
Neurology | 1975

The syndrome of systemic carnitine deficiency Clinical, morphologic, biochemical, and pathophysiologic features

George Karpati; Stirling Carpenter; Andrew G. Engel; Gordon V. Watters; Jeffrey A. Allen; Stanley Rothman; Gerald Klassen; Orval A. Mamer

An 11 -year-old boy had had recurrent episodes of hepatic and cerebral dysfunction and underdeveloped musculature. Overt weakness developed at age 10. Lipid excess, especially in type I fibers, was found in muscle. Hypertrophied smooth endoplasmic reticulum and excessive microbodies were present in liver. Marked carnitine deficiency was shown in skeletal muscle, plasma, and liver. Ketogenesis was impaired on a high fat diet, but omega oxidation of fatty acids was enhanced. There was excessive glucose uptake and essentially no oxidation of labeled long-chain fatty acids by perfused forearm muscles in vivo. Oral replacement therapy restored plasma carnitine levels to normal, but not liver or muscle carnitine levels, and was accompanied by clinical improvement.

American Journal of Psychiatry | 2008

Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) for Outpatients With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial and 1-Year Follow-Up

M.S.W. Nancee Blum; P.A.C. Don St. John; Bruce Pfohl; Scott Stuart; Brett McCormick; Jeffrey A. Allen; Stephan Arndt; Donald W. Black

OBJECTIVE Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) is a 20-week manual-based group treatment program for outpatients with borderline personality disorder that combines cognitive behavioral elements and skills training with a systems component. The authors compared STEPPS plus treatment as usual with treatment as usual alone in a randomized controlled trial. METHOD Subjects with borderline personality disorder were randomly assigned to STEPPS plus treatment as usual or treatment as usual alone. Total score on the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder was the primary outcome measure. Secondary outcomes included measures of global functioning, depression, impulsivity, and social functioning; suicide attempts and self-harm acts; and crisis utilization. Subjects were followed 1 year posttreatment. A linear mixed-effects model was used in the analysis. RESULTS Data pertaining to 124 subjects (STEPPS plus treatment as usual [N=65]; treatment as usual alone [N=59]) were analyzed. Subjects assigned to STEPPS plus treatment as usual experienced greater improvement in the Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder total score and subscales assessing affective, cognitive, interpersonal, and impulsive domains. STEPPS plus treatment as usual also led to greater improvements in impulsivity, negative affectivity, mood, and global functioning. These differences yielded moderate to large effect sizes. There were no differences between groups for suicide attempts, self-harm acts, or hospitalizations. Most gains attributed to STEPPS were maintained during follow-up. Fewer STEPPS plus treatment as usual subjects had emergency department visits during treatment and follow-up. The discontinuation rate was high in both groups. CONCLUSIONS STEPPS, an adjunctive group treatment, can deliver clinically meaningful improvements in borderline personality disorder-related symptoms and behaviors, enhance global functioning, and relieve depression.

Journal of Personality Disorders | 2009

Reliability and validity of the Borderline Evaluation of Severity Over Time (BEST): a self-rated scale to measure severity and change in persons with borderline personality disorder.

Bruce Pfohl; Nancee Blum; Don St. John; Brett McCormick; Jeffrey A. Allen; Donald W. Black

A new self-rated scale to measure severity and change in persons with borderline personality disorder (BPD) is described. The Borderline Evaluation of Severity Over Time (BEST) was developed to rate the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors typical of BPD. Data were collected in the course of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem Solving (STEPPS) for subjects with BPD. The instrument showed moderate test-retest reliability, high internal consistency, and high discriminant validity. Its 15 separate items showed a moderate or better correlation with the total score. The BEST was also sensitive to clinical change as early as week 4 of the RCT and correlated highly with other measures of illness severity. We conclude that the new scale is both reliable and valid in measuring severity and change in persons with BPD.

