Jeong-Gi Um
Pukyong National University
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Featured researches published by Jeong-Gi Um.
Environmental Earth Sciences | 2012
Hyuck Jin Park; Jeong-Gi Um; Ik Woo; Jeong Woo Kim
In a probabilistic analysis of rock slope stability, the Monte Carlo simulation technique has been widely used to evaluate the probability of slope failure. While the Monte Carlo simulation technique has many advantages, the technique requires complete information of the random variables in stability analysis; however, in practice, it is difficult to obtain complete information from a field investigation. The information on random variables is usually limited due to the restraints of sampling numbers. This is why approximation methods have been proposed for reliability analyses. Approximation methods, such as the first-order second-moment method and the point estimate method, require only the mean and standard deviation of the random variable; therefore, it is easy to utilize when the information is limited. Usually, a single closed form of the formula for the evaluation of the factor of safety is needed for an approximation method. However, the commonly used stability analysis method of wedge failure is complicated and cumbersome and does not provide a simple equation for the evaluation of the factor of safety. Consequently, the approximation method is not appropriate for wedge failure. In order to overcome this limitation, a simple equation, which is obtained from the maximum likelihood estimation method for wedge failure, is utilized to calculate the probability of failure. A simple equation for the direct estimation of the safety factors for wedge failure has been empirically derived from failed and stable cases of slope, using the maximum likelihood estimation method. The developed technique has been applied to a practical example, and the results from the developed technique were compared to the results from the Monte Carlo simulation technique.
Cartography and Geographic Information Science | 2014
Yosoon Choi; Jeong-Gi Um; Myong-Ho Park
The problem of finding the least-cost path from a source point to a destination point can be dealt with by routing across a continuous surface or routing along a discrete network. The solutions within these two contexts are linked to the use of a raster- or a vector-based least-cost path algorithm. This study presents a technique which integrates raster- and vector-based least-cost path algorithms for determining the least-cost path across a continuous raster surface with discrete vector networks. The technique incorporates ancillary vector data sets that are required to examine the travel cost at each link, connections between nodes, and the representation of intersecting links in the discrete vector network into raster-based least-cost path analysis. The integrated technique presented here is applicable to all-terrain vehicle navigation where a continuous raster surface and discrete vector networks need to be considered simultaneously in order to find least-cost paths. This paper describes the concept behind, and details of, the integrated technique. Applications of the technique with synthetic and real-world data sets are also presented. They provide proof that the technique is effective in finding least-cost paths across a continuous raster surface with discrete vector networks.
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2012
Jeong-Gi Um
It is very difficult to capture the weathering characteristics of rock because of limitation caused by time and space. A new scheme of experiment that includes physical and chemical weathering processes was implemented on Cretaceous granitic rock samples from Kimhae area to investigate the variations of geomechanical properties of deteriorated rocks due to artificial weathering processes. The seismic velocity was found to decrease with increasing artificial weathering cycle. Effective porosity and absorption tend to increase with artificial weathering processes. The amount of deterioration of rock samples depend on pre-test degree of weathering. Effective porosity, absorption and seismic velocity can be used as the measure of weathering characteristics of granite in the study area. Weathering is accelerated by combined effect of physical and chemical weathering processes. The new experimental methodology conducted in this study has strong capability to analyze the weathering characteristics of rocks.
Environmental Technology | 2012
Jaeyoung Choi; Jung-Seok Yang; Young Tae Park; Jong-Oh Kim; Ki-Jun Kim; Yon-Sik Shim; Hyun-Ho Kwon; Moonis Ali Khan; Jae-Woo Park; Jeong-Gi Um; Byong-Hun Jeon
The removal of heavy metals, such as As, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb, onto limestone, starfish, black shale and concrete from wastewater was studied. These materials, with a high capacity for heavy metals, can be obtained and employed as alternative low-cost substitutes. Various parameters, such as the neutralization capacity, changes in pH, redox potential and electric conductivity as a function of time, were quantified. Of the studied treatment agents, concrete showed high neutralization efficiency for acid mine drainage and maintained a pH value above 11. The adsorption of heavy metals was influenced by the compositions of the treatment agents. The experimental results of leaching revealed no significant follow-up release from any of the treatment agents. The results suggest that concrete could be used successfully for the treatment of mixed metal-contaminated wastes.
