Jean-François Julien
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Journal of Neurochemistry | 1988
Philippe Vernier; Jean-François Julien; Pierre Rataboul; Odile Fourrier; Claude Feuerstein; Jacques Mallet
Abstract: The time course changes in levels of mRNA encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and proenkephalin (PPE) was analyzed in the rat striatum following unilateral lesion of substantia nigra with 6‐hydroxydopamine. The levels of both GAD and PPE mRNAs increased after the dopaminergic deafferentation, reaching concomitantly a maximal twofold increase on day 25. Thereafter, the mRNA levels declined; at 4 months, the amount of PPE mRNA remained slightly elevated whereas GAD mRNA had returned to the control value, suggesting the action of a compensatory mechanism. We also observed a rise of glial fi‐brillary acidic protein mRNA level which reflects a reactive astrocytosis. In contrast, α‐tubulin mRNA level remained unchanged, indicating that no significant synaptogenesis occurs in this experimental situation. No obvious modification in mRNA levels was detected in the striatum contralateral to the lesion. These results highlight the role of the modulation of gene expression in adaptive processes to dopamine deficiency in striatal efferent pathways. Its relevance to the pathophysiology of Parkinsons disease is discussed.
Neuroscience Letters | 1989
Hitoshi Okamura; Anne Bérod; Jean-François Julien; Michel Geffard; Kunio Kitahama; Jacques Mallet; Pierre Bobillier
The existence of GABAergic neurons in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) was demonstrated by three specific markers; mRNA coding for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and visualized by in situ hybridization using a 35S-labelled cDNA probe, and GAD protein and GABA were identified by immunocytochemistry using specific antisera. In situ hybridization demonstrated well labelled GAD mRNA positive cells throughout SCN, and GABA and GAD immunoreactive cells showed similar distributions. These results indicate that GABA is a transmitter of a large portion of the SCN neuronal population.
Neuroscience | 1990
Hitoshi Okamura; M. Abitbol; Jean-François Julien; S. Dumas; Anne Bérod; Michel Geffard; K. Kitahama; Pierre Bobillier; Jacques Mallet; L. Wiklund
Previous deafferentation studies have suggested that most hypothalamic GABAergic innervation originates from neurons within the hypothalamus. We have investigated the distribution of GABAergic cell groups in the rat hypothalamus by means of the in situ hybridization technique, using a cDNA probe for messenger RNA encoding glutamate decarboxylase. Several major GABAergic cell groups were demonstrated, including cells of the tuberomammillary nucleus, arcuate nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus, medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamic area, the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, perifornical area, and lateral hypothalamic area. The most prominent glutamate decarboxylase mRNA-containing cell groups were located in the medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamic area and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus, and were composed of small- to medium-sized neurons. Compared to previously well-characterized GABAergic cell groups in the tuberomammillary nucleus, reticular thalamic nucleus, and non-pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex, the cells of these GABAergic groups demonstrated only weak cDNA labelling, indicating that they contain lower levels of glutamate decarboxylase mRNA. Several types of control experiments supported the specificity of this cDNA labelling, and the GABAergic nature of these cell populations was further supported by detection of glutamate decarboxylase and GABA immunoreactivity. Abundance of GABAergic cells in many hypothalamic nuclei indicates that GABA represents quantitatively the most important transmitter of hypothalamic neurons, and may be involved in neuroendocrine and autonomic regulatory functions.
