
PLOS ONE | 2011

Arctic Ocean microbial community structure before and after the 2007 record sea ice minimum.

André M. Comeau; William K. W. Li; Jean-Éric Tremblay; Eddy C. Carmack; Connie Lovejoy

Increasing global temperatures are having a profound impact in the Arctic, including the dramatic loss of multiyear sea ice in 2007 that has continued to the present. The majority of life in the Arctic is microbial and the consequences of climate-mediated changes on microbial marine food webs, which are responsible for biogeochemical cycling and support higher trophic levels, are unknown. We examined microbial communities over time by using high-throughput sequencing of microbial DNA collected between 2003 and 2010 from the subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) layer of the Beaufort Sea (Canadian Arctic). We found that overall this layer has freshened and concentrations of nitrate, the limiting nutrient for photosynthetic production in Arctic seas, have decreased. We compared microbial communities from before and after the record September 2007 sea ice minimum and detected significant differences in communities from all three domains of life. In particular, there were significant changes in species composition of Eukarya, with ciliates becoming more common and heterotrophic marine stramenopiles (MASTs) accounting for a smaller proportion of sequences retrieved after 2007. Within the Archaea, Marine Group I Thaumarchaeota, which earlier represented up to 60% of the Archaea sequences in this layer, have declined to <10%. Bacterial communities overall were less diverse after 2007, with a significant decrease of the Bacteroidetes. These significant shifts suggest that the microbial food webs are sensitive to physical oceanographic changes such as those occurring in the Canadian Arctic over the past decade.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012

Role for urea in nitrification by polar marine Archaea

Laura Alonso-Sáez; Allison S Waller; Daniel R. Mende; Kevin Bakker; Hanna Farnelid; Patricia L. Yager; Connie Lovejoy; Jean-Éric Tremblay; Marianne Potvin; Friederike Heinrich; Marta Estrada; Lasse Riemann; Peer Bork; Carlos Pedrós-Alió; Stefan Bertilsson

Despite the high abundance of Archaea in the global ocean, their metabolism and biogeochemical roles remain largely unresolved. We investigated the population dynamics and metabolic activity of Thaumarchaeota in polar environments, where these microorganisms are particularly abundant and exhibit seasonal growth. Thaumarchaeota were more abundant in deep Arctic and Antarctic waters and grew throughout the winter at surface and deeper Arctic halocline waters. However, in situ single-cell activity measurements revealed a low activity of this group in the uptake of both leucine and bicarbonate (<5% Thaumarchaeota cells active), which is inconsistent with known heterotrophic and autotrophic thaumarchaeal lifestyles. These results suggested the existence of alternative sources of carbon and energy. Our analysis of an environmental metagenome from the Arctic winter revealed that Thaumarchaeota had pathways for ammonia oxidation and, unexpectedly, an abundance of genes involved in urea transport and degradation. Quantitative PCR analysis confirmed that most polar Thaumarchaeota had the potential to oxidize ammonia, and a large fraction of them had urease genes, enabling the use of urea to fuel nitrification. Thaumarchaeota from Arctic deep waters had a higher abundance of urease genes than those near the surface suggesting genetic differences between closely related archaeal populations. In situ measurements of urea uptake and concentration in Arctic waters showed that small-sized prokaryotes incorporated the carbon from urea, and the availability of urea was often higher than that of ammonium. Therefore, the degradation of urea may be a relevant pathway for Thaumarchaeota and other microorganisms exposed to the low-energy conditions of dark polar waters.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2014

Recent Arctic Ocean sea ice loss triggers novel fall phytoplankton blooms

Mathieu Ardyna; Marcel Babin; Michel Gosselin; Emmanuel Devred; Luc Rainville; Jean-Éric Tremblay

