
American Journal of Human Genetics | 2003

Mitochondrial Polymorphisms Significantly Reduce the Risk of Parkinson Disease

Joelle M. van der Walt; Eden R. Martin; William K. Scott; Martha Nance; Ray L. Watts; Jean Hubble; Jonathan L. Haines; William C. Koller; Kelly Lyons; Rajesh Pahwa; Matthew B. Stern; Amy Colcher; Bradley C. Hiner; Joseph Jankovic; William G. Ondo; Fred H. Allen; Christopher G. Goetz; Gary W. Small; F.L. Mastaglia; Jeffrey M. Stajich; Adam McLaurin; Lefkos T. Middleton; Burton L. Scott; Donald E. Schmechel; Margaret A. Pericak-Vance; Jeffery M. Vance

Mitochondrial (mt) impairment, particularly within complex I of the electron transport system, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease (PD). More than half of mitochondrially encoded polypeptides form part of the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase (NADH) complex I enzyme. To test the hypothesis that mtDNA variation contributes to PD expression, we genotyped 10 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that define the European mtDNA haplogroups in 609 white patients with PD and 340 unaffected white control subjects. Overall, individuals classified as haplogroup J (odds ratio [OR] 0.55; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.34-0.91; P=.02) or K (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.30-0.90; P=.02) demonstrated a significant decrease in risk of PD versus individuals carrying the most common haplogroup, H. Furthermore, a specific SNP that defines these two haplogroups, 10398G, is strongly associated with this protective effect (OR 0.53; 95% CI 0.39-0.73; P=.0001). SNP 10398G causes a nonconservative amino acid change from threonine to alanine within the NADH dehydrogenase 3 (ND3) of complex I. After stratification by sex, this decrease in risk appeared stronger in women than in men (OR 0.43; 95% CI 0.27-0.71; P=.0009). In addition, SNP 9055A of ATP6 demonstrated a protective effect for women (OR 0.45; 95% CI 0.22-0.93; P=.03). Our results suggest that ND3 is an important factor in PD susceptibility among white individuals and could help explain the role of complex I in PD expression.

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2002

Age at onset in two common neurodegenerative diseases is genetically controlled.

Yi-Ju Li; William K. Scott; Dale J. Hedges; Fengyu Zhang; P. Craig Gaskell; Martha Nance; Ray L. Watts; Jean Hubble; William C. Koller; Rajesh Pahwa; Matthew B. Stern; Bradley C. Hiner; Joseph Jankovic; Fred H. Allen; Christopher G. Goetz; F.L. Mastaglia; Jeffrey M. Stajich; Rachel A. Gibson; Lefkos T. Middleton; Ann M. Saunders; Burton L. Scott; Gary W. Small; Allison D. Reed; Donald E. Schmechel; Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer; P. Michael Conneally; Allen D. Roses; John R. Gilbert; Jeffery M. Vance; Jonathan L. Haines

To identify genes influencing age at onset (AAO) in two common neurodegenerative diseases, a genomic screen was performed for AAO in families with Alzheimer disease (AD; n=449) and Parkinson disease (PD; n=174). Heritabilities between 40%--60% were found in both the AD and PD data sets. For PD, significant evidence for linkage to AAO was found on chromosome 1p (LOD = 3.41). For AD, the AAO effect of APOE (LOD = 3.28) was confirmed. In addition, evidence for AAO linkage on chromosomes 6 and 10 was identified independently in both the AD and PD data sets. Subsequent unified analyses of these regions identified a single peak on chromosome 10q between D10S1239 and D10S1237, with a maximum LOD score of 2.62. These data suggest that a common gene affects AAO in these two common complex neurodegenerative diseases.

