
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2006

Three Mammalian Lipins Act as Phosphatidate Phosphatases with Distinct Tissue Expression Patterns

Jimmy Donkor; Meltem Sariahmetoglu; Jay Dewald; David N. Brindley; Karen Reue

We previously identified mutations in the Lpin1 gene, encoding lipin-1, as the underlying cause of lipodystrophy in the fatty liver dystrophy (fld) mutant mouse. Lipin-1 is normally expressed at high levels in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle, and deficiency in the fld mouse causes impaired adipose tissue development, insulin resistance, and altered energy expenditure. We also identified two additional lipin protein family members of unknown function, lipin-2 and lipin-3. Han et al. (Han, G. S., Wu, W. I., and Carman, G. M. (2006) J. Biol. Chem. 281, 9210–9218) recently demonstrated that the single lipin homolog in yeast, Smp2, exhibits phosphatidate phosphatase type-1 (PAP1) activity, which has a key role in glycerolipid synthesis. Here we demonstrate that lipin-1 accounts for all of the PAP1 activity in white and brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. However, livers of lipin-1-deficient mice exhibited normal PAP1 activity, indicating that other members of the lipin protein family could have PAP1 activity. Consistent with this possibility, recombinant lipin-2 and lipin-3 possess PAP1 activity. Each of the three lipin family members showed Mg2+-dependent activity that was specific for phosphatidate under the conditions employed. The different lipins showed distinct tissue expression patterns. Our results establish the three mammalian lipin proteins as PAP1 enzymes and explain the biochemical basis for lipodystrophy in the lipin-1-deficient fld mouse.

Biochemical Journal | 1999

Lipid phosphate phosphohydrolase-1 degrades exogenous glycerolipid and sphingolipid phosphate esters

Renata Jasinska; Qiu-Xia Zhang; Carlos Pilquil; Indrapal Singh; James Xu; Jay Dewald; Deborah A. Dillon; Luc G. Berthiaume; George M. Carman; D W Waggoner; David N. Brindley

Lipid phosphate phosphohydrolase (LPP)-1 cDNA was cloned from a rat liver cDNA library. It codes for a 32-kDa protein that shares 87 and 82% amino acid sequence identities with putative products of murine and human LPP-1 cDNAs, respectively. Membrane fractions of rat2 fibroblasts that stably expressed mouse or rat LPP-1 exhibited 3.1-3. 6-fold higher specific activities for phosphatidate dephosphorylation compared with vector controls. Increases in the dephosphorylation of lysophosphatidate, ceramide 1-phosphate, sphingosine 1-phosphate and diacylglycerol pyrophosphate were similar to those for phosphatidate. Rat2 fibroblasts expressing mouse LPP-1 cDNA showed 1.6-2.3-fold increases in the hydrolysis of exogenous lysophosphatidate, phosphatidate and ceramide 1-phosphate compared with vector control cells. Recombinant LPP-1 was located partially in plasma membranes with its C-terminus on the cytosolic surface. Lysophosphatidate dephosphorylation was inhibited by extracellular Ca2+ and this inhibition was diminished by extracellular Mg2+. Changing intracellular Ca2+ concentrations did not alter exogenous lysophosphatidate dephosphorylation significantly. Permeabilized fibroblasts showed relatively little latency for the dephosphorylation of exogenous lysophosphatidate. LPP-1 expression decreased the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and DNA synthesis by exogenous lysophosphatidate. The product of LPP-1 cDNA is concluded to act partly to degrade exogenous lysophosphatidate and thereby regulate its effects on cell signalling.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 1996

Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase Catalyzes the Hydrolysis of Ceramide 1-Phosphate, Lysophosphatidate, and Sphingosine 1-Phosphate*