Recent receding of the ice pack allows more sunlight to penetrate into the Arctic Ocean, enhancing productivity of a single annual phytoplankton bloom. Increasing river runoff may, however, enhance the yet pronounced upper ocean stratification and prevent any significant wind-driven vertical mixing and upward supply of nutrients, counteracting the additional light available to phytoplankton. Vertical mixing of the upper ocean is the key process that will determine the fate of marine Arctic ecosystems. Here we reveal an unexpected consequence of the Arctic ice loss: regions are now developing a second bloom in the fall, which coincides with delayed freezeup and increased exposure of the sea surface to wind stress. This implies that wind-driven vertical mixing during fall is indeed significant, at least enough to promote further primary production. The Arctic Ocean seems to be experiencing a fundamental shift from a polar to a temperate mode, which is likely to alter the marine ecosystem.

Science | 1996

Vertical Flux of Biogenic Carbon in the Ocean: Is There Food Web Control?

Richard B. Rivkin; Louis Legendre; Don Deibel; Jean-Éric Tremblay; Bert Klein; Kenneth Crocker; Suzanne Roy; Norman Silverberg; Connie Lovejoy; Fabrice Mesplé; N. Romero; M. Robin Anderson; Paul Matthews; Claude Savenkoff; Alain F. Vézina; Jean-Claude Therriault; Joel Wesson; Chantal Bérubé; R. Grant Ingram

Models of biogenic carbon (BC) flux assume that short herbivorous food chains lead to high export, whereas complex microbial or omnivorous food webs lead to recycling and low export, and that export of BC from the euphotic zone equals new production (NP). In the Gulf of St. Lawrence, particulate organic carbon fluxes were similar during the spring phytoplankton bloom, when herbivory dominated, and during nonbloom conditions, when microbial and omnivorous food webs dominated. In contrast, NP was 1.2 to 161 times greater during the bloom than after it. Thus, neither food web structure nor NP can predict the magnitude or patterns of BC export, particularly on time scales over which the ocean is in nonequilibrium conditions.

Climatic Change | 2012

Current state and trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems: I. Primary production

Jean-Éric Tremblay; Dominique Robert; Diana E. Varela; Connie Lovejoy; Gérald Darnis; R. John Nelson; Akash R. Sastri

During the International Polar Year (IPY), large international research programs provided a unique opportunity for assessing the current state and trends in major components of arctic marine ecosystems at an exceptionally wide spatio-temporal scale: sampling covered most regions of the Canadian Arctic (IPY-Canada’s Three Oceans project), and the coastal and offshore areas of the southeastern Beaufort Sea were monitored over almost a full year (IPY-Circumpolar Flaw Lead project). The general goal of these projects was to improve our understanding of how the response of arctic marine ecosystems to climate warming will alter the productivity and structure of the food web and the ecosystem services it provides to Northerners. The present paper summarizes and discusses six key findings related to primary production (PP), which determines the amount of food available to consumers. (1) Offshore, the warming and freshening of the surface layer is leading to the displacement of large nanophytoplankton species by small picophytoplankton cells, with potentially profound bottom-up effects within the marine food web. (2) In coastal areas, PP increases as favourable winds and the deeper seaward retreat of ice promote upwelling. (3) Multiple upwelling events repeatedly provide food to herbivores throughout the growth season. (4) A substantial amount of pelagic PP occurs under thinning ice and cannot be detected by orbiting sensors. (5) Early PP in the spring does not imply a trophic mismatch with key herbivores. (6) The epipelagic ecosystem is very efficient at retaining carbon in surface waters and preventing its sedimentation to the benthos. While enhanced PP could result in increased fish and marine mammal harvests for Northerners, it will most likely be insufficient for sustainable large-scale commercial fisheries in the Canadian Arctic.

