Jens Boenigk
University of Duisburg-Essen
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Featured researches published by Jens Boenigk.
Molecular Ecology | 2010
Ralph Medinger; Viola Nolte; Ram Vinay Pandey; Steffen Jost; Birgit Ottenwälder; Christian Schlötterer; Jens Boenigk
With the delivery of millions of sequence reads in a single experiment, next‐generation sequencing (NGS) is currently revolutionizing surveys of microorganism diversity. In particular, when applied to Eukaryotes, we are still lacking a rigorous comparison of morphological and NGS‐based diversity estimates. In this report, we studied the diversity and the seasonal community turnover of alveolates (Ciliophora and Dinophyceae) in an oligotrophic freshwater lake by SSU amplicon sequencing with NGS as well as by classical morphological analysis. We complemented the morphological analysis by single‐cell PCR followed by Sanger sequencing to provide an unambiguous link to the NGS data. We show that NGS and morphological analyses generally capture frequency shifts of abundant taxa over our seasonal samples. The observed incongruencies are probably largely due to rDNA copy number variation among taxa and heterogeneity in the efficiency of cell lysis. Overall, NGS‐based amplicon sequencing was superior in detecting rare species. We propose that in the absence of other nuclear markers less susceptible to copy number variation, rDNA‐based diversity studies need to be adjusted for confounding effects of copy number variation.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2003
Martin W. Hahn; Heinrich Lünsdorf; Qinglong L. Wu; Michael Schauer; Manfred G. Höfle; Jens Boenigk; Peter Stadler
ABSTRACT We describe the first freshwater members of the class Actinobacteria that have been isolated. Nine ultramicro-size (<0.1 μm3) strains were isolated from five freshwater habitats in Europe and Asia. These habitats represent a broad spectrum of ecosystems, ranging from deep oligotrophic lakes to shallow hypertrophic lakes. Even when the isolated strains were grown in very rich media, the cell size was <0.1 μm3 and was indistinguishable from the cell sizes of bacteria belonging to the smaller size classes of natural lake bacterioplankton. Hybridization of the isolates with oligonucleotide probes and phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of the isolated strains revealed that they are affiliated with the class Actinobacteria and the family Microbacteriaceae. The previously described species with the highest levels of sequence similarity are Clavibacter michiganensis and Rathayibacter tritici, two phytopathogens of terrestrial plants. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of the nine isolates examined are more closely related to cloned sequences from uncultured freshwater bacteria than to the sequences of any previously isolated bacteria. The nine ultramicrobacteria isolated form, together with several uncultured bacteria, a diverse phylogenetic cluster (Luna cluster) consisting exclusively of freshwater bacteria. Isolates obtained from lakes that are ecologically different and geographically separated by great distances possess identical 16S rRNA gene sequences but have clearly different ecophysiological and phenotypic traits. Predator-prey experiments demonstrated that at least one of the ultramicro-size isolates is protected against predation by the bacterivorous nanoflagellate Ochromonas sp. strain DS.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2004
Carsten Matz; Peter Deines; Jens Boenigk; Hartmut Arndt; Leo Eberl; Staffan Kjelleberg; Klaus Jürgens
ABSTRACT We studied the role of bacterial secondary metabolites in the context of grazing protection against protozoans. A model system was used to examine the impact of violacein-producing bacteria on feeding rates, growth, and survival of three common bacterivorous nanoflagellates. Freshwater isolates of Janthinobacterium lividum and Chromobacterium violaceum produced the purple pigment violacein and exhibited acute toxicity to the nanoflagellates tested. High-resolution video microscopy revealed that these bacteria were ingested by the flagellates at high rates. The uptake of less than three bacteria resulted in rapid flagellate cell death after about 20 min and cell lysis within 1 to 2 h. In selectivity experiments with nontoxic Pseudomonas putida MM1, flagellates did not discriminate against pigmented strains. Purified violacein from cell extracts of C. violaceum showed high toxicity to nanoflagellates. In addition, antiprotozoal activity was found to positively correlate with the violacein content of the bacterial strains. Pigment synthesis in C. violaceum is regulated by an N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent quorum-sensing system. An AHL-deficient, nonpigmented mutant provided high flagellate growth rates, while the addition of the natural C. violaceum AHL could restore toxicity. Moreover, it was shown that the presence of violacein-producing bacteria in an otherwise nontoxic bacterial diet considerably inhibited flagellate population growth. Our results suggest that violacein-producing bacteria possess a highly effective survival mechanism which may exemplify the potential of some bacterial secondary metabolites to undermine protozoan grazing pressure and population dynamics.