Neurology | 2003

Randomized trial of the adenosine A2A receptor antagonist istradefylline in advanced PD

Robert A. Hauser; Jean Hubble; Daniel D. Truong

Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of the adenosine A2A receptor antagonist istradefylline (KW-6002) in patients with levodopa-treated Parkinson’s disease (PD) with both motor fluctuations and peak-dose dyskinesias. Methods: This was a 12-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, exploratory study in which PD subjects with both motor fluctuations and peak-dose dyskinesias were randomized to treatment with placebo (n = 29), istradefylline up to 20 mg/day (n = 26), or istradefylline up to 40 mg/day (n = 28). There was no prespecified primary outcome measure, and 19 outcome variables were analyzed. Results: As assessed by home diaries, subjects assigned to istradefylline experienced a mean (± SE) reduction in the proportion of awake time spent in the “off” state of 7.1 ± 2.0% compared with an increase of 2.2 ± 2.7% in the placebo group (p = 0.008). There was a decrease in “off” time of 1.2 ± 0.3 hours in the istradefylline group compared with an increase of 0.5 ± 0.5 hour in the placebo group (p = 0.004). Dyskinesia severity was unchanged, but “on” time with dyskinesia increased in the istradefylline group compared with the placebo group (percent, p = 0.002; hours, p = 0.001). No differences were observed in change in Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale scores or Clinical Global Impression of Change. Twenty-four percent of placebo-assigned subjects and 20% of istradefylline-assigned subjects withdrew from the study. Both dose regimens of istradefylline were generally well tolerated, and nausea was the most common adverse event. Conclusion: Istradefylline was generally well tolerated and reduced “off” time as assessed by home diaries. Severity of dyskinesia was unchanged, but “on” time with dyskinesia increased.

Neurology | 1993

Risk factors for Parkinson's disease

Jean Hubble; T. Cao; R.E.S. Hassanein; J. S. Neuberger; W. C. Roller

Parkinsons disease (PD) has been associated with rural living, well-water consumption, and pesticide exposure; however, the individual risk contribution of these variables has not been established. We examined social and medical histories of predominantly rural populations to determine relative risk factors for PD. Patients and controls were surveyed regarding residency, occupation, medical history, and social and dietary habits. An initial multiple logistic regression model was confounded by excessive variable collinearity. Principal factor analysis yielded three factors: rural living (including years of rural residency and ground-water use), pesticide use, and male lifestyle (male gender, head trauma, male-dominated occupations). Other variables did not load in factor analysis and were entered separately, with the three factor scores, in a second multiple logistic regression model. Significant predictors of PD emerged (in order of strength): pesticide use, family history of neurologic disease, and history of depression. The predicted probability of PD was 92.3% (odds ratio = 12.0) with all three predictors positive. Pesticide use (distinguishable from rural living) can be considered a risk factor for the development of PD, with family history of neurologic disease and history of depression serving as weaker predictors of PD.

Neurology | 2003

Heterozygosity for a mutation in the parkin gene leads to later onset Parkinson disease

Tatiana Foroud; Sean K. Uniacke; L. Liu; Nathan Pankratz; Alice Rudolph; Cheryl Halter; Clifford W. Shults; Karen Marder; P.M. Conneally; William C. Nichols; Lawrence I. Golbe; William C. Koller; Kelly Lyons; Frederick Marshall; David Oakes; Aileen Shinaman; Eric Siemers; Joanne Wojcieszek; Joann Belden; Julie H. Carter; Richard Camicioli; Pamela Andrews; Magali Fernandez; Jean Hubble; Carson Reider; Ali H. Rajput; Alex Rajput; Theresa Shirley; Michael Panisset; Jean Hall

Background: The vast majority of the parkin mutations previously identified have been found in individuals with juvenile or early onset PD. Previous screening of later onset PD cohorts has not identified substantial numbers of parkin mutations. Methods: Families with at least two siblings with PD were ascertained to identify genes contributing to PD susceptibility. Screening of the parkin gene, by both quantitative PCR and exon sequencing, was performed in those families with either early onset PD (age onset ≤50 years) or positive lod score with a marker in intron 7 of the parkin gene. Results: A total of 25 different mutations in the parkin gene were identified in 103 individuals from 47 families. Mutations were found in both parkin alleles in 41 of the individuals, whereas a single mutation in only one of the two parkin alleles was observed in 62 individuals. Thirty-five of the subjects (34%) with a parkin mutation had an age at onset of 60 years or above with 30 of these 35 (86%) having a detectable mutation on only one parkin allele. Few significant clinical differences were observed among the individuals with two, one, or no mutated copies of the parkin gene. Conclusion: Mutations in the parkin gene occur among individuals with PD with an older age at onset (≥60 years) who have a positive family history of the disease. In addition, the clinical findings of parkin-positive individuals are remarkably similar to those without mutations.