Climatic Change | 2012

Current state and trends in Canadian Arctic marine ecosystems: II. Heterotrophic food web, pelagic-benthic coupling, and biodiversity

Gérald Darnis; Dominique Robert; Corinne Pomerleau; Philippe Archambault; R. John Nelson; Maxime Geoffroy; Jean-Éric Tremblay; Connie Lovejoy; S. H. Ferguson; Brian P. V. Hunt; Louis Fortier

As part of the Canadian contribution to the International Polar Year (IPY), several major international research programs have focused on offshore arctic marine ecosystems. The general goal of these projects was to improve our understanding of how the response of arctic marine ecosystems to climate warming will alter food web structure and ecosystem services provided to Northerners. At least four key findings from these projects relating to arctic heterotrophic food web, pelagic-benthic coupling and biodiversity have emerged: (1) Contrary to a long-standing paradigm of dormant ecosystems during the long arctic winter, major food web components showed relatively high level of winter activity, well before the spring release of ice algae and subsequent phytoplankton bloom. Such phenological plasticity among key secondary producers like zooplankton may thus narrow the risks of extreme mismatch between primary production and secondary production in an increasingly variable arctic environment. (2) Tight pelagic-benthic coupling and consequent recycling of nutrients at the seafloor characterize specific regions of the Canadian Arctic, such as the North Water polynya and Lancaster Sound. The latter constitute hot spots of benthic ecosystem functioning compared to regions where zooplankton-mediated processes weaken the pelagic-benthic coupling. (3) In contrast with another widely shared assumption of lower biodiversity, arctic marine biodiversity is comparable to that reported off Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Canada, albeit threatened by the potential colonization of subarctic species. (4) The rapid decrease of summer sea-ice cover allows increasing numbers of killer whales to use the Canadian High Arctic as a hunting ground. The stronger presence of this species, bound to become a new apex predator of arctic seas, will likely affect populations of endemic arctic marine mammals such as the narwhal, bowhead, and beluga whales.

Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography | 2000

Effects of pelagic food-web interactions and nutrient remineralization on the biogeochemical cycling of carbon: a modeling approach

Rucheng Tian; Alain F. Vézina; Louis Legendre; R.G Ingram; Bert Klein; T. Packard; Suzanne Roy; Claude Savenkoff; Norman Silverberg; J.-C Therriault; Jean-Éric Tremblay

Abstract The operation of the oceans biological CO2 pump depends on both the structure of the pelagic food web and remineralization processes in the water column. We have developed a novel pelagic ecosystem model to study the effects on carbon export of food-web interactions in the euphotic zone and remineralization processes over the entire water column. The one-dimensional model consists of 10 state variables that span the herbivorous and microbial food webs. It is forced by solar radiation, vertical mixing, and the nitrate concentration in deep water. According to the model, adjusted against a CJGOFS data set, up to 52% of the nitrate-based phytoplankton production is processed by the microbial food web before being exported from the euphotic zone. Remineralization of dissolved organic carbon and suspended particles in the water column is a key control on carbon export, and up to 77% of the total material exported from the euphotic zone is remineralized in a layer located between the bottom of the euphotic zone and the annual maximum depth of the surface mixed layer. Nitrification of ammonia released within this layer satisfies most of the biological demand for nitrate in the euphotic zone. This places limitations on the use of new production as usually determined at sea (i.e. based on the uptake of nitrate) to estimate carbon export towards the deep.

Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography | 2000

Trophic structure of macrobenthos in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the Scotian Shelf

G. Desrosiers; Claude Savenkoff; M Olivier; G. Stora; K. Juniper; A Caron; J.-P Gagné; Louis Legendre; S Mulsow; Jon Grant; Suzanne Roy; Anthony Grehan; P. Scaps; Norman Silverberg; Bert Klein; Jean-Éric Tremblay; J.-C. Therriault