David W. Waggoner; Antonio Gómez-Muñoz; Jay Dewald; David N. Brindley

A Mg2+-independent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase was purified from rat liver plasma membranes in two distinct forms, an anionic protein and a cationic protein. Both forms of the enzyme dephosphorylated phosphatidate, ceramide 1-phosphate, lysophosphatidate, and sphingosine 1-phosphate. When assayed at a constant molar ratio of lipid to Triton X-100 of 1:500, the apparent Km values of the anionic phosphohydrolase for the lipid substrates was 3.5, 1.9, 0.4, and 4.0 μM, respectively. The relative catalytic efficiency of the enzyme for phosphatidate, ceramide 1-phosphate, lysophosphatidate, and sphingosine 1-phosphate was 0.16, 0.14, 0.48, and 0.04 liter (min·mg)−1, respectively. The hydrolysis of phosphatidate was inhibited competitively by ceramide 1-phosphate, lysophosphatidate, and sphingosine 1-phosphate. The Ki(app) values were 5.5, 5.9, and 4.0 μM, respectively. The hydrolysis of phosphatidate by the phosphohydrolase conformed to a surface dilution kinetic model. It is concluded that the enzyme is a lipid phosphomonoesterase that could modify the balance of phosphatidate, ceramide 1-phosphate, lysophosphatidate, and sphingosine 1-phosphate relative to diacylglycerol, ceramide, monoacylglycerol, and sphingosine, respectively. The enzyme could thus play an important role in regulating cell activation and signal transduction.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2009

A Conserved Serine Residue Is Required for the Phosphatidate Phosphatase Activity but Not the Transcriptional Coactivator Functions of Lipin-1 and Lipin-2

Jimmy Donkor; Peixiang Zhang; Samantha Wong; Lauren O'Loughlin; Jay Dewald; Bernard P. C. Kok; David N. Brindley; Karen Reue

Mammalian lipins (lipin-1, lipin-2, and lipin-3) are Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP) enzymes, which catalyze a key reaction in glycerolipid biosynthesis. Lipin-1 also functions as a transcriptional coactivator in conjunction with members of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor family. An S734L mutation in LPIN2 causes Majeed syndrome, a human inflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent osteomyelitis, fever, dyserythropoietic anemia, and cutaneous inflammation. Here we demonstrate that mutation of the equivalent serine in mouse lipin-1 and lipin-2 to leucine or aspartate abolishes PAP activity but does not impair lipin association with microsomal membranes, the major site of glycerolipid synthesis. We also determined that lipin-2 has transcriptional coactivator activity for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-response elements similar to lipin-1 and that this activity is not affected by mutating the conserved serine. Therefore, our results indicate that the symptoms of the Majeed syndrome result from a loss of lipin-2 PAP activity. To characterize sites of lipin-2 action, we detected lipin-2 expression by in situ hybridization on whole mouse sections and by quantitative PCR of tissues relevant to Majeed syndrome. Lipin-2 was most prominently expressed in liver, where levels were much higher than lipin-1, and also in kidney, lung, gastrointestinal tract, and specific regions of the brain. Lipin-2 was also expressed in circulating red blood cells and sites of lymphopoiesis (bone marrow, thymus, and spleen). These results raise the possibility that the loss of lipin-2 PAP activity in erythrocytes and lymphocytes may contribute to the anemia and inflammation phenotypes observed in Majeed syndrome patients.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2006

Lipid Phosphate Phosphatase-1 Regulates Lysophosphatidate-induced Fibroblast Migration by Controlling Phospholipase D2-dependent Phosphatidate Generation

Carlos Pilquil; Jay Dewald; Anton Cherney; Irina Gorshkova; Gabor Tigyi; Denis English; Viswanathan Natarajan; David N. Brindley

