Jeffrey D. Rinehart
University of California, San Diego
Chemical Science | 2011
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Jeffrey R. Long
Scientists have long employed lanthanide elements in the design of materials with extraordinary magnetic properties, including the strongest magnets known, SmCo5 and Nd2Fe14B. The properties of these materials are largely a product of fine-tuning the interaction between the lanthanide ion and the crystal lattice. Recently, synthetic chemists have begun to utilize f-elements—both lanthanides and actinides—for the construction of single-molecule magnets, resulting in a rapid expansion of the field. The desirable magnetic characteristics of the f-elements are contingent upon the interaction between the single-ion electron density and the crystal field environment in which it is placed. This interaction leads to the single-ion anisotropies requisite for strong single-molecule magnets. Therefore, it is of vital importance to understand the particular crystal field environments that could lead to maximization of the anisotropy for individual f-elements. Here, we summarize a qualitative method for predicting the ligand architectures that will generate magnetic anisotropy for a variety of f-element ions. It is hoped that this simple model will serve to guide the design of stronger single-molecule magnets incorporating the f-elements.
Nature Chemistry | 2011
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Ming Fang; William J. Evans; Jeffrey R. Long
Single-molecule magnets approach the ultimate size limit for spin-based devices. These complexes can retain spin information over long periods of time at low temperature, suggesting possible applications in high-density information storage, quantum computing and spintronics. Notably, the success of most such applications hinges upon raising the inherent molecular spin-inversion barrier. Although recent advances have shown the viability of lanthanide-containing complexes in generating large barriers, weak or non-existent magnetic exchange coupling allows fast relaxation pathways that mitigate the full potential of these species. Here, we show that the diffuse spin of an N(2)(3-) radical bridge can lead to exceptionally strong magnetic exchange in dinuclear Ln(III) (Ln = Gd, Dy) complexes. The Gd(III) congener exhibits the strongest magnetic coupling yet observed for that ion, while incorporation of the high-anisotropy Dy(III) ion gives rise to a molecule with a record magnetic blocking temperature of 8.3 K at a sweep rate of 0.08 T s(-1).
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2011
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Ming Fang; William J. Evans; Jeffrey R. Long
The synthesis and magnetic properties of three new N(2)(3-) radical-bridged dilanthanide complexes, {[(Me(3)Si)(2)N](2)(THF)Ln}(2)(μ-η(2):η(2)-N(2))(-) (Ln = Tb, Ho, Er), are reported. All three display signatures of single-molecule-magnet behavior, with the terbium congener exhibiting magnetic hysteresis at 14 K and a 100 s blocking temperature of 13.9 K. The results show how synergizing the strong magnetic anisotropy of terbium(III) with the effective exchange-coupling ability of the N(2)(3-) radical can create the hardest molecular magnet discovered to date. Through comparisons with non-radical-bridged ac magnetic susceptibility measurements, we show that the magnetic exchange coupling hinders zero-field fast relaxation pathways, forcing thermally activated relaxation behavior over a much broader temperature range.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010
W. Hill Harman; T. David Harris; Danna E. Freedman; Henry Fong; Alicia Chang; Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Andrew Ozarowski; Moulay Tahar Sougrati; Fernande Grandjean; Gary J. Long; Jeffrey R. Long; Christopher J. Chang
We present a family of trigonal pyramidal iron(II) complexes supported by tris(pyrrolyl-α-methyl)amine ligands of the general formula [M(solv)(n)][(tpa(R))Fe] (M = Na, R = tert-butyl (1), phenyl (4); M = K, R = mesityl (2), 2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl (3), 2,6-difluorophenyl (5)) and their characterization by X-ray crystallography, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and high-field EPR spectroscopy. Expanding on the discovery of slow magnetic relaxation in the recently reported mesityl derivative 2, this homologous series of high-spin iron(II) complexes enables an initial probe of how the ligand field influences the static and dynamic magnetic behavior. Magnetization experiments reveal large, uniaxial zero-field splitting parameters of D = -48, -44, -30, -26, and -6.2 cm(-1) for 1-5, respectively, demonstrating that the strength of axial magnetic anisotropy scales with increasing ligand field strength at the iron(II) center. In the case of 2,6-difluorophenyl substituted 5, high-field EPR experiments provide an independent determination of the zero-field splitting parameter (D = -4.397(9) cm(-1)) that is in reasonable agreement with that obtained from fits to magnetization data. Ac magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate field-dependent, thermally activated spin reversal barriers in complexes 1, 2, and 4 of U(eff) = 65, 42, and 25 cm(-1), respectively, with the barrier of 1 constituting the highest relaxation barrier yet observed for a mononuclear transition metal complex. In addition, in the case of 1, the large range of temperatures in which slow relaxation is observed has enabled us to fit the entire Arrhenius curve simultaneously to three distinct relaxation processes. Finally, zero-field Mössbauer spectra collected for 1 and 4 also reveal the presence of slow magnetic relaxation, with two independent relaxation barriers in 4 corresponding to the barrier obtained from ac susceptibility data and to the 3D energy gap between the M(S) = ±2 and ±1 levels, respectively.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Jeffrey R. Long
Results of ac magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on the trigonal prismatic complex U(Ph(2)BPz(2))(3) demonstrate the presence of slow magnetic relaxation under zero applied dc field. Analysis of both the temperature and frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility indicate a temperature regime (T > approximately 3 K) where Arrhenius behavior dominates the relaxation processes, leading to a spin relaxation barrier of U(eff) = 20 cm(-1). The dc-field dependence of the relaxation time was studied to reveal evidence of quantum tunneling processes occurring at lower temperatures. The results suggest a general strategy for identifying further uranium(III)-based single-molecule magnets by concentrating the ligand-field contributions above and below the equatorial plane of an axially symmetric coordination complex.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2010
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Katie R. Meihaus; Jeffrey R. Long
The trigonal prismatic complex U(H(2)BPz(2))(3) is characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements. The ac susceptibility data demonstrate the presence of multiple processes responsible for slow magnetic relaxation. Out-of-phase signals observed at ac switching frequencies between 1 and 1500 Hz in dc fields of 500-5000 Oe indicate a thermal relaxation barrier of ca. 8 cm(-1) for the molecule, with a temperature-independent process taking over at the lowest temperatures probed. Significantly, an unprecedented, slower relaxation process becomes apparent for ac switching frequencies between 0.06 and 1 Hz, for which a monotonic increase of the relaxation time with an applied dc field suggests a direct relaxation pathway.
Inorganic Chemistry | 2011
Katie R. Meihaus; Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Jeffrey R. Long
Magnetically dilute samples of complexes Dy(H(2)BPz(Me2)(2))(3) (1) and U(H(2)BPz(2))(3) (3) were prepared through cocrystallization with diamagnetic Y(H(2)BPz(Me2)(2))(3) (2) and Y(H(2)BPz(2))(3). Alternating current (ac) susceptibility measurements performed on these samples reveal magnetic relaxation behavior drastically different from their concentrated counterparts. For concentrated 1, slow magnetic relaxation is not observed under zero or applied dc fields of several hundred Oersteds. However, a 1:65 (Dy:Y) molar dilution results in a nonzero out-of-phase component to the magnetic susceptibility under zero applied dc field, characteristic of a single-molecule magnet. The highest dilution of 3 (1:90, U:Y) yields a relaxation barrier U(eff) = 16 cm(-1), double that of the concentrated sample. These combined results highlight the impact of intermolecular interactions in mononuclear single-molecule magnets possessing a highly anisotropic metal center. Finally, dilution elucidates the previously observed secondary relaxation process for concentrated 3. This process is slowed down drastically upon a 1:1 molar dilution, leading to butterfly magnetic hysteresis at temperatures as high as 3 K. The disappearance of this process for higher dilutions reveals it to be relaxation dictated by short-range intermolecular interactions, and it stands as the first direct example of an intermolecular relaxation process competing with single-molecule-based slow magnetic relaxation.