Current Opinion in Rheumatology | 1997

Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, eosinophilic fasciitis, and related fibrosing disorders

Jeffrey A. Allen; John Varga

Clinically distinct fibrosing processes affecting the skin, selected internal organs, or both in a characteristic pattern are a common cause of morbidity. In addition to systemic sclerosis, the prototype idiopathic fibrosing disorder, these conditions include the eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome, epidemic toxic oil syndrome, eosinophilic fasciitis, localized forms of scleroderma, keloid, and the newly described entity of fibrosing colonopathy. The pathogenesis of these disorders, although still incompletely understood, appears to share similarities with that of systemic sclerosis. Insights into these diseases have recently emerged from epidemiologic and toxicoepidemiologic investigations, in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction amplification of target genomes, and in vivo and in vitro experimental research. Minor contaminants in food supplements, activation and degranulation of eosinophils, altered expression of CD34 antigen on dendritic cells, disordered regulation of fibroblast apoptosis and proliferation, infection with Borrelia organisms, and cytokines such as transforming growth factor-beta, interleukin-4, and connective tissue growth factor are implicated in inducing an accentuated and persistent fibrogenic host response to injury, resulting in tissue fibrosis. In addition, humoral and cellular autoimmunity may also be implicated.

Neurology | 2015

CIDP diagnostic pitfalls and perception of treatment benefit

Jeffrey A. Allen; Richard A. Lewis

Objective: We aimed to explore the diagnosis and misdiagnosis of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and to identify pitfalls that erroneously lead to a misdiagnosis. Methods: A retrospective study of 59 consecutive patients referred with a diagnosis of CIDP was performed. Patients were classified as having or not having CIDP according to European Federation of Neurological Societies/Peripheral Nerve Society (EFNS/PNS) criteria. Diagnostic and treatment data were compared in the 2 groups. Results: Forty-seven percent of patients referred with a diagnosis of CIDP failed to meet minimal CIDP diagnostic requirements. All misdiagnosed patients who satisfied EFNS/PNS clinical criteria would be considered atypical as defined by the EFNS/PNS. CSF cytoalbuminologic dissociation was present in 50% of those without CIDP, although protein elevations were generally mild. Nerve conduction studies in patients without CIDP were heterogeneous, but generally showed demyelinating features better explained by a process other than CIDP. Patients frequently reported improvements after being treated with immunotherapy, even if the CIDP diagnosis was incorrect. Conclusions: CIDP misdiagnosis is common. Over-reliance on subjective patient-reported perception of treatment benefit, liberal electrophysiologic interpretation of demyelination, and placing an overstated importance on mild or moderate cytoalbuminologic dissociation are common diagnostic errors. Utilization of clear and objective indicators of treatment efficacy might improve our ability to make informed treatment decisions.

Attention Perception & Psychophysics | 2000

Neural representation of consciously imperceptible speech sound differences

Jeffrey A. Allen; Nina Kraus; A. N. N. Bradlow

The concept of subliminal perception has been a subject of interest and controversy for decades. Of interest in the present investigation was whether a neurophysiologic index of stimulus change could be elicited to speech sound contrasts that were consciously indiscriminable. The stimuli were chosen on the basis of each individual subject’s discrimination threshold. The speech stimuli (which varied along anF3 onset frequency continuum from /da/ to /ga/) were synthesized so that the acoustical properties of the stimuli could be tightly controlled. Subthreshold and suprathreshold stimuli were chosen on the basis of behavioral ability demonstrated during psychophysical testing. A significant neural representation of stimulus change, reflected by the mismatch negativity response, was obtained in all but 1 subject in response to subthreshold stimuli. Grand average responses differed significantly from responses obtained in a control condition consisting of physiologic responses elicited by physically identical stimuli. Furthermore, responses to suprathreshold stimuli (close to threshold) did not differ significantly from subthreshold responses with respect to latency, amplitude, or area. These results suggest that neural representation of consciously imperceptible stimulus differences occurs and that this representation occurs at a preattentive level.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2013

Gastrostomy tube placement by endoscopy versus radiologic methods in patients with ALS: A retrospective study of complications and outcome

Jeffrey A. Allen; Richard Chen; Senda Ajroud-Driss; Robert Sufit; Scott Heller; Teepu Siddique; Lisa Wolfe

