Jeffrey A. Chao
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Science | 2011
Daniel R. Larson; Daniel Zenklusen; Bin Wu; Jeffrey A. Chao; Robert H. Singer
In yeast, the initiation of gene expression is stochastic and is controlled by transcription factor search times. Cellular messenger RNA levels are achieved by the combinatorial complexity of factors controlling transcription, yet the small number of molecules involved in these pathways fluctuates stochastically. It has not yet been experimentally possible to observe the activity of single polymerases on an endogenous gene to elucidate how these events occur in vivo. Here, we describe a method of fluctuation analysis of fluorescently labeled RNA to measure dynamics of nascent RNA—including initiation, elongation, and termination—at an active yeast locus. We find no transcriptional memory between initiation events, and elongation speed can vary by threefold throughout the cell cycle. By measuring the abundance and intranuclear mobility of an upstream transcription factor, we observe that the gene firing rate is directly determined by trans-activating factor search times.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2005
Jeffrey A. Chao; June Hyung Lee; Brian R. Chapados; Erik W. Debler; Anette Schneemann; James R. Williamson
As a counter-defense against antiviral RNA silencing during infection, the insect Flock House virus (FHV) expresses the silencing suppressor protein B2. Biochemical experiments show that B2 binds to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) without regard to length and inhibits cleavage of dsRNA by Dicer in vitro. A cocrystal structure reveals that a B2 dimer forms a four-helix bundle that binds to one face of an A-form RNA duplex independently of sequence. These results suggest that B2 blocks both cleavage of the FHV genome by Dicer and incorporation of FHV small interfering RNAs into the RNA-induced silencing complex.
Nature Methods | 2011
Timothée Lionnet; Kevin Czaplinski; Xavier Darzacq; Yaron Shav-Tal; Amber L. Wells; Jeffrey A. Chao; Hye Yoon Park; Valeria de Turris; Melissa Lopez-Jones; Robert H. Singer
Live-cell single mRNA imaging is a powerful tool but has been restricted in higher eukaryotes to artificial cell lines and reporter genes. We describe an approach that enables live-cell imaging of single endogenous labeled mRNA molecules transcribed in primary mammalian cells and tissue. We generated a knock-in mouse line with an MS2 binding site (MBS) cassette targeted to the 3′ untranslated region of the essential ββ-actin gene. As β-actin–MBS was ubiquitously expressed, we could uniquely address endogenous mRNA regulation in any tissue or cell type. We simultaneously followed transcription from the β-actin alleles in real time and observed transcriptional bursting in response to serum stimulation with precise temporal resolution. We tracked single endogenous labeled mRNA particles being transported in primary hippocampal neurons. The MBS cassette also enabled high-sensitivity fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), allowing detection and localization of single β-actin mRNA molecules in various mouse tissues.
Nature Methods | 2013
Sami Hocine; Pascal Raymond; Daniel Zenklusen; Jeffrey A. Chao; Robert H. Singer
Live-cell imaging of mRNA yields important insights into gene expression, but it has generally been limited to the labeling of one RNA species and has never been used to count single mRNAs over time in yeast. We demonstrate a two-color imaging system with single-molecule resolution using MS2 and PP7 RNA labeling. We use this methodology to measure intrinsic noise in mRNA levels and RNA polymerase II kinetics at a single gene.
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 2008
Jeffrey A. Chao; Yury Patskovsky; Steven C. Almo; Robert H. Singer
The cocrystal structure of the PP7 bacteriophage coat protein in complex with its translational operator identifies a distinct mode of sequence-specific RNA recognition when compared to the well-characterized MS2 coat protein–RNA complex. The structure reveals the molecular basis of the PP7 coat proteins ability to selectively bind its cognate RNA, and it demonstrates that the conserved β-sheet surface is a flexible architecture that can evolve to recognize diverse RNA hairpins.
Science | 2015
James M. Halstead; Timothée Lionnet; Johannes H. Wilbertz; Frank Wippich; Anne Ephrussi; Robert H. Singer; Jeffrey A. Chao
Measuring translation in space and time The ribosome translates the information contained within messenger RNAs (mRNAs) into proteins. When and where ribosomes encounter mRNAs can regulate gene expression. Halstead et al. developed an RNA biosensor that allows single molecules of mRNAs that have never been translated to be distinguished from ones that have undergone translation by the ribosome in living cells (see the Perspective by Popp and Maquat). The authors demonstrated the utility of their technique by examining the spatial and temporal regulation of translation in single cells and in Drosophila oocytes during development. Science, this issue p. 1367; see also p. 1316 Engineered reporters visualize the translation of single molecules of messenger RNA in living cells. [Also see Perspective by Popp and Maquat] Analysis of single molecules in living cells has provided quantitative insights into the kinetics of fundamental biological processes; however, the dynamics of messenger RNA (mRNA) translation have yet to be addressed. We have developed a fluorescence microscopy technique that reports on the first translation events of individual mRNA molecules. This allowed us to examine the spatiotemporal regulation of translation during normal growth and stress and during Drosophila oocyte development. We have shown that mRNAs are not translated in the nucleus but translate within minutes after export, that sequestration within P-bodies regulates translation, and that oskar mRNA is not translated until it reaches the posterior pole of the oocyte. This methodology provides a framework for studying initiation of protein synthesis on single mRNAs in living cells.