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2012
Hyeonkyo Seo; Jeong-Gi Um
Quantification of roughness plays an important role in modeling strength deformability and fluid flow behaviors of rock joints. A procedure was suggested to simulate joint roughness, and characteristics of the roughness was investigated in this study. Stationary fractional Brownian profiles with known input values of the fractal parameter and other profile properties were generated based on random midpoint displacement method. Also, a procedure to simulate three dimensional roughness surface was suggested using the random midpoint displacement method. Selected statistical roughness parameters were calculated for the generated self-affine profiles to investigate the attribute of roughness. Obtained results show that statistical parameters applied in this study were able to consider correlation structure and amplitude of the profiles. However, effect of data density should be tackled to use statistical parameters for roughness quantification.
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2013
Young-Hwan Noh; Yosoon Choi; Jeong-Gi Um; Sukyeon Hwang
Abstract As part of the development of the 3-D geologic modeling software, this study addresses on new development of software modules that can perform the analysis and visualization of the fracture network system in 3-D. The developed software modules, such as BOUNDARY, DISK3D, FNTWK3D, CSECT and BDM, are coded on Microsoft Visual Studio platform using the MFC and OpenGL library supported by C++ program language. Each module plays a role in construction of analysis domain, visualization of fracture geometry in 3-D, calculation of equivalent pipes, production of cross-section map and management of borehole data, respectively. The developed software modules for analysis and visualization of the 3-D fracture network system can be used to tackle the geomechanical problems related to strength, deformability and hydraulic behaviors of the fractured rock masses. All these benefits will further enhance the economic competitiveness of the domestic software industry. Key words Fracture, Network, 3-D visualization, Software초 록 본 연구는 삼차원 지질 모델링 소프트웨어 개발의 일환으로 불연속면의 구조기하형태에 대한 삼차원적 해석 및 가시화를 수행 할 수 있는 새로운 소프트웨어 모듈을 개발하는 데에 목적이 있다 . 불연속면 연결구조의 삼차원 해석 및 가시화 알고리즘을 바탕으로 개발된 소프트웨어는 C++언어 기반의 MFC 및 OpenGL 라이브러리를 응용하여 Microsoft Visual Studio 상에서 제작되었다. 개발된 소프트웨어는 BOUNDARY, DISK3D, FNTWK3D, CSECT, BDM 등의 모듈을 포함하며 각각의 모듈은 해석영역 구성 , 불연속면 네트워크 시스템의 가시화 , 등가파이프의 산정, 단면도 작성, 시추공 자료 관리 등 절리성 암반의 삼차원 구조기하형태 해석에 관련된 다양한 기능을 수행한다. 이 연구에서 개발한 불연속면 연결구조의 삼차원 가시화 및 해석 소프트웨어는 불연속체 기반의 암반강도 및 변형성에 관한 연구 , 수리지질학적 특성에 관한 연구 및 사면안정 연구를 수행함에 있어서 활용도가 높을 것으로 판단되며 국내 소프트웨어 산업의 경쟁력을 높이는데 기여할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다 .핵심어 불연속면, 연결구조, 삼차원 가시화, 소프트웨어
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2012
Hyeonkyo Seo; Jeong-Gi Um
Applicability of the digital photogrammetry technique for measurement of rock joint roughness is addressed in this study using the DSLR camera. Measurements of roughness were performed for two rock joint specimens using the laser profiler and the digital photogrammetry technique. The statistical roughness parameters were estimated for two dimensional roughness profiles constructed from each method. Obtained results showed that the statistical roughness parameters estimated from the digital photogrammetry technique were lower than that based on the laser profilometer, even though a high degree of correlation might exist between them. The effects of camera direction on roughness measurements were found to negligible in practice. The digital photogrammetry could be a cost effective method to measure the roughness of rock joints with various scale at the fields.
