
Featured researches published by Jean Quilbeuf.

Distributed Computing | 2012

A framework for automated distributed implementation of component-based models

Borzoo Bonakdarpour; Marius Bozga; Mohamad Y. Jaber; Jean Quilbeuf; Joseph Sifakis

Although distributed systems are widely used nowadays, their implementation and deployment are still time-consuming, error-prone, and hardly predictable tasks. In this paper, we propose a method for producing automatically efficient and correct-by-construction distributed implementations from a model of the application software in Behavior, Interaction, Priority (BIP). BIP is a well-founded component-based framework encompassing high-level multi-party interactions for synchronizing components (e.g., rendezvous and broadcast) and dynamic priorities for scheduling between interactions. Our method transforms an arbitrary BIP model into a Send/Receive BIP model that is directly implementable on distributed execution platforms. The transformation consists in (1) breaking the atomicity of actions in components by replacing synchronous multiparty interactions with asynchronous Send/Receive interactions; (2) inserting distributed controllers that coordinate the execution of interactions according to a user-defined partition of interactions, and (3) adding a distributed algorithm for handling conflicts between controllers. The obtained Send/Receive BIP model is proven observationally equivalent to its corresponding initial model. Hence, all functional properties of the initial BIP model are preserved by construction in the implementation. Moreover, the obtained Send/Receive BIP model can be used to automatically derive distributed executable code. The proposed method is fully implemented. Currently, it is possible to generate C++ implementations for (1) TCP sockets for conventional distributed communication, (2) MPI for multi-processor platforms, and (3) POSIX threads for deployment on multi-core platforms. We present four case studies and report experimental results for different design choices including partition of interactions and choice of algorithm for distributed conflict resolution.

embedded software | 2010

From high-level component-based models to distributed implementations

Borzoo Bonakdarpour; Marius Bozga; Mohamad Y. Jaber; Jean Quilbeuf; Joseph Sifakis

Although distributed systems are widely used nowadays, their implementation and deployment is still a time-consuming, error-prone, and hardly predictive task. In this paper, we propose a methodology for producing automatically efficient and correct-by-construction distributed implementations by starting from a high-level model of the application software in BIP. BIP (Behavior, Interaction, Priority) is a component-based framework with formal semantics that rely on multi-party interactions for synchronizing components. Our methodology transforms arbitrary BIP models into Send/Receive BIP models, directly implementable on distributed execution platforms. The transformation consists of (1) breaking atomicity of actions in atomic components by replacing strong synchronizations with asynchronous Send/Receive interactions; (2) inserting several distributed controllers that coordinate execution of interactions according to a user-defined partition, and (3) augmenting the model with a distributed algorithm for handling conflicts between controllers preserving observational equivalence to the initial models. Currently, it is possible to generate from Send/Receive models stand-alone C++ implementations using either TCP sockets for conventional communication, or MPI implementation, for deployment on multi-core platforms. This method is fully implemented. We report concrete results obtained under different scenarios.

international symposium on industrial embedded systems | 2010

Automated conflict-free distributed implementation of component-based models

Borzoo Bonakdarpour; Marius Bozga; Mohamad Y. Jaber; Jean Quilbeuf; Joseph Sifakis

We propose a method for generating distributed implementations from high-level models expressed in terms of a set of components glued by rendezvous interactions. The method is a 2-phase transformation preserving all functional properties. The first phase is a source-to-source transformation from global state to a partial state model (to relax atomicity). This transformation replaces multi-party rendezvous interactions by send/receive primitives managed by a set of automatically generated distributed schedulers. These schedulers are conflict-free by construction in the sense that they do not require communication in order to safely execute interactions of the highlevel model. In the second phase, from the transformed model in phase one, we generate C++ distributed code using either TCP sockets or MPI to implement send/receive primitives. Our method is fully implemented in a tool for automatic generation of distributed applications. We present experimental results using different case studies.

embedded software | 2011

Automated distributed implementation of component-based models with priorities

Borzoo Bonakdarpour; Marius Bozga; Jean Quilbeuf

In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based approach for constructing correct distributed implementation of component-based models constrained by priorities. We argue that model-based methods are especially of interest in the context of distributed embedded system due to their inherent complexity. Our three-phase methods input is a model specified in terms of a set of behavioural components that interact through a set of high-level synchronization primitives (e.g., rendezvous and broadcasts) and priority rules for scheduling purposes. Our technique, first, transforms the input model into a model that has no priorities. Then, it transforms the deprioritized model into another model that resolves distributed conflicts by incorporating a solution to the committee coordination problem. Finally, it generates distributed code using asynchronous point-to-point send/receive primitives. All transformations preserve the properties of their input model by ensuring observational equivalence. The transformations are implemented and our experiments validate their effectiveness.

european conference on software architecture | 2016

Statistical Model Checking of Dynamic Software Architectures

Everton Cavalcante; Jean Quilbeuf; Louis-Marie Traonouez; Flavio Oquendo; Thaís Vasconcelos Batista; Axel Legay

The critical nature of many complex software-intensive systems calls for formal, rigorous architecture descriptions as means of supporting automated verification and enforcement of architectural properties and constraints. Model checking has been one of the most used techniques to automatically verify software architectures with respect to the satisfaction of architectural properties. However, such a technique leads to an exhaustive exploration of all possible states of the system, a problem that becomes more severe when verifying dynamic software systems due to their typical non-deterministic runtime behavior and unpredictable operation conditions. To tackle these issues, we propose using statistical model checking (SMC) to support the verification of dynamic software architectures while aiming at reducing computational resources and time required for this task. In this paper, we introduce a novel notation to formally express architectural properties as well as an SMC-based toolchain for verifying dynamic software architectures described in \(\pi \)-ADL, a formal architecture description language. We use a flood monitoring system to show how to express relevant properties to be verified. We also report the results of some computational experiments performed to assess the efficiency of our approach.