Lysophosphatidate (LPA) stimulates cell migration and division through a family of G-protein-coupled receptors. Lipid phosphate phosphatase-1 (LPP1) regulates the degradation of extracellular LPA as well as the intracellular accumulation of lipid phosphates. Here we show that increasing the catalytic activity of LPP1 decreased the pertussis toxin-sensitive stimulation of fibroblast migration by LPA and an LPA-receptor agonist that could not be dephosphorylated. Conversely, knockdown of endogenous LPP1 activity increased LPA-induced migration. However, LPP1 did not affect PDGF- or endothelin-induced migration of fibroblasts in Transwell chamber and “wound healing” assays. Thus, in addition to degrading exogenous LPA, LPP1 controls signaling downstream of LPA receptors. Consistent with this conclusion, LPP1 expression decreased phospholipase D (PLD) stimulation by LPA and PDGF, and phosphatidate accumulation. This LPP1 effect was upstream of PLD activation in addition to the possible metabolism of phosphatidate to diacylglycerol. PLD2 activation was necessary for LPA-, but not PDGF-induced migration. Increased LPP1 expression also decreased the LPA-, but not the PDGF-induced activation of important proteins involved in fibroblast migration. These included decreased LPA-induced activation of ERK and Rho, and the basal activities of Rac and Cdc42. However, ERK and Rho activation were not downstream targets of LPA-induced PLD2 activity. We conclude that the intracellular actions of LPP1 play important functions in regulating LPA-induced fibroblast migration through PLD2. LPP1 also controls PDGF-induced phosphatidate formation. These results shed new light on the roles of LPP1 in controlling wound healing and the growth and metastasis of tumors.

The FASEB Journal | 2014

Inhibition of autotaxin delays breast tumor growth and lung metastasis in mice

Matthew G.K. Benesch; Xiaoyun Tang; Tatsuo Maeda; Akira Ohhata; Yuan Y. Zhao; Bernard P. C. Kok; Jay Dewald; Mary Hitt; Jonathan M. Curtis; Todd McMullen; David N. Brindley

Autotaxin is a secreted enzyme that produces most extracellular lysophosphatidate, which stimulates 6 G‐protein‐coupled receptors. Lysophosphatidate promotes cancer cell survival, growth, migration, invasion, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The present work investigated whether inhibiting autotaxin could decrease breast tumor growth and metastasis. We used a new autotaxin inhibitor (ONO‐8430506; IC90=100 nM), which decreased plasma autotaxin activity by >60% and concentrations of unsaturated lysophosphatidates by >75% for 24 h compared with vehicle‐treated mice. The effects of ONO‐8430506 on tumor growth were determined in a syngeneic orthotopic mouse model of breast cancer following injection of 20,000 BALB/c mouse 4T1 or 4T1‐12B cancer cells. We show for the first time that inhibiting autotaxin decreases initial tumor growth and subsequent lung metastatic nodules both by 60% compared with vehicle‐treated mice. Significantly, 4T1 cells express negligible autotaxin compared with the mammary fat pad. Autotaxin activity in the fat pad of nontreated mice was increased 2‐fold by tumor growth. Our results emphasize the importance of tumor interaction with its environment and the role of autotaxin in promoting breast cancer growth and metastasis. We also established that autotaxin inhibition could provide a novel therapeutic approach to blocking the adverse effects of lysophosphatidate in cancer.—Benesch, M. G. K., Tang, X., Maeda, T., Ohhata, A., Zhao, Y. Y., Kok, B. P. C., Dewald, J., Hitt, M., Curtis, J. M., McMullen, T. P. W., Brindley, D. N. Inhibition of autotaxin delays breast tumor growth and lung metastasis in mice. FASEB J. 28, 2655–2666 (2014).

