Jérémie Werner
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2016
Jérémie Werner; Ching-Hsun Weng; Arnaud Walter; Luc Fesquet; Johannes Peter Seif; Stefaan De Wolf; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif
Monolithic perovskite/crystalline silicon tandem solar cells hold great promise for further performance improvement of well-established silicon photovoltaics; however, monolithic tandem integration is challenging, evidenced by the modest performances and small-area devices reported so far. Here we present first a low-temperature process for semitransparent perovskite solar cells, yielding efficiencies of up to 14.5%. Then, we implement this process to fabricate monolithic perovskite/silicon heterojunction tandem solar cells yielding efficiencies of up to 21.2 and 19.2% for cell areas of 0.17 and 1.22 cm(2), respectively. Both efficiencies are well above those of the involved subcells. These single-junction perovskite and tandem solar cells are hysteresis-free and demonstrate steady performance under maximum power point tracking for several minutes. Finally, we present the effects of varying the intermediate recombination layer and hole transport layer thicknesses on tandem cell photocurrent generation, experimentally and by transfer matrix simulations.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2015
Philipp Löper; Michael Stuckelberger; Bjoern Niesen; Jérémie Werner; Miha Filipič; Soo-Jin Moon; Jun-Ho Yum; Marko Topič; Stefaan De Wolf; Christophe Ballif
The complex refractive index (dielectric function) of planar CH3NH3PbI3 thin films at room temperature is investigated by variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and spectrophotometry. Knowledge of the complex refractive index is essential for designing photonic devices based on CH3NH3PbI3 thin films such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, or lasers. Because the directly measured quantities (reflectance, transmittance, and ellipsometric spectra) are inherently affected by multiple reflections, the complex refractive index has to be determined indirectly by fitting a model dielectric function to the experimental spectra. We model the dielectric function according to the Forouhi-Bloomer formulation with oscillators positioned at 1.597, 2.418, and 3.392 eV and achieve excellent agreement with the experimental spectra. Our results agree well with previously reported data of the absorption coefficient and are consistent with Kramers-Kronig transformations. The real part of the refractive index assumes a value of 2.611 at 633 nm, implying that CH3NH3PbI3-based solar cells are ideally suited for the top cell in monolithic silicon-based tandem solar cells.
Applied Physics Letters | 2015
Jonas Geissbühler; Jérémie Werner; Silvia Martin de Nicolas; Loris Barraud; Aïcha Hessler-Wyser; Matthieu Despeisse; Sylvain Nicolay; Andrea Tomasi; Bjoern Niesen; Stefaan De Wolf; Christophe Ballif
Substituting the doped amorphous silicon films at the front of silicon heterojunction solar cells with wide-bandgap transition metal oxides can mitigate parasitic light absorption losses. This was recently proven by replacing p-type amorphous silicon with molybdenum oxide films. In this article, we evidence that annealing above 130 °C—often needed for the curing of printed metal contacts—detrimentally impacts hole collection of such devices. We circumvent this issue by using electrodeposited copper front metallization and demonstrate a silicon heterojunction solar cell with molybdenum oxide hole collector, featuring a fill factor value higher than 80% and certified energy conversion efficiency of 22.5%.
