
PLOS ONE | 2014

Amplification Biases and Consistent Recovery of Loci in a Double-Digest RAD-seq Protocol

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Michael D. Sorenson

A growing variety of “genotype-by-sequencing” (GBS) methods use restriction enzymes and high throughput DNA sequencing to generate data for a subset of genomic loci, allowing the simultaneous discovery and genotyping of thousands of polymorphisms in a set of multiplexed samples. We evaluated a “double-digest” restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-seq) protocol by 1) comparing results for a zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) sample with in silico predictions from the zebra finch reference genome; 2) assessing data quality for a population sample of indigobirds (Vidua spp.); and 3) testing for consistent recovery of loci across multiple samples and sequencing runs. Comparison with in silico predictions revealed that 1) over 90% of predicted, single-copy loci in our targeted size range (178–328 bp) were recovered; 2) short restriction fragments (38–178 bp) were carried through the size selection step and sequenced at appreciable depth, generating unexpected but nonetheless useful data; 3) amplification bias favored shorter, GC-rich fragments, contributing to among locus variation in sequencing depth that was strongly correlated across samples; 4) our use of restriction enzymes with a GC-rich recognition sequence resulted in an up to four-fold overrepresentation of GC-rich portions of the genome; and 5) star activity (i.e., non-specific cutting) resulted in thousands of “extra” loci sequenced at low depth. Results for three species of indigobirds show that a common set of thousands of loci can be consistently recovered across both individual samples and sequencing runs. In a run with 46 samples, we genotyped 5,996 loci in all individuals and 9,833 loci in 42 or more individuals, resulting in <1% missing data for the larger data set. We compare our approach to similar methods and discuss the range of factors (fragment library preparation, natural genetic variation, bioinformatics) influencing the recovery of a consistent set of loci among samples.

Molecular Ecology | 2008

The Great American Interchange in birds: a phylogenetic perspective with the genus Trogon

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; John Klicka

The ‘Great American Interchange’ (GAI) is recognized as having had a dramatic effect on biodiversity throughout the Neotropics. However, investigation of patterns in Neotropical avian biodiversity has generally been focused on South American taxa in the Amazon Basin, leaving the contribution of Central American taxa under‐studied. More rigorous studies of lineages distributed across the entire Neotropics are needed to uncover phylogeographical patterns throughout the area, offering insights into mechanisms that contribute to overall Neotropical biodiversity. Here we use mitochondrial DNA sequence data and intensive geographical sampling from the widespread Neotropical avian genus Trogon to investigate the role of the GAI in shaping its phylogeographical history. Our results show that genetic diversity in Trogon exceeds the perceived biodiversity, and that the GAI resulted in lineage diversification within the genus. Despite greater diversity in South America, a Central American centre of origin with multiple and independent dispersals into South America is indicated. These dispersals were followed by the evolution of divergent lineages associated with the Andes Mountains and other South American geographical features. According to our phylogenetic reconstructions, several species, which were originally defined by morphological characters, are nonmonophyletic. In sum, our results elucidate the evolutionary history of Trogon, reveal patterns obscured by extant biodiversity, and serve as a biogeographical model to consider in future studies.

Molecular Ecology | 2015

Rapid diversification associated with ecological specialization in Neotropical Adelpha butterflies

Emily R. Ebel; Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Michael D. Sorenson; Ryan I. Hill; Adriana D. Briscoe; Keith R. Willmott; Sean P. Mullen

Rapid diversification is often associated with morphological or ecological adaptations that allow organisms to radiate into novel niches. Neotropical Adelpha butterflies, which comprise over 200 species and subspecies, are characterized by extraordinary breadth in host plant use and wing colour patterns compared to their closest relatives. To examine the relationship between phenotypic and species diversification, we reconstructed the phylogenetic history of Adelpha and its temperate sister genus Limenitis using genomewide restriction‐site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing. Despite a declining fraction of shared markers with increasing evolutionary distance, the RAD‐Seq data consistently generated well‐supported trees using a variety of phylogenetic methods. These well‐resolved phylogenies allow the identification of an ecologically important relationship with a toxic host plant family, as well as the confirmation of widespread, convergent wing pattern mimicry throughout the genus. Taken together, our results support the hypothesis that evolutionary innovations in both larvae and adults have permitted the colonization of novel host plants and fuelled adaptive diversification within this large butterfly radiation.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2016