Current Biology | 2003
Benjamin Prud'homme; Renaud de Rosa; Detlev Arendt; Jean-François Julien; Rafael Pajaziti; Adriaan Dorresteijn; André Adoutte; Joachim Wittbrodt; Guillaume Balavoine
The origin of animal segmentation, the periodic repetition of anatomical structures along the anteroposterior axis, is a long-standing issue that has been recently revived by comparative developmental genetics. In particular, a similar extensive morphological segmentation (or metamerism) is commonly recognized in annelids and arthropods. Mostly based on this supposedly homologous segmentation, these phyla have been united for a long time into the clade Articulata. However, recent phylogenetic analysis dismissed the Articulata and thus challenged the segmentation homology hypothesis. Here, we report the expression patterns of genes orthologous to the arthropod segmentation genes engrailed and wingless in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. In Platynereis, engrailed and wingless are expressed in continuous ectodermal stripes on either side of the segmental boundary before, during, and after its formation; this expression pattern suggests that these genes are involved in segment formation. The striking similarities of engrailed and wingless expressions in Platynereis and arthropods may be due to evolutionary convergence or common heritage. In agreement with similarities in segment ontogeny and morphological organization in arthropods and annelids, we interpret our results as molecular evidence of a segmented ancestor of protostomes.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 1990
Jean-François Julien; Philippe Samama; Jacques Mallet
A cDNA clone complementary to the rat brain glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA was isolated from a rat brain cDNA expression library using an antibody specific to the enzyme. The cDNA insert has been shown to direct the synthesis of an active protein in Escherichia coli. In this study, the nucleotide sequence of this clone, which includes the complete coding region, is presented. The predicted protein is 593 amino acids in length. The first 557 residues display a 95% identity when compared with the corresponding cat sequence. However, the deduced amino acid sequence of the carboxy‐terminal end of the rat protein, downstream of residue 557, is totally different from the cat, whereas it agrees with a published partial peptidic sequence of the rat protein.
Neuroscience Letters | 1987
Jean-François Julien; Francois Legay; Sylvie Dumas; Marcel Tappaz; Jacques Mallet
A cDNA library was generated in the expression vector lambda GT11 from rat brain poly(A)+ RNAs and screened with a GAD antiserum. Two clones reacted positively. One of them was shown to express a GAD activity which was specifically trapped on anti-GAD immunogel and was inhibited by gamma-acetylenic-GABA. Blot hybridization analysis of RNAs from rat brain revealed a single 4 kilobases band. Preliminary in situ hybridizations showed numerous cells labelled by the GAD probe such as the Purkinje and stellate cells in the cerebellar cortex and the cells of the reticular thalamic nucleus.
Journal of Neurochemistry | 1991
Jocelyne Caboche; Philippe Vernier; Jean-François Julien; Monique Rogard; Jacques Mallet; Marie-Jo Besson
Abstract: The levels of mRNA encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and preproenkephalin (PPE) were measured by Northern blot analysis, in the dorsal and the ventral part of the striatum, following long‐term treatments with drugs acting selectively on D1 or D2 dopaminergic receptors. Chronic injection of the selective D1 antagonist SCH 23390 elicited a significant decrease in level of both GAD and PPE mRNA (−30%) in the dorsal striatum, whereas no significant change was observed in the ventral striatum. Chronic administration of both SCH 23390 and RU 24926, a D2 agonist, decreased the GAD and PPE mRNA levels in the dorsal (−38 and −57%, respectively) as well as in the ventral (−70 and −60%, respectively) striatum. In the ventral striatum the marked reduction of GAD mRNA levels was paralleled by a significant decrease of Vmax values of GAD enzymatic activity (−41%). These results suggest that the decrease in content of both GAD and PPE mRNA, promoted by the chronic blockade of D1 receptors, is mainly due to the action of dopamine acting on unaffected D2 receptors. Indeed, this decrease is further amplified when the D2 agonist and the D1 antagonist are administered together. Our results substantiate further the molecular mechanisms by which dopamine acts on different populations of GABAergic and enkephalinergic neurons in the two striatal regions examined.
