
Veterinary Research | 2011

Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection and relationship with Crassostrea gigas spat mortality in France between 1998 and 2006

Celine Garcia; Anne Thebault; Lionel Degremont; Isabelle Arzul; Laurence Miossec; Maeva Robert; Bruno Chollet; Cyrille Francois; Jean-Pierre Joly; Sylvie Ferrand; Nolwenn Kerdudou; Tristan Renault

Since its molecular characterisation, Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) has been regularly detected in Crassostrea gigas in France. Although its pathogenicity was demonstrated on larval stages, its involvement during mortality outbreaks at the juvenile stage was highly suspected but not evidenced. To investigate mortality outbreaks, the French National Network for Surveillance and Monitoring of Mollusc Health (REPAMO) carried out two surveys in juvenile C. gigas. The first survey lasted from 1998 to 2006 and was an epidemiological inquiry occurring when oyster farmers reported mortality outbreaks. The second survey, a longitudinal one, was set up in 1998 to complete the network observations on OsHV-1. Data analysis showed a specific pattern of mortality outbreaks associated with OsHV-1 detection. Ostreid herpesvirus 1 detection mainly appeared during the summer, suggesting the influence of the seawater temperature on its occurrence. It mostly presented a patchy distribution in the field in contrast to the nursery. Significant relationship between OsHV-1 detection and spat mortality was found, preferentially in sheltered and closed environments. The longitudinal survey confirmed most of the network observations. Although subsequent works particularly epidemiological surveys would be useful to confirm the causal link between the detection of OsHV-1 and the mortality outbreaks in juvenile C. gigas, the role of OsHV-1 in oyster mortality is progressing.

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2010

Detection of Bonamia ostreae and B. exitiosa (Haplosporidia) in Ostrea edulis from the Adriatic Sea (Italy)

V. Narcisi; Isabelle Arzul; D. Cargini; F. Mosca; A. Calzetta; D. Traversa; Maeva Robert; Jean-Pierre Joly; Bruno Chollet; Tristan Renault; P. G. Tiscar

The flat oyster Ostrea edulis L. is widespread along the Italian coasts. In particular, the Manfredonia Gulf (Adriatic Sea) represents an important site where natural beds subsist. Previous monitoring conducted in 1990 by light microscopy and ultrastructural studies revealed the presence of Bonamia-like microcell parasites in some flat oysters: following this observation, a new sampling of O. edulis was carried out at this location in 2007. Of 750 oysters collected, 3 showed the presence of uninucleated microcells (2 to 3 microm diameter) free or inside the haemocyte cytoplasm by cytology and histopathology. Molecular analysis confirmed that the microcells in 2 oysters were B. exitiosa, whereas in the third oyster the microcells were B. ostreae. Moreover, molecular studies were carried out to confirm the existence of Bonamia sp. in archived samples, confirming the presence of B. ostreae in the Manfredonia Gulf since 1990.

Veterinary Parasitology | 2011

Can the protozoan parasite Bonamia ostreae infect larvae of flat oysters Ostrea edulis

Isabelle Arzul; Aime Langlade; Bruno Chollet; Maeva Robert; Sylvie Ferrand; Emmanuelle Omnes; Sophie Lerond; Yann Couraleau; Jean-Pierre Joly; Cyrille Francois; Celine Garcia

Bonamia ostreae is an intracellular protistan parasite affecting flat oysters Ostrea edulis. It can be detected in juveniles but mortalities mainly affect oysters which are more than 2 years old. The parasite is usually observed inside haemocytes and sometimes free, notably in gill epithelia suggesting a parasite release through this organ. However, the infective form and ways of entry and release remain undetermined. Flat oysters incubate their larvae in their pallial cavity for 8-10 days before releasing them into the water column. Flat oysters in Bay of Quiberon in South Brittany (France) are known to be infected with B. ostreae since 1979 and is the most important area in France for O. edulis spat collection. Flat oysters incubating larvae were sampled in this area during summertime between 2007 and 2009. Both adults and larvae were preserved and assayed by PCR and in situ hybridisation (ISH). PCR tests revealed the presence of parasite DNA in some adults and larvae. Specific labelling could be detected by ISH in gills, digestive system, gonad and mantle in adults and in the epithelium surrounding the visceral cavity of some larvae. Our results demonstrate that larvae can be infected with B. ostreae. Larvae might thus contribute to the spread of the parasite during their planktonic life. In addition, their transfer for aquaculture purpose should be controlled especially when they are exported from infected zones.