Inorganic Chemistry | 2009
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; T. David Harris; Stosh A. Kozimor; Bart M. Bartlett; Jeffrey R. Long
Recent progress in the assembly of actinide-containing coordination clusters has generated systems in which the first glimpses of magnetic exchange coupling can be recognized. Such systems are of interest owing to the prospects for involving 5f electrons in stronger magnetic exchange than has been observed for electrons in the more contracted 4f orbitals of the lanthanide elements. Here, we survey the actinide-containing molecules thought to exhibit magnetic exchange interactions, including multiuranium, uranium-lanthanide, uranium-transition metal, and uranium-radical species. Interpretation of the magnetic susceptibility data for compounds of this type is complicated by the combination of spin-orbit coupling and ligand-field effects arising for actinide ions. Nevertheless, for systems where analogues featuring diamagnetic replacement components for the non-actinide spin centers can be synthesized, a data subtraction approach can be utilized to probe the presence of exchange coupling. In addition, methods have been developed for employing the resulting data to estimate lower and upper bounds for the exchange constant. Emphasis is placed on evaluation of the linear clusters (cyclam)M[(mu-Cl)U(Me(2)Pz)(4)](2) (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn; cyclam = 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane; Me(2)Pz(-) = 3,5-dimethylpyrazolate), for which strong ferromagnetic exchange with 15 cm(-1) < or = J < or = 48 cm(-1) is observed for the Co(II)-containing species. Owing to the modular synthetic approach employed, this system in particular offers numerous opportunities for adjusting the strength of the magnetic exchange coupling and the total number of unpaired electrons. To this end, the prospects of such modularity are discussed through the lens of several new related clusters. Ultimately, it is hoped that this research will be of utility in the development of electronic structure models that successfully describe the magnetic behavior of actinide compounds and will perhaps even lead to new actinide-based single-molecule magnets.
Journal of the American Chemical Society | 2009
Stefan G. Minasian; Jamin L. Krinsky; Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Roy Copping; Tolek Tyliszczak; Markus Janousch; David K. Shuh; John Arnold
Reaction of (CpSiMe(3))(3)U or (CpSiMe(3))(3)Nd with (Cp*Al)(4) or Cp*Ga (Cp* = C(5)Me(5)) afforded the isostructural complexes (CpSiMe(3))(3)M-ECp* (M = U, E = Al (1); M = U, E = Ga (2); M = Nd, E = Al (3); M = Nd, E = Ga (4)). In the case of 1 and 2 the complexes were isolated in 39 and 90% yields, respectively, as crystalline solids and were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, variable-temperature (1)H NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility, and UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy. In the case of 3 and 4, the complexes were observed by variable-temperature (1)H NMR spectroscopy but were not isolated as pure materials. Comparison of the equilibrium constants and thermodynamic parameters DeltaH and DeltaS obtained by (1)H NMR titration methods revealed a much stronger U-Ga interaction in 2 than the Nd-Ga interaction in 4. Competition reactions between (CpSiMe(3))(3)U and (CpSiMe(3))(3)Nd indicate that Cp*Ga selectively binds U over Nd in a 93:7 ratio at 19 degrees C and 96:4 at -33 degrees C. For 1 and 3, comparison of (1)H NMR peak intensities suggests that Cp*Al also achieves excellent U(III)/Nd(III) selectivity at 21 degrees C. The solution electronic spectra and solid-state temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibilities of 1 and 2, in addition to X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) measurements from scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) of 1, are consistent with those observed for other U(III) coordination complexes. DFT calculations using five different functionals were performed on the model complexes Cp(3)M-ECp (M = Nd, U; E = Al, Ga), and empirical fitting of the values for Cp(3)M-ECp allowed the prediction of binding energy estimates for Cp*Al compounds 1 and 3. NBO/NLMO bonding analyses on Cp(3)U-ECp indicate that the bonding consists predominantly of a E-->U sigma-interaction arising from favorable overlap between the diffuse ligand lone pair and the primarily 7s/6d acceptor orbitals on U(III), with negligible U-->E pi-donation. The overall experimental and computational bonding analysis suggests that Cp*Al and Cp*Ga behave as good sigma-donors in these systems.
Dalton Transactions | 2012
Jeffrey D. Rinehart; Jeffrey R. Long
Lanthanide- and actinide-based single-molecule magnets are rapidly gaining prominence due to the unique properties of f-orbitals, yet no direct comparison of slow magnetic relaxation of an isostructural and valence isoelectronic lanthanide and actinide complex exists. We present the dynamic magnetic properties of two f-element single-molecule magnets, NdTp(3) and UTp(3) (Tp(-) = trispyrazolylborate), demonstrating that, although neither complex displays the full anisotropy barrier predicted from its electronic structure, relaxation is slower in the uranium congener. Magnetic dilution studies performed with NdTp(3) reveal that, while intermolecular interactions partially account for the faster relaxation dynamics, they are not uniquely responsible.