Brain Research | 2001
Ouria Dkhissi; Jean-François Julien; Marguerite Wasowicz; Najet Dalil-Thiney; Jeanine Nguyen-Legros; Claudine Versaux-Botteri
The development of synthetic enzymes in the GABAergic system (GAD(67) and GAD(65)) of the rat retina was analyzed from birth to the 4th postnatal week by the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and by immunohistochemistry. As previously observed for GABA, immunoreactive GAD(67) profiles are seen clearly in the inner retinal layers at birth. At the end of the 1st week of postnatal life, immunolabeling is detected in amacrine and/or ganglion cells and in horizontal cells. GAD(67) immunoreactivity is transiently expressed in horizontal cells and disappears during the 3rd postnatal week. GAD(65) however does not develop until the 5th postnatal day. Immunolabeling is detected in the processes layering the inner plexiform layer (IPL) before being detected in the amacrine and/or ganglion cell bodies. The appearance of transcripts for GAD coincided with the appearance of the proteins. A transient form of mRNA transcripts of the GAD(67) gene containing an extra exon (ES-exon) is also observed which disappears progressively from birth to the 4th postnatal week. This form synthesizes a truncated, enzymatically inactive protein, which could participate in the regulation of GABA synthesis from glutamate present at high levels during retinogenesis.
PLOS ONE | 2014
Aurélie Lacoeuilhe; Nathalie Machon; Jean-François Julien; Agathe Le Bocq; Christian Kerbiriou
Anthropogenic light pollution is an increasingly significant issue worldwide. Over the past century, the use of artificial lighting has increased in association with human activity. Artificial lights are suspected to have substantial effects on the ecology of many species, e.g., by producing discontinuities in the territories of nocturnal animals. We analyzed the potential influence of the intensity and type of artificial light on bat activity in a semi-natural landscape in France. We used a species approach, followed by a trait-based approach, to light sensitivity. We also investigated whether the effect of light could be related to foraging traits. We performed acoustic surveys at sites located along a gradient of light intensities to assess the activity of 15 species of bats. We identified 2 functional response groups of species: one group that was light-tolerant and one group that was light-intolerant. Among the species in the latter group that appear to be disadvantaged by lighting conditions, many are rare and threatened in Europe, whereas the species from the former group are better able to thrive in disturbed habitats such as lighted areas and may actually benefit from artificial lighting. Finally, several methods of controlling light pollution are suggested for the conservation of bat communities. Recommendations for light management and the creation of dim-light corridors are proposed; these strategies may play an important role in protecting against the impact of light pollution on nocturnal animals.
European Journal of Neuroscience | 1992
Jocelyne Caboche; Philippe Vernier; Monique Rogard; Jean-François Julien; Jacques Mallet; Marie-Jo Besson
Levels of messenger RNA (mRNA) encoding glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and preproenkephalin (PPE) were measured by Northern blot and in situ hybridization analyses in the striatum of the rat, after chronic injections of two neuroleptics, sulpiride and haloperidol. The Northern blot analysis showed that the chronic injection of sulpiride at high doses (80 mg/kg, twice a day, 14 days) increased striatal GAD and PPE mRNA levels by 120% and 78% respectively, when compared to vehicle‐injected rats. Haloperidol injections at relatively low doses (1 mg/kg, once a day, 14 days) produced parallel increases in GAD (40%) and PPE (52%) mRNA levels. After in situ hybridization densitometric measurements were performed on autoradiograms from rats treated with sulpiride, haloperidol or vehicle. The distribution of GAD and PPE mRNA signals in control rats was homogeneous along the rostrocaudal extension of the striatum. A similar increase was found along this axis after sulpiride (20%) and haloperidol (30%) treatments. The cellular observation of hybridization signals showed that grain density for GAD mRNA was increased in a majority of striatal cells after both treatments. By contrast, the PPE mRNA hybridization signal only increased in a subpopulation of neurons. The effects of such treatments were also analysed by measuring GAD activity in the striatum and in its output structures, the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra. After the administration of sulpiride, GAD activity was not modified in the striatum but increased in the globus pallidus (by 17%). After haloperidol treatment, GAD activity was increased in the globus pallidus (20%) and the substantia nigra (17%). It is concluded that the interruption of dopaminergic transmission, more precisely the D2 receptor blockade, promotes in striatopallidal neurons an increase in GAD mRNA accompanied by an increase in GAD activity and PPE mRNA. A possible regulation of GAD mRNA and GAD activity in striatonigral neurons is also discussed.