Advanced Energy Materials | 2017
Dávid Forgács; Lidón Gil-Escrig; Daniel Pérez-del-Rey; Cristina Momblona; Jérémie Werner; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif; Michele Sessolo; Henk J. Bolink
Thin-film solar cells suffer from various types of recombination, of which leakage current usually dominates at lower voltages. Herein, we demonstrate first a three-order reduction of the shunt loss mechanism in planar methylammonium lead iodide perovskite solar cells by replacing the commonly used hole transport layer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) with a better hole-selective polyarylamine. As a result, these cells exhibit superior operation under reduced light conditions, which we demonstrate for the extreme case of moonlight irradiance, at which open-circuit voltages of 530 mV can still be obtained. By the shunt removal we also observe the VOC to drop to zero after as long as 2 h after the light has been switched off. Second, at higher illumination intensities the dominant losses in the PEDOT:PSS-based cell are ascribed to surface recombination and are also proven to be substantially minimized by instead employing the polyarylamine. We attribute the reduced shunt and surface recombination to the far better suited semiconductor character of the polyarylamine, compared to that of PEDOT:PSS, efficiently blocking electrons from recombining at this electrode. Solar cells are generally developed for operation under intense illumination such as direct sunlight or even using light concentrators. There are, however, numerous conditions in which the light intensity is lower because of nonideal orientation, sunrise or sunset, cloudy days, or indoor conditions. Importantly, to fully understand recombination mechanisms in solar cells, it is essential to also evaluate them under as large a range of illumination intensities as possible to assess which recombination pathway becomes dominant under each corresponding carrier concentration. Because recombination of excited charge carriers in photovoltaic devices are to various extents dependent on the charge carrier concentration, the rates accordingly depend on the illumination intensity itself. The general Shockley diode equation is of vital importance for solar cells because it defines how the total recombination processes depend on the internal voltage in a device. The relation between recombination current and voltage is usually described more accurately by the inclusion of an ideality factor (n), which varies depending on the dominant recombination mechanism. However, the Shockley diode equation is, even with the inclusion of an ideality factor, usually not sufficient to describe all processes that contribute to the overall recombination current dependency on the actual external voltage, V. Therefore, a more generalized Shockley equation (eq 1) accounting for both series and shunt resistances (RSeries and RShunt, respectively) is required: = − − + − − J J q V JR nkT V JR R J (exp[ ( )/ ] 1) 0 Series Series
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 2016
Jérémie Werner; Jonas Geissbühler; Ali Dabirian; Sylvain Nicolay; Monica Morales-Masis; Stefaan De Wolf; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif
Transition metal oxides (TMOs) are commonly used in a wide spectrum of device applications, thanks to their interesting electronic, photochromic, and electrochromic properties. Their environmental sensitivity, exploited for gas and chemical sensors, is however undesirable for application in optoelectronic devices, where TMOs are used as charge injection or extraction layers. In this work, we first study the coloration of molybdenum and tungsten oxide layers, induced by thermal annealing, Ar plasma exposure, or transparent conducting oxide overlayer deposition, typically used in solar cell fabrication. We then propose a discoloration method based on an oxidizing CO2 plasma treatment, which allows for a complete bleaching of colored TMO films and prevents any subsequent recoloration during following cell processing steps. Then, we show that tungsten oxide is intrinsically more resilient to damage induced by Ar plasma exposure as compared to the commonly used molybdenum oxide. Finally, we show that parasitic absorption in TMO-based transparent electrodes, as used for semitransparent perovskite solar cells, silicon heterojunction solar cells, or perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells, can be drastically reduced by replacing molybdenum oxide with tungsten oxide and by applying a CO2 plasma pretreatment prior to the transparent conductive oxide overlayer deposition.
Nature Materials | 2018
Florent Sahli; Jérémie Werner; Matthias Bräuninger; Raphaël Monnard; Bertrand Paviet-Salomon; Loris Barraud; Laura Ding; Juan J. Diaz Leon; Davide Sacchetto; Gianluca Cattaneo; Matthieu Despeisse; Mathieu Boccard; Sylvain Nicolay; Quentin Jeangros; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif
Tandem devices combining perovskite and silicon solar cells are promising candidates to achieve power conversion efficiencies above 30% at reasonable costs. State-of-the-art monolithic two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem devices have so far featured silicon bottom cells that are polished on their front side to be compatible with the perovskite fabrication process. This concession leads to higher potential production costs, higher reflection losses and non-ideal light trapping. To tackle this issue, we developed a top cell deposition process that achieves the conformal growth of multiple compounds with controlled optoelectronic properties directly on the micrometre-sized pyramids of textured monocrystalline silicon. Tandem devices featuring a silicon heterojunction cell and a nanocrystalline silicon recombination junction demonstrate a certified steady-state efficiency of 25.2%. Our optical design yields a current density of 19.5 mA cm−2 thanks to the silicon pyramidal texture and suggests a path for the realization of 30% monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem devices.An optimized two-step deposition process allows the formation of uniform layers of metal halide perovskites on textured silicon layers, enabling tandem silicon/perovskite solar cells with improved optical design and efficiency.
