
Featured researches published by Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 1996

Sinorhizobium medicae sp. nov., Isolated from Annual Medicago spp.

Sophie Rome; Maria P. Fernandez; Brigitte Brunel; Philippe Normand; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel

The taxonomic position of isolates of a new genomic species (designated genomic species 2) obtained from several annual Medicago species and originating from different geographical locations was established through the results of phenotypic tests (including the results of auxanographic and biochemical tests and symbiotic properties) and 16S rRNA phylogenetic inferences. A comparison of the complete 16S rRNA sequence of a representative of genomic species 2 (strain A 321T [T = type strain]) with the 16S rRNA sequences of other members of the Rhizobiaceae and closely related taxa showed that genomic species 2 was phylogenetically related to Sinorhizobium meliloti, Sinorhizobium fredii, Sinorhizobium saheli, and Sinorhizobium teranga. The levels of sequence similarity and observed numbers of nucleotide substitutions in Sinorhizobium strains indicated that A 321T and S. meliloti exhibited the highest level of sequence similarity (99.7%), with four nucleotide substitutions and one deletion. The results of a numerical analysis based on data from 63 auxanographic and biochemical tests clearly separated genomic species 2 isolates from S. meliloti. Genomic species 2 isolates nodulated and fixed nitrogen with Medicago polymorpha, whereas S. meliloti isolates were ineffective and formed rudimentary nodules on this host plant. On the basis of phenotypic and 16S sequence analysis data, genomic species 2 isolates cannot be assigned to a previously described species. We propose that these isolates belong to a new species, Sinorhizobium medicae.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 1994

Rhizobium ciceri sp. nov., consisting of strains that nodulate chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.).

Sarah M. Nour; Maria P. Fernandez; Philippe Normand; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel

The taxonomic status of 16 collection strains of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizobia which were previously determined to belong to two groups (groups A and B) were compared with reference strains belonging to different genera and species of the family Rhizobiaceae. We used the following taxonomic, phylogenetic, and phenotypic characteristics and approaches to study these organisms: DNA homology, guanine-plus-cytosine content, restriction fragment length polymorphism of the amplified 16S-intergenic spacer rRNA gene, partial 16S rRNA sequencing, and auxanographic tests performed with 147 carbon sources. Similar groups of chickpea strains were identified by the different approaches. The chickpea strains were found to belong to the genus Rhizobium regardless of the phylogenetic group to which they belonged (group A or B). All strains fell into a tight cluster which included Rhizobium loti and Rhizobium galegae, and the group B strains were closely related to R. loti. An analysis of partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequences revealed identical nucleotide sequences for the slowly growing strains and fast-growing strains that were used as representatives of groups A and B, respectively, and these organisms fell into the Rhizobium-Agrobacterium lineage. When the sequences of these organisms were compared with the partial sequences of Rhizobium huakuii and R. loti, one- and two-nucleotide mismatches were observed, respectively, indicating that the chickpea rhizobia are closely related to these two species. The DNA-DNA hybridization data revealed that the chickpea rhizobia exhibited low levels of homology (less than 17%) to previously described Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium species. Moreover, when we compared chickpea strains to R. loti and R. huakuii, the most closely related species as determined by the partial 16S rRNA sequence analysis, the homology values ranged from 21 to 52% and the delta Tm values were greater than 5 degrees C (delta Tm is the difference between the denaturation temperatures of the heterologous and homologous duplexes). These results confirmed that the rhizobia that nodulate chickpeas cannot be assigned to a previously described species. Within the chickpea rhizobia, the DNA homology values obtained when members of groups A and B were compared were less than 38%, indicating that the group A and group B organisms belong to different species. Furthermore, these organisms can be distinguished from each other by the results of phenotypic tests. We propose that the group B chickpea rhizobia should be assigned to a new species, Rhizobium ciceri; UPM-Ca7 is the type strain of R. ciceri.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 1995

Genomic heterogeneity of strains nodulating chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) and description of Rhizobium mediterraneum sp. nov.