Annals of Neurology | 2003

Parkin mutations and susceptibility alleles in late-onset Parkinson's disease

Sofia A. Oliveira; William K. Scott; Eden R. Martin; Martha Nance; Ray L. Watts; Jean Hubble; William C. Koller; Rajesh Pahwa; Matthew B. Stern; Bradley C. Hiner; William G. Ondo; Fred H. Allen; Burton L. Scott; Christopher G. Goetz; Gary W. Small; F.L. Mastaglia; Jeffrey M. Stajich; Fengyu Zhang; Michael W. Booze; Michelle P. Winn; Lefkos T. Middleton; Jonathan L. Haines; Margaret A. Pericak-Vance; Jeffery M. Vance

Parkin, an E2‐dependent ubiquitin protein ligase, carries pathogenic mutations in patients with autosomal recessive juvenile parkinsonism, but its role in the late‐onset form of Parkinsons disease (PD) is not firmly established. Previously, we detected linkage of idiopathic PD to the region on chromosome 6 containing the Parkin gene (D6S305, logarithm of odds score, 5.47) in families with at least one subject with age at onset (AAO) younger than 40 years. Mutation analysis of the Parkin gene in the 174 multiplex families from the genomic screen and 133 additional PD families identified mutations in 18% of early‐onset and 2% of late‐onset families (5% of total families screened). The AAO of patients with Parkin mutations ranged from 12 to 71 years. Excluding exon 7 mutations, the mean AAO of patients with Parkin mutations was 31.5 years. However, mutations in exon 7, the first RING finger (Cys253Trp, Arg256Cys, Arg275Trp, and Asp280Asn) were observed primarily in heterozygous PD patients with a much later AAO (mean AAO, 49.2 years) but were not found in controls in this study or several previous reports (920 chromosomes). These findings suggest that mutations in Parkin contribute to the common form of PD and that heterozygous mutations, especially those lying in exon 7, act as susceptibility alleles for late‐onset form of Parkinson disease. Ann Neurol 2003

American Journal of Human Genetics | 2003

Significant Linkage of Parkinson Disease to Chromosome 2q36-37

Nathan Pankratz; William C. Nichols; Sean K. Uniacke; Cheryl Halter; Alice Rudolph; Cliff Shults; P. Michael Conneally; Tatiana Foroud; Lawrence I. Golbe; William C. Koller; Kelly Lyons; Karen Marder; Frederick Marshall; David Oakes; Aileen Shinaman; Eric Siemers; Joanne Wojcieszek; Joann Belden; Julie H. Carter; Richard Camicioli; Pamela Andrews; Magali Fernandez; Jean Hubble; Carson Reider; Ali H. Rajput; Alex Rajput; Theresa Shirley; Michel Panisset; Jean Hall; Tilak Mendis

Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, surpassed in frequency only by Alzheimer disease. Elsewhere we have reported linkage to chromosome 2q in a sample of sibling pairs with PD. We have now expanded our sample to include 150 families meeting our strictest diagnostic definition of verified PD. To further delineate the chromosome 2q linkage, we have performed analyses using only those pedigrees with the strongest family history of PD. Linkage analyses in this subset of 65 pedigrees generated a LOD score of 5.1, which was obtained using an autosomal dominant model of disease transmission. This result strongly suggests that variation in a gene on chromosome 2q36-37 contributes to PD susceptibility.