Parasitology | 2012

One Perkinsus species may hide another: characterization of Perkinsus species present in clam production areas of France

Isabelle Arzul; Bruno Chollet; Michel J; Maeva Robert; Celine Garcia; Jean-Pierre Joly; Cyrille Francois; Laurence Miossec

Although clam populations in France are known to be infected with protozoans of the genus Perkinsus, no molecular characterization was previously performed on these parasites. Considering that several members of this genus have been associated with mortalities of molluscs worldwide, a study was undertaken in order to characterize these parasites in France. For that purpose, clams, Ruditapes philippinarum and R. decussatus, collected from different production areas and found to be infected with Perkinsus sp. in thioglycolate culture medium, were selected for PCR-RFLP tests and sequencing. Perkinsus olseni was detected in all the investigated areas and results also suggested the presence of P. chesapeaki in Leucate, a lagoon on the Mediterranean coast and in Bonne Anse in Charente Maritime, on the Atlantic coast. Clonal cultures from both detected species were produced in order to describe and compare in vitro stages. Differences in size between both Perkinsus spp. were noticed especially for schizonts and zoosporangia. Lastly, in situ hybridization tests allowed confirmation of the presence of both species in the same R. decussatus population and even in same clams. This is the first detection of P. chesapeaki in Ruditapes species and outside North America, which questions its introduction into Europe.

Molecular and Cellular Probes | 2009

Molecular detection and quantification of the protozoan Bonamia ostreae in the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis.

Maeva Robert; Celine Garcia; Bruno Chollet; Inmaculada López-Flores; Sylvie Ferrand; Cyrille Francois; Jean-Pierre Joly; Isabelle Arzul

Bonamia ostreae is an intracellular protozoan which is recognized as a cause of mortality in European populations of flat oysters (Ostrea edulis). Based on the recent characterization of actin genes of B. ostreae, specific primers were designed for real-time PCR using SYBR Green chemistry. Specificity was demonstrated by the unique melting temperature peak observed in positive samples and by the lack of amplification in samples of oysters infected by closely related parasites, including Bonamia exitiosa. A calibration curve using a cloned template was defined to estimate copy number. The assay had a 6 log- dynamic range, mean inter- and intra-assay variation coefficients of <1% and a minimum detection limit of 50 gene copies per reaction. Using infected oyster samples as templates, the assay was at least 10-fold more sensitive than conventional PCR. The quantitative assay was applied to test 132 oysters, and results were compared with the heart imprint method. There was a strong correlation between both techniques, and the results showed that the real-time PCR assay should be useful for studies of the ecology of B. ostreae and its host-parasite relationship.

Journal of Fish Diseases | 2008

Comparative experimental infection of the copepod Paracartia grani with Marteilia refringens and Marteilia maurini

N. Carrasco; Isabelle Arzul; Bruno Chollet; Maeva Robert; Jean-Pierre Joly; M. D. Furones; Franck Berthe

Paracartia grani (Copepoda) has been identified as a potential intermediate host in the life cycle of Marteilia refringens, a paramyxean parasite infecting flat oysters. However, no intermediate host has yet been identified for Marteilia maurini that infects mussels. A better understanding of the life cycle of these two Marteilia types would clarify their taxonomic relationship and hypothesized co-specificity. For this purpose, experimental infections of copepods, P. grani, were performed using naturally infected flat oysters and mussels. Infection patterns were different depending whether copepods were infected from oysters or mussels. M. maurini did not proliferate in copepods while M. refringens rapidly proliferated in infected copepods. Previously unrecognized developmental stages of M. refringens were found during this study.

Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | 2008

First isolation of Nocardia crassostreae from Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in Europe.

M.Y. Engelsma; Ineke Roozenburg; Jean-Pierre Joly

In summer 2006 an extensive mortality of Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas occurred in Lake Grevelingen, the Netherlands. A sample of Pacific oysters was investigated for the presence of shellfish pathogens as potential causes of the mortality. Yellow-green lesions were observed in several oysters upon clinical inspection. Histopathology showed that 6 out of 36 oysters had a suspected bacterial infection, including 4 Nocardia-like infections. Two bacterial species, Vibrio aestuarianus and Nocardia crassostreae, were isolated from haemolymph samples and identified using PCR and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. This is the first isolation of N. crassostreae from shellfish in European waters. The near full-length 16S rRNA sequence of this Dutch Nocardia sp. isolate was identical to other known N. crassostreae isolates from the west coast of North America. The primary cause of oyster mortality was thought to be the physiological stress from environmental conditions, including prolonged high water temperatures and low oxygen levels. The multiple bacterial species isolated from the diseased Pacific oysters may have been a secondary cause.

Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2013

Characterization of the protozoan parasite Marteilia refringens infecting the dwarf oyster Ostrea stentina in Tunisia.