Sarah M. Nour; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel; Philippe Normand; Maria P. Fernandez

The genetic diversity of chickpea strains was studied by using 30 isolates obtained from nodules on chickpeas growing in uninoculated fields over a wide geographic range. The following taxonomic approaches were used: DNA-DNA relatedness analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the amplified 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) intergenic spacer (IGS), and total 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The division of chickpea-infective strains into two major phylogenetic groups (groups A and B) that has been described previously was confirmed by the polymorphism of the 16S IGS rDNA. We identified a total of five genomic species, including the previously described species Rhizobium ciceri. All of the group B strains except one were homogeneous and belonged to a single genomic species corresponding to R. ciceri. Group A was heterogeneous, containing three genomic species and five strains that remained unclassified, and its members had very different PCR restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles. The complete 16S rRNA sequences of strains representing the two major groups, R. ciceri UPM-Ca7T (T = type strain) and genomic species 2 strain UPM-Ca36T, exhibited 19 mismatches. Both of these strains belonged to the Rhizobium loti-Rhizobium huakuii branch; R. ciceri UPM-Ca7T was closely related to R. loti, and strain UPM-Ca36T was clearly separated from R. ciceri and closely related to R. huakuii. Thus, genomic species 2 could be distinguished from R. ciceri by its 16S rRNA sequence, by DNA relatedness data, by the polymorphism of the 16S IGS rDNAs, and by previously described multilocus enzyme electrophoresis results and phenotypic characteristics. Therefore, we propose that strains belonging to genomic species 2 should be classified in a new species, Rhizobium mediterraneum, and that strain UPM-Ca36 should be the type strain.

Biology and Fertility of Soils | 2001

Isolation and identification of the most efficient plant growth-promoting bacteria associated with canola (Brassica napus)

H. Bertrand; R. Nalin; René Bally; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel

Abstract Thirteen of the most abundant Gram-negative bacteria which are able to grow in N-depleted culture conditions were isolated from the rhizoplane and endorhizosphere of canola (Brassica napus) and identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Eight of these bacteria induced a significant increase in root dry weight ranging from 11 to 52%. Phylogenetic positioning based on 16S rDNA sequences indicated that at least four genera are represented, Pseudomonas, Variovorax, Agrobacterium and Phyllobacterium. The most important direct plant growth-promoting-rhizobacteria effect was found with both isolates belonging to the Phyllobacterium.

Canadian Journal of Microbiology | 2000

Stimulation of the ionic transport system in Brassica napus by a plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium (Achromobacter sp.)

H Bertrand; C Plassard; X Pinochet; B Touraine; P Normand; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel

A plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium belonging to the genus Achromobacter was isolated from the oil-seed-rape (Brassica napus) root. Growth promotion bioassays were performed with oilseed rape seedlings in a growth chamber in test tubes containing attapulgite and mineral nutrient solution, containing NO3- as N source. The presence of this Achromobacter strain increased shoot and root dry weight by 22-33% and 6-21%, respectively. Inoculation of young seedlings with the Achromobacter bacteria induced a 100% improvement in NO3- uptake by the whole root system. Observations on the seminal root of seedlings 20 h after inoculation showed that there was an enhancement of both the number and the length of root hairs, compared to non-inoculated seedlings. Electrophysiological measurements of NO3- net flux with ion-selective microelectrodes showed that inoculation resulted in a specific increase of net nitrate flux in a root zone morphologically similar in inoculated and non-inoculated plants. The root area increased due to root hair stimulation by the Achromobacter bacteria, which might have contributed to the improvement of NO3- uptake by the whole root system, together with the enhancement of specific NO3- uptake rate. Moreover, inoculated plants showed increased potassium net influx and proton net efflux. Overall, the data presented suggest that the inoculation of oilseed-rape with the bacteria Achromobacter affects the mineral uptake.