Borrowed alleles and convergence in serpentine adaptation

Brian John Arnold; Brett Lahner; Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Caroline M. Weisman; Jesse D. Hollister; David E. Salt; Kirsten Bomblies; Levi Yant

Significance Serpentine barrens are enormously hostile to plant life. Understanding how plants survive such a perfect storm of low mineral nutrient, drought prone, and toxic metal rich conditions offers a powerful model of adaptation and may help design resilient crops. Advances in genomics enable population-wide views of selection and deep insight into demographic histories. These approaches are agnostic to phenotype and can indicate which traits were most important in complex adaptations and, at the same time, provide novel candidate genes. Here, we identified candidate genes for serpentine adaptation and provide evidence that some selected alleles were borrowed from a related species, whereas others were independently involved in separate adaptation events in different species. Serpentine barrens represent extreme hazards for plant colonists. These sites are characterized by high porosity leading to drought, lack of essential mineral nutrients, and phytotoxic levels of metals. Nevertheless, nature forged populations adapted to these challenges. Here, we use a population-based evolutionary genomic approach coupled with elemental profiling to assess how autotetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa adapted to a multichallenge serpentine habitat in the Austrian Alps. We first demonstrate that serpentine-adapted plants exhibit dramatically altered elemental accumulation levels in common conditions, and then resequence 24 autotetraploid individuals from three populations to perform a genome scan. We find evidence for highly localized selective sweeps that point to a polygenic, multitrait basis for serpentine adaptation. Comparing our results to a previous study of independent serpentine colonizations in the closely related diploid Arabidopsis lyrata in the United Kingdom and United States, we find the highest levels of differentiation in 11 of the same loci, providing candidate alleles for mediating convergent evolution. This overlap between independent colonizations in different species suggests that a limited number of evolutionary strategies are suited to overcome the multiple challenges of serpentine adaptation. Interestingly, we detect footprints of selection in A. arenosa in the context of substantial gene flow from nearby off-serpentine populations of A. arenosa, as well as from A. lyrata. In several cases, quantitative tests of introgression indicate that some alleles exhibiting strong selective sweep signatures appear to have been introgressed from A. lyrata. This finding suggests that migrant alleles may have facilitated adaptation of A. arenosa to this multihazard environment.

Molecular Ecology | 2015

Speciation genomics and a role for the Z chromosome in the early stages of divergence between Mexican ducks and mallards

Philip Lavretsky; Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Blanca E. Hernández-Baños; Andrew Engilis; Michael D. Sorenson; Jeffrey L. Peters

Speciation is a continuous and dynamic process, and studying organisms during the early stages of this process can aid in identifying speciation mechanisms. The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) and Mexican duck (A. [p.] diazi) are two recently diverged taxa with a history of hybridization and controversial taxonomy. To understand their evolutionary history, we conducted genomic scans to characterize patterns of genetic diversity and divergence across the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, 3523 autosomal loci and 172 Z‐linked sex chromosome loci. Between the two taxa, Z‐linked loci (ΦST = 0.088) were 5.2 times more differentiated than autosomal DNA (ΦST = 0.017) but comparable to mtDNA (ΦST = 0.092). This elevated Z differentiation deviated from neutral expectations inferred from simulated data that incorporated demographic history and differences in effective population sizes between marker types. Furthermore, 3% of Z‐linked loci, compared to <0.1% of autosomal loci, were detected as outlier loci under divergent selection with elevated relative (ΦST) and absolute (dXY) estimates of divergence. In contrast, the ratio of Z‐linked and autosomal differentiation among the seven Mexican duck sampling locations was close to 1:1 (ΦST = 0.018 for both markers). We conclude that between mallards and Mexican ducks, divergence at autosomal markers is largely neutral, whereas greater divergence on the Z chromosome (or some portions thereof) is likely the product of selection that has been important in speciation. Our results contribute to a growing body of literature indicating elevated divergence on the Z chromosome and its likely importance in avian speciation.