Nature Protocols | 2012
Tatjana Trcek; Jeffrey A. Chao; Daniel R. Larson; Hye Yoon Park; Daniel Zenklusen; Shailesh M. Shenoy; Robert H. Singer
Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) allows the quantification of single mRNAs in budding yeast using fluorescently labeled single-stranded DNA probes, a wide-field epifluorescence microscope and a spot-detection algorithm. Fixed yeast cells are attached to coverslips and hybridized with a mixture of FISH probes, each conjugated to several fluorescent dyes. Images of cells are acquired in 3D and maximally projected for single-molecule analysis. Diffraction-limited labeled mRNAs are observed as bright fluorescent spots and can be quantified using a spot-detection algorithm. FISH preserves the spatial distribution of cellular RNA distribution within the cell and the stochastic fluctuations in individual cells that can lead to phenotypic differences within a clonal population. This information, however, is lost if the RNA content is measured on a population of cells by using reverse transcriptase PCR, microarrays or high-throughput sequencing. The FISH procedure and image acquisition described here can be completed in 3 d.
Cell Reports | 2012
Hye Yoon Park; Tatjana Trcek; Amber L. Wells; Jeffrey A. Chao; Robert H. Singer
SUMMARY Localization of mRNA is a critical mechanism used by a large fraction of transcripts to restrict its translation to specific cellular regions. Although current high- resolution imaging techniques provide ample information, the analysis methods for localization have either been qualitative or employed quantification in non-randomly selected regions of interest. Here, we describe an analytical method for objective quantification of mRNA localization using a combination of two characteristics of its molecular distribution, polarization and dispersion. The validity of the method is demonstrated using single-molecule FISH images of budding yeast and fibroblasts. Live-cell analysis of endogenous β-actin mRNA in mouse fibroblasts reveals that mRNA polarization has a half- life of ~16 min and is cross-correlated with directed cell migration. This novel approach provides insights into the dynamic regulation of mRNA localization and its physiological roles.
Development | 2015
Philip D. Campbell; Jeffrey A. Chao; Robert H. Singer; Florence L. Marlow
Live imaging of transcription and RNA dynamics has been successful in cultured cells and tissues of vertebrates but is challenging to accomplish in vivo. The zebrafish offers important advantages to study these processes – optical transparency during embryogenesis, genetic tractability and rapid development. Therefore, to study transcription and RNA dynamics in an intact vertebrate organism, we have adapted the MS2 RNA-labeling system to zebrafish. By using this binary system to coexpress a fluorescent MS2 bacteriophage coat protein (MCP) and an RNA of interest tagged with multiple copies of the RNA hairpin MS2-binding site (MBS), live-cell imaging of RNA dynamics at single RNA molecule resolution has been achieved in other organisms. Here, using a Gateway-compatible MS2 labeling system, we generated stable transgenic zebrafish lines expressing MCP, validated the MBS-MCP interaction and applied the system to investigate zygotic genome activation (ZGA) and RNA localization in primordial germ cells (PGCs) in zebrafish. Although cleavage stage cells are initially transcriptionally silent, we detect transcription of MS2-tagged transcripts driven by the βactin promoter at ∼3-3.5 h post-fertilization, consistent with the previously reported ZGA. Furthermore, we show that MS2-tagged nanos3 3′UTR transcripts localize to PGCs, where they are diffusely cytoplasmic and within larger cytoplasmic accumulations reminiscent of those displayed by endogenous nanos3. These tools provide a new avenue for live-cell imaging of RNA molecules in an intact vertebrate. Together with new techniques for targeted genome editing, this system will be a valuable tool to tag and study the dynamics of endogenous RNAs during zebrafish developmental processes. Summary: An easily-applied MS2 labeling system in zebrafish allows the visualization of RNA localization in germline stem cells and zygotic genome activation in vivo.
Journal of Molecular Biology | 2003
Jeffrey A. Chao; G. S. Prasad; Susan A. White; C. David Stout; James R. Williamson
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal protein L30 autoregulates its own expression by binding to a purine-rich internal loop in its pre-mRNA and mRNA. NMR studies of L30 and its RNA complex showed that both the internal loop of the RNA as well as a region of the protein become substantially more ordered upon binding. A crystal structure of a maltose binding protein (MBP)-L30 fusion protein with two copies in the asymmetric unit has been determined. The flexible RNA-binding region in the L30 copies has two distinct conformations, one resembles the RNA bound form solved by NMR and the other is unique. Structure prediction algorithms also had difficulty accurately predicting this region, which is consistent with conformational flexibility seen in the NMR and X-ray crystallography studies. Inherent conformational flexibility may be a hallmark of regions involved in intermolecular interactions.