Applied Physics Letters | 2016
Jérémie Werner; Arnaud Walter; Esteban Rucavado; Soo-Jin Moon; Davide Sacchetto; Michael Rienaecker; Robby Peibst; Rolf Brendel; X. Niquille; Stefaan De Wolf; Philipp Löper; Monica Morales-Masis; Sylvain Nicolay; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif
Perovskite/crystalline silicon tandem solar cells have the potential to reach efficiencies beyond those of silicon single-junction record devices. However, the high-temperature process of 500 °C needed for state-of-the-art mesoscopic perovskite cells has, so far, been limiting their implementation in monolithic tandem devices. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of zinc tin oxide as a recombination layer and show its electrical and optical stability at temperatures up to 500 °C. To prove the concept, we fabricate monolithic tandem cells with mesoscopic top cell with up to 16% efficiency. We then investigate the effect of zinc tin oxide layer thickness variation, showing a strong influence on the optical interference pattern within the tandem device. Finally, we discuss the perspective of mesoscopic perovskite cells for high-efficiency monolithic tandem solar cells.
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics | 2017
Michael Stuckelberger; Tara Nietzold; Genevieve N. Hall; Bradley West; Jérémie Werner; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif; Volker Rose; David P. Fenning; Mariana I. Bertoni
Unveiling the correlation between elemental composition, Fermi-level splitting, and charge collection in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) when exposed to different environments is crucial to understanding the origin of defects. This will enable defect engineering to achieve high-performance and long-lasting PSCs. In this paper, we measured, for the first time, the spatial distribution and charge-collection efficiency at the nanoscale by synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray beam-induced current (XBIC) with subgrain resolution, and we observe a correlation between Pb/I ratio and charge-collection efficiency. In contrast with other thin-film solar cells, PSCs are highly sensitive to ambient conditions (atmosphere and illumination). As the XRF and XBIC measurements were conducted in vacuum under an X-ray source illumination, the impact of measurement conditions on the cells needs to be taken into account. Furthermore, necessary conditions for quantification of XRF/XBIC measurements, such as film homogeneity, are not fulfilled in the case of PSCs. Therefore, we will discuss fundamentals of XRF/XBIC measurements of PSCs that will enable reliable, quantitative, high-resolution measurements of elemental distribution and charge collection.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters | 2017
Jakub Holovský; Stefaan De Wolf; Jérémie Werner; Zdeněk Remeš; Martin Müller; Neda Neykova; Martin Ledinský; Ladislava Černá; Pavel Hrzina; Philipp Löper; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif
Optical absorptance spectroscopy of polycrystalline CH3NH3PbI3 films usually indicates the presence of a PbI2 phase, either as a preparation residue or due to film degradation, but gives no insight on how this may affect electrical properties. Here, we apply photocurrent spectroscopy to both perovskite solar cells and coplanar-contacted layers at various stages of degradation. In both cases, we find that the presence of a PbI2 phase restricts charge-carrier transport, suggesting that PbI2 encapsulates CH3NH3PbI3 grains. We also find that PbI2 injects holes into the CH3NH3PbI3 grains, increasing the apparent photosensitivity of PbI2. This phenomenon, known as modulation doping, is absent in the photocurrent spectra of solar cells, where holes and electrons have to be collected in pairs. This interpretation provides insights into the photogeneration and carrier transport in dual-phase perovskites.
photovoltaic specialists conference | 2016
Michael Stuckelberger; Tara Nietzold; Genevieve N. Hall; Bradley West; Jérémie Werner; Bjoern Niesen; Christophe Ballif; Volker Rose; David P. Fenning; Mariana I. Bertoni
Unveiling the correlation between elemental composition, fermi-level splitting, and charge collection in perovskite solar cells (PSCs) exposed to different environments is crucial to understanding the origin of defects. This will enable defect engineering to achieve high performing and long lasting perovskite solar cells. In this contribution we measured for the first time the spatial distribution and charge collection efficiency at the nano-scale by synchrotron-based x-ray fluorescence (XRF) and x-ray beam induced current (XBIC) with sub-grain resolution, and we observe a correlation between Pb/I ratio and charge collection efficiency. In contrast to other thin-film solar cells, perovskite solar cells are highly sensitive to ambient conditions (atmosphere and illumination). As the XRF and XBIC measurements were conducted in vacuum under an x-ray source illumination, the impact of measurement conditions on the measurements need to be taken into account. Furthermore, necessary conditions for quantification of XRF/XBIC measurements are not fulfilled for perovskite solar cells. Therefore, we will discuss fundamentals of XRF/XBIC measurements of perovskite solar cells that will enable reliable quantitative, high-resolution measurements of elemental distribution and charge collection.