
Ultraschall in Der Medizin | 2013

EFSUMB guidelines and recommendations on the clinical use of ultrasound elastography. Part 1: Basic principles and technology.

Jeffrey C. Bamber; David Cosgrove; C. F. Dietrich; Jérémie Fromageau; Joerg Bojunga; Fabrizio Calliada; Vito Cantisani; E. E. Drakonaki; M. Fink; Mireen Friedrich-Rust; Odd Helge Gilja; Roald Flesland Havre; Christian Jenssen; Andrea Klauser; R. Ohlinger; Adrian Saftoiu; F. Schaefer; Ioan Sporea; Fabio Piscaglia

The technical part of these Guidelines and Recommendations, produced under the auspices of EFSUMB, provides an introduction to the physical principles and technology on which all forms of current commercially available ultrasound elastography are based. A difference in shear modulus is the common underlying physical mechanism that provides tissue contrast in all elastograms. The relationship between the alternative technologies is considered in terms of the method used to take advantage of this. The practical advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the techniques are described, and guidance is provided on optimisation of scanning technique, image display, image interpretation and some of the known image artefacts.

Ultraschall in Der Medizin | 2013

EFSUMB Guidelines and Recommendations on the Clinical Use of Ultrasound Elastography. Part 2: Clinical Applications

David Cosgrove; Fabio Piscaglia; Jeffrey C. Bamber; Joerg Bojunga; Jean-Michel Correas; Odd Helge Gilja; Andrea Klauser; Ioan Sporea; Fabrizio Calliada; Vito Cantisani; Mirko D’Onofrio; E. E. Drakonaki; M. Fink; Mireen Friedrich-Rust; Jérémie Fromageau; Roald Flesland Havre; Christian Jenssen; R. Ohlinger; Adrian Săftoiu; F. Schaefer; C. F. Dietrich

The clinical part of these Guidelines and Recommendations produced under the auspices of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology EFSUMB assesses the clinically used applications of all forms of elastography, stressing the evidence from meta-analyses and giving practical advice for their uses and interpretation. Diffuse liver disease forms the largest section, reflecting the wide experience with transient and shear wave elastography . Then follow the breast, thyroid, gastro-intestinal tract, endoscopic elastography, the prostate and the musculo-skeletal system using strain and shear wave elastography as appropriate. The document is intended to form a reference and to guide clinical users in a practical way.

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control | 2007

Estimation of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel mechanical properties with four ultrasound elastography methods and comparison with gold standard testings

Jérémie Fromageau; Jean-Luc Gennisson; Cédric Schmitt; Roch L. Maurice; Rosaire Mongrain; Guy Cloutier

Tissue-mimicking phantoms are very useful in the field of tissue characterization and essential in elastography for the purpose of validating motion estimators. This study is dedicated to the characterization of polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C) for these types of applications. A strict fabrication procedure was defined to optimize the reproducibility of phantoms having a similar elasticity. Following mechanical stretching tests, the phantoms were used to compare the accuracy of four different elastography methods. The four methods were based on a one-dimensional (1-D) scaling factor estimation, on two different implementations of a 2-D Lagrangian speckle model estimator (quasistatic elastography methods), and on a 1-D shear wave transient elastography technique (dynamic method). Youngs modulus was investigated as a function of the number of freeze-thaw cycles of PVA-C, and of the concentration of acoustic scatterers. Other mechanical and acoustic parameters, such as the speed of sound, shear wave velocity, mass density, and Poissons ratio, also were assessed. The Poissons ratio was estimated with good precision at 0.499 for all samples, and the Youngs moduli varied in a range of 20 kPa for one freeze-thaw cycle to 600 kPa for 10 cycles. Nevertheless, above six freeze-thaw cycles, the results were less reliable because of sample geometry artifacts. However, for the samples that underwent less than seven freeze-thaw cycles, the Youngs moduli estimated with the four elastography methods showed good matching with the mechanical tensile tests with a regression coefficient varying from 0.97 to 1.07, and correlations R2 varying from 0.93 to 0.99, depending on the method

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control | 2003

Characterization of PVA cryogel for intravascular ultrasound elasticity imaging

Jérémie Fromageau; Elisabeth Brusseau; Didier Vray; G. Gimenez; Philippe Delachartre

The present study characterizes the mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) cryogel in order to show its utility for intravascular elastography. PVA cryogel becomes harder with an increasing number of freeze-thaw cycles, and Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are measured for seven samples. Mechanical tests were performed on cylindrical samples with a pressure column and on a hollow cylinder with the calculation of an intravascular elastogram. An image of the Youngs modulus was obtained from the elastogram using cylinder geometry properties. Results show the mechanical similitude of PVA cryogel with the biological tissues present in arteries. A good agreement between Youngs modulus obtained from pressure column and from elastogram was also observed.