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012

Mouse lipin-1 and lipin-2 cooperate to maintain glycerolipid homeostasis in liver and aging cerebellum

Jennifer R. Dwyer; Jimmy Donkor; Peixiang Zhang; Lauren S. Csaki; Laurent Vergnes; Jessica M. Lee; Jay Dewald; David N. Brindley; Elisa Atti; Sotirios Tetradis; Yuko Yoshinaga; Pieter J. de Jong; Loren G. Fong; Stephen G. Young; Karen Reue

The three lipin phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP) enzymes catalyze a step in glycerolipid biosynthesis, the conversion of phosphatidate to diacylglycerol. Lipin-1 is critical for lipid synthesis and homeostasis in adipose tissue, liver, muscle, and peripheral nerves. Little is known about the physiological role of lipin-2, the predominant lipin protein present in liver and the deficient gene product in the rare disorder Majeed syndrome. By using lipin-2–deficient mice, we uncovered a functional relationship between lipin-1 and lipin-2 that operates in a tissue-specific and age-dependent manner. In liver, lipin-2 deficiency led to a compensatory increase in hepatic lipin-1 protein and elevated PAP activity, which maintained lipid homeostasis under basal conditions, but led to diet-induced hepatic triglyceride accumulation. As lipin-2–deficient mice aged, they developed ataxia and impaired balance. This was associated with the combination of lipin-2 deficiency and an age-dependent reduction in cerebellar lipin-1 levels, resulting in altered cerebellar phospholipid composition. Similar to patients with Majeed syndrome, lipin-2–deficient mice developed anemia, but did not show evidence of osteomyelitis, suggesting that additional environmental or genetic components contribute to the bone abnormalities observed in patients. Combined lipin-1 and lipin-2 deficiency caused embryonic lethality. Our results reveal functional interactions between members of the lipin family in vivo, and a unique role for lipin-2 in central nervous system biology that may be particularly important with advancing age. Additionally, as has been observed in mice and humans with lipin-1 deficiency, the pathophysiology in lipin-2 deficiency is associated with dysregulation of lipid intermediates.

American Journal of Physiology-endocrinology and Metabolism | 2014

FFA-induced hepatic insulin resistance in vivo is mediated by PKCδ, NADPH oxidase, and oxidative stress

Sandra Pereira; Edward Park; Yusaku Mori; C. Andrew Haber; Ping Han; Toyoyoshi Uchida; Laura Stavar; Andrei I. Oprescu; Khajag Koulajian; Alexander Ivovic; Zhiwen Yu; Deling Li; Thomas A. Bowman; Jay Dewald; Jamel El-Benna; David N. Brindley; Roger Gutierrez-Juarez; Tony K.T. Lam; Sonia M. Najjar; Robert Mckay; Sanjay Bhanot; I. George Fantus; Adria Giacca

Fat-induced hepatic insulin resistance plays a key role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes in obese individuals. Although PKC and inflammatory pathways have been implicated in fat-induced hepatic insulin resistance, the sequence of events leading to impaired insulin signaling is unknown. We used Wistar rats to investigate whether PKCδ and oxidative stress play causal roles in this process and whether this occurs via IKKβ- and JNK-dependent pathways. Rats received a 7-h infusion of Intralipid plus heparin (IH) to elevate circulating free fatty acids (FFA). During the last 2 h of the infusion, a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp with tracer was performed to assess hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity. An antioxidant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC), prevented IH-induced hepatic insulin resistance in parallel with prevention of decreased IκBα content, increased JNK phosphorylation (markers of IKKβ and JNK activation, respectively), increased serine phosphorylation of IRS-1 and IRS-2, and impaired insulin signaling in the liver without affecting IH-induced hepatic PKCδ activation. Furthermore, an antisense oligonucleotide against PKCδ prevented IH-induced phosphorylation of p47(phox) (marker of NADPH oxidase activation) and hepatic insulin resistance. Apocynin, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, prevented IH-induced hepatic and peripheral insulin resistance similarly to NAC. These results demonstrate that PKCδ, NADPH oxidase, and oxidative stress play a causal role in FFA-induced hepatic insulin resistance in vivo and suggest that the pathway of FFA-induced hepatic insulin resistance is FFA → PKCδ → NADPH oxidase and oxidative stress → IKKβ/JNK → impaired hepatic insulin signaling.