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology | 2002
Jens Boenigk; Hartmut Arndt
Heterotrophic flagellates (HF) are known as most important grazers of bacteria in many aquatic ecosystem. HF cannot be treated as a black box since HF generally contain a diverse community of species significantly differing in their feeding behaviour and other ecological properties. Today it seems that the dominant taxonomic groups among heterotrophic nano- and microflagellate communities within different marine, brackish and limnetic pelagic communities (heterokont taxa, dinoflagellates, choanoflagellates, kathablepharids) and benthic communities (euglenids, bodonids, thaumatomonads, apusomonads, cercomonads) are relatively similar. HF among protista incertae sedis, often neglected in ecological studies, are abundant bacterivores in all investigated habitats. Recent studies of flagellate feeding processes indicated that there are significant species-specific differences and individual variability regarding the food uptake and food selection of bacterivorous flagellates: Variability of bacterivory is discussed regarding the prevailing feeding modes, the energy budgets, the considerable importance of slight deviations in the time budgets of feeding phases, the ingestion rates and the feeding microhabitat, respectively. The significant flexibility of the grazing impact of bacterivorous flagellate communities creates a complex top-down pressure on bacteria which should have lead to the evolution of efficient predator avoidance mechanisms in bacteria and should be at least partly responsible for the diversity of present bacteria.
Molecular Ecology | 2010
Viola Nolte; Ram Vinay Pandey; Steffen Jost; Ralph Medinger; Birgit Ottenwälder; Jens Boenigk; Christian Schlötterer
With the advent of molecular methods, it became clear that microbial biodiversity had been vastly underestimated. Since then, species abundance patterns were determined for several environments, but temporal changes in species composition were not studied to the same level of resolution. Using massively parallel sequencing on the 454 GS FLX platform we identified a highly dynamic turnover of the seasonal abundance of protists in the Austrian lake Fuschlsee. We show that seasonal abundance patterns of protists closely match their biogeographic distribution. The stable predominance of few highly abundant taxa, which previously led to the suggestion of a low global protist species richness, is contrasted by a highly dynamic turnover of rare species. We suggest that differential seasonality of rare and abundant protist taxa explains the—so far—conflicting evidence in the ‘everything is everywhere’ dispute. Consequently temporal sampling is basic for adequate diversity and species richness estimates.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2004
Jens Boenigk; Peter Stadler; Anneliese Wiedlroither; Martin W. Hahn
ABSTRACT Ultramicrobacteria (cell volume < 0.1 μm3) are the numerically dominant organisms in the plankton of marine and freshwater habitats. Flagellates and other protists are assumed to be the most important predators of these ultramicrobacteria as well as of larger planktonic bacteria. However, due to controversial observations conducted previously, it is not clear as to whether fractions of the ultramicrobacteria are resistant to flagellate predation. Furthermore, it is not known if closely related bacteria vary significantly in their sensitivity to flagellate predation. We investigated the sensitivity of ultramicrobacteria affiliated with the cosmopolitan Polynucleobacter cluster to grazing by Spumella-like nanoflagellates. Laboratory grazing experiments with four closely related (≥99.6% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity) bacteria and three closely related (100% 18S rRNA gene sequence similarity) flagellates were performed. In comparison to larger bacteria, predation on the ultramicrobacterial Polynucleobacter strains was weak, and the growth of the predating flagellates was slow. Specific clearance rates ranged between 0.14 × 105 and 2.8 × 105 units of predator size h−1. Feeding rates strongly depended on the flagellate and bacterial strain (P < 0.001). Grazing mortality rates of the three flagellate strains investigated varied for the same prey strain by up to almost fourfold. We conclude that (i) ultramicrobacteria affiliated with the Polynucleobacter cluster are not protected from grazing, (ii) strain-specific variations in grazing sensitivity even between closely related bacteria are high, and (iii) strain-specific differences in predator-prey interaction could be an important factor in the evolution and maintenance of microbial microdiversity.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2008
Barbara M. Auinger; Karin Pfandl; Jens Boenigk
ABSTRACT Here we introduce a method for quantitative analysis of planktonic protists and microalgae from preserved field samples combining morphological and small-subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence analysis. We linked a microscopic screening with PCR of single cells using field samples preserved with Lugols iodine solution. Cells possessing a rigid cell wall were incubated with Viscozyme and subsequently with proteinase K for cell disruption; this was unnecessary for fragile cells. The addition of sodium thiosulfate to the PCR tube considerably decreased the inhibiting effect of the fixative (iodine) on the PCR and thus allowed for successful single-cell PCR even of long DNA fragments (up to as many as 3,000 base pairs). We further applied the protocol to investigate the dominant SSU rRNA genotypes in distinct flagellate morphospecies originating from different samples. We hypothesized that despite the morphological similarity, protist morphospecies in different habitats or sampled during different seasons are represented by different genotypes. Our results indicate species-specific differences: the two species Ochromonas sp. and Dinobryon divergens were represented by several different genotypes each, and for the latter species, the dominating genotype differed with habitat. In contrast, Dinobryon pediforme, Dinobryon bavaricum, and Synura sphagnicola were exclusively represented by a single genotype each, and the respective genotype was the same in different samples. In summary, our results highlight the significance of molecular variation within protist morphospecies.
Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | 2000
Jens Boenigk; Hartmut Arndt
Abstract High resolution video-microscopy was used to observe grazing patterns of the heterotrophic nanoflagellates Cafeteria roenbergensis, Bodo saltans, Spumella sp., and Ochromonas sp. Spumella and Ochromonas enclose food particles with pseudopodia while Cafeteria and Bodo engulf particles by invagination of the cell surface. The following parameters of the feeding process were quantified: frequency of flagellar beating, speed of particles in different positions of the feeding current, food size selection, feeding rate, and the time budget for the handling of particles. The mean handling times differed between 94 s for Cafeteria and 4 s for Ochromonas for ingested particles. Handling times for ingested particles were significantly longer than for non-captured particles. Long handling times were calculated to be disadvantageous only for flagellates which propel a high water volume per hour (esp. Ochromonas) or live in a bacteria-rich environment. Our model calculations may provide a reasonable theoretical explanation for a concentration-dependent behavioural variability of the feeding strategy of different heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) species.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006
Jens Boenigk; Karin Pfandl; Tobias Garstecki; Hauke Harms; Gianfranco Novarino; Antonis Chatzinotas
ABSTRACT The possible existence of endemism among microorganisms resulting from and preserved by geographic isolation is one of the most controversial topics in microbial ecology. We isolated 31 strains of “Spumella-like” flagellates from remote sampling sites from all continents, including Antarctica. These and another 23 isolates from a former study were characterized morphologically and by small-subunit rRNA gene sequence analysis and tested for the maximum temperature tolerance. Only a minority of the Spumella morpho- and phylotypes from the geographically isolated Antarctic continent follow the worldwide trend of a linear correlation between ambient (air) temperature during strain isolation and heat tolerance of the isolates. A high percentage of the Antarctic isolates, but none of the isolates from locations on all other continents, were obligate psychrophilic, although some of the latter were isolated at low ambient temperatures. The drastic deviation of Antarctic representatives of Spumella from the global trend of temperature adaptation of this morphospecies provides strong evidence for geographic transport restriction of a microorganism; i.e., Antarctic protistan communities are less influenced by transport of protists to and from the Antarctic continent than by local adaptation, a subtle form of endemism.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2004
Qinglong L. Wu; Jens Boenigk; Martin W. Hahn
ABSTRACT Current models suggest that (i) filamentous bacteria are protected against predation by nanoflagellates, (ii) prey size is positively correlated with prey-predator contact probability, and (iii) contact probability is mainly responsible for size-selective predation by interception-feeding flagellates. We used five strains of filamentous bacteria and one bacterivorous nanoflagellate, Ochromonas sp. strain DS, to test these assumptions. The five strains, including one spirochete and four Betaproteobacteria strains, were isolated by the filtration-acclimatization method. All five strains possess flexible cells, but they differ in average cell length, which ranged from 4.5 to 13.7 μm. High-resolution video microscopy was used to measure contact, capture, and ingestion rates, as well as selectivity of the flagellate feeding. Growth and feeding experiments with satiating and nonsatiating food conditions, as well as experiments including alternative well-edible prey, were performed. In contrast to predictions by current models, the flagellate successfully consumed all the tested filamentous strains. The ingestion rate was negatively correlated with bacterial length. On the other hand, the lengths of the filamentous bacteria were not positively correlated to the contact rate and capture rate but were negatively correlated to ingestion efficiency. In experiments including alternative nonfilamentous prey, the flagellates showed negative selection for filamentous bacteria, which was independent of food concentration and is interpreted as a passive selection. Our observations indicate that (i) size alone is not sufficient to define a refuge for filamentous bacteria from nanoflagellate predation and (ii) for the investigated filamentous bacteria, prey-predator contact probability could be more influenced by factors other than the prey size.