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology | 2001

Axial strain imaging of intravascular data: results on polyvinyl alcohol cryogel phantoms and carotid artery

Elisabeth Brusseau; Jérémie Fromageau; Gérard Finet; Philippe Delachartre; Didier Vray

Mapping the local elastic properties of an atherosclerotic artery is of major interest for predicting the disease evolution or an intervention outcome. These properties can be investigated by elastography, which estimates the strain distribution within a medium in response to a stress. But because diseased arteries are highly heterogeneous, a small global deformation may result in high local strains in the softest regions. For those reasons, we use in this paper the strain estimation method we recently developed to compute elastograms of original vessel-mimicking cryogel phantoms and a fresh excised human carotid artery. This adaptive method has been effectively proved to be accurate in a wider range of strains (0-7%) than commonly used gradient-based methods, and very adapted for investigating highly heterogeneous tissues. Resulting elastograms cover a wider range of strains (0-3.5%) than all previously reported intravascular elastograms, improving the discrimination between healthy and diseased regions.

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing | 2005

Beamforming scheme for 2D displacement estimation in ultrasound imaging

Hervé Liebgott; Jérémie Fromageau; Jens E. Wilhjelm; Didier Vray; Philippe Delachartre

We propose a beamforming scheme for ultrasound imaging leading to the generation of two sets of images, one with oscillations only in the axial direction and one with oscillations only in the lateral direction. Applied to tissue elasticity imaging, this leads to the development of a specific displacement estimation technique that is capable of accurate estimation of two components of the displacement. The mean standard deviation for the axial displacement estimates is 0.0219 times the wavelength of the axial oscillations, and for the lateral estimates, it is equal to 0.0164 times the wavelength of the lateral oscillations. The method is presented and its feasibility is clearly established by a simulation work.

internaltional ultrasonics symposium | 2013

RSNA/QIBA: Shear wave speed as a biomarker for liver fibrosis staging

Timothy J. Hall; Andy Milkowski; Brian S. Garra; Paul L. Carson; Mark L. Palmeri; Kathy Nightingale; Ted Lynch; Abdullah Alturki; Michael P. Andre; Stephane Audiere; Jeffery Bamber; Richard G. Barr; Jeremy Bercoff; Jessica Bercoff; Miguel Bernal; Javier Brum; Huan Wee Chan; Shigao Chen; Claude Cohen-Bacrie; Mathieu Couade; Allison Daniels; Ryan J. DeWall; Jonathan R. Dillman; Richard L. Ehman; S. F. Franchi-Abella; Jérémie Fromageau; Jean-Luc Gennisson; Jean Pierre Henry; Nikolas M. Ivancevich; Jan Kalin

An interlaboratory study of shear wave speed (SWS) estimation was performed. Commercial shear wave elastography systems from Fibroscan, Philips, Siemens and Supersonic Imagine, as well as several custom laboratory systems, were involved. Fifteen sites were included in the study. CIRS manufactured and donated 11 pairs of custom phantoms designed for the purposes of this investigation. Dynamic mechanical tests of equivalent phantom materials were also performed. The results of this study demonstrate that there is very good agreement among SWS estimation systems, but there are several sources of bias and variance that can be addressed to improve consistency of measurement results.

international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | 2008

Characterization of Atherosclerotic Plaques and Mural Thrombi With Intravascular Ultrasound Elastography: A Potential Method Evaluated in an Aortic Rabbit Model and a Human Coronary Artery

Roch L. Maurice; Jérémie Fromageau; M.-H. Cardinal; Marvin M. Doyley; E. de Muinck; J. Robb; Guy Cloutier

Plaque rupture is correlated with the plaque morphology, composition, mechanical properties, and with the blood pressure. Whereas the geometry can accurately be assessed with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) imaging, intravascular elastography (IVE) is capable of extracting information on the plaque local mechanical properties and composition. This paper reports additional IVE validation data regarding reproducibility and potential to characterize atherosclerotic plaques and mural thrombi. In a first investigation, radio frequency (RF) data were acquired from the abdominal aorta of an atherosclerotic rabbit model. In a second investigation, IVUS RF data were recorded from the left coronary artery of a patient referred for angioplasty. In both cases, Galaxy IVUS scanners (Boston Scientific, Freemont, CA), equipped with 40 MHz Atlantis catheters, were used. Elastograms were computed using two methods, the Lagrangian speckle model estimator (LSME) and the scaling factor estimator (SFE). Corroborated with histology, the LSME and the SFE both clearly detected a soft thrombus attached to the vascular wall. Moreover, shear elastograms, only available with the LSME, confirmed the presence of the thrombus. Additionally, IVE was found reproducible with consistent elastograms between cardiac cycles (CCs). Regarding the human dataset, only the LSME was capable of identifying a plaque that presumably sheltered a lipid core. Whereas such an assumption could not be certified with histology, radial shear and tangential strain LSME elastograms enabled the same conclusion. It is worth emphasizing that this paper reports the first ever in vivo tangential strain elastogram with regards to vascular imaging, due to the LSME. It is concluded that the IVE was reproducible exhibiting consistent strain patterns between CCs. The IVE might provide a unique tool to assess coronary wall lesions.