Systematic and Applied Microbiology | 2004

Characterisation of wild legume nodulating bacteria (LNB) in the infra-arid zone of Tunisia.

Frédéric Zakhia; Habib Jeder; Odile Domergue; Anne Willems; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel; Monique Gillis; Bernard Dreyfus; Philippe de Lajudie

We report on the isolation and the characterization of nitrogen-fixing root nodule bacteria isolated from natural legumes in a region of South Tunisia corresponding to the infra-arid climatic zone. A collection of 60 new bacterial root nodule isolates were obtained from 19 legume species belonging to the genera Acacia, Anthyllis, Argyrolobium, Astragalus, Calycotome, Coronilla, Ebenus, Genista, Hedysarum, Hippocrepis, Lathyrus, Lotus, Medicago, Ononis. The isolates were characterised by (1) comparative 16S ARDRA using 7 enzymes, (2) total cell protein SDS-PAGE analysis and (3) 16S rDNA sequencing. The results show that these isolates are diverse and belong to the genera Rhizobium, Sinorhizobium, Mesorhizobium and Bradyrhizobium. Bradyrhizobium were further characterised by 16S-23S rDNA IGS sequencing. Surprisingly strains nodulating Astragalus cruciatus, Lotus creticus and Anthyllis henoniana were identified as Rhizobium galegae, a species recorded only as endosymbiont of Galega officinalis and G. orientalis in northern regions so far.

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2009

Mesorhizobium metallidurans sp. nov., a metal-resistant symbiont of Anthyllis vulneraria growing on metallicolous soil in Languedoc, France.

Céline Vidal; Clémence Chantreuil; Odile Berge; Lucette Mauré; José Escarré; Gilles Béna; Brigitte Brunel; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel

A polyphasic taxonomic approach was used to characterize 31 rhizobial isolates obtained from Anthyllis vulneraria, a metallicolous legume species, growing close to a zinc mine in the south of France (Saint Laurent le Minier). Comparative analysis of nearly full-length 16S rRNA gene sequences showed that these Gram-negative bacteria belonged to the genus Mesorhizobium and that they were related most closely to Mesorhizobium tianshanense ORS 2640(T). The phylogenetic relationships of these isolates with other Mesorhizobium species were confirmed by sequencing and analysis of the recA and atpD genes, which were used as alternative chromosomal markers. These novel mesorhizobial strains tolerated high concentrations of heavy metals: 16-32 mM Zn and 0.3-0.5 mM Cd. DNA-DNA hybridizations revealed >73 % relatedness between the strains isolated from A. vulneraria, but only 19-33 % relatedness between these and the type strains of M. tianshanense and Mesorhizobium mediterraneum. These results, together with other phenotypic characteristics, support the conclusion that these isolates represent a single, novel species of the genus Mesorhizobium, for which the name Mesorhizobium metallidurans sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is STM 2683(T) (=CFBP 7147(T)=LMG 24485(T)).

Molecular Ecology | 2006

Recombination and selection shape the molecular diversity pattern of nitrogen-fixing Sinorhizobium sp. associated to Medicago

Xavier Bailly; Isabelle Olivieri; Stéphane De Mita; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel; Gilles Béna

We investigate the genetic structure and molecular selection pattern of a sympatric population of Sinorhizobium meliloti and Sinorhizobium medicae. These bacteria fix nitrogen in association with plants of the genus Medicago. A set of 116 isolates were obtained from a soil sample, from root nodules of three groups of plants representing among‐species, within‐species and intraline diversity in the Medicago genus. Bacteria were characterized by sequencing at seven loci evenly distributed along the genome of both Sinorhizobium species, covering the chromosome and the two megaplasmids. We first test whether the diversity of host plants influence the bacterial diversity recovered. Using the same data set, we then analyse the selective pattern at each locus. There was no relationship between the diversity of Medicago plants that were used for sampling and the diversity of their symbionts. However, we found evidence of selection within each of the two main symbiotic regions, located on the two different megaplasmids. Purifying selection or a selective sweep was found to occur in the nod genomic region, which includes genes involved in nodulation specificity, whereas balancing selection was detected in the exo region, close to genes involved in exopolysaccharide production. Such pattern likely reflects the interaction between host plants and bacterial symbionts, with a possible conflict of interest between plants and cheater bacterial genotypes. Recombination appears to occur preferentially within and among loci located on megaplasmids, rather than within the chromosome. Thus, recombination may play an important role in resolving this conflict by allowing different selection patterns at different loci.

