
Journal of Cell Biology | 2004

Oligodendroglial modulation of fast axonal transport in a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia.

Julia M. Edgar; Mark McLaughlin; Donald Yool; Su-Chun Zhang; Jill H. Fowler; Paul Montague; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; Ian D. Duncan; James Garbern; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths

Oligodendrocytes are critical for the development of the plasma membrane and cytoskeleton of the axon. In this paper, we show that fast axonal transport is also dependent on the oligodendrocyte. Using a mouse model of hereditary spastic paraplegia type 2 due to a null mutation of the myelin Plp gene, we find a progressive impairment in fast retrograde and anterograde transport. Increased levels of retrograde motor protein subunits are associated with accumulation of membranous organelles distal to nodal complexes. Using cell transplantation, we show categorically that the axonal phenotype is related to the presence of the overlying Plp null myelin. Our data demonstrate a novel role for oligodendrocytes in the local regulation of axonal function and have implications for the axonal loss associated with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis.

The Journal of Comparative Neurology | 1998

Late‐onset neurodegeneration in mice with increased dosage of the proteolipid protein gene

T. J. Anderson; Armin Schneider; Jennifer A. Barrie; Matthias Klugmann; M. C. McCulloch; D. Kirkham; E. Kyriakides; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths

Mutations of the proteolipid protein (Plp) gene cause a generalized central nervous system (CNS) myelin deficit in Pelizaeus‐Merzbacher disease of man and various tremor syndromes in animal models. X‐linked spastic paraplegia is also due to Plp gene mutations but has a different clinical profile and more restricted pathology involving specific tracts and regions. We have shown previously that PLP overexpression in mice homozygous for a Plp transgene results in premature arrest of CNS myelination and premature death. Here, we demonstrate that a low‐level increase in Plp gene expression in transgenic mice causes significant axonal degeneration and demyelination with predilection for specific tracts. Following normal motor development, aged mice develop progressive myelin loss, axonal swellings with resultant Wallerian degeneration, and marked vacuolation of the neuropil associated with ataxia, tremor, and seizures. The age of onset and severity of the phenotype is a function of Plp gene dosage. The corticospinal tracts, optic nerve, fasciculus gracilis cerebellum, and brainstem are particularly involved. Although oligodendrocyte cell bodies show little abnormality, their inner adaxonal tongue is often abnormal, suggesting a perturbation of the axon/glial interface that may underlie the axonal changes. We conclude that abnormal expression of an oligodendrocyte‐specific gene can cause axonal damage, a finding that is relevant to the pathogenesis of PLP‐associated disorders and probably to other myelin‐related diseases. J. Comp. Neurol. 394:506–519, 1998.

Glia | 2009

Early ultrastructural defects of axons and axon–glia junctions in mice lacking expression of Cnp1

Julia M. Edgar; Mark McLaughlin; Hauke B. Werner; M. C. McCulloch; Jennifer A. Barrie; Angus M. Brown; Andrew Blyth Faichney; Nicolas Snaidero; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths

Most axons in the central nervous system (CNS) are surrounded by a multilayered myelin sheath that promotes fast, saltatory conduction of electrical impulses. By insulating the axon, myelin also shields the axoplasm from the extracellular milieu. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes provide support for the long‐term maintenance of myelinated axons, independent of the myelin sheath. Here, we use electron microscopy and morphometric analyses to examine the evolution of axonal and oligodendroglial changes in mice deficient in 2′,3′‐cyclic nucleotide 3′‐phosphodiesterase (CNP) and in mice deficient in both CNP and proteolipid protein (PLP/DM20). We show that CNP is necessary for the formation of a normal inner tongue process of oligodendrocytes that myelinate small diameter axons. We also show that axonal degeneration in Cnp1 null mice is present very early in postnatal life. Importantly, compact myelin formed by transplanted Cnp1 null oligodendrocytes induces the same degenerative changes in shiverer axons that normally are dysmyelinated but structurally intact. Mice deficient in both CNP and PLP develop a more severe axonal phenotype than either single mutant, indicating that the two oligodendroglial proteins serve distinct functions in supporting the myelinated axon. These observations support a model in which the trophic functions of oligodendrocytes serve to offset the physical shielding of axons by myelin membranes.