Molecular Ecology Resources | 2011

Genotyping HapSTR loci: phase determination from direct sequencing of PCR products

Michael D. Sorenson; Jeffrey M. DaCosta

HapSTRs combine information from a microsatellite (or simple tandem repeat, STR) with one or more single nucleotide polymorphisms in the DNA sequence immediately flanking the STR. These loci may offer increased power for the estimation of demographic parameters, but also present some challenges for data collection and analysis. We describe a process for inferring HapSTR alleles, including the flanking haplotypes, STR alleles and their phase relative to each other, directly from DNA sequence electropherograms of PCR products from heterozygous individuals. Our approach eliminates the need for more costly and time‐consuming processes, such as cloning or acrylamide gel electrophoresis to separate alleles prior to sequencing.

The Condor | 2008

Historic Genetic Structuring and Paraphyly Within the Great-Tailed Grackle

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Walter Wehtje; John Klicka

Abstract The Great-tailed Grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus) and Boat-tailed Grackle (Q. major) are sister species that have expanded their ranges during historical times. This expansion has created an area of sympatry between these species in Texas and Louisiana, and between distinctive Great-tailed Grackle subspecies in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. We investigated the evolutionary histories of both species using mitochondrial DNA sequence data and modern phylogenetic methods. Our results reveal genetic structure within Great-tailed, but not Boat-tailed Grackles. Great-tailed Grackles are separated into two clades, but range expansion in the north has led to secondary contact between them. Boat-tailed Grackles are monophyletic and are embedded within the Great-tailed Grackle assemblage, rendering the latter paraphyletic. These results reveal a complex phylogeographic pattern caused by recent range expansion and secondary contact of once allopatric units.

The Auk | 2014

An experimental test of host song mimicry as a species recognition cue among male brood parasitic indigobirds (Vidua spp.)

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Michael D. Sorenson

ABSTRACT Obligate brood parasites, which typically lack reliable interactions with conspecifics early in life, acquire species recognition cues by mechanisms other than imprinting on parents and siblings. The African indigobirds (Vidua spp.) are exceptional among brood parasites in that learning and mimicry of host vocalizations play an integral role in the social behavior of the parasites. Male indigobirds have impressive vocal repertoires featuring chatter calls, host mimicry, and complex non-mimicry songs. While chatter calls are similar, sympatric indigobirds are distinguished both by their mimicry of different hosts and by unique repertoires of non-mimicry songs. A previous playback experiment showed that male indigobirds respond differentially to natural singing (i.e. playbacks including host mimicry, chatter, and complex non-mimicry) of sympatric conspecifics and heterospecifics, but the relative role of host mimicry and complex non-mimicry in species recognition remains unknown. We addressed this question in a playback experiment that tested the response of focal males to 3 treatments: sympatric conspecific, allopatric conspecific (same host mimicry combined with unfamiliar complex non-mimicry songs), and sympatric heterospecific (different host mimicry and different, but familiar, complex non-mimicry). Three behavioral responses (number of hops, latency of response, and number of chatter calls) were similar in the 2 conspecific treatments but differed in comparison with the heterospecific treatment. Our study provides evidence that host mimicry is an important cue in species recognition among territorial male indigobirds and suggests that it may contribute to species cohesion when juveniles or adults disperse beyond the boundaries of their local dialect neighborhood. This study enhances our understanding of avian recognition systems by showing that cues obtained through heterospecific imprinting can be important for species recognition in brood parasitic birds.

The Wilson Journal of Ornithology | 2007

Bilateral Gynandromorphy in a White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera)

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Garth M. Spellman; John Klicka

Abstract We report bilateral gynandromorphy in a White-ruffed Manakin (Corapipo altera) collected near Santa Fé, Panamá in 2004. The specimen had an oviduct and ovary on the left side and a single testis on the right. The plumage was phenotypically female on the right side and male on the left. The weight and genetic affinity of the specimen were characteristically female. Both Z and W chromosomes were detected in genetic samples from multiple tissue types and toe pads from both feet. This report is a novel record of gynandromorphy in a suboscine passerine.

Journal of Avian Biology | 2009

A molecular systematic revision of two historically problematic songbird clades: Aimophila and Pipilo

Jeffrey M. DaCosta; Garth M. Spellman; Patricia Escalante; John Klicka

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