Medical Physics | 2011

On the potential of ultrasound elastography for pressure ulcer early detection

Jean-François Deprez; Elisabeth Brusseau; Jérémie Fromageau; Guy Cloutier; Olivier Basset

PURPOSE Pressure ulcers are areas of soft tissue breakdown induced by a sustained mechanical stress that damages the skin and underlying tissues. They represent a considerable burden to the society in terms of health care and cost. Yet, techniques for prevention and detection of pressure ulcers still remain very limited. In this article, the authors investigated the potential of ultrasound elastography for pressure ulcer early detection. Elastography is an imaging technique providing local information on biological tissue mechanical properties. It is relevant for pressure ulcer detection as this pathology is associated with a gradual stiffening of damaged tissues, beginning in the deeper tissues and progressing toward the skin surface. METHODS A 2D ultrasound elastography method was proposed and its ability in terms of pressure ulcer detection was validated through numerical simulations and physical acquisitions on pressure ulcer mimicking phantoms. In vivo experiments on a rat model are also reported. A maintained pressure was applied on the animal thigh, with a view to generate a pressure ulcer, and ultrasound data were acquired and processed before and after application of this pressure. RESULTS Numerical simulations demonstrated that a pressure ulcer can theoretically be detected at a very early stage with ultrasound elastography. Even when the ulcer region was characterized by a low stiffening (ratio of 1.8 relative to normal tissues), the corresponding elastogram clearly underlined the pathological area. This observation was confirmed by the results obtained on a physical phantom mimicking a pressure ulcer at an early stage. Computed elastograms showed strain differences between areas mimicking healthy and pathological tissues. Results corresponding to in vivo experiments revealed a difference in the way tissues behaved before and after the pressure was applied on the animal thigh, which strongly suggests the presence of a pathological area. CONCLUSIONS Experiments demonstrated that ultrasound elastography is a promising technique for pressure ulcer detection, especially at an early stage of the pathology, when the disease is still visually undetectable. In the absence of any gold standard method, this is also a first step toward the development of a quantitative technique.

Physics in Medicine and Biology | 2008

Noninvasive vascular ultrasound elastography applied to the characterization of experimental aneurysms and follow-up after endovascular repair

Jérémie Fromageau; Sophie Lerouge; Roch L. Maurice; Gilles Soulez; Guy Cloutier

Experimental and simulation studies were conducted to noninvasively characterize abdominal aneurysms with ultrasound (US) elastography before and after endovascular treatment. Twenty three dogs having bilateral aneurysms surgically created on iliac arteries with venous patches were investigated. In a first set of experiments, the feasibility of elastography to differentiate vascular wall elastic properties between the aneurismal neck (healthy region) and the venous patch (pathological region) was evaluated on six dogs. Lower strain values were found in venous patches (p < 0.001). In a second set of experiments, 17 dogs having endovascular repair (EVAR) by stent graft (SG) insertion were examined three months after SG implantation. Angiography, color Doppler US, examination of macroscopic sections and US elastography were used. The value of elastography was validated with the following end points by considering a solid thrombus of a healed aneurysm as a structure with small deformations and a soft thrombus associated with endoleaks as a more deformable tissue: (1) the correlation between the size of healed organized thrombi estimated by elastography and by macroscopic examinations; (2) the correlation between the strain amplitude measured within vessel wall elastograms and the leak size; and (3) agreement on the presence and size of endoleaks as determined by elastography and by combined reference imaging modalities (angiography + Doppler US). Mean surfaces of solid thrombi estimated with elastography were found correlated with those measured on macroscopic sections (r = 0.88, p < 0.001). Quantitative strain values measured within the vessel wall were poorly linked with the leak size (r = 0.12, p = 0.5). However, the qualitative evaluation of leak size in the aneurismal sac was very good, with a Kappa agreement coefficient of 0.79 between elastography and combined reference imaging modalities. In summary, complementing B-scan and color Doppler, noninvasive US elastography was found to be potentially a relevant tool for aneurismal follow-up after EVAR, provided it allows geometrical and mechanical characterizations of the solid thrombus within the aneurismal sac. This elasticity imaging technique might help detecting potential complications during follows-up subsequent to EVAR.

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