Journal of Neuroscience Research | 2001

Myelin proteolipid proteins promote the interaction of oligodendrocytes and axons

D. Yool; Matthias Klugmann; Marie McLaughlin; Demetrius A. Vouyiouklis; L Dimou; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths

Although proteolipid protein (PLP) and its DM20 isoform are the major membrane proteins of CNS myelin, their absence causes surprisingly few developmental defects. In comparison, missense mutations of the X‐linked Plp gene cause severe dysmyelination. Previous studies have established roles for PLP/DM20 in the formation of the intraperiod line and in maintaining axonal integrity. We now show that a normal number of oligodendrocytes are present in mice lacking PLP/DM20. However, in heterozygous females, which are natural chimeras for X‐linked genes, oligodendrocytes lacking PLP/DM20 are in direct competition with wild‐type oligodendrocytes that have a distinct advantage. PLP+ oligodendrocytes and PLP+ myelin sheaths make up the greater majority, and this feature is generalised in the CNS throughout life. Moreover, in the absence of PLP/DM20, a proportion of small‐diameter axons fails to myelinate, remaining ensheathed but lacking a compact sheath, or show delayed myelination. These findings suggest that PLP/DM20 is also involved in the early stages of axon–oligodendrocyte interaction and wrapping of the axon. J. Neurosci. Res. 63:151–164, 2001.

Journal of Neuroscience Research | 2003

Genetic background determines phenotypic severity of the Plp rumpshaker mutation

K. Al-Saktawi; Mark McLaughlin; Matthias Klugmann; Anja Schneider; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; Paul Montague; D. Kirkham; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths

The rumpshaker mutation of the proteolipid protein (Plp) gene causes dysmyelination in man and mouse. We show that the phenotype in the mouse depends critically on the genetic background in which the mutation is expressed. On the C3H background there is normal longevity whereas changing to a C57BL/6 strain results in seizures and death at around postnatal day 30. The more severe phenotype is associated with less myelin and reduced levels of major myelin proteins. There are also more apoptotic cells, including oligodendrocytes, increased numbers of proliferating cells, increased numbers of NG2+ oligodendrocyte progenitors and increased microglia compared to the milder phenotype. The number of mature oligodendrocytes is similar to wild‐type in both strains of mutant, however, suggesting that increased oligodendrocyte death is matched by increased generation from progenitors. The dichotomy of phenotype probably reflects the influence of modifying loci. The localization of these putative modifying genes and their mode of action remain to be determined.

Glia | 2007

PLP overexpression perturbs myelin protein composition and myelination in a mouse model of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease

Saadia A. Karim; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; Paul Montague; Julia M. Edgar; D. Kirkham; T. J. Anderson; Klaus-Armin Nave; I. R. Griffiths; Mark McLaughlin

Duplication of PLP1, an X‐linked gene encoding the major myelin membrane protein of the human CNS, is the most frequent cause of Pelizaeus‐Merzbacher disease (PMD). Transgenic mice with extra copies of the wild type Plp1 gene, a valid model of PMD, also develop a dysmyelinating phenotype dependant on gene dosage. In this study we have examined the effect of increasing Plp1 gene dosage on levels of PLP/DM20 and on other representative myelin proteins. In cultured oligodendrocytes and early myelinating oligodendrocytes in vivo, increased gene dosage leads to elevated levels of PLP/DM20 in the cell body. During myelination, small increases in Plp1 gene dosage (mice hemizygous for the transgene) elevate the level of PLP/DM20 in oligodendrocyte soma but cause only minimal and transient effects on the protein composition and structure of myelin suggesting that cells can regulate the incorporation of proteins into myelin. However, larger increases in dosage (mice homozygous for the transgene) are not well tolerated, leading to hypomyelination and alteration in the cellular distribution of PLP/DM20. A disproportionate amount of PLP/DM20 is retained in the cell soma, probably in autophagic vacuoles and lysosomes whereas the level in myelin is reduced. Increased Plp1 gene dosage affects other myelin proteins, particularly MBP, which is transitorily reduced in hemizygous mice but consistently and markedly lower in homozygotes in both myelin and naïve or early myelinating oligodendrocytes. Whether the reduced MBP is implicated in the pathogenesis of dysmyelination is yet to be established.

Acta Neuropathologica | 2004

Age-related axonal and myelin changes in the rumpshaker mutation of the Plp gene

Julia M. Edgar; Mark McLaughlin; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; James Garbern; I. R. Griffiths

The PLP1/Plp gene encodes proteolipid protein (PLP) and DM20, the major central nervous system myelin proteins. Mutations in the PLP1/Plp gene cause dysmyelinating disorders in man and animals. The rumpshaker mutation was first identified in mice and later linked to a family diagnosed with neurological deficits akin to spastic paraplegia. The dysmyelination in the young rumpshaker mouse is well characterised. Here we report evidence for an age-related increase in myelin due mainly to the myelination of small axons, many large axons remain dysmyelinated. Levels of PLP/DM20 and myelin basic protein are considerably greater in myelin fractions from older compared with younger mutants. Myelin in sheaths of larger axons remains poorly compacted and may account for levels of 2’,3’-cyclic nucleotide 3’-phosphodiesterase and myelin-associated glycoprotein being elevated over wild type in older mutant mice. A late-onset distal degeneration of the axons of the longest spinal tract, the fasciculus gracilis, is also noted. This is the first report of Wallerian-type degeneration in mice with spontaneous mutations of the Plp gene.

