
Science | 2011

Light Propagation with Phase Discontinuities: Generalized Laws of Reflection and Refraction

Nanfang Yu; Patrice Genevet; Mikhail A. Kats; Francesco Aieta; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; Federico Capasso; Z. Gaburro

Light propagation can be controlled with plasmonic interfaces that introduce abrupt phase shifts along the optical path. Conventional optical components rely on gradual phase shifts accumulated during light propagation to shape light beams. New degrees of freedom are attained by introducing abrupt phase changes over the scale of the wavelength. A two-dimensional array of optical resonators with spatially varying phase response and subwavelength separation can imprint such phase discontinuities on propagating light as it traverses the interface between two media. Anomalous reflection and refraction phenomena are observed in this regime in optically thin arrays of metallic antennas on silicon with a linear phase variation along the interface, which are in excellent agreement with generalized laws derived from Fermat’s principle. Phase discontinuities provide great flexibility in the design of light beams, as illustrated by the generation of optical vortices through use of planar designer metallic interfaces.

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics | 2013

Flat Optics: Controlling Wavefronts With Optical Antenna Metasurfaces

Nanfang Yu; Patrice Genevet; Francesco Aieta; Mikhail A. Kats; Romain Blanchard; Guillaume Aoust; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; Z. Gaburro; Federico Capasso

Conventional optical components rely on the propagation effect to control the phase and polarization of light beams. One can instead exploit abrupt phase and polarization changes associated with scattered light from optical resonators to control light propagation. In this paper, we discuss the optical responses of anisotropic plasmonic antennas and a new class of planar optical components (“metasurfaces”) based on arrays of these antennas. To demonstrate the versatility of metasurfaces, we show the design and experimental realization of a number of flat optical components: 1) metasurfaces with a constant interfacial phase gradient that deflect light into arbitrary directions; 2) metasurfaces with anisotropic optical responses that create light beams of arbitrary polarization over a wide wavelength range; 3) planar lenses and axicons that generate spherical wavefronts and nondiffracting Bessel beams, respectively; and 4) metasurfaces with spiral phase distributions that create optical vortex beams of well-defined orbital angular momentum.

Nano Letters | 2010

Large Enhancement of Nonlinear Optical Phenomena by Plasmonic Nanocavity Gratings

Patrice Genevet; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; Evangelos Gatzogiannis; Romain Blanchard; Mikhail A. Kats; Marlan O. Scully; Federico Capasso

Enhancing nonlinear processes at the nanoscale is a crucial step toward the development of nanophotonics and new spectroscopy techniques. Here we demonstrate a novel plasmonic structure, called plasmonic nanocavity grating, which is shown to dramatically enhance surface nonlinear optical processes. It consists of resonant cavities that are periodically arranged to combine local and grating resonances. The four-wave mixing signal generated in our gold nanocavity grating is enhanced by a factor up to ≈2000, 2 orders of magnitude higher than that previously reported.

Applied Physics Letters | 2012

Nanoscale magnetic field mapping with a single spin scanning probe magnetometer

L. Rondin; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; Piernicola Spinicelli; C. Dal Savio; Khaled Karrai; Géraldine Dantelle; A. Thiaville; S. Rohart; Jean-François Roch; V. Jacques

We demonstrate quantitative magnetic field mapping with nanoscale resolution, by applying a lock-in technique on the electron spin resonance frequency of a single nitrogen-vacancy defect placed at the apex of an atomic force microscope tip. In addition, we report an all-optical magnetic imaging technique which is sensitive to large off-axis magnetic fields, thus extending the operation range of diamond-based magnetometry. Both techniques are illustrated by using a magnetic hard disk as a test sample. Owing to the non-perturbing and quantitative nature of the magnetic probe, this work should open up numerous perspectives in nanomagnetism and spintronics.

Science | 2014

Nanoscale imaging and control of domain-wall hopping with a nitrogen-vacancy center microscope

Jean-Philippe Tetienne; T. Hingant; Joo-Von Kim; L. Herrera Diez; Jean-Paul Adam; K. Garcia; Jean-François Roch; S. Rohart; A. Thiaville; D. Ravelosona; V. Jacques

Observing jumping domain walls Domain walls, which separate regions of opposite magnetization in a ferromagnet, have rich dynamics that are difficult to characterize in small samples. Tetienne et al. imaged the magnetization of a thin ferromagnetic wire and observed the jumping of a domain wall between different positions along the wire. They used a scanning magnetic microscope based on a defect in diamond. The laser light needed to operate the microscope also enabled the control of the domain wall motion by causing local heating, which made the illuminated position more likely to contain a domain wall. Science, this issue p. 1366 A microscope based on a single spin of a diamond defect is used to observe magnetism dynamics. The control of domain walls in magnetic wires underpins an emerging class of spintronic devices. Propagation of these walls in imperfect media requires defects that pin them to be characterized on the nanoscale. Using a magnetic microscope based on a single nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond, we report domain-wall imaging on a 1-nanometer-thick ferromagnetic nanowire and directly observe Barkhausen jumps between two pinning sites spaced 50 nanometers apart. We further demonstrate in situ laser control of these jumps, which allows us to drag the domain wall along the wire and map the pinning landscape. Our work demonstrates the potential of NV microscopy to study magnetic nano-objects in complex media, whereas controlling domain walls with laser light may find an application in spintronic devices.