Clinical Neuropharmacology | 1995

Pramipexole in patients with early Parkinson's disease

Jean Hubble; William C. Koller; Cutler Nr; Sramek Jj; Joseph H. Friedman; Christopher G. Goetz; Ranhosky A; Korts D; Elvin A

We evaluated the efficacy, safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetics of pramipexole, a novel dopamine D2 receptor agonist, in early Parkinsons disease (PD). The study design was a parallel, placebo-controlled trial using an ascending dose of 4.5 mg/day pramipexole maximum. All subjects received selegiline (10 mg/day) but were not treated with levodopa. Of the 55 subjects who received at least one dose of the study medication, all but one, in the placebo group, completed the trial, which was 9 weeks in duration. The primary efficacy endpoints were changes in scores from baseline to final measurement on the Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) Parts II and III. The pramipexole group had a significantly greater improvement (p = 0.002) than the placebo group on UPDRS Part II (Activities of Daily Living). The change in score from baseline to final measurement on UPDRS Part III (Motor Examination) was not significantly different (p = 0.10) between the pramipexole and placebo groups, although the trend favoured the pramipexole group. All subjects in both the pramipexole and the placebo groups experienced one or more episodes of asymptomatic orthostatic hypotension; there was no significant difference between the pramipexole and the placebo groups in the number of subjects experiencing symptomatic orthostatic hypotension. The adverse events profile of pramipexole was similar, in general, to that of other dopamine receptor agonists. Plasma pramipexole levels increased linearly with dose. Pramipexole appears to be promising agent in the treatment of early PD.

Neurology | 2004

Apolipoprotein E controls the risk and age at onset of Parkinson disease

Yi-Ju Li; Michael A. Hauser; William K. Scott; Eden R. Martin; Michael W. Booze; Xuejun Qin; Jeffrey W. Walter; Martha Nance; Jean Hubble; William C. Koller; Rajesh Pahwa; Matthew B. Stern; Bradley C. Hiner; Joseph Jankovic; Christopher G. Goetz; Gary W. Small; F.L. Mastaglia; Jonathan L. Haines; Margaret A. Pericak-Vance; J. M. Vance

Background: Similarities between Alzheimer disease (AD) and Parkinson disease (PD) suggest a possible role for apolipoprotein E (APOE) in PD. Most previous studies seeking to establish such a link used case-control datasets and results have been inconsistent. Objective: To investigate APOE’s role in PD using family-based association analyses. Methods: APOE functional polymorphisms were genotyped for 658 PD affected families, including 282 multiplex and 376 singleton families. The pedigree disequilibrium test (PDT) and the genotype-PDT were used to test the risk effect of APOE. The Monks-Kaplan test was used to evaluate the effect of APOE on age at onset of PD. Results: APOE was significantly associated with risk of developing PD. Stratified analysis revealed that APOE was most strongly associated with families with a positive PD family history (global p = 0.003). Like AD, the APOE-4 allele increases disease risk while the APOE-3 allele decreases risk. We detected a positive association of APOE-3 (p = 0.019) and a negative association of APOE-4 (p = 0.015) with age at onset in PD. Conclusions: The APOE-4 allele increases risk and decreases age at onset of PD, an association that may not be dependent upon cognitive impairment.

Neuroepidemiology | 1996

Risk Factors for Dementia in Parkinson's Disease: Effect of Education

S.L. Glatt; Jean Hubble; K. Lyons; A. Paolo; A.I. Tröster; R.E.S. Hassanein; William C. Koller

Cognitive deficits are common in Parkinsons disease (PD), but the pathophysiology and relationship to Alzheimers disease (AD) are not understood. We used a case-control format to investigate putative risk factors for the development of dementia in patients with Parkinsons disease. We compared 52 cognitively intact patients with PD to 43 PD patients with dementia with regard to factors previously suggested as relevant to either AD or PD. Multiple logistic regression yielded the following significant predictors of dementia in PD: lack of education (less than a high school graduate) (OR 21); severity of motor deficit (UPDRS total motor score greater than 20; OR 6.34), and PD onset at greater than 60 years of age (OR 4.12). The predictive probability of dementia in our subjects when all three variables were positive was 97.9%. We conclude that education may modify the risk of cognitive decline in PD. Protective effects of educational attainment, independent of dementia etiology, may be due to greater functional brain reserve.

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