Abstract The Gulf of St. Lawrence and Scotian Shelf provide a diversity of oceanographic conditions in a continental margin setting. Climate is markedly seasonal, and bathymetry and hydrodynamic conditions cover a broad range, significantly influencing the patterns of organic matter sedimentation and, potentially, benthic community dynamics. Samples for analysis of benthic macrofauna and sediment microorganisms were collected at six stations in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL) and the Scotian Shelf during winter and summer cruises, as part of the Canadian Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. Multivariate analyses indicate significant site-related trends in trophic guilds, benthic assemblages, and microbial activity, some of which are related to geomorphological characteristics (bathymetry, topography, and substratum). Macrofaunal trophic guild data show that the stations with relatively deep settling basins (Cabot Strait and Emerald Basin), dominated by surface deposit feeders, were distinct from stations with sloping bottoms (Anticosti Gyre and Anticosti Channel), where subsurface deposit feeders dominated or surface and subsurface deposit feeders were equally abundant. Deposit feeders (surface and subsurface trophic groups) made up >60% of the benthic communities, except at the Scotian slope station where they represented 44% of the total benthic abundances. Based on the data collected in both the water column and the sediment at three deep stations in the GSL, we hypothesize that the proportion of surface and subsurface deposit feeders, and thus the nature of bioturbation activity, is related to the magnitude and pattern of organic matter supply from the euphotic zone.

Geophysical Research Letters | 2014

Shifts in biological productivity inferred from nutrient drawdown in the southern Beaufort Sea (2003–2011) and northern Baffin Bay (1997–2011), Canadian Arctic

Myriam Bergeron; Jean-Éric Tremblay

This paper reports the first in situ evidence of change in the net biological productivity of high-latitude western Arctic seas. Estimates of seasonal drawdown for major plant nutrients show that net community production (NCP) shifted differently in two contrasted Canadian oceanographic settings. In the stratified southeast Beaufort Sea, seasonal nitrate consumption increased 1.6-fold between 2003–2004 and 2010–2011. The concomitant thickening of the nitrate-depleted layer in summer/fall implies that subsurface chlorophyll maxima now consume nutrients over a larger extent of the water column. Meanwhile, nitrate consumption in the once productive North Water Polynya declined by 65% and is now nearly on par with the oligotrophic coastal Beaufort Sea. This decline is attributed to freshening and increased stratification. Commensurate changes in silicate and phosphate drawdown in the two regions indicate that diatoms drove the spatial and temporal shifts in NCP.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2011

Barium and carbon fluxes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago

Helmuth Thomas; E. H. Shadwick; Frank Dehairs; Bruno Lansard; Alfonso Mucci; Jacques Navez; Yves Gratton; Friederike Prowe; Melissa Chierici; Agneta Fransson; Tim Papakyriakou; Erika Sternberg; Lisa A. Miller; Jean-Éric Tremblay; Christophe Monnin

The seasonal and spatial variability of dissolved Barium (Ba) in the Amundsen Gulf,southeastern Beaufort Sea, was monitored over a full year from September 2007 to September 2008. Dissolved Ba displays a nutrient・type behavior: the maximum water column concentration is located below the surface layer. The highest Ba concentrations are typically observed at river mouths, the lowest concentrations are found in water masses of Atlantic origin. Barium concentrations decrease eastward through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Barite (BaSO 4 ) saturation is reached at the maximum dissolved Ba concentrations in the subsurface layer, whereas the rest of the water column is undersaturated. A three end‐member mixing model comprising freshwater from sea・ice melt and rivers, as well as upper halocline water, is used to establish their relative contributions to the Ba concentrations in the upper water column of the Amundsen Gulf. Based on water column and riverine Ba contributions, we assess the depletion of dissolved Ba by formation and sinking of biologically bound Ba (bio・Ba), from which we derive an estimate of the carbon export production. In the upper 50 m of the water column of the Amundsen Gulf, riverine Ba accounts for up to 15% of the available dissolved Ba inventory, of which up to 20% is depleted by bio-Ba formation and export. Since riverine inputs and Ba export occur concurrently, the seasonal variability of dissolved Ba in the upper water column is moderate. Assuming a fixed organic carbon to bio・Ba flux ratio, carbon export out of the surface layer is estimated at 1.8 ・ 0.45 mol C m −2 yr −1 . Finally, we propose a climatological carbon budget for the Amundsen Gulf based on recent literature data and our findings, the latter bridging the surface and subsurface water carbon cycles.

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