±4.21 min), as also did Total Activity (p≤0.05; Treatment group = 5284.78±836.99 activity pulses vs Control = 7258.78±898.89 activity pulses). In addition, anxiety as indexed by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) decreased in the Treatment group (State Anxiety 18.09±3.8 vs Control 20.69±2.14). Conclusion The moderate consumption of non-alcoholic beer will favour night-time rest, due in particular to its hop components, in addition to its other confirmed benefits for the organism.
Chronobiology International | 2014
Rafael Bravo; Javier Cubero; Lourdes Franco; Mónica Mesa; Carmen Galán; Ana B. Rodríguez; Carlos Jarne; C. Barriga
In the last few decades, obesity has become one of the most important public health problems. Adipose tissue is an active endocrine tissue which follows a rhythmic pattern in its functions and may produce alterations in certain circadian rhythms. Our aim was to evaluate whether the locomotor activity circadian rhythm could be modified by a hypercaloric diet in rodents. Two groups were considered in the experiment: 16 rats were used as a control group and were fed standard chow; the other group comprised 16 rats fed a high-fat diet (35.8% fat, 35% glucides). The trial lasted 16 weeks. Body weight was measured every week, and a blood sample was extracted every two weeks to quantify triglyceride levels. The activity/inactivity circadian rhythm was logged through actimetry throughout the trial, and analysed using the DAS 24© software package. At the end of the experiment, the high-fat fed rats had obese-like body weights and high plasma triglyceride levels, and, compared with the control group, increased diurnal activity, decreased nocturnal activity, reductions in amplitude, midline estimating statistic of rhythm, acrophase and interdaily stability, and increases in intradaily variability of their activity rhythms. The results thus show how obesity can lead to symptoms of chronodisruption in the body similar to those of ageing.
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry | 2006
Javier Cubero; V. Valero; D. Narciso; M. Rivero; J.M. Marchena; A. B. Rodríguez; C. Barriga
The essential amino acid tryptophan is the precursor in the anabolic pathway of melatonin, a hormone with immunomodulatory properties. The present study shows the in vivo effect of tryptophan on the phagocytic function and oxidative metabolism of heterophils from Streptopelia roseogrisea of < 1 year of age, with a parallel evaluation of the plasma levels of melatonin. The L-tryptophan was administered orally (125 and 300 mg/kg b.w.) at 19:00, before the beginning of the period of darkness, for 7 days. At the end of the tryptophan treatment, determinations were made at 21:00 and 02:00 of the Phagocytosis Index, the Phagocytosis Percentage, the Phagocytic Efficiency and the superoxide anion levels in heterophils isolated from blood and of the plasma levels of melatonin. The results showed, for the determinations at 21:00 in the animals that had received 125 mg L-tryptophan/kg b.w., enhanced heterophil phagocytic function and raised levels of plasma melatonin, with no affect on the oxidative metabolism of the phagocytes. For the administration of the greater concentration of tryptophan (300 mg/kg b.w.), there were raised plasma melatonin levels together with increases in heterophil phagocytic capacity and phagocyte oxidative metabolism at 02:00. The results indicate that tryptophan administered orally at night to diurnal animals of less than 1 year in age affects the circulating levels of melatonin at the same time as inducing stimulation of the innate immune function.
International Journal of Tryptophan Research | 2012
María Garrido; Javier Espino; Antonio F. Toribio-Delgado; Javier Cubero; Juan I. Maynar-Mariño; C. Barriga; Sergio D. Paredes; Ana B. Rodríguez
L-Tryptophan (tryptophan) is an essential amino acid in humans. It has important roles as a precursor of different bioactive compounds. Based on previous studies in which tryptophan has been shown to be present in fresh cherries, the aim of the present work was to analyze the tryptophan content of a Jerte Valley cherry-based product. A previously optimized method of analysis of tryptophan was used, ie, high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC/FL). As expected, HPLC/FL technique permitted to detect and quantify the tryptophan content in a different matrix rather than fresh cherries. In fact, the Jerte Valley cherry-based product contained 69.54 ± 10.64 ppm of tryptophan, thereby showing that this product is a good source of tryptophan. In summary, it has been proven that the Jerte Valley cherry-based product is rich in tryptophan and may be indicated as a supply of this essential amino acid as well as having potential health benefits for conditions where tryptophan is necessary.
Neurochemical Journal | 2015
Lourdes Franco; C. Galán; Rafael Bravo; I. Bejarano; E. Peñas-Lledo; Ana B. Rodríguez; C. Barriga; Javier Cubero
Beer contains hop (Humulus lupulus L.) as flavoring and preservative. This cannabaceae plant, which possesses sedative and hypnotic properties, is present in non-alcoholic beer as well. Likewise regular beer, non-alcoholic beer includes the essential amino acid lysine with relaxing effects, which are related to the inhibition of serotonin receptors. It is known that the main neuroendocrine signal from stress is the release of the hormone cortisol, alongside with the altered levels of the hormone melatonin and the neurotransmitter serotonin. In this study we aimed to analyze the possible anxiolytic effect of non-alcoholic beer on neuroendocrine levels of cortisol, melatonin and serotonin, in a population under stress. To achieve this goal, a healthy student population was enrolled under the stressful conditions evoked by official academic exams. They consumed 1 non-alcoholic beer (330 mL) at dinner time for 14 nights. Melatonin, serotonin and cortisol levels were measured by quantifying their early morning urinary metabolites collected weekly. The consumption of non-acoholic beer reduced significantly the nocturnal serotonin levels whereas there were no substantial changes on melatonin and cortisol levels. However and in line with this, Anxiety/State parameters underwent a significant decreased after consumption of non-alcoholic beer at dinner time regarding to control values. These results point to the anxiolytic response of non-alcoholic beer is performed through the serotoninergic pathway. All in all, consumption of non-alcoholic beer might be an additional tool to deal with serotonin-related stress profile.
Enfermería global: Revista electrónica semestral de enfermería | 2012
Javier Cubero; F. Cañada; Emilio Costillo; L. Franco; A. Calderón; A.L. Santos; C. Padez; C. Ruiz
The infant feeding and nutrition is one of the most important areas regarding the Health Education (HE). This health-promoting action must start at the early stage of the development and learning, such as the pre-school period. A valuable tool to initiate successfully the HE could be infant nutrition, which can and must be also approached in the educational area. Our objective of the investigation was to gather, from the main Spanish manuals of nutrition, the basic and nutritional characteristics of the stage from 2 to 6 years, in order to be used by educational personnel instead of health personnel in the school area. By the analysis of bibliographical documented review, related to the nutritional characteristics at this stage of growth. The results indicate that the Recommendations Dietary Allowance (RDA) from 2 years are very different with regard to the breast-fed stage, the contribution moves towards the carbohydrates in 50 %, in decline of fats <30 % and proteins. In addition, the preparation and incorporation of new ingredients to the daily foods is already regular, obtaining, in this way, a balanced and healthy diet. For that, we will follow a guideline of 3 daily foods, with 2 intermediate of minor quantity, and the breakfast will have a well-deserved importance. To conclude, we must indicate that the educator has to inculcate healthy habits of feeding in pre-school stage by means of the Health Education. The mentioned infant diet will be the base for a healthy adulthood, since during the infant stage, future pathologies may emerge such as diabetes, cancer of colon and hypertension.