The FASEB Journal | 2015

Lysophosphatidate signaling stabilizes Nrf2 and increases the expression of genes involved in drug resistance and oxidative stress responses: implications for cancer treatment

Ganesh Venkatraman; Matthew G.K. Benesch; Xiaoyun Tang; Jay Dewald; Todd McMullen; David N. Brindley

The present work elucidates novel mechanisms for lysophosphatidate (LPA)‐induced chemoresistance using human breast, lung, liver, and thyroid cancer cells. LPA (0.5–10 μM) increased Nrf2 transcription factor stability and nuclear localization by ≤5‐fold. This involved lysophosphatidate type 1 (LPA1) receptors as identified with 1 μM wls‐31 (LPA1/2 receptor agonist) and blocking this effect with 20 μM Ki16425 (LPA1‐3 antagonist, Ki = 0.34 μM). Knockdown of LPA1 by 50% to 60% with siRNA decreased Nrf2 stability and expressing LPA1, but not LPA2/3, in human HepG2 cells increased Nrf2 stabilization. LPA‐induced Nrf2 expression increased transcription of multidrug‐resistant transporters and antioxidant genes by 2‐ to 4‐fold through the antioxidant response element. This protected cells from doxorubicin‐induced death. This pathway was verified in vivo by orthotopic injection of 20,000 mouse 4T1 breast cancer cells into syngeneic mice. Blocking LPA production with 10 mg/kg per d ONO‐8430506 (competitive autotaxin inhibitor, IC90 = 100 nM) decreased expression of Nrf2, multidrug‐resistant transporters, and antioxidant genes in breast tumors by ≥90%. Combining 4 mg/kg doxorubicin every third day with ONO‐8430506 synergistically decreased tumor growth and metastasis to lungs and liver by >70%, whereas doxorubicin alone had no significant effect. This study provides the first evidence that LPA increases antioxidant gene and multidrug‐resistant transporter expression. Blocking this aspect of LPA signaling provides a novel strategy for improving chemotherapy.—Venkatraman, G., Benesch, M. G. K., Tang, X., Dewald, J., McMullen, T. P. W., Brindley, D. N., Lysophosphatidate signaling stabilizes Nrf2 and increases the expression of genes involved in drug resistance and oxidative stress responses: implications for cancer treatment. FASEB J. 29, 772–785 (2015).

FEBS Journal | 2011

Lipins from plants are phosphatidate phosphatases that restore lipid synthesis in a pah1Δ mutant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Elzbieta Mietkiewska; Rodrigo M. P. Siloto; Jay Dewald; Saleh Shah; David N. Brindley; Randall J. Weselake

The identification of the yeast phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PAH1) gene encoding an enzyme with phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP; 3‐sn‐phosphatidate phosphohydrolase, EC activity led to the discovery of mammalian Lipins and subsequently to homologous genes from plants. In the present study, we describe the functional characterization of Arabidopsis and Brassica napus homologs of PAH1. Recombinant expression studies confirmed that homologous PAHs from plants can rescue different phenotypes exhibited by the yeast pah1Δ strain, such as temperature growth sensitivity and atypical neutral lipid composition. Using this expression system, we examined the role of the putative catalytic motif DXDXT and other conserved residues by mutational analysis. Mutants within the carboxy‐terminal lipin domain displayed significantly decreased PAP activity, which was reflected by their limited ability to complement different phenotypes of pah1Δ. Subcellular localization studies using a green fluorescent protein fusion protein showed that Arabidopsis PAH1 is mostly present in the cytoplasm of yeast cells. However, upon oleic acid stimulation, green fluorescent protein fluorescence was predominantly found in the nucleus, suggesting that plant PAH1 might be involved in the transcriptional regulation of gene expression. In addition, we demonstrate that mutation of conserved residues that are essential for the PAP activity of the Arabidopsis PAH1 enzyme did not impair its nuclear localization in response to oleic acid. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence that Arabidopsis and B. napus PAHs restore lipid synthesis in yeast and that DXDXT is a functional enzymic motif within plant PAHs.

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