Abstract Gastrostomy tube placement for malnutrition and weight loss stabilization occurs in many patients with ALS. We sought to compare the outcome and complications of gastrostomy tube placement by endoscopic (PEG) and multiple radiologic (RIG) methods in ALS patients. A retrospective analysis was conducted on all ALS patients evaluated at Northwestern University who received gastrostomy tubes between January 2009 and March 2012. One hundred and eight gastrostomy tube attempts were made on a total of 100 different patients. Failed gastrostomy tube placement occurred in 15.7% of PEGs and 1.9% of RIGs. Post-procedure aspiration was recognized after 10.5% PEG and 0 RIG attempts. Multivariate analysis revealed a linear increase in risk of post-procedure aspiration for every increase in ALSFRS swallow score. No statistically significant differences in failure or complications were observed when comparing two different methods of RIG (push-type vs. pull-type). Our findings support gastrostomy tube placement by radiographic methods in ALS patients. Gastrostomy tube placement by RIG was more often successful and less often associated with aspiration. Our findings add to the growing body of literature that argues for early gastrostomy tube placement in young patients with prominent bulbar involvement.

Arthritis & Rheumatism | 2011

Post-epidemic eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome associated with L-tryptophan.

Jeffrey A. Allen; Alicia Peterson; Robert Sufit; Monique Hinchcliff; J. Matthew Mahoney; Tammara A. Wood; Frederick W. Miller; Michael L. Whitfield; John Varga

Eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) is characterized by subacute onset of myalgias and peripheral eosinophilia, followed by chronic neuropathy and skin induration. An epidemic of EMS in 1989 was linked to consumption of L-tryptophan that had originated from a single source. Following the ban by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the sale of L-tryptophan, the incidence of EMS declined rapidly. Moreover, no new cases have been described since the FDA ban was lifted in 2005. We report the clinical, histopathologic, and immunogenetic features of a new case of L-tryptophan-associated EMS, along with evidence of activated transforming growth factor β and interleukin-4 signaling in the lesional skin.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | 2013

Prevalence and characteristics of pain in early and late stages of ALS.

Itza Rivera; Senda Ajroud-Driss; Patricia Casey; Scott Heller; Jeffrey A. Allen; Teepu Siddique; Robert Sufit

Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare pain frequency in early and late stages of ALS and to describe the relationship between pain intensity and functional status. Sixty-four patients in different stages of ALS were asked to complete the Neuropathic Pain Scale and to draw the localization of their pain on a body cartoon. The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R) and Forced Vital Capacity (FVC) values were obtained from the medical record. A χ2 correlation was used to compare the proportion of patients with pain in different stages of ALS. Correlation coefficient was used to describe the relationship between pain intensity and functional status (ALSFRS-R). Pain was reported by about half the patients. Using FVC values, patients were subdivided into early, intermediate and late stage of the disease. There was a negative correlation between pain intensity and functional status. There was no statistically significant difference in the presence of pain among patients in the different stages of ALS. In conclusion, our study showed that pain is common in ALS patients. Although pain intensity did correlate negatively with functional status, as expected, we were surprised to find that pain was also present in the early stages of the disease.

Muscle & Nerve | 2010

Ocular myasthenia gravis in a senior population: diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis.

Jeffrey A. Allen; Stephanie Scala; H. Royden Jones

The objectives of this study were (I) to explore the prognosis of ocular myasthenia gravis (OMG) in patients with onset at age 70 years and above (i.e. senior persons); (2) to identify predictors of secondary generalization in this age group; and 3) to address the effects of immunotherapy on this population of patients. We performed a retrospective analysis of 39 patients with myasthenia gravis who presented with only ocular signs and symptoms after age 70 years. Generalized myasthenia gravis (GMG) developed in 12 OMG patients (31%). None of the GMG patients required ventilator assistance or a feeding tube. Of the 12 ocular patients progressing to GMG, only one (8%) received immunotherapy prior to generalization. Of those OMG patients who did not progress to GMG, 52% received immunomodulatory therapy. Our senior OMG patients had a prognosis comparable with those of the published data for younger individuals. Although the presence of increased acetylceholine receptor antibody titers and occasionally abnormal repetitive nerve stimulation were useful tools to diagnose OMG, no test was predictive of later generalization. Senior onset OMG patients who received immunotherapy less frequently developed GMG than those not so treated. Muscle Nerve, 2010

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