Refka Elgharsalli; Nejla Aloui-Bejaoui; Hedi salah; Bruno Chollet; Jean-Pierre Joly; Maeva Robert; Yann Couraleau; Isabelle Arzul

Marteilia refringens is a protozoan parasite recognized as a significant pathogen of the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis. The life cycle of this species is still poorly known, although there is evidence of the need for intermediate host(s). In the present study, we have used molecular approaches to identify this parasite in samples of the dwarf oyster Ostrea stentina after reports of massive mortality along the Tunisian coasts. In 2009 we evaluated the status of O. stentina from Monastir and checked if there was an infection with M. refringens, using polymerase chain reaction assays. Of the 103 tested O. stentina, 85 were PCR-positive using a Marteilia genus-specific assay. Additional assays were subsequently carried out on some samples collected in 2010 in Monastir and processed for histology, transmission electron microscopy and complementary molecular analyses. PCR was carried out to amplify the IGS and ITS regions. Histological and transmission electron microscopy analyses allowed us to confirm the presence of this parasite in the digestive gland tissue of O. stentina and to characterize it at the ultrastructural level. This is the first record of the occurrence of M. refringens in the oyster O. stentina along the Tunisian coasts.

Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology | 2017

Contribution of in Vivo Experimental Challenges to Understanding Flat Oyster Ostrea edulis Resistance to Bonamia ostreae

Benjamin Morga; Tristan Renault; Nicole Faury; Sophie Lerond; Celine Garcia; Bruno Chollet; Jean-Pierre Joly; Sylvie Lapegue; Estelle Harrang; Isabelle Arzul

Bonamiosis due to the parasite Bonamia ostreae has been associated with massive mortality outbreaks in European flat oyster stocks in Europe. As eradication and treatment are not possible, the control of the disease mainly relies on transfer restriction. Moreover, selection has been applied to produce resistant flat oyster families, which present better survival and lower prevalence than non-selected oysters. In order to better understand the mechanisms involved in resistance to bonamiosis, cellular and molecular responses of 2 oyster groups (selected oysters and wild-type oysters) were analyzed in the context of experimental injection and cohabitation infections. Cellular responses including non-specific esterases detection, ROS production and phagocytosis activity were analyzed by flow cytometry. Four genes homologous to those shown to be involved in immunity were selected (Inhibitor of apotosis OeIAP, Fas ligand OeFas-ligand, Oe-SOD, and OeEc-SOD) and monitored by quantitative reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). Infected oysters showed higher phagocytosis activity than controls. Infected selected oyster show a lower phagocytosis activity which might be a protection against the parasite infection. The expression of OeIAP and OeFas-ligand gene was significantly increased in selected oysters at 5 days post-injection. OeIAP gene expression appeared to be significantly increased in wild-type oysters at 8 days post-injection. Our results suggest that resistance to bonamiosis partly relies on the ability of the oysters to modulate apoptosis.

Parasites & Vectors | 2018

Descriptions of Mikrocytos veneroïdes n. sp. and Mikrocytos donaxi n. sp. (Ascetosporea: Mikrocytida: Mikrocytiidae), detected during important mortality events of the wedge clam Donax trunculus Linnaeus (Veneroida: Donacidae), in France between 2008 and 2011

Celine Garcia; Christophe Haond; Bruno Chollet; Mirella Nerac; Emmanuelle Omnes; Jean-Pierre Joly; Christine Dubreuil; Delphine Serpin; Aime Langlade; Dominique Le Gal; Aouregan Terre-Terrillon; Olivier Courtois; Benjamin Guichard; Isabelle Arzul

BackgroundMicrocell parasites are small intracellular protozoans mostly detected in molluscs and can be associated with mortalities. In 2010 and 2011, strong increases in mortality events were reported in different wild beds of the wedge clam Donax trunculus Linnaeus, along the Atlantic coast of France and the presence of potential pathogens, including microcells, was investigated.MethodsClams collected in different beds showing mortality were examined by histology. Based on histological observations, confirmatory analyses were carried out, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and molecular characterization.ResultsHistological analyses revealed the presence of small protozoans similar to microcell parasites in different tissues of Donax trunculus, particularly in muscular and connective tissues. TEM examination confirmed the intracellular localization of the protozoans. Moreover, the lack of haplosporosomes and mitochondria suggested that the observed parasites belong to the genus Mikrocytos Farley, Wolf & Elston, 1988. Mikrocytos genus-specific PCR and in situ hybridization results supported the microscopic observations. Sequence fragments of the 18S rRNA gene shared 75–83% identity with the different Mikrocytos spp. described previously, including Mikrocytos mackini Farley, Wolf & Elston, 1988 and M. boweri Abbott, Meyer, Lowe, Kim & Johnson, 2014. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the microcell parasites observed in Donax trunculus in France belong to the genus Mikrocytos and suggest the existence of two distinct species.ConclusionsBased on morphological, ultrastructural, molecular data and host information, the two microcell parasites detected in Donax trunculus belong to the genus Mikrocytos and are distinct from previously described members of this genus. This is the first report of Mikrocytos spp. found in France and infecting the clam Donax trunculus. Mikrocytos veneroïdes n. sp. was detected in different wild beds and Mikrocytos donaxi n. sp. was detected only in Audierne Bay.

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