NMR in Biomedicine | 2011

High-resolution diffusion tensor imaging of fixed brain in a mouse model of Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease: comparison with quantitative measures of white matter pathology

Torsten Ruest; William M. Holmes; Jennifer A. Barrie; I. R. Griffiths; T. J. Anderson; Deborah Dewar; Julia M. Edgar

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a powerful technique for the noninvasive assessment of the central nervous system. To facilitate the application of this technique to in vivo studies, we characterised a mouse model of the leukodystrophy, Pelizaeus–Merzbacher disease (PMD), comparing high‐resolution ex vivo DTI findings with quantitative histological analysis of selected areas of the brain. The mice used in this study (Plp1‐transgenic) carry transgenic copies of the Plp1 gene and are models for PMD as a result of gene duplication. Plp1 transgenic mice display a mild ataxia and experience frequent seizures around the time at which they were imaged. Axial (λ1) and radial (RD) diffusivities and fractional anisotropy (FA) data were analysed using an exploratory whole‐brain voxel‐based method, a voxel‐based approach using tract‐based spatial statistics (TBSS), and by application of conventional region of interest (ROI) analyses to selected white matter tracts. Raw t value maps and TBSS analyses indicated widespread changes throughout the brain of Plp1‐transgenic mice compared with the wild‐type. ROI analyses of the corpus callosum, anterior commissure and hippocampal fimbria showed that FA was reduced significantly, whereas λ1 and RD were increased significantly, in Plp1‐transgenic mice compared with the wild‐type. The DTI data derived from ROI analyses were subsequently compared with histological measures taken in the same regions. These revealed an almost complete absence of myelin, preservation of axons, marked astrocytosis and increased or unchanged cell densities. These data contribute to our growing understanding of the basis of anisotropic water diffusion in the normal and diseased nervous system. Copyright

Veterinary Record | 2000

Central nervous system pathology in 25 dogs with chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy

Pamela Johnston; Jennifer A. Barrie; M. C. McCulloch; T. J. Anderson; I. R. Griffiths

The neuropathology of 20 German shepherd dogs and five German shepherd dog crosses with chronic degenerative radiculomyelopathy were analysed by conventional techniques, immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy. There were previously unrecognised changes in brain nuclei. In the spinal cord, both motor and sensory tracts were involved, principally in their more distal regions. Wallerian degeneration affected the corticorubrospinal pathways in the lateral columns and the ventral funiculi, predominantly in the caudal thoracic and lumbar segments, although more cranial involvement was also observed. The dorsal columns were affected in the caudal lumbar region and the cervical fasciculus gracilis. The regional distribution was variable between cases. Within the brain, abnormalities, including chromatolysis, gliosis and neuronal loss were observed in the red nucleus, lateral vestibular nucleus and, occasionally, in the dentate nucleus. The changes in brain nuclei were compared with those found in dogs at various times after a focal spinal injury. The neuronal changes in the brain may be related to the primary site of damage, and possible aetiological mechanisms are discussed.

Journal of Neurocytology | 1993

In vitro studies of axonally-regulated Schwann cell genes during Wallerian degeneration.

C. E. Thomson; I. R. Griffiths; M. C. McCulloch; E. Kyriakides; Jennifer A. Barrie; Paul Montague

SummaryWallerian degenerationin vivo is associated with marked downregulation of myelin protein genes such as Po and upregulation of other genes such as nerve growth factor receptor (NGF-R), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM). This study examines the expression of these genes during Wallerian degenerationin vitro and how manipulating Ca2+ affects this response. Small explants of sciatic nerve from normal young adult rats cultured for five days show similar reversal of the myelinating phenotype as foundin vivo. If Ca++ is removed from the culture medium through the addition of EGTA, expression of the nerve growth factor receptor and glial fibrillary acidic protein genes is inhibited but downregulation of the Po gene still occurs. Explants cultured in medium containing EGTA are still capable of expressing nerve growth factor receptor if the medium is replaced by one containing Ca2+. Supplementation of normal medium with drugs modulating Ca2+, such as Bepridil which blocks the Na ± Ca2+ exchanger or compound 48/80 which inhibits calmodulin, also prevent the expression of the nerve growth factor receptor gene during Wallerian degenerationin vitro. Treatment of the cervical sympathetic trunk with Bepridil leads to loss of the nerve growth factor receptor immunoreactivity which is normally present. The results indicate that Ca2+ may play a role in the expression of the nerve growth factor receptor gene during Wallerian degeneration and provide some indication that this effect may be directly on the Schwann cell rather than operating indirectly via the axon.

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