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2015
Young-Hwan Noh; Jeong-Gi Um
Abstract We have developed a software to predict failure time of the rock slope based on analysis of the data from real time displacement measurements with respect to time. The software consists of four modules that play roles in analytical methods such as inverse velocity method, log time–log velocity method, log velocity–log acceleration method and nonlinear least square method to estimate failure time. VisualBasic.NET on the MS Visual Studio platform was utilized as a development tool to efficiently implement the modules and the graphical user interface of the software. Displacement data obtained from laboratory physical model studies of plane sliding were used to explore the applicability of the software, and to evaluate the possibility of predicting potential slope failure. It seems possible to estimate failure time using developed software for sliding plane having exponential type of deformability.Key words Rock slope, Failure time, Software초 록 본 연구에서는 암반사면에서 실시간으로 측정된 시간에 대한 변위 자료를 분석하여 암반사면의 잠재적인 파괴시간을 예측하는 소프트웨어를 개발하였다. 소프트웨어는 파괴시간을 추정하기 위한 역속도법 , 로그시간-로그속도법, 로그속도-로그가속도법, 비선형최소자승법을 적용하는 네 가지 모듈로 구성되었다 . 소프트웨어는 해석모듈 및 GUI의 효율적인 구현을 위하여 VisualBasic.NET 언어를 이용하여 MS Visual Studio 플랫폼에서 제작되었다. 소프트웨어의 기능 및 성능은 기존의 실내 모형사면 실험으로 얻은 변위자료를 사용하여 검토되었으며 지수형 거동을 보이는 활동면에서 실제 파괴시간과 유사한 파괴시간을 예측하였음을 확인하였다 .핵심어 암반사면, 파괴시간, 소프트웨어
Journal of Korean Society for Rock Mechanics | 2015
Jisu Han; Jeong-Gi Um
Abstract Extensive numerical experiments have been carried out to investigate effect of block size and fracture geometry on hydraulic characteristics of fractured rock masses based on connected pipe flow in DFN systems. Using two fracture sets, a total of 72 2-D fracture configurations were generated with different combinations of fracture size distribution and deterministic fracture density. The directional block conductivity including the theoretical block conductivity, principal conductivity tensor and average block conductivity for each generated fracture network system were calculated using the 2-D equivalent pipe network method. There exist significant effects of block size, orientation, density and size of fractures in a fractured rock mass on its hydraulic behavior. We have been further verified that it is more difficult to reach the REV size for the fluid flow network with decreasing intersection angle of two fracture sets, fracture plane density and fracture size distribution.Key words Fractured rock mass, Discrete fracture network, Block hydraulic conductivity, Representative elementary volume초 록 본 연구는 블록크기 및 균열의 기하학적 속성이 균열암반의 수리적 특성에 미치는 효과를 파악하기 위해 이차원 등가파이프 연결구조에 기반을 둔 DFN 유체유동 해석기법을 적용하여 수치실험을 수행하였다 . 두 개의 균열군을 사용하여 균열의 기하학적 속성 변화를 반영할 수 있도록 방향 , 면적빈도, 길이분포를 달리하며 이차원 영역에 추계론적으로 생성한 총 72개의 DFN 블록에 대하여 방향에 따른 블록수리전도도가 산정되었다. 또한, 각각의 DFN 블록에서 이론적 블록수리전도도 , 주 수리전도도텐서 및 평균블록수리전도도를 추정하여 비교분석한 결과, 블록크기 및 균열의 기하학적 속성은 균열성 암반의 수리적 특성에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 평가되었다. 균열군의 교차각이 작을수록 , 면적빈도가 낮고 길이분포가 짧을수록 DFN 시스템은 유체유동에 대한 REV를 정의하기 어려우며 방향에 따른 블록수리전도도의 변동성이 강하게 나타났다 . 일반적으로 블록크기가 커질수록 DFN 시스템에 대한 등가연속체 취급 가능성은 높아진다 .핵심어 절리암반, 불연속균열망, 블록수리전도도, 대표요소체적
Geosystem Engineering | 2015
Jeong-Gi Um; Young-Hwan Noh; Yosoon Choi
This study addresses the applicability of the exponent of a power-law scaling model, as an index of the statistical homogeneity of fractured rock masses. We systematically examine the capability of a random Cantor set, Dc, to quantify the combined effect of fracture density and size distribution on fracture networks. Total 129 two-dimensional fracture configurations were generated, based on different combinations of fracture size distribution and fracture density. The Dc for each generated fracture network system was calculated using the random Cantor dust method. We found that the standard deviation of trace length has no effect on the calculated Dc, and the estimated Dc increases with the total density and/or mean trace length. To explore the field applicability of this study, we investigated the statistical homogeneity of a fractured rock mass of the Upper Devonian Grosmont Formation in Alberta, Canada. The results clearly show that the methodologies given in this study are capable of determining the statistical homogeneity of fractured rock masses.