Planta | 1993

Purification, properties and partial amino-acid sequence of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase from apple fruits

Eve Dupille; Cesar Valmor Rombaldi; Jean-Marc Lelièvre; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel; Jean-Claude Pech; Alain Latché

The enzyme which converts 1-aminocyclo-propane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) into ethylene, ACC oxidase, has been isolated from apple fruits (Malus x domestica Borkh. cv. Golden Delicious), and for the first time stabilized in vitro by 1,10-phenanthroline and purified 170-fold to homogeneity in a five-step procedure. The sodium dodecyl sulfate-denatured and native proteins have similar molecular weights (approx. 40 kDa) indicating that the enzyme is active in its monomeric form. Antibodies raised against a recombinant ACC oxidase over-produced in Escherichia coli from a tomato cDNA recognise the apple-fruit enzyme with high specificity in both crude extracts and purified form. Glycosylation appears to be absent because of (i) the lack of reactivity towards a mixture of seven different biotinylated lectins and (ii) the absence of N-linked substitution at a potential glycosylation site, in a sequenced peptide. Phenylhydrazine and 2-methyl-1-2-dipyridyl propane do not inhibit activity, indicating that ACC oxidase is not a prosthetic-heme iron protein. The partial amino-acid sequence of the native protein has strong homology to the predicted protein of a tomato fruit cDNA demonstrated to encode ACC oxidase.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2008

Effects of Medicago truncatula Genetic Diversity, Rhizobial Competition, and Strain Effectiveness on the Diversity of a Natural Sinorhizobium Species Community

Cécile Rangin; Brigitte Brunel; Jean-Claude Cleyet-Marel; Marie-Mathilde Perrineau; Gilles Béna

ABSTRACT We investigated the genetic diversity and symbiotic efficiency of 223 Sinorhizobium sp. isolates sampled from a single Mediterranean soil and trapped with four Medicago truncatula lines. DNA molecular polymorphism was estimated by capillary electrophoresis-single-stranded conformation polymorphism and restriction fragment length polymorphism on five loci (IGSNOD, typA, virB11, avhB11, and the 16S rRNA gene). More than 90% of the rhizobia isolated belonged to the Sinorhizobium medicae species (others belonged to Sinorhizobium meliloti), with different proportions of the two species among the four M. truncatula lines. The S. meliloti population was more diverse than that of S. medicae, and significant genetic differentiation among bacterial populations was detected. Single inoculations performed in tubes with each bacterial genotype and each plant line showed significant bacterium-plant line interactions for nodulation and N2 fixation levels. Competition experiments within each species highlighted either strong or weak competition among genotypes within S. medicae and S. meliloti, respectively. Interspecies competition experiments showed S. meliloti to be more competitive than S. medicae for nodulation. Although not highly divergent at a nucleotide level, isolates collected from this single soil sample displayed wide polymorphism for both nodulation and N2 fixation. Each M. truncatula line might influence Sinorhizobium soil population diversity differently via its symbiotic preferences. Our data suggested that the two species did not evolve similarly, with S. meliloti showing polymorphism and variable selective pressures and S. medicae showing traces of a recent demographic expansion. Strain effectiveness might have played a role in the species and genotype proportions, but in conjunction with strain adaptation to environmental factors.

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