leveraging applications of formal methods | 2016

A Logic for the Statistical Model Checking of Dynamic Software Architectures

Jean Quilbeuf; Everton Cavalcante; Louis-Marie Traonouez; Flavio Oquendo; Thaís Vasconcelos Batista; Axel Legay

Dynamic software architectures emerge when addressing important features of contemporary systems, which often operate in dynamic environments subjected to change. Such systems are designed to be reconfigured over time while maintaining important properties, e.g., availability, correctness, etc. Verifying that reconfiguration operations make the system to meet the desired properties remains a major challenge. First, the verification process itself becomes often difficult when using exhaustive formal methods (such as model checking) due to the potentially infinite state space. Second, it is necessary to express the properties to be verified using some notation able to cope with the dynamic nature of these systems. Aiming at tackling these issues, we introduce DynBLTL, a new logic tailored to express both structural and behavioral properties in dynamic software architectures. Furthermore, we propose using statistical model checking (SMC) to support an efficient analysis of these properties by evaluating the probability of meeting them through a number of simulations. In this paper, we describe the main features of DynBLTL and how it was implemented as a plug-in for PLASMA, a statistical model checker.

FMOODS'12/FORTE'12 Proceedings of the 14th joint IFIP WG 6.1 international conference and Proceedings of the 32nd IFIP WG 6.1 international conference on Formal Techniques for Distributed Systems | 2012

Knowledge-Based distributed conflict resolution for multiparty interactions and priorities

Saddek Bensalem; Marius Bozga; Jean Quilbeuf; Joseph Sifakis

Distributed decentralized implementation of systems of communicating processes raises non-trivial problems. Correct execution of multiparty interactions, subject to priority rules, requires sophisticated mechanisms for runtime conflict detection and resolution. We propose a method for detection of false conflicts which combines partial observation of the systems state and apriori knowledge extracted from invariants. We propose heuristics for determining optimal sets of observations leading to implementations with particular guarantees. We provide preliminary experimental results on an implementation of the method in the BIP framework.

Design Automation for Embedded Systems | 2013

Model-based implementation of distributed systems with priorities

Borzoo Bonakdarpour; Marius Bozga; Jean Quilbeuf

Model-based application development aims at increasing the application’s integrity by using models employed in clearly defined transformation steps leading to correct-by-construction artifacts. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based approach for constructing correct distributed implementation of component-based models constrained by priorities. We argue that model-based methods are especially of interest in the context of distributed embedded systems due to their inherent complexity (e.g., caused by non-deterministic nature of distributed systems). Our method is designed based on three phases of transformation. The input is a model specified in terms of a set of behavioral components that interact through a set of high-level synchronization primitives (e.g., rendezvous and broadcasts) and priority rules for scheduling purposes. The first phase transforms the input model into a model that has no priorities. Then, the second phase transforms the deprioritized model into another model that resolves distributed conflicts by incorporating a solution to the committee coordination problem. Finally, the third phase generates distributed code using asynchronous point-to-point message passing primitives (e.g., TCP sockets). All transformations preserve the properties of their input model by ensuring observational equivalence. All the transformations are implemented and our experiments validate their effectiveness.

programming based on actors, agents, and decentralized control | 2012

Optimized distributed implementation of multiparty interactions with observation

Saddek Bensalem; Marius Bozga; Jean Quilbeuf; Joseph Sifakis

Using high level coordination primitives allows enhanced expressiveness of component-based frameworks to cope with the inherent complexity of present-day systems designs. Nonetheless, their distributed implementation raises multiple issues, regarding both the correctness and the runtime performance of the final implementation. We propose a novel approach for distributed implementation of multiparty interactions subject to scheduling constraints expressed by priorities. We rely on new composition operators and semantics that combine multiparty interactions with observation. We show that this model provides a natural encoding for priorities and moreover, can be used as an intermediate step towards provably correct and optimized distributed implementations.

high-assurance systems engineering | 2017

Verification of Interlocking Systems Using Statistical Model Checking

Quentin Cappart; Christophe Limbrée; Pierre Schaus; Jean Quilbeuf; Louis-Marie Traonouez; Axel Legay

In the railway domain, an interlocking is the system ensuring safe train traffic inside a station by controlling its active elements such as the signals or points. Modern interlockings are configured using particular data, called application data, reflecting the track layout and defining the actions that the interlocking can take. The safety of the train traffic relies thereby on application data correctness, errors inside them can cause safety issues such as derailments or collisions. Given the high level of safety required by such a system, its verification is a critical concern. In addition to the safety, an interlocking must also ensure that availability properties, stating that no train would be stopped forever in a station, are satisfied. Most of the research dealing with this verification relies on model checking. However, due to the state space explosion problem, this approach does not scale for large stations. More recently, a discrete event simulation approach limiting the verification to a set of likely scenarios, was proposed. The simulation enables the verification of larger stations, but with no proof that all the interesting scenarios are covered by the simulation. In this paper, we apply an intermediate statistical model checking approach, offering both the advantages of model checking and simulation. Even if exhaustiveness is not obtained, statistical model checking evaluates with a parametrizable confidence the reliability and the availability of the entire system.

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