New Journal of Physics | 2012

Magnetic-field-dependent photodynamics of single NV defects in diamond: an application to qualitative all-optical magnetic imaging

Jean-Philippe Tetienne; L. Rondin; Piernicola Spinicelli; Mayeul Chipaux; Thierry Debuisschert; Jean-François Roch; V. Jacques

Magnetometry and magnetic imaging with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond rely on the optical detection of electron spin resonance (ESR). However, this technique is inherently limited to magnetic fields that are weak enough to avoid electron spin mixing. Here we focus on the high off-axis magnetic field regime for which spin mixing alters the NV defect spin dynamics. We first study in a quantitative manner the dependence of the NV defect optical properties on the magnetic field vector B. Magnetic-field-dependent time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements are compared to a seven-level model of the NV defect that accounts for field-induced spin mixing. The model reproduces the decreases in (i) ESR contrast, (ii) PL intensity and (iii) excited level lifetime with an increasing off-axis magnetic field. We next demonstrate that those effects can be used to perform all-optical magnetic imaging in the high off-axis magnetic field regime. Using a scanning NV defect microscope, we map the stray field of a magnetic hard disk through both PL and fluorescence lifetime imaging. This all-optical method for high magnetic field imaging at the nanoscale might be of interest in the field of nanomagnetism, where samples producing fields in excess of several tens of milliteslas are typical.

Nature Communications | 2013

Stray-field imaging of magnetic vortices with a single diamond spin

L. Rondin; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; S. Rohart; A. Thiaville; T. Hingant; Piernicola Spinicelli; Jean-François Roch; V. Jacques

Despite decades of advances in magnetic imaging, obtaining direct, quantitative information with nanometre scale spatial resolution remains an outstanding challenge. Recently, a technique has emerged that employs a single nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond as an atomic-size magnetometer, which promises significant advances. However, the effectiveness of the technique when applied to magnetic nanostructures remains to be demonstrated. Here we use a scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometer to image a magnetic vortex, which is one of the most iconic objects of nanomagnetism, owing to the small size (~10 nm) of the vortex core. We report three-dimensional, vectorial and quantitative measurements of the stray magnetic field emitted by a vortex in a ferromagnetic square dot, including the detection of the vortex core. We find excellent agreement with micromagnetic simulations, both for regular vortex structures and for higher-order magnetization states. These experiments establish scanning nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry as a practical and unique tool for fundamental studies in nanomagnetism.

Nature Communications | 2015

The nature of domain walls in ultrathin ferromagnets revealed by scanning nanomagnetometry.

Jean-Philippe Tetienne; T. Hingant; L. J. Martínez; Stanislas Rohart; A. Thiaville; L. Herrera Diez; K. Garcia; Jean-Paul Adam; Joo-Von Kim; Jean-François Roch; Ioan Mihai Miron; Gilles Gaudin; Laurent Vila; Berthold Ocker; D. Ravelosona; V. Jacques

The capacity to propagate magnetic domain walls with spin-polarized currents underpins several schemes for information storage and processing using spintronic devices. A key question involves the internal structure of the domain walls, which governs their response to certain current-driven torques such as the spin Hall effect. Here we show that magnetic microscopy based on a single nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond can provide a direct determination of the internal wall structure in ultrathin ferromagnetic films under ambient conditions. We find pure Bloch walls in Ta/CoFeB(1 nm)/MgO, while left-handed Néel walls are observed in Pt/Co(0.6 nm)/AlOx. The latter indicates the presence of a sizable interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which has strong bearing on the feasibility of exploiting novel chiral states such as skyrmions for information technologies.

Applied Physics Letters | 2014

Perfect preferential orientation of nitrogen-vacancy defects in a synthetic diamond sample

Margarita Lesik; Jean-Philippe Tetienne; Alexandre Tallaire; J. Achard; V. Mille; A. Gicquel; Jean-François Roch; V. Jacques

We show that the orientation of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) defects in diamond can be efficiently controlled through chemical vapor deposition growth on a (111)-oriented diamond substrate. More precisely, we demonstrate that spontaneously generated NV defects are oriented with a ∼97% probability along the [111] axis, corresponding to the most appealing orientation among the four possible crystallographic axes. Such a nearly perfect preferential orientation is explained by analyzing the diamond growth mechanism on a (111)-oriented substrate and could be extended to other types of defects. This work is a significant step towards the design of optimized diamond samples for quantum information and sensing applications.

Physical Review B | 2013

Spin relaxometry of single nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond nanocrystals for magnetic noise sensing

Jean-Philippe Tetienne; T. Hingant; L. Rondin; A. Cavailles; Ludovic Mayer; Géraldine Dantelle; Thierry Gacoin; Jörg Wrachtrup; Jean-François Roch; V. Jacques

We report an experimental study of the longitudinal relaxation time (

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